WANG Riwen,CAO Wensi.Parameter optimization design of LCR filter for active power filter[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2012,32(6):
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王日文1, 曹文思2
1.国电南京自动化股份有限公司,江苏 南京 210003;2.华北水利水电学院 电力学院,河南 郑州 450011
为了滤除高频开关产生的谐波电流,提出用二阶LCR型滤波器滤除纹波电流。建立了二阶LCR 型滤波器的数学优化模型。通过MATLAB 仿真,分析了参数变化时的滤波性能及适用范围的特点,并用混合遗传算法对其优化设计,研究了逆变侧电感变化时有源电力滤波器输出电流和逆变侧电压的bode图,并确定出逆变侧的电感值。针对80 kV·A有源电力滤波器样机进行了实验研究,MATLAB仿真和实验结果表明,所提优化算法具有较快的收敛速度,优化结果更靠近全局最优;优化后LCR型输出滤波器在开关谐波高频段的滤波性能显著增加,有效地抑制了开关谐波。
关键词:  LCR型滤波器  有源电力滤波器  遗传算法  参数优化  仿真
Parameter optimization design of LCR filter for active power filter
WANG Riwen1, CAO Wensi2
1.Guodian Nanjing Automation Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing 210003,China;2.North China Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power,Zhengzhou 450011,China
In order to filter out the harmonic current produced by high frequency switch,a second-order LCR filter is used to remove the ripple current. A mathematical optimization model of second-order LCR filter is built,and its application scope and filtering performance are analyzed by simulation with MATLAB for that of variable parameters. Its parameter optimization is studied with the hybrid genetic algorithm,the bode diagrams of the active power filter output current and the inverter-side voltage are researched for variable inductance,and the inverter-side inductance is determined. Experiment is carried out for the prototype of 80 kV·A active power filter. Both simulative and experimental results show that,the proposed algorithm has faster convergence speed and the optimization result is closer to the global optimum. The optimized LCR filter has better filtering performance within the frequency band of high frequency switch.
Key words:  LCR filter  active filters  genetic algorithms  parameter optimization  computer simulation

