CHEN Sheng,WEI Zhinong,GU Wei,GUO Qinglai.Carbon neutral oriented transition and revolution of energy systems: multi-energy flow coordination technology[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2021,41(9):
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陈胜1, 卫志农1, 顾伟2, 郭庆来3
1.河海大学 能源与电气学院,江苏 南京 211100;2.东南大学 电气工程学院,江苏 南京 210096;3.清华大学 电机系 电力系统及发电设备控制和仿真国家重点实验室,北京 100084
关键词:  碳中和  能源系统  转型与变革  新能源  新型电力系统  多能流协同
Carbon neutral oriented transition and revolution of energy systems: multi-energy flow coordination technology
CHEN Sheng1, WEI Zhinong1, GU Wei2, GUO Qinglai3
1.College of Energy and Electrical Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China;2.School of Electrical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China;3.State Key Laboratory of Control and Simulation of Power Systems and Generation Equipment, Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
In recent years, many countries around the world have proposed the carbon neutral strategic goal. Hence, the transition and revolution of energy systems are urgent. The high penetrations of renewable energy act as a paramount role towards the pathways to low carbon energy systems. Moreover, the transition among multiple energy systems has become mutually beneficial and coordinated development. On the one hand, renewable energy can provide natural gas, heat, and transportation demands with green energy supply through multi-energy conversion units including power-to-gas, power-to-heat and power-to-hydrogen. The electrification of the user-side energy demands contributes to improving the energy mix. On the other hand, the flexibility provided by multi-energy systems and multi-energy complement can contribute to the accommodation of intermittent renewable energy production. Therefore, the application of multi-energy flow coordination techno-logy to carbon neutral oriented transition and revolution of energy systems is reviewed. The multi-energy flow coordination technology under the high penetrations of renewable energy is introduced. Then, the design of multi-energy markets for supporting the integration of renewable energy is analyzed. Finally, the core challenges of transition and revolution of energy systems in the future are summarized.
Key words:  carbon neutral  energy systems  transition and revolution  renewable energy  new power system  multi-energy flow coordination

