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隋永莉1,2, 杜则裕1, 黄福祥1,2, 田亮3
1.天津大学材料科学与工程学院, 天津 300072;2.中国石油天然气管道科学研究院, 河北廊坊 065001;3.北京科技大学, 北京 100083
通过刻槽锤断试验、低温冲击韧度试验和扫描电镜分析等试验手段,研究了焊后室温条件下,放置不同时间的自保护药芯焊丝焊缝金属中氢含量对低温韧度的影响。结果表明,由于自保护药芯焊丝中氢含量较多而脱氢能力不足,并且熔池的存在时间相对较短,焊缝金属中的氢不能充分逸出,使得焊缝金属中含氢量较高(焊后立即进行试验);在氢和非金属夹杂物的共同影响下,低温冲击吸收功的平均数值较低,而且数据的离散度大;室温放置40 d以后,焊缝金属中的氢含量减少,刻槽锤断试样表面的氢白点减少或消失,低温冲击吸收功的平均值提高,数据的离散度降低。
关键词:  自保护药芯焊丝  长输管道  氢白点  冲击吸收功
Influence of hydrogen on weld metal toughness by self-shielded flux-cored wire welding
SUI Yong-li1,2, DU Ze-yu1, HUANG Fu-xiang1,2, TIAN Liang3
1.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China;2.Pipeline Research Institute of CNPC, Langfang 065001, Hebei, China;3.BeiJing University of Science & Technology, Beijing 100083, China
The effect of hydrogen content on the low temperature toughness of weld metalwas studiedby Nick-Breaktest, low temperature impact test and scanning electron microscopy test, which filled by self-shielded flux-coredwelding wire and held different periods in room temperature.The results show that all these conditions such as the high content of hydrogen in self-shielded flux-cored wire, uneasy outflow of hydrogen from the weld metal and the short-lived molten pool, make the content of hydrogen high in weld metal(immediately test after welding).The average value of impact absorbing energy at low temperature is low and the data are disperse under the action of hydrogen andnon-metallic inclusion. When the work piece stored40 days in room temperature, the content of hydrogen decreases, andthe fish eye decrease or disapear, and the average value of impact absorbing energy at low temperature increase and dispersion of the data decrease.
Key words:  self-shielded flux-cored wire  pipeline  fish eye  impact absorbing energy