SHI Liangyuan,ZHOU Renjun,LI Juan,WANG Yu,XU Fulu,WANG Yangzhi.New energy-load characteristic index based on time series similarity measurement[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2019,39(5):
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石亮缘1, 周任军1, 李娟2, 王昱2, 许福鹿3, 王仰之1
关键词:  时间序列  新能源-负荷特性指标  源荷相似性距离  负荷特性指标  新能源消纳
New energy-load characteristic index based on time series similarity measurement
SHI Liangyuan1, ZHOU Renjun1, LI Juan2, WANG Yu2, XU Fulu3, WANG Yangzhi1
1.Hunan Province Collaborative Innovation Center of Clean Energy and Smart Grid, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410004, China;2.Hunan Electric Power Design Institute Corporation Ltd.,China Energy Engineering Group, Changsha 410007, China;3.Zhangzhou Power Supply Company of State Grid Fujian Power Co.,Ltd.,Zhangzhou 363000, China
In order to meet the new demand of new energy high-permeability power system on load characteristic index in terms of curve traits, characteristics and measures, a new energy-load characteristic index is proposed, which is expanded from the load characteristic index of new energy output and power load curve to express their relation. Considering the characteristics of data distribution and morphological fluctuation, the time series similarity measure method is improved, and the similarity distance between load curve and new energy output is obtained with the combination of Euclidean distance and the improved dynamic time warping distance, which is defined as source-load similarity distance and taken as the new energy-load characteristic index. Case shows that the proposed index can describe the load characteristic of new energy high-permeability power system more effectively than the traditional load characteristic index.
Key words:  time series  new energy-load characteristic index  source-load similarity distance  load characteristic index  new energy consumption

