Research on Accelerating Iterative Algorithm of Security Screening by X-Ray Tomography
中文关键词:  图像处理  X光安检  计算机断层扫描  图像重建  小波变换
英文关键词:image processing  X-ray screening  computed tomography(CT)  image reconstruction  wavelet transform
陈树越 常州大学 信息科学与工程学院 
徐来 常州大学 信息科学与工程学院 
吴玮婕 香港中文大学 系统工程与工程管理学系 
摘要点击次数: 951
全文下载次数: 959
      With the requirement of security increasing day by day,the computed tomography (CT) scan mode of X-ray inspection is becoming more and more important part of the security.In order to ensure the detection efficiency of baggage scanning and speed up the iterative calculation of tomography image,a method using the wavelet transform domain instead of the image space to measure the image wavelet coefficients of the valuation is proposed.The method takes the alternating minimization algorithm as framework and while be founded in approximation coefficients,an alternative function is created.With the increase of the number of iterations,the wavelet tree based on the same standard can be updated and expanded,in which detail coefficients of each layer are updated and wavelet tree also depends on the extension to accelerate the effect of the iteration.Experimental results show that the presented algorithm can reduce at most 66.7% of the iterative operation times compared with the alternating minimization algorithm.
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