LI Guoqing,YANG Yong,XIN Yechun,WANG Tuo,DONG Qian.Modified hybrid half bridge MMC with fault blocking capability[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2021,41(1):
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李国庆, 杨勇, 辛业春, 王拓, 董倩
东北电力大学 电气工程学院,吉林 吉林 132012
关键词:  MMC  直流故障  改进拓扑  电流转移  故障阻断
Modified hybrid half bridge MMC with fault blocking capability
LI Guoqing, YANG Yong, XIN Yechun, WANG Tuo, DONG Qian
School of Electrical Engineering, Northeast Electric Power University, Jilin 132012, China
In order to overcome the shortcoming of traditional half bridge MMC(Modular Multi-level Conver-ter) that cannot block fault current after DC side short circuit, a MH-HB-MMC(Modified Hybrid Half Bridge MMC) with fault blocking capability is proposed, which relies on the fault blocking capability of the M-HBSM(Modified Half Bridge Sub Module) and the corresponding auxiliary circuit to realize fault current transfer and blocking. The dynamic process of MH-HB-MMC fault blocking under the condition of DC bipolar short circuit is analyzed, the parameter selection method of key device is designed, and the economy of the topology is compared. Compared with the traditional half bridge MMC, MH-HB-MMC does not need to add switching devices, but only adds some thyristors, diodes and a mechanical switch, and the on-state loss is very low. Finally, the bipolar 51-level MB-HB-MMC DC transmission model is built to verify the fault blocking ability of the proposed topology. The simulative results show that the proposed MB-HB-MMC topo-logy can clear DC fault within tens of ms, which has good practicability and economy.
Key words:  MMC  DC fault  modified topology  current transfer  fault blocking

