王海涛 罗秋凤 徐欣圻 张振超
(国家天文台南京天文光学技术研究所, 南京, 210042)
Three Kinds of D isplacemen t Sen sor for Segmen tedM irror Co-focu
W A N G H a itao LUO,Q iuf eng,X U X ing qi,ZH A N G Z heng chao
(N anj ing Institu te of A stronom ical Op tics & T echnologyöN ational A stronom ical Observatories, N anj ing , 210042 P. R. Ch ina)
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中文摘要: 目前国际上大型光学望远镜大都采用拼接镜面的方法, 用许多小口径的子镜拼成大口径的主镜。在拼接成大 型主镜时要求各子镜镜面共面或共焦, 这就要求子镜在镜面方向有位移促动器动作的同时, 有相应的位移传感器 来检测和控制。目前可用来测量这种位移的传感器有三种类型: 电容式、电感式和光电式, 其中电容式位移传感器 是最成熟的一种, 价格也最贵; 光电式是最有潜力的一种。文中给出了这三种位移传感器的原理和特点。最后, 指出 了下一代大型拼接镜面光学望远镜中所用传感器的考虑。
Abstract:Segmen ted m irro r method is w idely adop ted now adays in the wo rld. There are many segmen t m irro rs to make up a large m irro rw h ich requ ires the segmen tm irro rs co2phase o r co2focu s. It needs p iston actuato rs to make the segmen ted m irro r move and co rrespond disp lacemen t sen so r to measu re. Now there are th ree k inds of sen so rw h ich can be u sed fo r th is task: capacitance style, inductance style and op to2elec2 t ron ic style. The capacitance style is the matu rest one, bu t the mo st expen sive one. Op to- elect ron ic style is the mo st po ten t ial one. The character and wo rk theo ry of these th ree k inds of sen so r are discu ssed in th is paper. Some detail though t s are po in ted to the nex t generat ion of gian t op t ical ast ronom ical telescope.
文章编号:cg030103     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
王海涛  罗秋凤  徐欣圻  张振超 国家天文台南京天文光学技术研究所, 南京, 210042
W A N G H a itao LUO  Q iuf eng  X U X ing qi  ZH A N G Z heng chao N anj ing Institu te of A stronom ical Op tics & T echnology?N ational A stronom ical Observatories, N anj ing , 210042 P. R. Ch ina

