Current Issue Cover

刘占平1, 汪国平1, 董士海1(中国科学院计算技术研究所智能信息处理开放实验室,北京 100080)

摘 要
矢量场可视化是科学计算可视化中最具挑战性的研究课题之一,为了能在二维屏上直观显示三维矢量场,将基于纹理的LIC方法拓展到三维矢量场可视化,通过设计稀疏线噪声纹理并配合斜坡卷积核提高VolumeLIC图象质量,显著增强空间深度感,并采用光线投射直接体绘制方法生成VolumeLIC图象,另外,针对循环动画的突兀现象,提出HRCK(Hanninged RampConvolutionKernel)法生成流场的VolumeLIC循环动画,提出VolumeLICProbe交互洞察三维矢量场内部信息,通过实例表明,本文所提方法具有良好的可视化效果,交互方便,并已应用地幔可视化等领域。
A New Method of VolumeLIC for 3D Vector Field Visualizat ion


Vector field visualization is one of the most challenging research issues for Visualization in Scientific Computing, which enable an efficient insight into the physical essence behind large|scale but abstract data obtained from scientific computation and experimentation, and has been paid more and more attentions, and widely used for those areas such as Computational Fluid Dynamics, aerodynamics, atmospherical physics and meteorology analysis. This paper extended LIC to VolumeLIC for 3D vector field visualization by volume rendering 3DLICed volumetric texture. Sparse Line Noise was designed and combined with Ramp Convolution Kernel to improve VolumeLIC image, with direction and depth cueing enhanced. HRCK was presented to create smooth cyclic animation without any pulsation. VolumeLIC Probe was further proposed for interactive insight deep into 3D vector fields.Finally, Closely based on above research work, VF|VTK(Vector Field Visualization Tool Kit) was exclusively designed and developed for three practical applications, the Visualization of the mantle movement, the flow field,and the high altitude airflow field. These applications have indicated that the methods presented in this paper are convenience, efficiency and robustness in practice.
