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引用本文:周柯江,朱敬礼,魏兵,李宇波. 多段Lyot光纤消偏器研究[J]. 激光技术, 2015, 39(6): 741-744. DOI: 10.7510/jgjs.issn.1001-3806.2015.06.002
作者姓名:周柯江  朱敬礼  魏兵  李宇波
作者单位:1.浙江大学 信息与电子工程学系, 杭州 310027;
摘    要:为了研究光纤消偏器的性能,使用琼斯传输矩阵化简方法,对2段、3段和4段Lyot光纤消偏器进行了理论分析和实验验证,归纳出多段Lyot光纤消偏器光纤段数N与偏振度的数学关系式,得出随着光纤消偏器段数增加其出射光偏振度有大幅降低的结论.结果表明,4段Lyot消偏器出射光偏振度为普通两段Lyot消偏器出射光偏振度的1/4,方差从0.0951下降为0.0245.该结果证明了理论的正确性,为实际制作多段Lyot消偏器提供了理论指导.

关 键 词:光纤光学   Lyot光纤消偏器   琼斯矩阵   多段保偏光纤   偏振度

Research of multi-section Lyot fiber depolarizer
Abstract:In order to study the performance of Lyot fiber depolarizers, 2-section, 3-section and 4-section Lyot fiber depolarizers were analyzed by means of Jones matrix. After theoretical analysis and experimental verification, the mathematical expression of the dependence of the degree of polarization on the section number of a multi-section Lyot fiber depolarizer was obtained. A conclusion was made that the degree of polarization decreased substantially with the increase of section number of a fiber depolarizer. The experiment results show that the degree of polarization of a 4-section Lyot fiber depolarizer is one quarter of a 2-section fiber depolarizer. The standard deviation decreases from 0.0951 to 0.0245. The experimental results prove the mathematical expressions are correct. The results prove the correctness of the theory and provide theoretical guidance for the actual production of multi-section Lyot depolarizers.
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