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The Grand Alliance system for US HDTV   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The US HDTV process has fostered substantial research and development activity over the last several years. The Advisory Committee on Advanced Television Service (ACATS) was formed to advise the FCC on the technology and systems suitable for delivery of high definition service over terrestrial broadcast channels. Four digital HDTV systems where tested at the Advanced Television Testing Center. All the systems gave excellent performance, but the results were inconclusive and a plan for a second round of tests was prepared. As each of the four systems where being readied for retest. The proponents of the four individual digital HDTV proposals worked together to define a single HDTV system which incorporated the best technology from the individual systems. The consortium of companies, called the Grand Alliance (GA), announced a combined system and submitted it to ACATS for consideration. After ACATS certification, the GA began construction of a prototype system to submit for laboratory testing at the end of 1994. This paper describes the video compression subsystem and the hardware prototype. The preprocessing, motion estimation, quantization, and rate control subsystems are described. The system uses bidirectional motion compensation, discrete cosine transform, quantization and Huffman coding. The resulting bitstream is input into a transport system which uses fixed length packets. The multiplex transport stream is input into the 8-VSB transmission system. Finally, the specifics of the hardware implementation are described and some simulation results are presented  相似文献   

高清与标清制式转换及其实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
概述了高清与标清制式转换的工作原理及转换方法,描述了多种不同制式的特点,重点讨论了3:2帧复制及去隔行技术  相似文献   

Key analyses and specifications that the author asserts should have been part of the precertification process for HDTV systems are outlined. As part of the current precertification process, estimates for the channel and equipment impairments and the associated power penalties in the C/N (carrier-to-noise) are not required, the range of BER (bit error rate) for a given EFH (error free hours) is not specified, and the expected spectral spreading into adjacent channels due to the nonlinear power amplifier is hardly mentioned. The problems with the ATTC laboratory tests and field tests are discussed  相似文献   

The authors describe the characteristics, of the 1125/60 high-definition television (HDTV) standard and the applications of HDTV, which differ from those of conventional television. They discuss the importance of a worldwide unified studio standard. They describe the development of the 1125/60 standard and efforts to establish it as an international standard. The authors examine the status and future of HDTV as regards equipment, program production, and utilization  相似文献   

剧勇 《电视技术》1992,(4):14-24
本文对世界三大HDTV制式——日本MUSE、西欧HD-MAC和美国多种与NTSC兼容共存HDTV制式中具有代表性的制式,从原理和技术性能上进行了讨论比较,其中主要有MUSE、N-MUSE、NCM-6、NCM-9、D-MAC/packet、D_2-MAC/packet、HDS/NA、HDS/NA-6、SC-HDTV等。并根据今后HDTV发展方向给出了目前国际上与现有电视制式兼容共存的几种途径,以及判断一种HDTV制式优劣的标准。  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》1995,32(4):46-49
The article shows how the Advanced Television Test Center is putting the Grand Alliance's HDTV system through its paces. The testing of prototype hardware is designed to support the proposed US standard for high-definition television (HDTV) terrestrial broadcasting. The standard was developed through the efforts of a group called the Grand Alliance. When the testing on the proposed Grand Alliance system is completed, the prototype will be submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for review  相似文献   

A very-high-performance HDTV image sensor is presented. The device tackles successfully a few typical HDTV challenges: the very high RC values of the CCD gates are drastically lowered by means of a new interconnect scheme; a dual horizontal output register is used to lower the output rate; the device is provided with an output amplifier characterized by low noise, high bandwidth, and high conversion efficiency: and the imager is designed with a very compact and efficient image cell, providing the functions of photoconversion, charge transport, highlight handling, charge resetting, and charge pumping. An imager with high resolution, no smear when used in a professional camera, no image lag, a simple charge-reset method or electronic shutter, and a high pixel uniformity with a fully linear response has been realized  相似文献   

Broadcast television in the United States has remained essentially unchanged in the last 50 years except for the addition of color and stereo sound. Today, personal computers are meeting the need for random access of high-resolution images and CD-quality audio. Furthermore, advances in digital video compression and digital communication technology have cleared the way toward offering high-resolution video and audio services to consumers using traditional analog communications channels. In 1987, the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) chartered an advisory committee to recommend an advanced television system for the United States. From 1990 to 1992, the Advanced Television Test Center (ATTC) tested four all-digital systems, one analog high-definition television (HDTV) system, and one enhancement NTSC system using broadcast and cable television environment simulators. The formation of the HDTV Grand Alliance in May 1993 resulted from the withdrawal of the only analog HDN system from the competition and a stalemate between the other four all-digital systems. The HDTV Grand Alliance system is composed of the best components from previously competing digital systems demonstrated to the FCC. The Moving Pictures Experts Group (MPEG-2) syntax is used with novel encoding techniques to deliver a set of video scanning formats for a variety of applications. This article describes the important features and concepts embodied in the HDTV Grand Alliance system  相似文献   

The Grand Alliance (GA) was formed to define and construct a system for the delivery of HDTV using terrestrial broadcast channels. This system is composed of the best components from previously competing systems considered by the FCC. MPEG-2 syntax is used with novel encoding techniques to deliver a set of video scanning formats for a variety of applications. The paper focuses on video compression technology and also describes the important features and concepts embodied in the GA system as compared to the previous digital HDTV systems  相似文献   

The characteristics of digital high-definition television (HDTV) and its advantages over analog and hybrid systems are described. The issues to be addressed in using digital transmission in the terrestrial broadcast environment are examined. Four proposed digital HDTV systems are discussed, and their similarities and differences are highlighted. Key techniques are the use of complex compression coding and motion compensation algorithms  相似文献   

本文从图像压缩编码的角度,讨论不同全数字HDTV方案的图像质量,从讨论结果中可以看出:经过编码/解码后全数字HDTV的重建图像质量,将接近或非常接近CCIR709建议的演播室图像质量。  相似文献   

High-definition television (HDTV) has been intensively developed in Europe since the early '80s, but no regular service has been started. The author reviews some ongoing European R & D activities in the field of high-definition (HD) technology and available and future technologies for HD communication are discussed. Finally, some applications of HD technology in the nonbroadcast area will be presented, including, HD teleconferencing, medical applications and telecinema services  相似文献   

数字高清CRT电视面世至今,经历了从1080i的单一格式到720P、1080P等全球格式兼容发展阶段,实现了全面兼容所有高清信号格式。数字高清视频解码电路得到全方位提升,实现了色彩丰富纯正、清晰锐利的高画质图像。  相似文献   

本文讨论高清晰度电视(HDTV)体制的关键技术。本文分析表明,HDTV的关键技术主要包括信源压缩编码、信道编码技术及传输调制技术,而传输调制方式则是HDTV体制的核心内容。  相似文献   

黄石电视台150 m2演播室拟建设4讯道高清数字演播室,以现场制作、新闻点评类、访谈类、简单互动类等节目为设计目标.将介绍黄石电视台高清演播室系统的设计思路,并分别介绍了LED灯光系统、LED大屏系统、舞美设计、视音频系统、UPS系统等方面的性能特点,以及如何构建整体系统.  相似文献   

本文回顾了日本、西欧及美国HDTV发展的背景及过程。文中提出讨论中国高清晰度电视道路的几个议题,如发展HDTV对我国电子工业及广播事业的影响;HDTV在非广播领域的应用;传输体制为地面或卫星;与现行TV制式的兼容性以及渐进或革命性地进入HDTV等等。作者提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

HDTV standards     
An overview of relevant International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR) activities in the area of high-definition television (HDTV) standardization is presented. The status of the CCIR standards with respect to chromaticity and signal format, picture characteristics, picture scanning characteristic, and analog and digital representation is discussed. It is concluded that the achievement of a single unambiguous parameter set requiring no quality impairing conversions in international program exchange remains doubtful  相似文献   

要了解HDTV首先要知道DTV,DTV是一种数字电视技术,指节目的制作、发射、传输、接收过程中所有的环节都是使用数字电视信号,或对该系统所有的信号传播都是通过由二进制数字0、1所构成的数字流来完成的,数字信号的传播速率保证了数字电视的高清晰度,其中HDTV是DTV标准中最高的一种,即High Definition TV,故称为HDTV.  相似文献   

Ninomiya  Y. 《Spectrum, IEEE》1995,32(4):54-57
Japan is the only country, so far, to be actually broadcasting high-definition television services. MUSE (multiple sub-Nyquist sampling encoding) is the basis for systems applying bandwidth compression to the transmission of both analog and digital signals. It encodes a signal of 1125 lines and 60 fields per second, a high-definition television (HDTV) signal into an 8-Hz bandwidth. Experimental MUSE broadcasts started in 1990 and have continued ever since. Meanwhile, work has been in progress in areas other than MUSE. Enhanced-definition television, a terrestrial system, is entering its second generation. Integrated digital broadcasting looks to spin many services into a single digital thread for transmission over a single channel. Digital sound broadcasting and hierarchical television transmission will also come in for consideration. The MUSE system depends on digital technology for signal processing, but the HDTV signal that is broadcast is analog, the outcome of frequency modulation  相似文献   

2000年底统计,我国电视机社会拥有量达3.6亿台,其中彩电有2.7亿台。我国电视机年生产能力已达6000万台,是世界上电视机拥有量最多和产量最大的国家。预计到2005年,我国彩色电视机的国内年需求量可达3000万台左右。其中绝大多数为25-29英寸(以29英寸及以上为主)。而投影电视及其他42英寸以上大屏幕电视约占200万台左右。在品种方面,以数字处理电视为主流。  相似文献   

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