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For the status and characteristics of practice teaching in software engineering major of my school,in order to shorten the gap between the ability of students and the needs of society,a large-scale software projects practical training teaching system is proposed.The problems in the implementation process of practical training teaching system is described,and the construction of concrete ideas is given.  相似文献   

Complex dynamics testing system for UAV can be constructed based on the virtual instrument and the software is the core LabVIEW is a graphical-based programming language with a convenient user interaction and shorter development cycle than the text-based programming language. This paper uses LabVIEW as the software development platform of the dynamics testing system for UAV. The idea of software engineering is used in the design of the testing system for UAV, and then is used to improve the reliability, stability and scalability of the testing system. The experimental results show that this system is practical, convenient to operate, able to meet the needs of the engineering and teaching for UAV research and development.  相似文献   

One of the key factors influencing project success or failure is project management. Unfortunately, effective management of software projects is not in practice. To meet the requirements of enterprises, majors in computer in more and more universities offer software project management course. However, as Reif and Marti put it, "successful software project management, like programming, is not a skill that students will master from a single course of instruction". In this work, we present a teaching mode based on project-driven for software project management course, and describe it from the aspects of training objectives, teaching implementation, the student's job, and assessment mechanism, and finally provide a summary and analysis of the characteristics of this teaching mode as well as the effect of the curriculum practice.  相似文献   

梁旭  黄明  吴镝  董长宏 《计算机教育》2010,(9):90-93,121
With IT technology continues to penetrate to other industries,the industry of information technology is becoming the focus of IT companies for business.The urgent need for industry information is the compound software talents who will both have strong project management skills,good technical background and fast learning ability.To this end,Dalian Jiaotong University,based on integrating information technology and its application in different areas,initiated the dual professional compound training model of "traditional professional + software engineering" in 2001 in the country.The aim for this model is to train software talents who are compound,practical and the international competitiveness.This paper focuses on the depth discussion of dual professional compound software engineering curriculum,and analyzes the need for reform of dual professional compound software engineering curriculum,then combines with IT industry needs and the actual situation in the school to put forward practical curriculum reform program.  相似文献   

Information revolution means that the software such as MIS developed by software engineers must be capable of rapid adaptation to constantly changing circumstances and demands in order to remain capable of effectively fulfilling their missions. The key to achieve these goals is to maintain an update understanding of the workers' requirements, how well thcse are currently met, and how well current and future needs might be met by conceivable solution options. This paper proposes an engineering approach of knowledge based software systems for the development and evolution of software systems. This approach captures the changing requirements of the works, together with the details of the solutions that are intended to meet them, in a repository.  相似文献   

Practice is an important phase in the teaching of software engineering.How to improve students' practical ability is a common problem for many software colleges.The course of Software Project Practice is proposed to enhance students' practical skills.In this course,the students participate in the whole process of software development practice and take the exercise of entrepreneurial project development in their learning stage.  相似文献   

Technical framework for Internetware: An architecture centric approach   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Being a new software paradigm evolved by the Internet, Internetware brings many challenges to the traditional software methods and techniques. Sponsored by the national basic research program (973), researchers in China have developed an architecture centric technical framework for the definition, incarnation and engineering of Internetware. First of all, a software model for Internetware is defined for what to be, including that Internetware entities should be packaged as components, behaving as agents, interoperating as services, collaborating in a structured and on demand manner, etc. Secondly, a middleware for Internetware is designed and implemented for how to be, including that Internetware entities are incarnated by runtime containers, structured collaborations are enabled by runtime software architecture, Internetware can be managed in a reflective and autonomic manner, etc. Thirdly, an engineering methodology for Internetware is proposed for how to do, including the way to develop Internetware entities and their collaborations by transforming and refining a set of software architectures which cover all the phases of software lifecycle, the way to identify and organize the disordered software assets by domain modeling, etc.  相似文献   

Enterprise architecture is a subject that has increased its importance in the small and medium enterprises in the manufacturing sector of the industry in Mexico. The global competitiveness of the markets has influenced the adoption of methodologies that support the strategic alignment of the processes with the goals and strategic objectives of the firms. The components of the business architecture like mission, vision, strategic objectives, products, organizational structure, business prdcesses, clients and geographic region, were collected from the firm of the case study for the design of the architecture. As a result of the practical application, an implementation model has been created and four strategic objectives were established for to improve productivity and competitiveness. This paper is a result of the architecture in a medium size manufacturing company like partial research project of analysis, design and implementing business architecture of an enterprise using ontologies for representing the core elements of the business architecture; the study presents clearly the importance of the strategic planning for the analysis and the detection of the main faults for the success of the achievement of goals and objectives.  相似文献   

Traditional engineering disciplines such as mechanical and electrical engineering are guided by physical laws. They provide the constraints for acceptable engineering solutions by enforcing regularity and thereby limiting complexity. Violations of physical laws can be experienced instantly in the lab. Software engineering is not constrained by physical laws. Consequently, we often create software artifacts which are too complex to be understood,tested or maintained. As too complex software solutions may even work initially, we are tempted to believe that no laws apply. We only learn about the violation of some form of "cognitive laws" late during development or during maintenance, when too high complexity inflicts follow-up defects or increases maintenance costs. Initial work by Barry Boehm (e.g., CoCoMo) aimed at predicting and controlling software project costs based on estimated software size. Through innovative life cycle process models (e.g., Spiral model) Barry Boehm also provided the basis for incremental risk evaluation and adjustment of such predictions. The proposal in this paper is to work towards a scientific basis for software engineering by capturing more such time-lagging dependencies among software artifacts in the form of empirical models and thereby making developers aware of so-called "cognitive laws" that must be adhered to. This paper attempts to answer the questions why we need software engineering laws and how they could look like, how we have to organize our discipline in order to build up software engineering laws, what such laws already exist and how we could develop further laws, how such laws could contribute to the maturing of science and engineering of software in the future, and what the remaining challenges are for teaching, research, and practice in the future.  相似文献   

In software engineering, new technologies and methodologies have been developed with the aim of simplifying the software development process and improving software productivity. Model-driven engineering is considered as one potential alternative to the classical code-based approach to software development. A current challenge in model-driven engineering is the model evolution problem, which is focused on maintaining the relationships among modeling artifacts in the presence of change. A variety of model-driven technologies have been widely researched and applied both in academia and industry to address the model evolution problem. Reverse engineering technologies have been applied in many areas including software engineering to address issues of software evolution. This paper describes one application of reverse engineering, using an approach that uses Metamodel Inference from Models (MIM) to address a specific aspect of the model co-evolution problem related to metamodel evolution. In order to illustrate the problem clearly, a set of examples are used to present our experimental results from applying MIM on diverse industry-focused domains.  相似文献   

软件工程CDIO“五位一体”实践教学体系   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为更好地培养与企业要求相符的软件人才,解决软件人才培养中工程能力与创新能力较低等问题,本文通过分析软件人才培养的目标与方法,提出构建五位一体CDIO的实践教学体系。通过教学理念、实践主体、实践过程、实践层次以及实践培养评价机制五个方面的实践教学改革,着重研究了实践教学主体CDIO能力培养、工程化教学课程体系以及评价机制。  相似文献   

本文根据软件行业的发展现状和人才需求趋势,解决软件人才培养中工程能力与创新能力较低等问题,阐述了新的专业实践教学模式的构建,工程化的软件工程专业实践教学体系的架构,以及这一实践教学体系对提高软件专业学生的工程实践能力和创新能力的作用。  相似文献   

该文针对应用型本科大学在培养Java软件工程师教学过程中的若干问题,分析了如何面向企业软件工程师的需求进行Java课程群教学的设计,包括准确定位培养应用性人才的教学目标,课程设置的优化,教学经验的积累和进行课程体系的重建、整合与研究。  相似文献   

针对软件工程专业的特点、培养目标和对网络技术的需求,结合学院网络实验室建设的情况,从教学内容安排和实验教学等方面进行探讨,构建了一个适合于软件工程专业的实验教学体系。在"计算机网络"课程教学中,侧重网络基本原理、常用协议分析、网络编程应用,突出实践应用能力的培养,让学生具备进行软件系统设计所需的网络知识,并进一步提高软件系统设计和编程能力。  相似文献   

软件工程专业教学改革研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为计算机领域迅猛发展的软件工程学科,如何设置并优化专业课程体系与教学计划、改进教学方法,以培养出满足社会即时需求、具有较强动手能力、具有创新意识的实践型软件工程人才,一直是软件工程专业所面临的问题。为此,以社会需求为导向,我们建立了软件工程专业课程多层次体系,建立了新的实践环节多层次体系,课程体系与实践环节体系互为支撑、互为补充,为培养学生自主学习能力和创新性思维能力打下坚实基础;还建立了软件工程专业教育平台,从特色专业教育、专业人才培养、实训平台、精品课程、远程辅导等多方面为本专业学生提供网络学习、实训、就业等资源。  相似文献   

在国家大力提倡工科专业面向“卓越工程师教育培养计划”的背景下,软件工程专业本科专业培养方案的制定过程中能力培养的环节的设置是实现培养目标的保障.本文在借鉴软件学院培养模式和IBM工程师培养规划的基础上,结合我校实际提出的软件工程专业面向工程师培养的能力培养模式.  相似文献   

软件工程课程设计是独立学院计算机专业的一门独立实践课程,以培养学生软件开发能力为目标。针对目前独立学院计算机专业学生实训环节薄弱的问题,结合多年的教学经验,对软件工程课程设计的教学模式、MVC模式的应用、多层架构的设计等进行了探讨。通过对软件工程课程设计的改革与实践,有效地提高了学生的实际动手能力、创新能力和解决具体问题的能力,为学生今后的就业执业奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

从实践的角度出发,结合“卓越工程师培养计划”、金工的实训课程、以及绘制“减 速箱”的要求,论述了在工程图学实践教学过程中以任务为驱动,以学生为主体的教学方法, 该方法将图学知识与图学实践相结合,并将该实践融入大学整个教学之中,有助于培养学生的 工程意识和创新能力。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the new demands of software engineering talent training under the background of emerging engineering education, in order to clarify the direction of software engineering teaching reform, and discusses the issue of how to build core competencies of software engineering talent. This paper takes "consolidating professional foundation, training practical ability and improving innovation ability" as the goal of software engineering talent training, puts forward the conception of software engineering teaching reform with "reconstructing the core course platform, improving the practice teaching system, and creating an innovation training environment", and expounds the teaching reform practice activities based on this conception. Finally, the paper summarizes the achievements of teaching reform.  相似文献   

为进一步推动高等院校工程图学教学方法改革,论文在介绍成图与建模创 新大赛的基础上,探讨了全国大学生成图与建模创新大赛的意义,分析了竞赛中发现的问题, 阐述了工程图学课程教学中理论知识与实践能力同步发展的重要性,提出了全国大学生成图 竞赛引导建立新的教学理念、教学内容和教学考核方式的设想,以适应卓越工程师培养和工 程教育改革的趋势,促使学校在学生整体工程实践能力培养方面更上一层楼。  相似文献   

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