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石岩水库淤泥重金属含量超标,这对水库的水质有可能造成严重影响。提出把水库内部分淤泥就近选择合适地形堆放,对淤泥进行封闭无害化处理,采取回填土对淤泥及受纳场残余淤泥进行封闭及水土保持等生态处理措施,以恢复水库有效库容和增加地表径流可利用量,并对淤泥覆盖的生态效果进行了分析论证。  相似文献   

以某水库工程为例,通过室内土工试验及静力触探的方法,对水库淤泥土工程地质特性进行了研究,为淤泥软土地基处理方法选取提供了依据。  相似文献   

柘溪水库淤泥淤积量极大,不但缺乏利用,还淤积成灾。该文结合实际情况,对柘溪水库淤泥利用进行可行性分析,提出应用淤泥烧制砖瓦、农林施肥及其他可能实施的方案,并对开发利用中可能遇到的问题给出了大致的解决方案。  相似文献   

在室内试验研究的基础上,以兴宁合水水库淤泥为原料,以兴宁煤矿煤矸石为添加剂,按质量比淤泥∶煤矸石=2∶1进行配料,采用齐兴旺砖厂(即原氮肥厂)的设备和工艺,进行水库淤泥烧制中试试验,原料工艺性能良好,成品性能达到国家标准MU20级的要求,中试成功.  相似文献   

水库淤积导致有效库容减小,同时淤泥中的污染物不断释放到水体,使得水库水质变差,因此有必要对水库进行清淤。针对如何有效预防水库清淤过程中因底泥扰动而导致的水体二次污染、淤泥干化(固化)和合理利用、清淤污泥余水净化处理等关键问题,以通济桥水库为例,通过清淤设备选择、清淤施工工艺、淤泥资源化利用、施工期水体环境保护措施、施工期水质监测等方面的研究与实践,提出深水型环保绞吸式挖泥船开挖淤泥等水库生态清淤技术措施、生态清淤施工要点、淤泥资源化利用途径、清淤污泥余水净化处理及水域浊水拦截等施工期水体环境保护措施等。实践表明:这些措施的实施,能有效减少底泥扰动对水环境的影响,较好地解决了淤泥的资源化利用和清淤污泥余水净化处理问题,达到了生态清淤的目的。  相似文献   

水库淤泥中重金属的二次污染是制约其资源化利用的关键问题。研究表明,经过烧制后,水库淤泥中重金属形态发生转化,提高了水库淤泥烧制产品中重金属的稳定性,重金属不易溶出,且溶出量微少,避免了二次污染的产生。  相似文献   

水库淤积是目前水库安全运行管理中亟需解决的一大难题,开展水库清淤工作前必须进行水库淤积测量,测算出精准的淤泥厚度。通过探讨浅地层剖面探测技术的工作原理以及在善溪冲水库淤积测量中的应用,验证了该技术具有高效、经济和准确的特点,可为在今后大面积水域淤泥厚度测量中的应用提供技术参考。  相似文献   

对BS水库多年淤积物进行处理,以扩大该水库的库容量,实现该水库防洪、灌溉等设计功能。根据水库淤积现状及清淤治理准则,提出清淤治理方案:部分放置库区上游顺53.85 m高程线以南堆放、部分以人工岛方式堆放在库区、部分土方可作为附近国道建设的路基材料、部分淤泥可作为本库区建设用材;开挖淤泥处置方式:淤泥堆放在坝后,堆放宽度控制在250 m,长度控制在16 km,淤泥水分蒸发沥干后用于库区及当地建设材料。从兴利调节效果、洪水调节两个方面来治理效果,结果表明水库清淤扩容后运营效果良好,可实现防洪与灌溉设计标准。  相似文献   

对于水库而言,泥沙淤积情况的存在,一方面会影响水库自身的正常运行,使其难以充分发挥作用,甚至影响水库的使用周期,另一方面还会对下游河床造成一定冲刷。因此在水库建设过程中,泥沙淤泥是必须应当考虑和研究的问题之一。通常情况下,水库可以采取多种方式来进行清淤工作,如:水库泥沙调度等,而为了更加全面地了解和认识水库调度运行方式对泥沙淤泥的影响,本文将结合工作经验,对此进行详细说明,以供今后参考使用。  相似文献   

我国首次淤泥下岩塞爆破在汾河水库取得成功1995年5月25日我国首次淤泥下岩塞爆破在汾河水库进行。爆破位于泄洪洞出口处,爆破后观测,隧洞出口处破坏甚微,仅在右侧墙下部有一处混凝土保护层磨蚀,露出钢筋。说明我国首次淤泥下岩寒爆破是成功的。岩塞爆破是一种...  相似文献   

为了解水电开发不同阶段对河岸带植被的影响差异,在澜沧江中下游小湾电站、漫湾库区、漫湾坝下、大朝山库区、大朝山坝下、景洪电站河岸带设置6个样带进行植被结构指标和生物量空间分布特征调查分析。结果表明:澜沧江中下游河岸带植被以乔木为主体,乔木层结构指标以已建库区和坝下样带较高,灌木层和草本层结构指标以在建电站和坝下样带较高;已建库区、坝下和在建电站样带乔木层和群落生物量的最高值分别出现在距离河岸100,50 m和200 m处;乔木层生物量以库区样带最高,灌木层生物量以坝下样带最高,草本层生物量以在建电站样带最高;库区和坝下样带群落生物量大致相当,高于在建电站样带;漫湾库区及其坝下乔木层结构指标以及群落生物量相对变化幅度小于大朝山库区及其坝下样带,小湾样带小于景洪样带。研究区植被结构和生物量的分布格局反映了库区植被恢复程度的差异和电站施工影响强度的差异。  相似文献   

Most of the large lakes lie in glacial scour basins in the northern hemisphere. These lakes are closely similar in physicochemical characteristics and in their biota. Most of the other large lakes are tectonic in origin and they differ greatly among themselves and from other lakes since they occur in a diversity of terrestrial environments under a broad range of climatic conditions. Large lakes have a great diversity of habitats resulting in great species diversity and endemism in ancient lakes. The pronounced horizontal gradients in physicochemical conditions in large lakes contribute to the diversity of habitats. Conditions found in Lakes Michigan and Skadar are examples.  相似文献   

The diversity, evenness, similarity, standing crop and abundance of benthic macroinvertebrates in Navigation Pool 8 of the upper Mississippi River were compared in 1975 and 1990. Macroinvertebrates were collected in midsummer from four habitats: marsh, bay, open water and side channel. These habitat types accounted for 64% of the total habitat area in the impoundment. The community structure changed in all four habitats; the percentage similarities between 1975 and 1990 were lowest in open water (19%), intermediate in bays (44%) and side channels (50%) and highest in marshes (62%). Macroinvertebrate diversity and evenness were not significantly different between 1975 and 1990. The standing crop decreased in all habitat types. The abundance decreased in all habitats except bays between 1975 and 1990. The greatest changes in standing crop and community composition occurred in bays and open water. Because the bays and open water habitat comprise 55% of the total area, it is possible that these declines may signal degradation of the aquatic habitat in the entire reservoir. Changes in macroinvertebrate community structure and standing crop may have been due to unstable sediment conditions caused by erosion of islands, resuspension of sediments and loss of aquatic macrophytes and depth.  相似文献   

新疆奎屯河流域是我国大陆第一个地方性砷中毒的区域,然而在人类活动与自然条件下,对该区地下水砷超标的原因未得到清楚的解释.通过2017年在研究区采集地表水、地下水样品51组,分析了主、微量元素组分;2019年在典型的高砷区钻井2个孔,采集沉积物样品44组,分析了粒径、化学成分.结果表明,研究区地下水砷浓度范围为10~88...  相似文献   

Signs of increasing oligotrophication have been apparent in the open waters of both Lake Huron and Lake Michigan in recent years. Spring total phosphorus (TP) and the relative percentage of particulate phosphorus have declined in both lakes; spring TP concentrations in Lake Huron are now slightly lower than those in Lake Superior, while those in Lake Michigan are higher by only about 1 μg P/L. Furthermore, spring soluble silica concentrations have increased significantly in both lakes, consistent with decreases in productivity. Transparencies in Lakes Huron and Michigan have increased, and in most regions are currently roughly equivalent to those seen in Lake Superior. Seasonality of chlorophyll, as estimated by SeaWiFS satellite imagery, has been dramatically reduced in Lake Huron and Lake Michigan, with the spring bloom largely absent from both lakes and instead a seasonal maximum occurring in autumn, as is the case in Lake Superior. As of 2006, the loss of cladocerans and the increased importance of calanoids, in particular Limnocalanus, have resulted in crustacean zooplankton communities in Lake Huron and Lake Michigan closely resembling that in Lake Superior in size and structure. Decreases in Diporeia in offshore waters have resulted in abundances of non-dreissenid benthos communities in these lakes that approach those of Lake Superior. These changes have resulted in a distinct convergence of the trophic state and lower food web in the three lakes, with Lake Huron more oligotrophic than Lake Superior by some measures.  相似文献   

郑守仁 《人民长江》2012,43(10):1-6
三峡水利枢纽工程建成投运以来,在防洪、发电、航运等方面发挥了巨大效益。从建设规模和施工难度方面,阐述了三峡工程在我国水利水电建设史上的重要里程碑地位。从我国水电可持续发展的战略地位来看,三峡电站地理位置适中,作为我国"西电东送"和"南北互供"的骨干电源,在推动全国各大电网形成联合电力系统,促进我国水电可持续发展和长江上游水电开发中将发挥重要作用。同时介绍了三峡工程在解决生态和移民问题所取得的经验,对我国水电可持续发展具有重要启示。  相似文献   

Lake Peipsi is the fourth largest lake in Europe and the largest international lake in Europe. Lake Peipsi is shallow, eutrophic, biologically very productive and is bordered by many wetland areas along its coasts. Large peat deposits in the Lake Peipsi basin are protected under national legislation. The lake is most important as a resource for recreation and fisheries. The fish stock in Lake Peipsi is one of the richest in Europe. The most critical environmental issues for the Peipsi watershed are eutrophication and unregulated fishing in the lake. During the Soviet period, large collective farms dramatically accelerated eutrophication. Despite the drop in fertilizer use during the last 10 years and a decrease in the number of domestic animals in the watershed, the impact of the earlier agricultural pollution is still significant. Untreated sewage has also been dumped in the Narva River tributary as a result of an international dispute concerning water supply and wastewater treatment. People living in the Lake Peipsi region have faced traumatic changes as a result of the re‐establishment of the border between Russia and Estonia in 1992. The establishment of an international border on the waters of the lake has resulted in fishermen losing access to many of their traditional fishing areas. Political and economic transformations of the last 10 years have seriously interrupted information exchange between different institutions and organizations concerned with the health of the lake. The Centre for Transboundary Cooperation facilitates international communication and cooperation between the Estonian and Russian governments and promotes public participation in environmental, social and economic development and decision‐making. The centre is in the process of guiding the development of a watershed management plan for the Lake Peipsi watershed and a vision for watershed development that is truly sustainable.  相似文献   

主要研究了东亚冬、夏季风不同长度的年代际振荡特点及其对夏季百太平洋副高和贵州降水的影响。分析表明:冬季风与赤道东太平洋海温存在着大体一致的约30年左右年代际振荡,70年代末发生突变;夏季风与青藏高原位势高度存在着大体一致的约20年左右的年代际振荡,60年代末和80年代末发生突变。由于冬、夏季风不同长度的年代际振荡,它们同位相增阶段夏季西太平洋副高位置容易偏北,贵州降水偏少;它们同位相减弱阶段夏季西太平洋副高易偏南,贵州降水偏多;但它们反位相组合时夏季西太平洋副高位置偏北、偏南的机会及贵州降水偏少、偏多几乎均等。  相似文献   

棘洪滩水库浮游藻类变化及富营养化防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
详细分析了2004~2006年度棘洪滩水库浮游藻类的细胞密度及种群结构变化。2004年进水口与放水口藻类细胞密度年均值分别为3.892×106/L和2.269×106/L,冬季以硅藻为主,春季以隐藻、金藻为主,夏、秋季以蓝藻为主。2005年进水口与放水口藻类细胞密度年均值分别为6.654×106/L和5.903×106/L,冬、春季以硅藻、隐藻为主,夏季以绿藻为主,秋季则以蓝藻为主。2006年进水口与放水口藻类细胞密度年均值分别为3.001×106/L和3.687×106/L,夏末至秋季绿藻占优势,代替了先前在此阶段占优势的蓝藻,其他季节多以硅藻为主,隐藻和金藻分别在冬季和春季占有一定比例,说明2006年的水质状况较2004年、2005年有所改善。棘洪滩水库藻类峰值出现在夏末和秋季,此阶段水库的水质呈中富营养状态,其他月份为中营养或贫营养状态。Shannon-weaver多样性指数显示,目前水库的水质总体呈中度污染。入库的源水质量对水库水质影响很大,控制引入的源水质量并采取相应的生物防治措施可有效避免水库发生富营养化。  相似文献   


There is increasing recognition of the problems facing China in meeting the growing water demand in the Yellow River basin, the “cradle of Chinese Civilization” and a critically important agricultural and industrial region. Meaningful debate on the range and relative costs of options available to policy-makers in addressing the problem depend fundamentally on an accurate understanding of basin water resources. Unfortunately, the ability of outsiders to participate in the de bate and for Chinese, with their long history of water management, to contribute to similar discussions elsewhere in the world is hindered to some extent by a lack of understanding of differences in water accounting systems and concepts. This paper attempts to address this problem by describing the water accounting system used in the Yellow River basin and elsewhere in China. The paper shows that the primary difference between water accounting methodologies in the Yellow River and those typically applied elsewhere is related to supply accounting in general and groundwater accounting in particular. Although not currently included in its water accounting system, Chinese concepts of environmental water use, when included, will also differ substantially from those familiar to outside researchers. In terms of actual Yellow River balances, the paper highlights the apparent declining trend in basin rainfall and runoff and the dramatic growth in industrial and domestic water use. Together declining supply and rising demand will increasingly cause policy-makers to face hard choices in assessing their water planning options. These choices will only become more difficult as managers in the Yellow River, as elsewhere in the world, try to incorporate ecological needs in the water accounting equation.  相似文献   

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