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设计风格充分的展现了设计师所具备的理论基础,设计风格也表明了当今时代的社会走向。在现代室内设计中,新中式风格设计在如火如荼的进行,新中式的含义就是创新与传统的融合。中国的美学艺术价值得以充分体现,中国的传统文化也得到了发扬。文章通过对新中式风格特点、室内设计原则,以及新中式风格在室内设计中的表现的阐述,实现理论基础上的创新,这也是人们对室内设计的必然需求。  相似文献   

本文在总结现代室内环境设计中存在问题的基础上,进而从传统图案、装饰材料、居室色彩、自然景观、陈设饰品、听觉嗅觉六大表现语言入手,较为详细地总结出现代室内设计中中式风格的运用手法,并提出了在运用中式风格时应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

经济的全球化,带动了世界文化之间的交流,国内外的文化元素相互融合,形成具有新时代特性的文化产物。国家经济的发展和中西文化元素的融合对设计行业的发展有着重大影响。现代中式风格设计的出现是中西文化融合下的产物,其设计风格多应用于室内设计中。文章主要通过对现代中式风格的产生,以及现代与传统中式风格之间的关系进行阐述,分析现代中式风格的理念与特点,再以酒店的空间设计为主体,对空间设计和环境营造加以说明,如餐厅、客房、走廊、大厅等空间的环境营造,讨论酒店空间中现代中式风格的应用。  相似文献   

在众多的家居装饰风格中,简欧风格由于具有"贵族气质",越来越受到高收入人群的青睐。尽管该风格中具有明显"简欧"气质的装饰元素已被设计师与喜爱这一风格的人群所熟悉,但却很少有人能够仔细而全面的对该风格中出现的"中式元素"加以分析。文章以家居空间为载体,围绕简欧风格装饰中的中式元素的应用为论述内容,重点围绕对于"中式装饰元素"的理解,可应用的种类、应用方法等几个方面展开论述,以期能够为简欧风格装饰中的中式元素的应用打开思路。  相似文献   

卢艺舟  裴君 《图学学报》2019,40(6):1109
为精准地针对新中式风格的家居环境设计油烟机产品,必须解析用户对该风格的 喜好因素并转化为具体的设计策略。首先,运用魅力工学理论中的评价构造法进行深度访谈, 提取出新中式风格的魅力因子并建立评价构造图;然后,通过问卷分析现有油烟机产品与新中 式风格魅力因子的契合度并提出设计策略;最后以油烟机的改良设计验证设计策略的有效性。 研究发现新中式风格的“整体和谐、优雅内敛、沉稳宁静和自然质朴”因素最具吸引力,而现有 油烟机产品在优雅内敛和环境协调性上表现不佳,根据评价构造图提出的改良设计能更好地适 应新中式家居环境。研究结果表明运用评价构造法能有效地建立起家居风格的主观偏好和具体 设计特征之间的联系,对家居产品设计有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

"新中式"家居设计风格是在传统文化背景理念指导下,把中国传统文化元素用现代设计语言来表现,使其适应现代生活方式需求,又符合当代审美观念需要的一种设计风格。传统的中式家居元素经过创新设计之后,与现代家居用品在一起,诠释出现代新贵阶层的富有内涵的生活方式和生活态度。新中式风格设计的探索尚在起步阶段,未来将在空间布局、产品造型与功能、材质和工艺、色彩以及装饰内容上区别于传统中式风格。新中式将会成为家居设计风格的一个重要组成部分。  相似文献   

今天我们所指的中式风格是一个强调历史延续、倡导民族性,赋予文化内涵的一种装饰风格。作为一种独特的文化载体,中式风格越来越呈现时尚化趋势,在现代室内设计中占有重要的一席之地,但其设计理念仍然在很大程度上受到中国传统文化,尤其是儒家审美观点的影响。在几千年的中国历史中,儒家思想对人们的影响颇多,在广告、服装、建筑等各个领域都有所应用。室内是重要的生活环境,设计与装修必然受到儒学观念的影响。  相似文献   

妙脆角广告是一部节奏强烈,风格明快的角色动画广告,它带有强烈的Rao街舞风格,角色造型夸张,个性鲜明,广告中的角色动画成分,除了复杂的单人角色动画外,还有大量的群体动画控制,因此蕴含着较高的技术含量。  相似文献   

企业广告在其传播过程中往往会形成一定的特色,对于广告活动的参与者会形成不同的影响,其对于品牌的构建与发展有着重要的意义。在广告风格系统中广告诉求内容与诉求形式、广告创意与表现手段作为动态系统中基本的构成要素,贯穿于整个广告过程之中,并通过影响消费者的认知心理发生作用。广告风格也处于不断的变化发展之中,其所处时代环境的变更与广告本体的发展成为风格发展变化的外在与内在动因。  相似文献   

近些年,随着我国文化事业的蓬勃发展和民族文化认同感的大幅提升,中式风格的建筑在我国大地上如雨后春笋般涌现,这一现象对我国传统建筑文化和技术的传承意义重大。文章首先分析了近代中国对中式建筑的探索和近期出现的中式建筑热潮,其次分析了中式建筑设计"形"和"意"的两种表达方式,最后抛砖引玉地指出中式建筑发展的道路,以期为中式建筑的发展提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

Contextual advertising is an important part of today’s Web. It provides benefits to all parties: Web site owners and an advertising platform share the revenue, advertisers receive new customers, and Web site visitors get useful reference links. The relevance of selected ads for a Web page is essential for the whole system to work. Problems such as homonymy and polysemy, low intersection of keywords and context mismatch can lead to the selection of irrelevant ads. Therefore, a simple keyword matching technique gives a poor accuracy. In this paper, we propose a method for improving the relevance of contextual ads. We propose a novel “Wikipedia matching” technique that uses Wikipedia articles as “reference points” for ads selection. We show how to combine our new method with existing solutions in order to increase the overall performance. An experimental evaluation based on a set of real ads and a set of pages from news Web sites is conducted. Test results show that our proposed method performs better than existing matching strategies and using the Wikipedia matching in combination with existing approaches provides up to 50% lift in the average precision. TREC standard measure bpref-10 also confirms the positive effect of using Wikipedia matching for the effective ads selection.  相似文献   

Web advertising (online advertising), a form of advertising that uses the World Wide Web to attract customers, has become one of the most commonly-used marketing channels. This paper addresses the concept of Blogger-Centric Contextual Advertising, which refers to the assignment of personal ads to any blog page, chosen in according to bloggers’ interests. As blogs become a platform for expressing personal opinions, they naturally contain various kinds of statements, including facts, comments and statements about personal interests, of both a positive and negative nature. To extend the concept behind the Long Tail theory in contextual advertising, we argue that web bloggers, as the constant visitors of their own blog-sites, could be potential consumers who will respond to ads on their own blogs. Hence, in this paper, we propose using text mining techniques to discover bloggers’ immediate personal interests in order to improve online contextual advertising. The proposed Blogger-Centric Contextual Advertising (BCCA) framework aims to combine contextual advertising matching with text mining in order to select ads that are related to personal interests as revealed in a blog and rank them according to their relevance. We validate our approach experimentally using a set of data that includes both real ads and actual blog pages. The results indicate that our proposed method could effectively identify those ads that are positively-correlated with a blogger’s personal interests.  相似文献   

Sentiment-oriented contextual advertising   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Web advertising (Online advertising), a form of advertising that uses the World Wide Web to attract customers, has become one of the world’s most important marketing channels. This paper addresses the mechanism of Content-based advertising (Contextual advertising), which refers to the assignment of relevant ads to a generic web page, e.g., a blog post. As blogs become a platform for expressing personal opinion, they naturally contain various kinds of expressions, including both facts and comments of both a positive and negative nature. Besides, in line with the major tenet of Web 2.0 (i.e., user-centric), we believe that the web-site owners would be willing to be in charge of the ads which are positively related to their contents. Hence, in this paper, we propose the utilization of sentiment detection to improve Web-based contextual advertising. The proposed sentiment-oriented contextual advertising (SOCA) framework aims to combine contextual advertising matching with sentiment analysis to select ads that are related to the positive (and neutral) aspects of a blog and rank them according to their relevance. We experimentally validate our approach using a set of data that includes both real ads and actual blog pages. The results indicate that our proposed method can effectively identify those ads that are positively correlated with the given blog pages.  相似文献   

通过中国传统文化的元素在平面广告、视频广告、网络广告中的体现,论述传统元素在广告设计中不仅是一种文化传承的体现,更是传统文化与现代设计的融合。当今广告专业的学生应向传统学习、继承、发扬并在创作中实践,力争将传统文化精髓进行创意性的表现在广告作品中,让中国广告设计具有民族个性和时代性,走向世界。  相似文献   

There is a large demand for more fashionable style Chinese characters in advertising, art designing and publishing markets. However, it becomes challenging to create a new font style for so many Chinese characters (over 10,000). To solve this problem, a comprehensive Chinese fonts generating scheme is proposed in this paper. Firstly, a decomposition database for stroke splitting and feature extraction is proposed. Secondly, stroke segmentation rules are defined based on splitting, merging and structural model, location definition and minimum feature extraction. Thirdly, a radical searching algorithm based on stroke splitting is presented. Finally, it is realized that the generated characters can be zoomed, rotated and moved. Experimental result shows that Chinese characters with a new style can be generated rapidly with the proposed scheme. The created characters fit the real ones well with a high fidelity of 96.4%. The usability tests are run and participants’ subjective report show that the performance from the generated characters is similar to the original characters in both recognizability test and style-consistency test. The fonts generating method is also reliable for the other stroke constructed block characters such as Japanese and Korean characters.  相似文献   

当前大型门户网站的广告涉及的面不广,主要集中在其他商业网站、服装、食品和电器等行业,广告中涉及的特殊商品不多,主要集中在食品、药品等行业,存在问题的特殊商品广告主要集中在食品和药品广告中,化妆品、房地产和学校教育广告从内容上看基本符合广告法规在发布禁止行和命令行标准的要求。  相似文献   

Sponsored advertising has generated strong advertising revenues for Facebook in recent years. As sponsored ads are built on an interactive platform that could be seen as invasive to user privacy, the growth of this advertising platform has important implications for consumers, and advertisers alike. As little research is available on consumer response to sponsored advertising as an interactive technology innovation, the current study assesses the effects of user perceptions of privacy risk, intrusiveness concerns and utilities of sponsored advertising on consumer attitudes and purchase intent. Testing a model derived form the technology acceptance model (TAM), the study found that privacy and intrusiveness concerns are both valid antecedent variables to perceived usefulness but not perceived ease of use of sponsored advertising. While both antecedent variables also influence consumer attitudes toward sponsored advertising, only privacy concerns have an impact product purchase intentions. The hypothesized relations between perceived usefulness, ease of use, attitudes and purchase intentions were also validated.  相似文献   

This paper presents a contextual video advertising system, called AdOn, which supports intelligent overlay in-video advertising. Unlike most current ad-networks such as Youtube that overlay the ads at fixed locations in the videos (e.g., on the bottom fifth of videos 15 s in), AdOn is able to automatically detect a set of spatio-temporal non-intrusive locations and associate the contextually relevant ads with these locations. The overlay ad locations are obtained on the basis of video structuring, face and text detection, as well as visual saliency analysis, so that the intrusiveness to the users can be minimized. The ads are selected according to content-based multimodal relevance so that the relevance can be maximized. AdOn represents one of the first attempts towards contextual overlay video advertising by leveraging information retrieval and multimedia content analysis techniques. The experiments conducted on a video database with more than 100 video programs and 7,000 ad products indicated that AdOn is superior to existing advertising approaches in terms of ad relevance and user experience.  相似文献   

本文试从样式、视觉度、图版率、文字与照片的跳跃率和字体印象等方面,结合实际案例,针对POP广告中的文字与图形、图形(文字)与底之间的相互关系逐一分析,进而对POP广告的整体版式规划设计进行了初步的探讨。本文旨在以视觉设计研究理论作指导,引导POP广告设计工作者以科学的、理性的态度,高效地完成POP设计任务,并将广告信息有效地传达给消费者,从而达成消费者购买行为;理论指导实践,为POP广告设计提供一种更为有效的途径。  相似文献   

Considering the continuously increasing availability and accessibility of multimedia contents via social networking sites, our research addresses how to monetize the social multimedia contents with an efficient advertising approach. This paper presents a novel game-like advertising system called GameSense, which is driven by the compelling contents of online images. The contextually relevant ads (i.e., product logos) are embedded at appropriate positions within the online games, which are created on the basis of online images. The ads are selected based on multimodal relevance, i.e. text relevance, user relevance and visual content similarity. The game is able to provide viewers rich experience and thus promotes the embedded ads to provide more effective advertising. GameSense represents one of the first attempts toward effective online mashup applications which connect a photo-sharing site with an advertising agency. The effectiveness of GameSense is evaluated over a large-scale real world image set.  相似文献   

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