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在现代高科技印刷技术的飞跃发展中,丝网版画教学与科研需要与时俱进的和时代相结合。印刷技术的发展为拓展丝网版画语言的内涵和外延提供了多种新媒体的技术支持。  相似文献   

借助Solidworks软件,来设计模拟气动丝网版上胶装置的结构,对部件进行三维建模和模型装配,并利用Solidworks Simulation插件对上胶网版进行受力分析,以及Motion插件对整个气动丝网版上胶机构进行运动仿真,得出数据以及仿真结果有助于我们分析气动丝网版上胶机构的可行性,其中有限元分析计算,使我们对所设计方案能够更好地进行综合评价。  相似文献   

色彩在造型艺术中作为重要手段之一,它在平面设计中得到极其广泛的应用,不管是从是整体的色彩搭配上,还是局部的色彩搭配上,色彩对整个画面都会起到不可忽视的作用。值得我们注意的是,色彩与平面设计二者是密不可分的。如果从视觉传达的角度来看,色彩是平面设计中不可或缺的组成要素。它不但能够实现在画面上均衡的构图,还能够向人们传达丰富的情感。下面将着重对色彩在平面设计中所起到的作用进行详细阐述,希望能够对平面设计中色彩的有效应用提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

中国水印版画我国传统艺术与现代艺术结合下的一枝独秀。它即融合了中国传统木版艺术的精华,又吸取了日本水印的特殊技法,将传统中国民间绘画艺术与现代创作版画艺术扬长避短、合二为一。中国水印版画"水"份十足,其作品淋漓温雅,秀美超凡,同时又"版"风雄劲、刚劲有力。将柔美与刚毅合二为一,可谓是另辟溪径。文章研究了中国水印版画的产生与发展,以及其制作过程所涉及到的刻板、拓印、用纸。  相似文献   

深邃的黑,纯净的白——画面的反差便由此二者而生,而这种反差,正是自黑白摄影术诞生以来,摄影师们一直所追求的。数码时代的人们常常以为,只要把画面色彩的饱和度降到最低,一张黑白照片就诞生了。而黑白摄影的迷人之处,当然不可能仅仅是"去色"而已。在最深沉的黑色与最明亮的白色之间,还有着丰富的灰度和不同层  相似文献   

应用需求:一般家用电脑除了文字处理等工作用途外,更重要的是上网、看VCD、玩游戏等家庭娱乐,而液晶显示器虽然具有健康环保、节能低耗的优点,但通常存在网页滚动时有拖影、看VCD色彩不够鲜艳、游戏画面反应慢等缺点。所以玩游戏、看VCD要想达到最佳效果,所需要的画面显示速度都要在每秒60帧以上,因为人眼在60帧以上时才会有畅快淋漓的感觉。 应用环境:明基公司最新推出的FP581s液晶显示器,具有16毫秒的快速响应速度,每秒60帧画面以上的显示速度,能够解决传统液晶显示器所存在的拖影、残影问题。此外BenQ FP581s还具有450:1的高对比度,可以使画面色彩更鲜艳,图像色彩层次更丰富,完全可以满足用户的娱乐需求。  相似文献   

徽派版画是安徽非物质文化遗产,在中国文化史上具有重要地位,早期依附于书籍文本而存在,主要作用是对书籍内容进行解说和装饰。明万历年代,徽派版画的崛起,带动了书籍插图发展至鼎盛时期。文章主要通过对徽州版画的研究,进一步探讨徽派版画在书籍插图中的应用与发展趋势。  相似文献   

丝网版印刷的现状及其发展趋势探讨汪宝荣众所周知,孔版印刷与平、凸、凹印并列为四大印刷方法,由于丝网版印刷(以下简称网印)在孔版印刷中已占到90%以上,其应用最为广泛,所以有些国家直接称网印为第四种印刷方法。现在对这种印刷方法的叫法很不一致,有的地方称...  相似文献   

色彩的处理 通常拍摄制作的画面充满了五彩缤纷的色彩,但应该有一种色彩占据画面的主导地位,成为画面色彩的基调,这一种占主导地位的色彩就叫画面的色调。根据表现内容的需要,保持多媒体课件色调的和谐、统一,是色彩处理的基本要求。这是因为色彩本身没有感情,但它对人的心理感受会产生一定的影响。暖色,如红、橙、黄等颜色,往往使人联想到阳光、火焰等,给人以炽热、兴奋、向上的感觉。冷色,如青、蓝、蓝绿、蓝紫等颜色,使人会联想到水、冰、  相似文献   

色彩作为造型艺术的重要手段之一,无论是整体的色彩搭配,还是局部的色彩搭配,色彩对整个画面或者版面都起着重大的影响力。有了阳光人们便能看缤纷绚丽的色彩,色彩反应在人的视觉上最终作用于人的心理,是人对生活对大自然美好的一种诠释,一种感受,一种体会。在平面设计中,它是一门高深的学问,需要我们加强对色彩的了解,设计中加强对色彩的应用,实践中掌握色彩的搭配规律。我们就得用心去体会去感受,所以,我们不仅着重色彩感情与心理,而且还要注意色彩搭配在平面设计中的运用。  相似文献   

平面广告就形式而言,是现代传递信息的重要方式,是广告主与受众间的媒介.从设计的角度来看,它包含着文案、图形、线条、色彩、编排等要素。其中色彩作为平面广告中必不可少的一部分,对增强广告表现力、表达广告内容、吸引目标群体有着至关重要的作用。色彩设计亦成为平面广告设计师的震要研究领域。文章阐述了色彩在平面广告设计中的囊要性,随后分析色彩的心理感受和象征意义两个层面的应用方向,进一步总结平面广告设计中色彩应用基本方法。  相似文献   

In this paper, we study a method to synthesize a multicolor virtual woodblock print by using several virtual woodblocks. It consists of two sections: carving and printing, to synthesize a virtual print. In the carving section, virtual woodblocks are generated by a user with supporting of an automatically carving method based on feature extraction of a gray value image. And woodblocks are also generated automatically by using a full-color image as a draft. In the printing section, a "paper sheet", a "printing brush" and "ink" are prepared in addition to the "woodblock" in the virtual space and the user synthesizes a woodblock print interactively. As the printing factors, a color of ink, a moisture value and a grain change the finish of the print. Using several virtual woodblocks and printing to a paper sheet in succession, a printing image of each woodblock is combined based on the printing factors and a multicolor virtual prints is synthesized.  相似文献   

在学校自主招生过程中,考生网上报名后要打印准考证,以Tomcat为运行平台,使用Java为开发语言,调用iReport生成的JasperReport报表格式文件,实现学生在线直接打印准考证,界面格式可控,且丰富清晰美观。  相似文献   

Although color has appeal for developers and consumers alike, color reproduction poses a major problem in many computer based applications including multimedia and desktop publishing. The problem arises because of the device-independence of color, and the way each device processes color. Matching the appearance of monitor and print images, and achieving satisfactory results is complex. Not only are there fundamental differences between computer screen (additive) and printers (subtractive), but subtractive color is in general more prone to errors due to dye inadequacies. In order to control the error in porting color, different techniques have been applied. In this paper, the utilization of artificial neural networks as well as abductive modeling approaches to color error reduction are introduced from an RGB (Red Green Blue) color model perspective. Analysis of the results and on-going research issues are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper improves the use of text color modulation (TCM) as a reliable text document data hiding method. Using TCM, the characters in a document have their color components modified (possibly unperceptually) according to a side message to be embedded. This work presents a detection metric and an analysis determining the detection error rate in TCM, considering an assumed print and scan (PS) channel model. In addition, a perceptual impact model is employed to evaluate the perceptual difference between a modified and a non-modified character. Combining this perceptual model and the results from the detection error analysis it is possible to determine the optimum color modulation values. The proposed detection metric also exploits the orientation characteristics of color halftoning to reduce the error rate. In particular, because color halftoning algorithms use different screen orientation angles for each color channel, this is used as an effective feature to detect the embedded message. Experiments illustrate the validity of the analysis and the applicability of the method.   相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of screen layout on the usability of a large number of color combination options for customized product. Using an L18 orthogonal array, 18 interfaces were designed around four factors: color display, color name, color formation and alignment. Participants completed a color combination search task and a questionnaire concerning their satisfaction with the interfaces.Based on the search time and user satisfaction, the display of color samples by modular sections (itemized color chips) was found to be the optimal method of color selection. This arrangement reduced the number of combinations of color samples displayed on the screen and allowed efficient navigation of a large palette of color combinations. Vertical alignment aided the product color discrimination and reduced the search time. Users viewed various product color combinations directly with or without the aid of color names.

Relevance to industry

Because of the considerable observed reductions in search time and the superior reported degrees of satisfaction associated with the tested configurations for customized product color combination, the findings of this study have important ramifications for consumers and manufacturers of products as diverse as sofas, curtains, clothing, athletic shoes, cars, mobile phones and the other customized products.  相似文献   

In this work we detail a method that leverages the two color heads of recent low‐end fused deposition modeling (FDM) 3D printers to produce continuous tone imagery. The challenge behind producing such two‐tone imagery is how to finely interleave the two colors while minimizing the switching between print heads, making each color printed span as long and continuous as possible to avoid artifacts associated with printing short segments. The key insight behind our work is that by applying small geometric offsets, tone can be varied without the need to switch color print heads within a single layer. We can now effectively print (two‐tone) texture mapped models capturing both geometric and color information in our output 3D prints.  相似文献   

谢伟  万晓霞  叶松涛  金国念 《软件学报》2017,28(7):1835-1846
本文印前图像特指图像数字排版经编辑确认后的数字印刷样张,其以栅格处理器分色后的加网二进制形式存储.数字样张一经确认,其来源的合法性便不受怀疑.但是,从印刷的整体流程来看,数字样张的存储、传输过程中仍有较大的篡改风险.现有的复制移动篡改检测算法存在特征维度高、计算开销大或检测率较低等问题,而且不适用于分色后的二进制样张.本文提出了一种基于半色调图像网点密度特征的Copy-Move篡改检测方法,该方法针对分色处理后的CMYK目标图像的二值量化处理,采用滑动分块的方法对目标图像进行分块,通过提取图像块CMYK四个通道的局部网点密度特征对图像块进行篡改检测.实验结果表明,该方法在图像篡改检测上较以往方法相比具有较低的时间复杂度和较高的检测率,并且对图像篡改区域的旋转攻击、小尺度缩放攻击等具有较好的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

朱利群 《微机发展》1997,7(2):39-41
本文主要论述了点阵打印机打印彩色田形和彩色显示器存贮图形的原理,并举例说明打印机打印彩色图形的具体实现过程.  相似文献   

Linux电子纸屏幕印刷系统研究与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的屏幕印刷装置并不适合嵌入式移动阅读.一方面因为它的显示材质不适合人眼长时间观看,另一方面因为它们的驱动方式会导致能源的快速消耗.为了改变了这种状况,设计实现了以电子纸为核心的解决方案--Linux电子纸屏幕印刷系统.它采用了有别于光栅动态扫描的驱动方式--受控式区域印刷,在舒适度和能耗方面都有较好表现.为了衡量这种新设备的性能,还提出了印刷效率和印刷时间的评价指标,完善了现有屏幕印刷评价体系,并证明了新设计方法的有效性.  相似文献   

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