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In this paper, we present our results on the distribution and generation of traps in a SiO2/Al2O3 transistor. The investigation has been carried out by using charge pumping measurements, both variable voltage and frequency techniques, and constant voltage stress.By increasing the amplitude of the gate pulse we observe an increase of the charge recombined per cycle closely related to the contribution of shallow traps near the SiO2/Al2O3 interface. By reducing the pulse frequency we measure an increase in the charge pumping current due to traps located deeper in the Al2O3. By combining charge pumping and constant voltage stress measurements, we found that the traps are mostly generated near the Si/SiO2 interface.  相似文献   

We have investigated the electrical characteristics of Al2 O3 and AlTiOx MIM capacitors from the IF (100 KHz) to RF (20 GHz) frequency range. Record high capacitance density of 0.5 and 1.0 μF/cm2 are obtained for Al2 O3 and AlTiOx MIM capacitors, respectively, and the fabrication process is compatible to existing VLSI backend integration. However, the AlTiOx MIM capacitor has very large capacitance reduction at increasing frequencies. In contrast, good device integrity has been obtained for the Al2O3 MIM capacitor as evidenced from the small frequency dependence, low leakage current, good reliability, small temperature coefficient, and low loss tangent  相似文献   

We have investigated electrical properties of laminated atomic layer deposited films: ZrO2-Ta2O5, ZrO2-Nb2O5-Ta2O5, ZrO2-TaxNb1−xO5 and Ta2O5-ZrxNbyOz. Even though the capacitances of laminates were often higher compared to films of constituent materials with similar thickness, considerably higher charge storage factors, Q, were achieved only when tetragonal ZrO2 was stabilized in ZrO2-Ta2O5 laminate and when the laminate thickness exceeded 50 nm. The decreased Q values in the case of most laminates were the result of increased leakage currents. In the case of thinner films only Ta2O5-ZrxNbyOz stack possessed capacitance density and Q value higher than reference HfO2. Concerning the conduction mechanisms, in the case of thinner films, the Ta2O5 or TaxNb1−xO5 apparently controlled the leakage either by Richardson-Schottky emission or Poole-Frenkel effect.  相似文献   

We have developed a single transistor ferroelectric memory using stack gate PZT/Al2O3 structure. For the same ~40 Å dielectric thickness, the PZT/Al2O3/Si gate dielectric has much better C-V characteristics and larger threshold voltage shift than those of PZT/SiO2/Si. Besides, the ferroelectric MOSFET also shows a large output current difference between programmed on state and erased off state. The <100 us erase time is much faster than that of flash memory where the switching time is limited by erase time  相似文献   

A method called strain-temperature stress was adopted in this work to improve the quality of ultra-thin oxide on both MOS(p) and MOS(n) capacitors. MOS structures were baked at 100 °C under externally applied mechanical stress. Reduced gate leakage current, reduced interface trap density (Dit), and improved time-dependent-dielectric-breakdown (TDDB) characteristics were observed after tensile-temperature stress treatment without increasing the oxide thickness. On the contrary, compressive-temperature stress resulted in a degraded performance of MOS capacitors. Consequently, the tensile-temperature stress method is suggested as a possible technique to enhance the ultra-thin oxide quality of MOS structure.  相似文献   

以高纯的硫酸铝氨分解的无定形Al2O3为原料,MgO-Y2O3为烧结助剂,在N2气氛下热压烧结制备Al2O3陶瓷。研究了烧结助剂掺量对Al2O3材料的相组成、显微结构、烧结性能、力学性能、热导率和介电性能的影响。结果表明:所制Al2O3陶瓷具有细晶的显微结构特征和超高的抗弯强度。随着MgO-Y2O3掺量的增加,晶粒尺寸、抗弯强度和热导率先增大后减小,而介电损耗则呈现先减小后增大的变化规律。当MgO和Y2O3掺量均为质量分数2%时,Al2O3陶瓷呈现为较佳的综合性能:抗弯强度达最大值为603 MPa,热导率为36.47 W.m–1.K–1,介电损耗低至6.32×10–4。  相似文献   

The energy band alignment between Ge, HfO2 and Al2O3 was analyzed as influenced by passivating interlayers (ILs) of different composition (GeO2, Ge3N4, Si/SiOx). From internal photoemission and photoconductivity experiments we found no IL-sensitive dipoles at the Ge/HfO2 interfaces, the latter being universally characterized by conduction and valence band offsets of 2.1 and 3.0 eV, respectively. However, in the case of HfO2 growth using H2O-based atomic layer deposition, the Ge oxide IL appears to have a narrower bandgap, 4.3 eV, than the 5.4–5.9 eV gap of bulk germania. Accordingly, formation of this IL yields significantly reduced barriers for hole and, particularly, electron injection from Ge into the insulator. Changing to a H-free process for HfO2 and Al2O3 deposition suppresses the formation of the narrow-gap Ge oxide.  相似文献   

The HfO2 high-k thin films have been deposited on p-type (1 0 0) silicon wafer using RF magnetron sputtering technique. The XRD, AFM and Ellipsometric characterizations have been performed for crystal structure, surface morphology and thickness measurements respectively. The monoclinic structured, smooth surface HfO2 thin films with 9.45 nm thickness have been used for Al/HfO2/p-Si metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) structures fabrication. The fabricated Al/HfO2/Si structure have been used for extracting electrical properties viz dielectric constant, EOT, barrier height, doping concentration and interface trap density through capacitance voltage and current-voltage measurements. The dielectric constant, EOT, barrier height, effective charge carriers, interface trap density and leakage current density are determined are 22.47, 1.64 nm, 1.28 eV, 0.93 × 1010, 9.25 × 1011 cm−2 eV−1 and 9.12 × 10−6 A/cm2 respectively for annealed HfO2 thin films.  相似文献   

Multiple successive breakdown events are reported for HfO2/Al2O3 nanolaminate dielectrics grown by atomic-layer deposition. The first breakdown distribution is not a Weibull distribution and shows a long TBD tail at high failure percentiles. Analysis of the correlation between time-to-breakdown and initial current leakage allows identifying this tail with extrinsic breakdown. Screening of the data to eliminate the extrinsic tail demonstrates that the successive breakdown events are completely uncorrelated and perfectly match the successive breakdown theory. The statistical correlation between initial current and extrinsic breakdown distribution is explained in terms of variations of the unintentional interfacial SiOx layer at the silicon substrate/dielectric interface.  相似文献   

We report thin-film moisture barriers based on Al2O3/ZrO2 nanolaminates grown by ALD for an encapsulation of OLEDs. In order to optimize the moisture-barrier performance of the nanolaminates, the most important factors affecting the performance were sought by measuring WVTR of the nanolaminates via an electrical Ca test. We found out that both the number of interfaces in the nanolaminates and the thickness of ZrO2 in a unit layer were responsible for the performance. By optimizing the nanolaminate structure, the moisture-barrier performance was enhanced up to 350% from a single layer of the same thickness. The WVTR of 30-nm-thick optimized nanolaminate barrier was 2 × 10−4 g/(m2 day) or less at ambient condition. A storage-lifetime measurement of an OLED with a 100-nm-thick encapsulation layer showed that it could exceed 70,000 h if stored at ambient condition.  相似文献   

Normally-off GaN-MOSFETs with Al2O3 gate dielectric have been fabricated and characterized. The Al2O3 layer is deposited by ALD and annealed under various temperatures. The saturation drain current of 330 mA/mm and the maximum transconductance of 32 mS/mm in the saturation region are not significantly modified after annealing. The subthreshold slope and the low-field mobility value are improved from 642 to 347 mV/dec and from 50 to 55 cm2 V−1 s−1, respectively. The ID-VG curve shows hysteresis due to oxide trapped charge in the Al2O3 before annealing. The amount of hysteresis reduces with the increase of annealing temperature up to 750 °C. The Al2O3 layer starts to crystallize at a temperature of 850 °C and its insulating property deteriorates.  相似文献   

New ZrO2/Al2O3/ZrO2 (ZAZ) dielectric film was successfully developed for DRAM capacitor dielectrics of 60 nm and below technologies. ZAZ dielectric film grown by ALD has a mixture structure of crystalline phase ZrO2 and amorphous phase Al2O3 in order to optimize dielectric properties. ZAZ TIT capacitor showed small Tox.eq of 8.5 Å and a low leakage current density of 0.35 fA/cell, which meet leakage current criteria of 0.5 fA/cell for mass production. ZAZ TIT capacitor showed a smaller cap leak fail bit than HAH capacitor and stable leakage current up to 550 °C anneal. TDDB (time dependent dielectric breakdown) behavior reliably satisfied the 10-year lifetime criteria within operation voltage range.  相似文献   

A dielectric constant of 27 was demonstrated in the as deposited state of a 5 nm thick, seven layer nanolaminate stack comprising Al2O3, HfO2 and HfTiO. It reduces to an effective dielectric constant (keff) of ∼14 due to a ∼0.8 nm interfacial layer. This results in a quantum mechanical effective oxide thickness (EOT) of ∼1.15 nm. After annealing at 950 °C in an oxygen atmosphere keff reduces to ∼10 and EOT increases to 1.91 nm. A small leakage current density of about 8 × 10−7 and 1 × 10−4 A/cm2, respectively at electric field 2 and 5 MV/cm and a breakdown electric field of about 11.5 MV/cm was achieved after annealing at 950 °C.  相似文献   

Aluminium oxide displays a very low tanδ at microwave frequencies. It also possesses a remarkably high thermal conductivity, ideal for heat dissipation in high power satellite filters. However, its temperature coefficient of the resonant frequency (τf) is approximately 60 ppm/K. It is shown that the application of a film of titanium oxide which has a Tf of opposite sign (45O ppm/K) produces a composite in which the τf can be tuned to be zero over a wide temperature range. The tanδ of the composite at zero Tf is 3.3×105 (Q=30000) at room temperature and at 10 GHz  相似文献   

Low-frequency noise was characterized in Si0.7Ge0.3 surface channel pMOSFETs with ALD Al2O3/HfO2/Al2O3 stacks as gate dielectrics. The influences of surface treatment prior to ALD processing and thickness of the Al2O3 layer at the channel interface were investigated. The noise was of the 1/f type and could be modeled as a sum of a Hooge mobility fluctuation noise component and a number fluctuation noise component. Mobility fluctuation noise dominated the 1/f noise in strong inversion, but the number fluctuation noise component, mainly originating from traps in HfO2, also contributed closer to threshold and in weak inversion. The number fluctuation noise component was negligibly small in a device with a 2 nm thick Al2O3 layer at the SiGe channel interface, which reduced the average 1/f noise by a factor of two and decreased the device-to-device variations.  相似文献   

We have characterized the capacitance and loss tangent for high-k Al2O3 and AlTiOx gate dielectrics from IF (100 KHz) to RF (20 GHz) frequency range. Nearly the same rate of capacitance reduction as SiO2 was demonstrated individually by the proposed Al2O3 and AlTiOx gate dielectrics as frequency was increased. Moreover, both dielectrics preserve the higher k better than SiO2 from 100 KHz to 20 GHz. These results suggest that both Al2O3 and AlTiOx are suitable for next generation MOSFET application into RF frequency regime  相似文献   

The effects of controlling InGaAs substrate temperature during electron beam deposition of HfO2 on electrical characteristics of W/HfO2/n-In0.53Ga0.47As capacitors are investigated. It is found that by depositing a thin HfO2 layer at the interface when substrate temperature is raised to 300 °C, frequency dispersion at depletion and accumulation conditions is reduced and interface state density is lowered regardless of the HfO2 thickness. Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy images have revealed that the formation of mesoscopic voids in the InGaAs substrate near the interface is suppressed with HfO2deposition at 300 °C at the interface. A band diagram with an additional bulk trap energy level has been proposed to explain the frequency dispersion and conductance peaks at accumulation condition.  相似文献   

The impact of various rapid thermal annealing used during the integration on the La2O3/HfO2 and HfO2/La2O3 stacks deposited by Atomic Layer deposition was analyzed. The consequences of lanthanum localization in such stacks on the evolution of the films during the rapid thermal annealing are investigated in term of morphology, crystalline structure, silicate formation and film homogeneity as a function of the depth. It appeared that the La2O3 location has an impact on the temperature of the quadratic phase formation which could be linked to the formation of SiOHfLa silicate and the resistance of the films to dissolution in HF 0.05 wt%.  相似文献   

The structural and electrical characteristics of a novel nanolaminate Al2O3/ZrO2/Al2O3 high-k gate stack together with the interfacial layer (IL) formed on SiGe-on-insulator (SGOI) substrate have been investigated. A clear layered Al2O3 (2.5 nm)/ZrO2 (4.5 nm)/Al2O3 (2.5 nm) structure and an IL (2.5 nm) are observed by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements indicate that the IL contains Al-silicate without Ge atom incorporation. A well-behaved CV behavior with no hysteresis shows the absence of Ge pileup or Ge segregation at the gate stack/SiGe interface.  相似文献   

The chemical bonding states and electrical characteristics of SrO capped La2O3/CeOx gate dielectric have been examined. Angle-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurement has revealed that Sr atoms diffuse into silicate layer to form SrLa-silicate after annealing. Owing to the incorporation of Sr atoms into silicate layer, a transistor operation with an equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) below 0.5 nm has been demonstrated. A strongly degraded effective electron mobility of 78 cm2/V s at 1 MV/cm has been obtained, which fit well with the general trend in small EOT range below 1 nm. Although process optimization is needed to improve the performance of transistors, Sr capping technique can be useful for EOT scaling.  相似文献   

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