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影响城市设计实施效果因素包括成果的技术理性、实施组织、经济可行及社会支持。文章按城市设计实施过程划分为目标、设计、实施、后续4个阶段,提出城市设计实施的规划管理机制框架,并分阶段提出规划管理的任务、问题及对策建议。城市设计成果应精炼后纳入法定规划及土地出让规划设计条件,成为规划审批技术审查内容之一。提高实施效果的措施包括建立公开、民主的决策机制,综合协调、平衡各方利益,将城市设计编制过程由单纯的技术过程转化为全社会共同参与的决策过程,规划设计成果转译为规划管理技术文件并上升为公共政策。规划管理部门除了履行行政职责还应提供规划技术服务。  相似文献   

师雁 《城市规划》2003,27(B06):30-35
选取广州市三个广场地区的城市设计实例的设计成果和实施成效进行比较,通过对设计成果与实施差异的反思,探寻广州城市设计的整体思路;提出一个好的城市设计只是构建优美城市空间景观环境的开始,设计过程和实施过程的控制是建设一个优美城市设计地区的保障;建设一个优美的城市设计地区不仅需要城市设计人员和规划管理人员的协同,同时也需要公众的广泛参与,更重要的是需要高效合理的管理控制和协同机制。  相似文献   

在城市及其环境形成的过程中,更新城市设计的观念和加强实践,对于保持和发扬城市特色,改善都市环境品质,提升城市综合运营效率,起着极为重要的作用。城市设计的运作过程,不只是设计方案的构思立意和设计成果的编制过程,更是一个由设计成果转换成包括公共政策等多种实施工具,对城市环境的逐步形成进行控制和指导的动态过程。论文的研究是基于我国当前在城市设计领域的认识和实践,以城市设计综合塑造都市环境的过程为研究对象,从城市设计运作的角度,在简要总结国内外城市设计发展和实践的基础上,分析城市设计在城市建设中的作用机…  相似文献   

在新型城镇化背景下,我国城市规划面临重编制,轻管理;重技术,难整合;重理论,难落地的发展困境,亟需科学的、高水平的、管用的城市建设管控方法。本项目基于"整体性"关键理论,通过统筹规划、建设、管理,形成"全要素、全过程"的城市设计整体性管理实施方法,主要创建了城市设计整体性理论框架、城市设计整体性管理实施方法体系,在管理机制、管理方法与实施方法上实现创新,推进了城市设计有效实施。项目成果指导多项城市建设决策,获得众多奖项,得到了广泛运用。  相似文献   

中国快速城镇化进程中到处显现出城市风貌雷同、特色湮灭、品质低下等问题,如何统筹与实现城市二三维空间的科学布局和精细管控成为了城市设计面临的新课题.项目组本着"全数字化城市设计、大数据三维交互与智能监测、城市设计意图传导转译、全流程智能辅助决策"的技术思路,建立了全数字化城市设计方法体系,实现了城市设计与管理全流程数字化;提出了城市三维数字沙盘建构技术,解决了多源异构大数据与城市空间智能交互的关键难题;突破了基于多尺度形态谱系的城市设计数字化转译技术,实现了从设计意图到管理语言的无损传导,研制了智能辅助决策的城市设计数字化平台,开展了重大工程项目的 创新应用.本成果的各项创新技术已先后在全国各大工程项目的 规划设计与实施管控中进行了推广应用.对70%以上的城市设计文本成果转换为无纸化、可视化的三维成果,方案审查效率提升了216倍,管控精度上提升了12倍.为城市设计数字化平台在全国推广提供示范借鉴,效益显著.  相似文献   

横滨城市设计的历史经验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王建国 《新建筑》1997,(1):18-23
探讨了横滨城市设计开展过程中的基本概念,目标和主题,操作机制,实施成果及公众参与等重要问题,并从中得出几点对我国城市建设有益的经验和启示。  相似文献   

深圳城市设计成果实施运作模式初探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
叶伟华  赵勇伟 《规划师》2009,25(9):87-91
针对我国当前存在的城市设计成果难以有效控制和引导城市建设活动、实施运作效果普遍不理想的现象,深圳市立足现实,通过契约、转译、直译等八种不同模式将城市设计成果转化为((建设用地规划许可证>中的规划设计要求,作为项目重要的建筑和环境设计依据,并在报建方案及施工图设计中通过设计审查予以落实.这些模式可操作性强,实施路径直接明确,在国内有较强的创新性、前瞻性.今后深圳市应通过完善法定图则的成果表达方式、加强成果实施的可操作性、改进审查方式等措施进一步完善城市设计成果的实施运作.  相似文献   

彭觉勇 《规划师》2010,26(6):20-23
总规层面的城市设计在塑造城市空间、营造城市特色、创造宜人的生活空间和平衡公共利益等方面具有重要意义,是城市建设管理的重要组成部分。然而,由于工作内容独立性较弱、缺乏核心指标体系、成果实施随意性大、缺乏保障制度等方面的原因,总规层面的城市设计在实施过程中难以发挥其应有的效应。应加强城市设计学科体系构建及其实施保障制度建设,通过提高总规层面城市设计的法定地位、加强其与城市总体规划对应技术指标的衔接等措施,提高其实施的有效性和可操作性。  相似文献   

对城市设计的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗云 《现代城市研究》2004,19(11):30-33
城市设计要做些什么?又怎样去实施?本文提出城市设计要与城市规划的各个阶段对应,涉及成果纳入城市规划。本刊今年第7期,中科院院士东南大学建筑系教授齐康著文说:“城市设计是通过具体的建筑设计去实现的。”“城市设计应看作城市中的建筑设计和建筑中的城市设计,具体解释为每栋建筑的设计和实施都是城市设计的一个实践部分。”这就要问,当某个城市广场周围的建筑项目未定时,怎样去做这个广场的城市设计?问题又回到城市设计要做什么,做到何种深度,城市设计的成果图应包括哪些,怎样去实施?欢迎大家来稿探讨。  相似文献   

随着数字时代的来临,基于Grasshopper的数据可视化技术是近年来新兴的数据表达方法,其作为城市设计者常用的基本可视化技术之一,极大地提高了决策过程与设计成果的科学准确性、实操可行性及可持续适应性,在城市设计中发挥着不可替代的作用,并将持续作为城市设计的主导媒介.本研究概述了数据可视化的发展历程及Grasshopp...  相似文献   

Urban renewal programmes offer an opportunity to improve the environmental sustainability of urban areas by creating well-designed and well-constructed built environments. In this study, the contributions of built environment design elements to environmental sustainability were evaluated through a questionnaire survey with the participation of 323 people who previously worked in urban renewal projects. Implementing factor analysis, interrelated elements have been gathered under five factors: ‘transportation and accessibility’, ‘conservation of natural resources’, ‘built environment quality’, ‘supporting social life’ and ‘high-density usage’. To identify the importance weights of these factors, analytic hierarchy process (AHP) analysis was carried out with 40 academics and practitioners. Based on the results, ‘conservation of natural resources’ was found as the most important factor affecting the environmental sustainability of urban renewal projects. It is expected that the results of this study shall guide a wide range of urban renewal stakeholders, extending from designers to citizens, along the path of creating environmentally sustainable cities.  相似文献   

Australia has increasingly been dependent on the interest and capacity of community organisations across the country in order to accomplish environmental sustainability initiatives (e.g. urban nature protection). A comprehensive understanding of how these organisations thrive can be valuable not only for cities like Perth, where two-thirds of bushlands and wetlands have been lost in the past 150 years, but also for government strategies that seek to support these initiatives. This article draws on a systems perspective and utilises a mixed-methods approach to assess the organisational capacity–viability nexus. Findings suggest that inter-organisational ties facilitate a continuous positive feedback mechanism whereby organisations are able to acquire enough inputs and yield significant environmental outputs so that they can keep functioning until their missions are fulfilled. Based on the evidence the article discusses the potential ways to secure the future of urban environmental sustainability initiatives in Perth and beyond.  相似文献   

结合德国汉堡组织的威廉斯堡国 际建筑展和港口新城的两个案例,本文对汉 堡近年来平衡经济增长和强化社会认同的多 重城市设计工作进行了总结。文章首先阐释了 多元合作城市设计工作模式的内涵,同时指出 西方国家城市面临经济结构调整、社会群体 多元化和全球化的挑战,满足多元人群差异 化需求的城市设计策略在地方政府的发展政 策中占据了核心地位,国际建筑展成为发掘地 方需求,推动多样性发展的重要工具。威廉 斯堡在汉堡市政府支持下,通过一系列城市设 计项目与当地居民加强沟通,鼓励社区实现差 异化发展,重视培育居民对当地的认同感,提 升环境的质量和可持续性。港口新城则在以 前港口用地进行再开发的过程中,强调功能混 合和强化城市多样性的目标,提出了较为灵活 的城市设计原则,帮助人们在开发和施工过程 中不断改进,以确保城市开发的多样性。  相似文献   

Managing urban growth patterns is essential for an economic and demographic development process which maximizes public and private investments in the urban environment. This paper presents the results of a modelling design effort to link a hybrid regional input-output model to demographic, labor force and energy models for use in planning in the San Francisco Bay Region. Extensive use of system feedback is a major component of this research effort. Summary results of the model outputs are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

City is a complex, self-organized system, in which various sub-systems interact with each other whereby urban orders emerge dynamically. Due to lacking of sufficient knowledge about the urban system, urban planners and designers had to work within a simplified concept framework. This oversimplified methodology has been influencing the debate about the urban sustainability. Although the so-called new data environment now provides possibility to acknowledge this kind of complex interrelationship, future-proofed theories and methodologies of urban planning and design are still deficient in related practices. Base on the quantitative understanding of urban orders, this paper aims to explore the issues on understanding the relationship between the urban orders and the meaning of sustainability in the new data environment, to establish a methodological framework of data augmented sustainable planning, and to reassert how to achieve the value rationality in urban planning and design through the exploration on instrumental rationality.  相似文献   

This paper provides a roadmap or guide to help urban designers and researchers understand the elements and topics in urban design that should be considered when addressing sustainability. It describes ? within the realm of urban design ? what is to be sustained, the metrics for this and the urban design elements that contribute to those metrics. A matrix organizes the urban design elements by topic and scale to help urban designers and researchers relate these disparate aspects, identify areas of synergy and serve as a basis for comparison when trade-offs are present.  相似文献   

Cities are the frontline for addressing issues of global sustainability. This notion has been inducted into the development discourse of the Global North with varying degrees of success. However, urban environments in the Global South face unique challenges, and Western-derived perceptions of sustainability are inappropriate for these regions. This paper examines issues of sustainability within impoverished urban communities in South Africa. Survey interviews helped inform and examination of South Africa’s urban morphology to determine the specific obstacles to sustainable urban development of marginalised communities in South Africa. In response, the study proposes the application of the principles founded in facilities management (FM) at a macro/urban scale. Urban facilities management (UFM) is a new alignment of FM that advocates a holistic view of an urban precinct to facilitate systemic solutions with a variety of urban role-players. A conceptual framework for a UFM aligned development process for marginalised communities of the Global South is developed based on issues identified through the interviews. This framework seeks to enable a comprehensive integration of social, environmental, economic, and institutional dimensions of sustainability into an urban development model. In doing so, it holds the promise of unlocking the opportunities for developing/emerging countries to pioneer global sustainability.  相似文献   

凌晓红 《城市建筑》2014,(16):112-116
在可持续发展概念成为新世纪城市发展主流思潮的背景下,本文对城市形态的可持续发展理论进行纲要性回顾,并根据其目标定位及实施手段梳理出关于城市形态理论模型的逻辑框架,以系统性理解各种城市形态可持续发展理论.相关理论模型大致包含了新传统主义、城市遏制、紧凑城市和生态城市几大类.本文在文献分析基础上进一步提炼出紧凑度、可持续的交通系统、密度、混合土地使用、多样性、被动式太阳能利用和生态绿色设计影响城市形态可持续性的七个核心概念,并建立城市形态可持续性的评估框架,为进一步发展可持续的城市形态评估标准和空间设计策略提供理论基础.  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》2005,37(6):623-630
Windows are important in the workplace for both environmental and psychological reasons. Good glazing design can reduce energy outputs by lowering the requirements for heating or cooling; frame design can utilise more sustainable materials and those with lower embodied energy, such as timber and aluminium-clad timber. Windows are also important for the provision of daylight and a view, both of which have known psychological benefits, although glare and passive solar gain can be problematic.Three studies were undertaken to look at sustainability and comfort issues for a number of different types of multi-glazed windows. Focus groups and interviews with professionals were used to examine issues of sustainability and productivity. Four case study buildings were surveyed to examine the level of energy use for different glazing specifications. A post-occupancy survey was then used to examine the level of comfort in these buildings. Results showed that architects consider comfort and productivity in their designs, but consider sustainability less often. Surveys of energy usage showed that building design can influence the efficiency of multi-glazed windows; this result was mirrored in the post-occupancy survey where design factors influenced occupant comfort. The research concludes that comfort and productivity in the workplace is related more to design factors than to sustainability factors.  相似文献   

城市复兴中的公共空间研究初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
罗晶 《山西建筑》2009,35(5):19-20
介绍了城市复兴产生的背景、目标和途径,对目前城市复兴中公共空间的改造与建设的实践方式进行了归纳和总结,并提出了几点城市复兴中公共空间的设计原则,从而使城市复兴具有可持续性。  相似文献   

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