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"哲学"理论与"工程"实践的关系在西方经历了一个非常复杂的演变过程。这一历史过程预示着思想、范畴以及范式框架等之间的沿袭与悖离,也代表着地位、权力和价值追求的争夺与博弈。以巴门尼德为开端的形上哲学注重思维的静观与沉思,对具体的实践及工程表现出一定程度的鄙视和厌弃;中世纪时则因战争征伐的需要,表现出具体实践及工程对形上哲学的疏离和压制;文艺复兴以后,形上哲学与具体实践及工程逐渐走向了互补融合的道路,并认为在牛顿和玻义耳的范式总结中取得了特殊意义上的"工程哲学"观。从本质上来说,"哲学"理论与"工程"实践关系的演变与传承是其话语权建构的过程,话语权是理解"哲学"理论与"工程"实践关系嬗变的重要内容和表现。  相似文献   

将哲学指导工程实践作为出发点,运用马克思主义唯物辩证法并从工程的本质特征及工程伦理的视角对隧道及地下工程若干工程方法问题进行了哲学反思。包括:运用唯物辩证法的对立统一规律并结合工程案例对处理地下工程中围岩和地下水等问题所采用的"放"与"抗"、"排"与"堵"等工程方法进行了哲学反思;运用对立统一规律并从科学、技术、工程的关系角度探讨了钻爆法隧道修建理念的演变规律;运用矛盾分析法、否定之否定规律并从工程伦理的角度探讨了钻爆法隧道开挖方法的演变规律。通过对以上工程方法的哲学反思,将问题上升到深刻的哲学认识层面并对工程方法的选择提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

第一次鸦片战争中,大沽口建立起以炮台为中心的海防体系。与其他沿海军事重镇相比较,它汲取了清军屡次失败的经验教训,在炮台形制、战术战法方面不断调整精进,以求取防御英军进攻的实际成效。参照第二次鸦片战争期间的相关实战经历,佐证第一次鸦片战争大沽口军事布防的合理有效性。此海防体系的完善与提升较好地诠释了"战则渐振"的军事理念。  相似文献   

工程知识是创造生产力的知识,航天工程系统是一类典型的战略性高科技工程。主要从工程知识论的视角,结合航天工程的特点,阐述了航天工程知识体系的构成与特征。简要说明了航天工程技术知识的分类,以及航天工程技术体系规划中的目标导向、体系集成和阶段适应要求;分析了航天系统工程管理知识体系的层次与内涵,重点论述了中国航天系统工程管理中蕴含的工程知识总体集成、纵横集成和动态有序集成等特征;进而简要说明了中国航天工程环境知识的内容及其阶段演变。最后还分析了以系统总体优化为核心的航天工程知识运用特性,印证了工程知识产生与运用的目的性、实践性、集成性、演进性等特点。  相似文献   

"选择"是工程的基本特征,在工程哲学领域内,它的思辨意义甚至不亚于"造物"。在新时期工程创新的过程中,我们在工程选择的问题上仍有进一步深入反思及发掘其内涵的必要。本文从"选择"视角论述了工程思想与军事思想的异同,并通过此二者在目的性、方法性、现代演化性等方面的比较,或可使工程选择与工程活动得到一些良性启示和论域的扩展。  相似文献   

我国工程建设中腐败问题频频涌现,由此引发了大量的工程质量问题,严重危害了社会稳定和人民群众安全,成为亟待解决的问题。工程伦理理论为解决工程腐败问题提供了新的思路和方法。通过探究工程腐败的内涵和演化过程,剖析工程腐败各阶段的演变机理,基于工程伦理学理论,提出工程腐败各阶段治理的有效模式,即道德治理-德法结合-制度善治。通过制度与道德、法律的价值整合,可有效改善当前"至善真空"的工程价值生态环境,逐步实现"工程至善"及清正廉明的工程伦理精神。  相似文献   

默顿学派的科学社会学家将师承关系定义为师傅和学徒之间的双向互动关系,具体体现为双向的选择关系、互动的导学关系以及平等的合作关系。20世纪中叶,小科学向大科学的演变,使得科学社会的范畴向大型科研工程拓展,科研工程领域的师承关系也随之出现。在中国,成名科学家与青年科研人员以"两弹一星"工程为平台,实现科研工程领域的师徒传承,较之传统科学社会的师承关系,"两弹一星"工程中的师承关系显现出截然不同的特征,以兴趣导向的双向选择关系转变为以任务导向的单向选择关系,以院校为载体的导学关系转变为以工程为载体的习学关系,基于小型学术共同体的合作关系转变为基于科层制度的团队协作关系。"两弹一星"工程领域的师承关系,开创了中国大科学工程教育的先河,孕育和发展了新中国科学社会的主导科学家群体,形成了"总工程师/总设计师"式的科学社会组织模式,从而在更深的层次上影响着新中国科学社会的发育和科学世代的繁衍。  相似文献   

工程全寿命周期包括规划、建造和运营维护三个主要阶段。桥梁工程竣工验收之后进入运营阶段,该阶段工作主要包括工程维护与工程运行。本文以我国跨江海桥梁工程为典型案例,通过案例研究法系统阐述了桥梁工程运营阶段的主要问题、方法和方法论。本文认为,为了达到桥梁百年"养生"维护的目的,"预防性养生"涵盖健康性检查、预防性养护、延续性再造,是保障桥梁工程长期处于良好使用状况的系统性维护方法;桥梁工程灾祸风险防治,需要加强运用"社会管理"方法以保障"人-车-桥"系统安全有序的运行;"工程评估"是对工程价值的再认识,是提升工程认知与再实践的经验源泉。最终,工程对民生的贡献要由社会和百姓做出评判。  相似文献   

通过梳理中国大科学装置从20世纪80年代至今的技术可供性演变情况,指出不同的行动者与大科学装置发生互动,使得大科学装置持续发生了"为自然科学探索提供极限研究条件"、"建设世界一流大学新举措"和"支撑区域性创新体系建设"等三种技术可供性演变。进一步地,指出建构大科学装置特定技术可供性的行动者共同体应当成为治理对象。  相似文献   

在科技与工程伦理的视野下,将创始于中国航天、推广到其他科技、工程领域的"双归零质量保障方法体系"作为前沿科技负责任创新的一个典型案例来认识;通过回溯历史、提炼概念、内涵,梳理要点、问题和措施等,把握案例精髓,拓展案例价值。揭示出,来自中国的前沿科技领域"航天双归零质量保障方法体系"与源于欧洲哲学理论界的"负责任创新"理论殊途同归,后者成为前者在科技与工程伦理体系下的理论升华,前者成为后者不期而至的实现路径,反映出工程实践特征以及人类价值观的内在一致性。  相似文献   

李三虎 《工程研究》2011,3(4):323-329
随着纳米技术的日益商业化发展,人们越来越认识到人类将在原子水平的物质操作方面发生一场具有正负效应的“新技术革命”.由于纳米技术对军事、国土、经济和政治等事关国家利益的各个领域具有重要的潜在意义,所以一个非常严肃的战略问题在于,我们并不能坐等商业化纳米技术应用,去迎接一个涉及国家安全的纳米技术时代的来临.中国目前是少数几...  相似文献   

Wang Chunhe 《工程研究》2010,2(4):314-323
Qian Xuesen has always paid close attention to the cultivation of talents. As the founder of China’s aerospace engineering, he drew up the blueprint for establishing scientific and technological teams in the field of aerospace engineering. In his research works in aerospace engineering he himself trained the talents who can take the leadership and undertake the important tasks. This paper discusses Qian Xuesen’s ways of training talented persons in aerospace engineering by introducing his graduate students team—“the group of four” and also makes further reflections on his approaches. The growing process of “the group of four” indicates that the cultivation of talented persons not only requires the school education but more importantly depends on the practical engineering experiences and the knowledge and teaching from their supervisors.  相似文献   

周永红 《工程研究》2011,3(4):375-383
本文从规律与规则的区别入手,提出了存在性规律和建构性规律的理论视域.认为工程规律是在工程实践活动中,在理解当前工程活动所涉及的各种要素之间相关性的基础上、协调各种规律综合作用的建构性规律.它直面的是在集众多技术的某种特定工程建构中“如何做”的问题,与揭示事物本质的“是什么”的规律不同.工程活动不仅涉及“是什么”,更重要...  相似文献   

Li Xue 《工程研究》2012,4(1):85-94
Telegraph is the result of the development of Western science and technology and the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century. After the second Opium War, telegraph technology was introduced to China as the tool of the capitalist colonial expansion. Due to the political, economic, cultural and other factors, Qing dynasty only realized the transfer of telegraph business management, but did not digest and absorb the manufacturing technology. This paper mainly analyses the factors that influenced the transfer of telegraph technology in late Qing dynasty from the perspectives of technical needs, power of civil and military governors, enterprise system, industrial level, and education level.  相似文献   

Chen Yue  Sun Lie 《工程研究》2013,5(1):53-57
Historically, both Chinese words of “engineering” and “engineer” have rich connotations. Based on a textual research on traditional literatures, this article tries to explain how the modern Chinese term “engineering” directly originated from ancient Chinese terms and inherited the basic connotation from tradition. Moreover, several traditional titles like “Gongshi” and later title “gongchengsi” were used contemporarily with the title “engineer” during the Self-improvement Movement. Nevertheless, the term “gongchegnshi” (Engineer), gradually replaced the traditional titles along with the institutionalization of modern engineering in China.  相似文献   

田鹏  陈绍军 《工程研究》2013,5(4):344-353
首先批判性地梳理了国内工程社会学的研究现状,尽管存在“工程共同体”论、“社会工程”论、“建设工程系统”论及“社会评价”论等分析范式和视角,但工程与社会之关系是工程社会学的元问题;其次,提出“工程社区”与“工程社会行动”两个概念,以社会行动理论为切入点,总结出工程社会行动分析范式的三大维度,即工程与公众参与、工程与非自愿移民、工程与社会风险;最后,认为尽管关于工程社会学的讨论还在继续,但工程成功“嵌入”社会是工程追求的终极目标.  相似文献   

While the philosophy of engineering is becoming a popular topic in the academia, the philosophy of military engineering is rarely studied. The study of the definition, classification and specialty of military engineering is the basis and the logical foundation of the philosophy of military engineering. From the concept of engineering and engineer, we could tell that engineering is tightly bound to military in the very first place. The emergence of civil engineering has led to the diversity and versatility of engineering. This paper redefines the concept of military engineering by analyzing the purposes, the functions and the organizational management of military engineering constructions. By comparing military engineering with civil engineering, this paper classifies military engineering according to its functions, purposes and applications and clarifies the characteristics of military engineering.  相似文献   

The modern warfare is more dependent on the war energy. It is not only focus on the use of high-tech, including information technology and other tools, to increase the efficiency in the use of war energy in the battlefield, but also work on the conversion efficiency and quality from the economy energy to the war energy. In this regard, we shall pay particular attention to military acquisition which is acting as a bridge in the process of transition from economy energy to war energy. The acquisition department will be in close contact with other functionalities, e.g.: logistics, technology support and other services departments to display the supporting function of the military supply chain in future battlefield. The modern information warfare is becoming to be more and more stereoscopic with a high speed pattern which is in depth and excluding the line operation. It is driving the war movement into a multi-dimensional area. The original line-operation model, i.e. working on the front line, did not exist any more. The joint service on war is much more preferred. The recent practice showed that the logistics support is expected to play a very special role in the future war. No matter how advanced the weaponry will come to be, as long as there is no immediate, sufficient and precise support from logistics side, the tactical arrangements/operations as well as the combat effectiveness cannot be commenced smoothly. The information technology as a philosophy, which is influencing and infiltrating the various fields of this era, is maturing itself in a dynamic development. In the field of logistics support, the application of information technology is an enhanced technology to develop the resource space, improve the efficiency of allocation and to ensure an effective materials transportation and resource usage. The main focus and further development of information technology is aiming at achieving the optimal efficiency in military economy by constructively settling the complicated relationship between the military supply chain and external environment which are connected to the other in a systematic way to maintain a smooth and well-ordered operation of supply-chain system. To start with the supply chain construction, firstly we shall be clear that the logistics acquisition is playing a crucial role in the military supply chain. Secondly we shall set up an effective operating mechanism for the cooperation between market and military. At the same time, we shall put our efforts in strengthening the organizational functions of the supply chain and its supporting capabili-ties, and demonstrating the forces constitute, work distribution, command system and operational models in the logistics support. As a consequence, everybody will have the same clear understanding on the requirement of the supply chain construction which will be adaptable to the needs of future battlefield.  相似文献   

Liujiaxia Hydropower Station is one of the important hydropower in the upper stream of the Yellow River. It is the first large hydropower station above 1 million kW, designed, constructed and installed by Chinese. The construction started in the 1950s and finished in the 1970s. After completion, the project became the largest hydropower station in China and even in Asia. The design and construction of the project underwent some ups and downs, but was completed successfully eventually. Later on, it was selected as one of “the a hundred classic projects for the 60th anniversary of the founding of New China”. The paper, based on the specific facts of Liujiaxia Hydropower Station, reviews the contribution of Soviet experts to Liujiaxia Hydropower Station, and then reconsiders the influences of “Double Reverse” Movement, the “Great Leap Forward” Movement, “Technological Innovation” Movement and the “Design Revolution” Movement to the construction of Liujiaxia Hydropower Station. Furthermore, it revisits the construction accidents of Liujiaxia Hydropower Station during the “Cultural Revolution” period, and attempts to draw a few lessons in the last. The paper not only affirms the role of Soviet experts in planning, site-choosing and designing of Liujiaxia Hydropower Project, but also points out that in the context of the “anti-rightist”, the Chinese water conservancy departments could supply a more relaxed environment for engineering debate, and Chinese experts stood their ground on the technical issues when disagreeing with the Soviet experts, which led to the Chinese experts’ effec-tive influence on engineering decisions. Besides, under the influence of a series of political movements including the “Double Reverse” Movement, engineering experts had been forced to stand aside, so the construction was de-layed, and the cost increased correspondingly. However, thanks to the sufficient geological survey, core engineer-ing design conforming to the norms, and the effective correction of errors once being discovered, Liujiaxia Hy-dropower Station basically reached the design target.  相似文献   

张志会 《工程研究》2010,2(3):217-227
At present, the study of “public understanding of engineering” in China has just started, and it can be said that there is adequate research space. Making the public understanding of dams in China as a starting point, this paper analyzes the importance and the present situation of “public understanding of engineering”, and makes some analysis and recommendations on how to promote and facilitate the public understanding of engineering.  相似文献   

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