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一、传统保存方案的缺陷 传统的工程图样和资料的保存归档形式是通过纸质或胶片的形式进行的,很多企业都用专门的仓库保管这些珍贵的技术资料.这些资料的内容相当广泛,包括机械设计、建筑设计、工程设计、测绘及地图等各行业的信息.资料的介质也有不同的分类,包括硫酸纸、纸质蓝图、白图及胶片等.  相似文献   

一种基于XML的个性化的资源需求描述机制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在基于因特网的教育资源网格体系结构和服务理论研究中,提出了教育资源网格中一种基于XML的个性化文件资源需求描述机制.需求者不仅可以更加准确地表达自己对各类文件资源的需求,还可以指明自己所期望的资源的区域和学校的来源.并且对备选的信息进行优先级的排序,在搜索的过程中按照优先级的顺序对搜索的结果进行优化.解决了资源需求描述机制中对教育资源网格的文件资源需求描述支持较少的问题.  相似文献   

美国ANSYS公司是一家颇富传奇色彩的公司.1970年,当时还是匹兹堡大学力学教授的史沃森博士凭借一腔热忱和1282美元的资金,带领几个员工白手起家,创立了ANSYS公司.经过30多年的风雨和数代人的努力,ANSYS从一家名不见经传的私人小公司迅猛发展成为今天CAE领域的龙头企业,其依靠的就是对技术的无限追求和对市场的敏锐感觉.  相似文献   

李煌  邱崧  刘锦高 《计算机应用》2007,27(Z2):239-241
讨论了一种新的测试思想,不需要使用专用的脚本语言,自己定义简单的测试脚本格式,用VB来解释自己定义的脚本.研究了这种思想的实现方法和与硬件电路相关的基于VB的串口、并口的通信.开发出了实际使用的自动测试软件,大大加快了测试速度,提高了测试的自动化程度.  相似文献   

基于XML的开放式WebGIS的系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于XML的开放式WebGIS的系统设计是解决传统WebGIS数据共享、服务互操作问题的好方法.本文分析了基于XML的开放式WebGIS系统的设计目标,提出了一个基于XML技术的WebGIS系统设计方案.  相似文献   

计算机网络信息安全面临的问题和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
计算机的广泛应用把人类带入了一个全新的时代,特别是计算机网络的社会化,已经成为了信息时代的主要推动力.目前,全世界的军事、经济、社会、文化各个方面都越来越依赖于计算机网络,人类社会对计算机的依赖程度达到了空前的纪录.由于计算机网络的脆弱性,这种高度的依赖性使国家的经济和国防安全变得十分脆弱,一旦计算机网络受到攻击而不能正常工作,甚至瘫痪,整个社会就会陷入危机.  相似文献   

在分析现有柔性流程建模方法的基础上,总结柔性流程建模的实现途径.在面向角色的柔性流程建模方法中采用角色类的划分和角色的动态选取和配置,简化流程的构造.同时提出将Agent技术和Services相结合,设计一种面向角色服务的、封装的、分层的和去耦合的建模系统,并讨论了基于服务组合的柔性流程建模的实现方案.  相似文献   

一个基于智能的MAS模型及其方法论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了得到好的体系结构模式来将模式驱动的方法用于多智能体系统(MAS)的设计,必须有形式上抽象但是技术上细化的方法论.基于智能思想的提出,使得以智能作桥梁将AO,PO和OO的优点融合,并以此提出一种覆盖了从事务分析到Agent组织系统实现全过程而又比较技术化的方法论IB.同时提出一个基于智能的智能系统模型(MIBIS),通过模型的构造过程来叙述方法论.因为模型以及构造过程的形式化和整个过程的技术化,所以使得该模型和方法论能够被用于体系结构模式的归纳,也能用于工程的实用.而且该模型所表达的结构有良好动态组织性、实用性、实时性、扩展性和重用性.  相似文献   

以计算机担当信号源和控制所实现的家庭影院方式,因其灵活、方便而受到了越来越多家庭用户的青睐。也正因如此,作为主打客厅数字高清娱乐平台的HTPC,以其强大的处理能力、灵活的配置和优质的画面输出等诸多优势而成为家庭用户在选购电脑时的首选。随着1080P显示设备的大量普及,以往动辄数万的家庭影院设备对于普通家庭亦变得触手可及,HTPC亦在此间作为新兴的客厅文化而广受追求生活品质的时尚达人们的热捧。  相似文献   

Web应用所提供的体验和用户从桌面应用程序所得到的体验在响应速度、易用性等方面存在着巨大的差距,为了改善Web应用程序给用户带来的体验,IT界引出了Ajax这个新名词.文章简要介绍了Web 2.0的Ajax技术的基础理论,就其关键技术中的XMLHttpRequest对象作了重点分析,并对Ajax技术的优缺点及其应用作了探讨,展示了Ajax所以能给用户带来更为强大的Web体验的实质.  相似文献   

多数社交网络影响力最大化算法的研究只关注于所选种子节点集合的影响力是否最优,忽略网络自身传播影响力的固有能力。本文对网络进行渗流模拟,计算渗流后网络的主连通分量随着传播概率改变的趋势,并且求得主连通分量大小增加开始变快的相变点,从而计算网络自身传播影响力的固有能力。通过相变值与种子节点集合大小的换算,求得当前网络最佳的种子节点集合大小。将种子节点集合大小限制在最佳大小范围内即可获得最佳的影响力。在kareteclub、football、highschool和socdolphins社交网络数据集上进行实验,验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

The new method of defuzzification of output parameters from the base of fuzzy rules for a Mamdani fuzzy controller is given in the paper. The peculiarity of the method is the usage of the universal equation for the area computation of the geometric shapes. During the realization of fuzzy inference linguistic terms, the structure changes from the triangular into a trapezoidal shape. That is why the universal equation is used. The method is limited and can be used only for the triangular and trapezoidal membership functions. Gaussian functions can also be used while modifying the proposed method. Traditional defuzzification models such as Middle of Maxima − MoM, First of Maxima − FoM, Last of Maxima − LoM, First of Suppport − FoS, Last of Support − LoS, Middle of Support − MoS, Center of Sums − CoS, Model of Height − MoH have a number of systematic errors: curse of dimensionality, partition of unity condition and absence of additivity. The above-mentioned methods can be seen as Center of Gravity − CoG, which has the same errors. These errors lead to the fact that accuracy of fuzzy systems decreases, because during the training root mean square error increases. One of the reasons that provokes the errors is that some of the activated fuzzy rules are excluded from the fuzzy inference. It is also possible to increase the accuracy of the fuzzy system through properties of continuity. The proposed method guarantees fulfilling of the property of continuity, as the intersection point of the adjustment linguistic terms equals 0.5 when a parametrized membership function is used. The causes of errors and a way to delete them are reviewed in the paper. The proposed method excludes errors which are inherent to the traditional and non- traditional models of defuzzification. Comparative analysis of the proposed method of defuzzification with traditional and non-traditional models shows its effectiveness.  相似文献   

The perception of vehicle ride comfort is influenced by the dynamic performance of full-depth foam used in many vehicle seats. The effects of the thickness of foam on the dynamic stiffness (i.e., stiffness and damping as a function of frequency) of foam cushions with three thicknesses (60, 80, and 100 mm), and the vibration transmitted through these cushions at the seat pan and the backrest were measured with 12 subjects (6 males and 6 females). With increasing thickness, the stiffness and the damping of the foam decreased. With increasing thickness of foam at the seat pan, the resonance frequencies around 4 Hz in the vertical in-line and fore-and-aft cross-axis transmissibilities of the seat pan cushion and the backrest cushion decreased. For the conditions investigated, it is concluded that the thickness of foam at a vertical backrest has little effect on the vertical in-line or fore-and-aft cross-axis transmissibilities of the foam at either the seat pan or the backrest. The frequencies of the primary resonances around 4 Hz in the vertical in-line transmissibility and the fore-and-aft cross-axis transmissibility of foam at the seat pan were highly correlated. Compared to sitting on a rigid seat pan with a foam backrest, sitting with foam at both the seat pan and the backrest reduced the resonance frequency in the vertical in-line transmissibility of the backrest foam and increased the associated transmissibility at resonance, while the fore-and-aft cross-axis transmissibility of the backrest was little affected. Compared to sitting without a backrest, sitting with a rigid vertical backrest increased the resonance frequency of the fore-and-aft cross-axis transmissibility of the seat pan cushion and increased the transmissibility at resonance.Relevance to industryThe transmissibility of a seat is determined by the dynamic properties of the occupant of the seat and the dynamic properties of the seat. This study shows how the thicknesses of foam at a seat pan and foam at a backrest affect the in-line and cross-axis transmissibilities of the foams at the seat pan and the backrest. The findings have application to the design of vehicle seats to minimise the transmission of vibration to the body.  相似文献   

基于XML的中间层交互技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆剑江 《微机发展》2004,14(8):30-33
由于HTML自身的不足.所以无法适应Web发展的复杂性和多变性,也不利于机器之间的数据交换和信息传递,通过对XML和HTML作多个角度的对比,文中提出将XML作为载体实现Web上的动态交互。首先从XML的自身特点出发,分析了XML驱动下的Web体系结构,从而得出基于XML的中间层交互技术的实现原理.重点研究了如何设计与XML相匹配的Web数据库,用XML查询数据库的实现方法,以及如何构造从XML到数据库的映射关系,具体包括从XIviL的DTD或者Schema出发来设计数据库的结构或者从数据库本身出发来构造与之相适应的DTD或Schema,最后分析了浏览XML格式信息的诸多策略。  相似文献   

李程程  王晓云 《软件》2013,(12):186-189
针对目前流行的OpenFlow技术,本文提出OpenFlow的标准进展、商业价值和连通性测试。该方法根据控制层面和转发层面相分离的技术,采用移动研究院内网拓扑进行测试。实验结果表明,通过在BigSwitch controler上进行相关命令配置就可实现二层的OpenFlow交换机互联的不同网段主机的通信。OpenFlow是SDN技术中一种关键的接口协议,SDN是对网络的抽象, OpenFlow是对单个转发面设备的抽象。OpenFlow交换机和Control er的出现为新型互联网(NGN)体系结构的研究提供了实验途径。  相似文献   

Abstract In 1988 the eleven West-German Kultusminister , with responsibility for the school systems in their respective Bundeslaender , reached agreement with the Federal Ministry of Education and Science on the broad concept of 'Information and Communications Technology', ITG. After four years of discussion it was agreed that ITG should be introduced into the secondary level of the general schools. In spite of strong disagreements about the ways and speed of implementation, and after several years of experiments, important parts of the concept have become a reality in practically all of the old Bundeslaender. While acknowledging the complexity of the German educational system the paper attempts to outline the development of the concept of Information and Communications Technology and its consequences in teacher education. The development in the eastern part of Germany, the former GDR, has been completely different to that in the western part and this is also commented upon in the paper.  相似文献   

The traditional level set has randomness in the location selection of the initial contour, and lacks the processing of edge information. Therefore, accurate extraction of brain tissue edges cannot be achieved. Therefore, firstly, the level set algorithm of fusion partition and Canny functional fuses the idea of partition and combines the morphological information of each region to complete the initial contour position selection, so that the initial contour contains more brain tissue, and improve the efficiency of brain tissue extraction. Secondly, the Canny operator is integrated into the energy functional, which improves the accuracy of detecting the edge of the macaque brain tissue while retaining the superiority of the traditional level set on the uneven grayscale image. Results show that the algorithm achieves accurate extraction of macaque brain tissue with an accuracy of up to 86%.  相似文献   

目前大多数研究对复杂社会网络关键节点影响力的识别都是静态的,缺乏动态变化的分析。采用可拓聚类方法对动态变化下的科教人际网络进行量化分析,首先以多属性决策法计算每个节点重要性,再利用变异系数权重法计算得该节点综合重要性量值,之后划分等级并取标准正域和正域区间,利用可拓关联函数计算每个节点与每个等级的关联度,关联度值最大的等级即为该节点对应等级,最后分析同一社会网络节点在不同时间点的重要性等级变化。可拓聚类方法尝试从动态上对网络节点重要性进行把握,最后通过实例验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

A method of synthesis of fuzzy stabilization systems for a broad class of dynamic objects under the assumption that the mathematical model of the object is not known a priori is proposed. The control is formulated in the form of a proportional law of adjustment as a function of a macro-variable; the square of the Euclidean norm of the phase variables is adopted as the macro-variable. An analogous variable characterizes the distance of the object from the equilibrium position. Despite the simplicity of the control law, its sign remains constant due to the fact that the macro-variable is positive-definite over the entire phase space. The switching times of the signals are determined by fuzzy identification of the system’s dynamic modes on the basis of measurement of the derivatives of the macro-variable.  相似文献   

戚银城    赵席彬  耿劭锋  张薇  赵振兵    吕斌 《智能系统学报》2022,17(6):1154-1162
实现输电线路图像典型金具的精准检测是进行其缺陷检测的前提。针对通用目标检测模型对密集分布、遮挡严重的金具检测精度较低、易出现漏检等问题,提出了一种结合金具间遮挡结构信息和场景关联信息的典型金具检测方法。基于经典的Faster R-CNN模型提取金具特征作为节点,提取整张图像特征作为金具场景关联信息,学习金具标注框间相交区域信息作为金具遮挡关系信息,并采用图同时建模金具特征、场景关联信息和遮挡关系信息,通过门控循环单元信息传递机制构建结构推理模块完成金具类别和位置的联合推理检测。为了验证所提方法的有效性,选取了8类存在遮挡连接关系的金具进行实验,其中,原始Faster R-CNN模型的mAP值为81.30%,改进模型的mAP值为84.15%。实验结果表明,本文方法一定程度上提高了遮挡严重金具的检测精度,为后续的金具故障诊断奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

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