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松材线虫病危害的马尾松林木光谱特征分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
松材线虫是一种危险的外来入侵种,对我国的森林资源破坏很大。而遥感技术作为一种先进的空间信息技术,在森林病虫害监测方面具有独特优势,而受害林木实测光谱的研究对于遥感监测具有重要的意义。通过对马尾松4种不同受害类型的林木进行反射光谱测量,并对光谱反射曲线进行一阶微分分析,研究了绿光区、红光区和近红外区反射光谱的变化特征,为应用遥感技术研究松材线虫入侵过程中,森林资源动态变化提供了实验依据。  相似文献   

研究利用美国产ASD地物光谱仪,获取新疆北部地区棉花冠层关键生育时期的高光谱数据,采用红边积分面积变量估测棉花冠层叶片的全氮含量,对反射光谱进行一阶微分,应用一阶微分光谱数据,衍生出基于光谱位置变量的分析方法,以红边积分面积(SDr)为自变量,冠层全氮(TN)含量为因变量,做相关分析与处理,构建新陆早6号红边积分面积与冠层叶片TN含量的相关数学模型。研究在不同水处理条件下,对棉花冠层单叶叶绿素含量和单叶全氮含量做相关分析,结果表明:叶绿素含量与TN含量呈显著的正相关(R=0.8723,n=39),叶绿素含量能有效的估计棉花单叶TN含量;红边积分面积变量与冠层TN含量呈显著的相关性,相关系数是0.7394(n=40),利用构建的相关模型可以较为精确地估测棉花两个品种新陆早6号与8号冠层叶片的全氮含量,RMSE分别为0.3859和0.4272。研究认为红边积分面积变量具有预测棉花冠层全氮含量的应用潜力,研究得出利用3边面积变量构造的数学模型对反演作物冠层TN含量有较高应用价值。研究认为,红边位移现象结合红边幅度的变化的研究,用于诊断棉花水分胁迫也是可行的,关键是建立相应合理的诊断指标体系。研究结果证明:①随着棉花的生长发育,叶片的生理生化参数发生变化,冠层的生理生化参数随之发生变化;②.棉花叶片叶绿素含量与叶片的全氮含量相关性显著(R=0.8723,n=38),通过建立数学模型,可以估测叶片中全氮的含量;③由一阶微分光谱衍生出基于光谱“红边”位置变量的分析方法,使我们认识到“红边”的变幅、形状和面积包含了各个波段的信息,这些波段综合产生的变量所构造的模型,为棉花氮素营养参数的估计提供了预测能力;④如果棉花叶绿素含量高,说明水分充足、氮代谢旺盛,植株处于生长旺盛时期,红边向蓝光方向发生了位移。利用红边位移现象结合红边幅度的变化的研究,用于诊断棉花水分胁迫也是可行的,关键是建立相应合理的诊断指标体系。  相似文献   

研究利用美国产ASD地物光谱仪,获取新疆北部地区棉花冠层关键生育时期的高光谱数据,采用红边积分面积变量估测棉花冠层叶片的全氮含量,对反射光谱进行一阶微分,应用一阶微分光谱数据,衍生出基于光谱位置变量的分析方法,以红边积分面积(SDr)为自变量,冠层全氮(TN)含量为因变量,做相关分析与处理,构建新陆早6号红边积分面积与冠层叶片TN含量的相关数学模型。研究在不同水处理条件下,对棉花冠层单叶叶绿素含量和单叶全氮含量做相关分析,结果表明:叶绿素含量与TN含量呈显著的正相关(R=0.8723,n=39),叶绿素含量能有效的估计棉花单叶TN含量;红边积分面积变量与冠层TN含量呈显著的相关性,相关系数是0.7394(n=40),利用构建的相关模型可以较为精确地估测棉花两个品种新陆早6号与8号冠层叶片的全氮含量,RMSE分别为0.3859和0.4272。研究认为红边积分面积变量具有预测棉花冠层全氮含量的应用潜力,研究得出利用3边面积变量构造的数学模型对反演作物冠层TN含量有较高应用价值。研究认为,红边位移现象结合红边幅度的变化的研究,用于诊断棉花水分胁迫也是可行的,关键是建立相应合理的诊断指标体系。研究结果证明:①随着棉花的生长发育,叶片的生理生化参数发生变化,冠层的生理生化参数随之发生变化;②.棉花叶片叶绿素含量与叶片的全氮含量相关性显著(R=0.8723,n=38),通过建立数学模型,可以估测叶片中全氮的含量;③由一阶微分光谱衍生出基于光谱“红边”位置变量的分析方法,使我们认识到“红边”的变幅、形状和面积包含了各个波段的信息,这些波段综合产生的变量所构造的模型,为棉花氮素营养参数的估计提供了预测能力;④如果棉花叶绿素含量高,说明水分充足、氮代谢旺盛,植株处于生长旺盛时期,红边向蓝光方向发生了位移。利用红边位移现象结合红边幅度的变化的研究,用于诊断棉花水分胁迫也是可行的,关键是建立相应合理的诊断指标体系。  相似文献   

针对博州光谱研究尚少和对光谱一阶导数缺乏定量描述的问题,补充分析了博州光谱,提出了对光谱一阶导数定量描述的方法。以博州为研究区,在2014年7月下旬对锦鸡儿、梭梭、红柳、白刺、萱麻、沙拐枣等地物进行野外光谱数据采集,并对光谱数据进行平均、平滑和一阶微分等处理;分析了不同植被之间、同种植被之间的光谱特征,并对光谱进行对比分析、红边参数特征分析等研究。研究表明:这6种荒漠植被在可见光波段的380~700nm之间的反射率均较低,没有超过15%;除了在480nm和680nm附近有吸收谷外,在970nm附近也有一个吸收谷,并且"蓝谷红移"现象比较明显;红边特征比较明显,其中萱麻的红边特征最明显;在近红外波段1 100nm附近反射率很高,平均峰值达到70%以上。所得结论对于博州荒漠地区光谱特征基础研究、荒漠植被生长情况,以及荒漠化程度的监测具有重要意义。  相似文献   

不同油蒿树势的光谱分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以宁夏灵武油蒿主要分布区为研究地,野外调查并获取了健康及受钻蛀性害虫危害后油蒿冠层光谱的反射率,并应用一阶微分方法处理光谱反射率进行研究。研究表明,健康油蒿受到钻蛀性害虫危害后,具有明显的"红边"蓝移现象,同时,利用高光谱数据监测虫害发生是可行的,而且对植株本身不造成任何伤害。该研究为荒漠灌木林是否可利用高光谱数据来进行钻蛀性害虫监测提供了基础。  相似文献   

分析了在不同氮肥施用水平下,小麦冠层的高光谱响应在几个生育期内的变化情况,以及它们与小麦产量之间的关系。采用微分技术处理了小麦冠层反射光谱,提高了其区分小麦氮素营养水平的灵敏性;利用F-检验及方差分析与相关分析,研究小麦氮素处理水平、冠层反射光谱及其衍生信息(光谱反射率的一阶微分数据、归一化植被指数)、小麦产量三者之间的相关关系。研究结果表明,一阶微分技术能够提高小麦冠层光谱数据对氮素营养水平的响应,光谱数据的衍生形式也可与小麦产量建立很好的回归方程。  相似文献   

利用高分辨率光谱仪在实地测得的光谱数据来识别新疆阜康地区的7种典型荒漠草种,对原始高光谱数据作预处理(微分和平滑),选取典型荒漠植被的光谱特征(红边、绿峰、红谷、RVI等)作为输入数据,植被类型作为输出数据,构建基于BP神经网络模型的典型荒漠草地分类器,进行了三组基于高光谱特征的草地类型分类实验,结果表明:(1)红边特征较其余吸收特征更能获得精确的分类结果;(2)波段550~790 nm间的窄波段光谱分类间隔中,20 nm优于10 nm的间隔;(3)草地分类器中BP网络模型的输入层、隐藏层神经元个数与BP网络训练时间、精度具有复杂的耦合关系,不可一概而论。  相似文献   

高光谱植被遥感数据光谱特征分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
利用植被的光谱数据,探讨了植被冠层的光谱反射特征和诊断性光谱吸收特征。根据植被光谱特征和连续统去除法(CR),介绍了识别植被种类和预测植被冠层营养元素等生化组分含量的可能性。运用一阶微分反射比(FDR)和从连续统去除的光谱吸收特征中获得的波段深度(BD)、连续统去除后微分反射比(CRDR)、波段深度比(BDR)和归一化波段深度指数(NBDI)等变量,利用逐步线性回归模型并基于光谱吸收特征的变量来选择波长,并通过相关分析来预测植被冠层生化组分。  相似文献   

浅述植被“红边”效应及其定量分析方法   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
红边(REP)是绿色植物叶子光谱曲线在680nm~740nm之间变化率最快的点,也是一阶导数光谱在该区间内的拐点。本文总结了红边参数的种类,红边在植物种类的识别、植物时相的识别、植物生物参数估测和植物生长状况监测等方面的应用,并介绍了红边参数其适用范围和使用方法等,阐述了红边在植被研究中的重要性,分析了植被红边技术的发展方向和应用前景;同时总结了线性内插模型、反高斯模型、拉格朗日模型、多项式模型和有理函数新模型等五种红边定量分析方法及应用,以及它们的适用范围等,并介绍了G.V.G.BARANOS-KI and J.G.ROKNE采用有理函数新模型分析过程以确定红边位置的"新"方法。  相似文献   

基于高光谱的土壤重金属铜的反演研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
为探讨高光谱遥感反演红壤重金属铜含量的可行性,研究采集了34个红壤性土壤样品,通过对350~2 500 nm波段范围光谱曲线进行测试和分析,建立了不同的土壤光谱变量与重金属铜含量多元回归关系模型,分析了土壤重金属铜与土壤化学组分以及土壤特征光谱的关系。结果表明,土壤重金属铜含量与土壤全铁和镁含量显著相关,而与土壤有机质的相关性不显著,表明红壤性土壤粘土矿物对土壤铜含量影响较大;与重金属铜含量相关性较好的波段在830 nm、1 000 nm和2 250 nm附近,且一阶微分模型精度(79%)高于反射率模型(66.26%)和倒数对数模型(67%)的精度。因此,一阶微分高光谱反演模型具有较好的快速估算土壤中重金属铜含量的潜力。  相似文献   


Abstract. This paper reports the results of a study of the foliar reflectance properties of lodgepole pine trees under mountain pine beetle attack which aimed to determine the sequence of changes which occur. The motivation for this study was to identify spectral regions showing the earliest signs of attack in order to choose spectral bands for airborne linear array sensors. Normal illumination, diffuse hemispherical reflectance spectra were obtained of needles from trees showing varying degrees of stress from beetle attack and for needles from unattacked trees for comparison. The more pronounced changes in the spectra were interpreted visually and compared to changes reported by other authors. The more subtle changes were studied by analysing variance methods. Three spectral bands (the green peak, red edge and near-infrared (NIR) shoulder regions) have been identified as most promising for detecting early effects of bark beetle attack. Three additional bands (the blue, red and NIR plateau regions) are identified as reference bands for calibration and comparison purposes. The difference between foliar reflectance of attacked and unattacked trees is found to be most significant in the visible and red edge regions for current foliage and in the NIR for previous foliage. A red edge red shift was observed in the spectra of current foliage from attacked trees, in contrast to red edge blue shifts associated with stress in other studies. The observed sequence of subtle to more pronounced changes cannot be explained qualitatively using current knowledge of the plant pigment and anatomical changes which occur at the cellular and needle levels in stressed conifers. Further study of the detailed changes in pigments anel cellular and foliar anatomy is recommended, both to elucidate on the cause-and-effect relationships which occur, and to indicate the extent to which this paper's findings can be generalized. The findings suggest that multispectral linear array airborne scanners may be able to detect stressed conifers long before the red attack stage, but further investigation is required to determine whether the differences at foliar level between attacked and unattacked trees can also be detected at the whole-tree level, and whether confusion with other ground cover types can be avoided.  相似文献   

通过对不同氮肥条件下的小麦植株由上而下进行器官疏剪,分析了不同处理下冠层光谱反射率及其红边参数的变化。结果表明,冠层光谱反射率因不同肥力、不同疏剪处理而有较大的差异,表现出不同程度的红边的“红移”和“蓝移”现象。各处理的红边曲线形状均出现双峰现象,表现为第二个峰值高于第一个峰值,并且均为N1>N2>N0。相关分析表明,随着由上而下的疏剪处理,不同叶位叶片光谱反射率对冠层光谱的贡献增加,并且其红边参数与相应的叶片全氮含量的相关系数也增加,部分达到显著或极显著相关水平。该结果为利用下部缺素敏感叶片的光谱特征进行小麦养分的及时补充提供了可靠的理论依据。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationships between the spectral reflectance characteristics and the concentrations of photosynthetic pigments and biophysical attributes of a structurally complex, spatially heterogeneous vegetation canopy with varying background properties. A field experiment was performed in the Guadalentin basin, Spain using matorral vegetation canopies dominated by Rosmarinus officinalis, Cistus albidus, and Anthyllis cytosoides. A spectroradiometer was used to record the reflectance of a series of sites at which measurements were made of the concentrations per unit ground area and per unit leaf mass of chlorophyll a and b and the carotenoids, together with leaf area index and percent canopy cover. A range of spectral characteristics was examined which have been found previously to be related to pigment concentrations and biophysical properties of vegetation. For matorral vegetation many of these spectral characteristics were unrelated or only weakly related to canopy properties. However, it was found that pigment concentrations per unit ground area were related to ratios of reflectance in narrow spectral bands within the near-infrared region, ratios of bands within the red region, and characteristics of the amplitude of first derivative spectra in the red edge region. Pigment concentrations per unit leaf mass were correlated with ratios of bands around the nearinfrared “shoulder” and the amplitude of the first derivative in certain visible wavelengths. LAI and percent cover were related to ratios of reflectance in narrow bands on the near-infrared plateau and red edge features of canopy reflectance spectra, as well as with the amplitude of the first derivative in the red edge and visible regions respectively.  相似文献   

遥感是大尺度生态研究的重要工具之一,而地面植物群落特征与其光谱特征之间的关系是解译遥感影像的关键。地面实测数据由于其高空间分辨率和高光谱分辨率,能够准确反映地物光谱信息,可以用来指导卫星遥感解译工作,同时为遥感监测草地退化、草地模型建立等提供数据支持。选取西藏那曲地区的优势植被类型作为研究对象,利用ASD FieldSpec 3便携式光谱仪测定优势种的冠层光谱并进行比较,并取其中一种优势种测量其在不同覆盖度和不同生长期的光谱反射特点。研究结果表明:①不同植被群落冠层光谱具有特殊的光谱曲线,可见光波段光谱反射率依次是紫花针茅、小嵩草和藏北嵩草,近红外波段光谱反射率则依次是小嵩草、藏北嵩草和紫花针茅;红边位置可以识别藏北嵩草,但是不能区分小嵩草和紫花针茅;②不同覆盖度的小嵩草红边、“绿峰”位置不随覆盖度的变化而发生变化;连续统去除后得到吸收深度随覆盖度的增加而变大,吸收峰面积随覆盖度的增加而增加;③小嵩草衰退期内,在可见光波段和红边波段,冠层光谱反射率随着叶绿素含量的减少而下降,出现“红边蓝移,绿峰下降”的现象。  相似文献   

The in vivo laser-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (LICF) spectra of healthy and nutrient-deficient sunflower plants were measured on a Jobin Yvon monochromator with He---Ne laser excitation. To correctly determine the peak center and to evaluate the relative contributions of the bands in the total fluorescence spectrum, the steady state LICF spectra were analyzed with a nonlinear iterative procedure using Gaussian, Lorentzian, Pearson, Voigt, and exponential Gaussian spectral functions. It was observed that curve fitting performed by using two Gaussian peaks centered at 690 and 730 nm usually fits well to the chlorophyll fluorescence spectra. After curve fitting, the mean peak centers of the red and far-red chlorophyll bands of control plants were observed at 688.2 and 725.4 nm, respectively. A blue shift of as much as 9 nm in the peak position of the far-red band was observed with nutrient stress, whereas the shift in position of the red band was only of the order of a few nanometers. Further, the width at half maximum of the far-red band was found to increase by as much as 20 nm with nutrient stress. Curve fitting could thus separate out the red and far-red fluorescence spectra from a pair of normally distributed curves centered at 690 and 730 nm wavelengths, thereby differentiating the effects due to reabsorption from those due directly to changes in photosynthetic electron transport. The F690/F730 fluorescence intensity ratio obtained from curve-fitted parameters was found to be more sensitive to plant stress than were fluorescence values alone. Results indicate that a curve-fitting analysis of LICF spectra using Gaussian spectral functions is a very useful and sensitive method of evaluating spectral features from a statistical point of view and for accurate determination of contributions from constituent bands in the whole leaf fluorescence spectrum.  相似文献   

High spatial or spectral resolution remote sensing might be an efficient method for estimating Verticillium wilt incidence in cotton. The objectives of this study were to characterize leaf spectra and the physiological and biochemical parameters of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) damaged by Verticillium dahliae Kleb. (simply, Verticillium) to determine the wavelengths of those leaves that were most responsive to cotton with Verticillium and to develop a spectral model to predict the severity levels (SLs) of Verticillium through evaluation of the SLs of cotton leaves with Verticillium at different growth stages using reflectance and the first derivative (FD) spectrum. The study revealed that the values of the physiological and biochemical parameters all gradually decreased with increasing SLs in cotton leaves infected with Verticillium. The spectral characteristics of cotton leaves infected with Verticillium were significant compared to healthy ones. The reflectance of cotton leaves increased with increasing SLs of SLs disease in the range of 400–2500 nm (excluding 700–900 nm). The values of FD spectrum changed significantly at the red edge of the chlorophyll absorption feature (680–740 nm). The wavelength position of the red edge shifted towards shorter wavelengths and the red-edge swing decreased with respect to increasing SLs. From this study, the raw spectral bands of 437–724 and 909–2500 nm and the FD spectra bands of 535–603 and 699–750 nm can be selected as sensitive bands for estimating the SLs of disease in cotton leaves. Inversion models have been established to estimate the SLs of cotton leaves infected with Verticillium. Of all models, the model of R 700nm/R 825nm was superior for quantitatively estimating the disease SLs of cotton leaves infected with Verticillium in practice: its root mean square error (RMSE) was 0.866 and relative error (RE) was only 0.012. Thus, both the selected wavelength ranges and the chosen reflectance models were good indicators of damage caused by Verticillium to cotton leaves. The results provide theoretical support for large-scale monitoring of cotton infected with Verticillium by air- and spaceborne remote sensing.  相似文献   

森林树种高光谱波段的选择   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
高光谱是遥感技术发展的一个重要方向,也是地物识别的重要手段。本研究利用地物光谱仪对杉木、雪松、小叶樟树和桂花树4个树种进行高光谱数据测量,探索不同树种在不同波段上的识别能力。研究采用了逐步判别分析法和分层聚类法对实验数据进行数据分析。结果表明:逐步判别分析法选择的波段主要位于红、绿、蓝、和近红外区;分层聚类法选择的波段除了红、绿、蓝、和近红外波段外,还增加了蓝-绿边缘、绿-红边缘和红边区的波段。所选择的波段比原始波段在树种识别时具有更高的精度,最高识别精度达96.77%;边缘区波段对树种的识别有重要作用;用对数-微分变换处理较其他方法处理对树种识别有更好的效果。  相似文献   

森林病虫害是影响森林健康的主要因素之一,全面、准确、迅速地对森林病虫害进行监测管理必须依靠先进的技术手段。利用光谱特征研究落叶松受害情况及叶绿素浓度变化情况,将落叶松的受害程度分为4个等级,选取了11组不同受害程度叶片的叶绿素、类胡萝卜素的浓度及相应的光谱反射率数据进行分析。结果表明,不同健康程度的光谱反射率有4个明显差别之处,分别在绿峰、吸收谷、“红边”位置及水分吸收带;随着受害程度的加重,“红边”位置“蓝移”,叶绿素反射峰“红移”明显。不同健康程度的落叶松叶片的“红边”拐点波长位置、吸收谷与其叶绿素浓度之间具有较强的相关性,为高光谱数据研究森林病虫害提供了方法和途径。  相似文献   

Estimating winter wheat plant water content using red edge parameters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Remote sensing of plant water content is difficult because the absorption band sensitive to foliar liquid water is also sensitive to the atmospheric vapour. A method using non-water-absorption spectral parameters to evaluate plant water content (PWC) would be valuable. In our experiment, canopy spectra of 48 winter wheat treatments with different varieties, different fertilization and irrigation levels were measured by an ASD FieldSpec FR spectrometer in six different growth stages from erecting stage to milking stage, and the PWCs of the related wheat plant samples were also measured. Significant positive coefficients of correlation were observed between PWC and spectral reflectance in 740–930?nm region in all of the six different growth stages, which indicates that the NIR spectral reflectance increases due to the effect of PWC on the leaf internal structure. This mechanism also affects the red edge spectrum in 680–740?nm region. The spectral reflectance increases more rapidly and the red edge becomes steeper if PWC is higher. The coefficients of correlation between PWC and red edge width, derived from the inverted-Gaussian model, are significant at the 0·999 confidence-level, which is more reliable than WI and NDWI, and the statistical models for PWC based on red edge width were set up in all the six different growth stages. In addition, LAI and canopy chlorophyll density (CCD) are also related to red edge parameter, such as red edge position and red edge width. It seems that PWC plays a more important role in red edge width than LAI and CCD due to the effect of PWC on the leaf internal structure, and that CCD plays a more important role in red edge position than LAI and PWC.  相似文献   

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