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薛丽 《化学建材》1995,11(2):57-58
加热长度变化率是国家标准规定的塑料地板砖的物理性能指标之一。从不增加工序的角度,探讨了缩小热压复合PVC塑料地板砖的加热长度变化率。  相似文献   

分析了原V型滤池配水系统(陶瓷滤砖)存在的布气不均匀等问题,制定了相应的整改方案,将陶瓷滤砖更换为塑料滤砖,并加强了施工期的质量控制和监管,达到了预期的改造效果。  相似文献   

薛丽 《化学建材》1994,10(5):190-191
石英地板是塑料地面装饰块材新品种。钙塑地板则是塑料地面装饰块材老品种。对此两种材料就外观、质量、性能、工艺、经济性等问题进行了综合分析。  相似文献   

薛丽 《化学建材》1993,9(2):48-49,51
加热长度变化率是国家标准规定的塑料地板砖的物理性能指标之一,目前不少产品此项指标未能达到国家标准。分析了原因,提出了从工艺着手降低加热长度变化率的方法,以及加热长度变化率的简易鉴定方法。  相似文献   

Detecting and measuring the damage on historic glazed tiles plays an important role in the maintenance and protection of historic buildings. However, the current visual inspection method for identifying and assessing superficial damage on historic buildings is time and labor intensive. In this article, a novel two‐level object detection, segmentation, and measurement strategy for large‐scale structures based on a deep‐learning technique is proposed. The data in this study are from the roof images of the Palace Museum in China. The first level of the model, which is based on the Faster region‐based convolutional neural network (Faster R‐CNN), automatically detects and crops two types of glazed tile photographs from 100 roof images (2,488 × 3,264 pixels). The average precision values (AP) for roll roofing and pan tiles are 0.910 and 0.890, respectively. The cropped images are used to form a dataset for training a Mask R‐CNN model. The second level of the model, which is based on Mask R‐CNN, automatically segments and measures the damage based on the cropped historic tile images; the AP for the damage segmentation is 0.975. Based on Mask R‐CNN, the predicted pixel‐level damage segmentation result is used to quantitatively measure the morphological features of the damage, such as the damage topology, area, and ratio. To verify the performance of the proposed method, a comparative study was conducted with Mask R‐CNN and a fully convolutional network. This is the first attempt at employing a two‐level strategy to automatically detect, segment, and measure large‐scale superficial damage on historic buildings based on deep learning, and it achieved good results.  相似文献   

陈荣生  张笠 《砖瓦》2021,(1):21-26
烧结砖企业要避免脱硫塔系统内防腐层、喷淋层、喷嘴和除雾器、PP材料和管道、玻璃钢屋面瓦等材料发生火灾,应加强辨识热烟气介质着火源的特殊性,防止烟气介质温度超过玻璃钢制品的工作温度限制,防止高温烟气介质成为着火源,与玻璃钢挥发可燃性气体、空气相互作用达到燃烧条件.  相似文献   

分析了郑州商城遗址出土的一批距今约3 500 a,时代为商代早期的陶质板瓦,讨论了这些板瓦的制作工艺和性能.对板瓦尺寸的测量表明,虽然板瓦的大小差异很大,其弦长和弧长却呈正相关.结合板瓦的外部特征,推断这些板瓦先由泥条盘筑法筑成泥圈,并经慢轮修整制成圆筒状坯体,然后经切割而成瓦坯,最后入窑焙烧而成.吸水率、抗折强度和烧成温度的分析表明,这些板瓦具有良好的工艺性能,完全符合一般意义上瓦的标准,表明我国在商代早期已经可以制作工艺性能较好的建筑用瓦.  相似文献   

王勇坚 《山西建筑》2014,(29):233-236
介绍了滇南古建瓦当的起源与发展历程,对瓦当装饰的类型及分布地点进行了阐述,分析了寿字纹瓦当、虫兽纹瓦当、植物纹瓦当及抽象纹瓦当的图案寓意,见证了古滇南地区人与自然和谐发展的历史轨迹。  相似文献   

In this study, various portions of potter’s clay and porcelain clay were replaced with incinerated sewage sludge ash (ISSA) to manufacture sludge ash tile specimens. We used these tiles to investigate the effect of introducing nano-SiO2 particles as strengthening additives in the clay–ISSA materials. Percentages of ISSA in the porcelain or potter’s clay-based materials ranged from 0% to 50%, and fractions of nano-SiO2 additives range from 0% to 3%. Tile specimens were manufactured from the different clay–ISSA–additive mixtures and sintered at kiln temperatures of 1000 °C and 1100 °C. Mechanical tests were performed to measure shrinkage, water absorption, abrasion, and bending strength. The sample microstructure was investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Chemical compositions of the tile specimens were characterized with X-ray diffraction. Results indicate that water absorption of porcelain and potter’s clay-based tiles was reduced when samples were fired at the higher kiln temperature, dropping to less than 12% in porcelain tiles at a kiln temperature of 1100 °C. Kiln temperature appeared to have less influence on the tiles made from potter’s clay. With the addition of nano-SiO2 additive, the bending strengths of both types of tiles were increased, with the strengthening effect more pronounced in potter’s clay tiles when compared to porcelain clay tiles.  相似文献   

杨丽  李斌 《山西建筑》2007,33(21):266-267
介绍了地面砖的优点和地面砖施工的质量问题,分析了地面砖的空鼓和脱落、地面砖的裂缝、地面砖的接缝及地面砖的不平和积水等施工问题的产生原因和处理方法,以提高地面砖的施工质量。  相似文献   

The paper describes the production, in single fast firing, of tiles containing 30 wt% of a natural red clay and a mixture of 42 wt% of paper mill sludge and 28 wt% of glass cullet which were coated with a commercial ‘matt white’ glaze. Fired materials have been characterized as a function of the top temperature (1090 or 1140 °C) reached at the top of the fast sintering process made by an industrial roller kiln. It has been observed that tiles fired at 1090 °C display the best overall performances because the matt glaze well covers the substrate, thus ensuring that the mechanical and physical properties of the tiles conform to the official standard.  相似文献   

根据砖瓦是中国传统建筑中的传统材料,结合实例从砖瓦在古建中的维护功能现象入手,分析了砖瓦常以"维护"身份出现于传统建筑中的原因,并略析了其在维护功能中所使用的建造技术。  相似文献   

王力尚  李玉 《工业建筑》2007,37(8):22-24
运用塑性力学理论,对钢管的三向应力和核心混凝土的约束机制进行研究。认为在塑性阶段,外围钢管的三向应力符合Von Mises屈服条件;核心混凝土的三向受压大大提高钢管混凝土构件的极限承载力。采用不同的核心混凝土破坏准则,所得到的结果不一样。  相似文献   

张敏 《山西建筑》2009,35(29):208-210
针对镶贴面砖外墙渗水的质量通病,从渗流通道、渗流梯度、积水空腔三方面入手,对外墙镶贴面砖渗水的原因进行了分析和探讨,并从设计和施工两方面提出了防治措施,以期防患于未然,解决面砖墙面渗漏问题。  相似文献   

李满粮 《山西建筑》2012,38(16):250-250
为了避免装饰工程施工中因排砖方法不正确影响工程观感效果,对外墙面砖、室内地板砖、卫生间地板砖的排砖方法进行阐述,以供装饰工程施工人员参考借鉴。  相似文献   

1840 年后,我国开始与西方接触,一些西方的科技文化对我国开始产生影响,例如沿海和开放地区西洋建筑的出现。一些具有西洋风格的装饰物出现在这些建筑中,这些不同风格的地砖基本不受重视和得不到保护,例如青岛天后宫的地砖。通过调查发现,青岛天后宫地砖长期暴露在自然环境中并仍在使用,没有任何防护措施,因此地砖上存在着各种各样的病害,如泥土沥青污染、开裂、磨损、色彩脱落、破碎等病害,严重威胁着地砖的寿命和价值。为了保护地砖,进行了清洗和防水加固实验,并根据国内外砖石材料保护的经验对地砖的保护提出了建议,包括除尘、清洗、表面加固及防水处理;运用物理隔离防止游客对其直接进行踩踏等。  相似文献   

路长 《古建园林技术》1985,(9):34-34转41
琉璃有三种解释,多指宝石和玻璃器皿。在琉璃瓦中琉璃指的是陶胎外面那层有光彩、不渗水的釉质。这是一种铅玻璃类的面层。我国的陶瓷业有极悠久的历史,北魏时宫殿建筑已使用琉璃瓦件。琉璃制品是以氧化铅为主配合别的矿物原料制成“釉药”涂刷于陶胎表面,经素烧、釉烧(或一次烧成)而得到颜色鲜艳光采夺目的成品。出土文物和不少文献记载,琉璃工艺是我国一项传统工艺,北魏时期促进了琉璃瓦生产和发展。  相似文献   

对紫禁城建筑中琉璃瓦的运用方法和运用实例进行了分析,并对紫禁城建筑中琉璃瓦的运用原则进行了总结,指出在严格遵循等级制度的基础上,充分考虑建筑使用功能和造型美观的要求,采用多种颜色、多种形制的琉璃瓦和其他琉璃制品,不仅区别了建筑的级别,而且是中国皇家建筑多样统一美学风格的体现。  相似文献   

赵珊珊 《建筑细部》2007,5(1):134-135
Kingspan Insulated Panels经过大量的研究终于研制出一系列产品,同时也为设计师提供了广阔的选择空间来完全展示自己的能力。产品之一就是Thermatile,这是一种革新性的建筑方法,将建筑保温镶板的优势与瓷砖的美感及其设计的多样性结合在一起。瓷砖经常被用于改进立面的视觉效果,平滑的瓷砖形成的精细利落的线条与刻板的节点形成了鲜明的对比。Kingspan的目的就是要将Thermatile瓷砖悬挂体系的这种优势发挥到极致。  相似文献   

本文在试验研究的基础上分析了钢筋砼简支开洞深梁在顶部集中荷载作用下的工作性能和破坏形态,给出了相应的破坏机构。假定钢筋和砼均为刚塑性材料,引用砼双向受压的破坏条件求出了剪切破坏面受剪承戴力的塑性解,并进而求出各种破坏机构对应的受剪承载力公式,提出了按塑性极限分析计算开洞深梁受剪承载力的方法,计算结果怀国内外试验资料符合均较好。  相似文献   

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