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介绍了网络缓存发展的趋势:网络缓存协作。说明了网络缓存协作所要解决的问题,列举了网络 缓存协作的几种模型及相应的有代表性的协议,介绍了解决代理裁剪的几种方案。  相似文献   

介绍一种有效支持缓存协作的未来网络体系架构:智慧协同网络,然后提出了一种高效的协作缓存机制,称为Co Lo RCache。Co Lo RCache的主要目标是减小缓存冗余和建立缓存共享机制。我们通过仿真结果来验证Co Lo RCache。仿真数据表明,相比较于其他缓存机制,Co Lo RCache能够产生更高的缓存命中率和有着最小的请求命中距离。  相似文献   

内容中心网络中面向隐私保护的协作缓存策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对内容中心网络节点普遍缓存带来的隐私泄露问题,在兼顾内容分发性能的基础上,该文提出一种面向隐私保护的协作缓存策略。该策略从信息熵的角度提出隐私度量指标,以增大攻击者的不确定度为目标,首先对于缓存策略的合理性给予证明;其次,通过构建空间匿名区域,扩大用户匿名集合,增大缓存内容的归属不确定性。缓存决策时,针对垂直请求路径和水平匿名区域,分别提出沿途热点缓存和局域hash协同的存储策略,减小缓存冗余和隐私信息泄露。仿真结果表明,该策略可减小内容请求时延,提高缓存命中率,在提升内容分发效率的同时增强了用户隐私保护水平。  相似文献   

罗熹  安莹  王建新  刘耀 《电子与信息学报》2015,37(11):2790-2794
内容中心网络(CCN)是为了适应未来网络通信模式的转变,提供对可扩展和高效内容获取的原生支持而提出一种新型的网络体系架构,内容缓存机制是其研究的关键问题之一。现有机制在缓存节点的选择时往往过于集中,缓存负载分布严重不均,大大降低了网络资源利用率以及系统的缓存性能。该文提出一种基于缓存迁移的协作缓存机制,首先在缓存节点选择时考虑节点的中心性保证内容尽可能缓存在位置更重要的节点。同时,在缓存压力过大时,通过可用缓存空间大小、缓存替换率以及网络连接的稳定性等信息选择合适的邻居节点进行缓存内容的转移,充分利用邻居资源实现负载分担。仿真结果表明该机制能有效地改善缓存负载在节点上分布的均衡性,提高缓存命中率和缓存资源利用率并降低平均接入代价。  相似文献   

崔苑茹  李鹏  刘宏  王小明  吴晓军 《电子学报》2021,49(12):2399-2406
缓存管理已经成为机会网络的研究热点,目前大多数缓存管理方法都集中在单节点,本文在校园协作学习背景下提出了缓存共享的协作小组资源调度方法.节点活跃度描述了移动节点的缓存空间利用率和节点参与消息转发积极性,消息树描述了消息在网络中的扩散程度.以协作小组为单位建立已送达消息链表,对已成功投递消息所占缓存空间及时进行释放.该方...  相似文献   

综合考虑内容中心网络(CCN)的能耗优化及性能提升,该文提出一种内容中心网络中能耗优化的隐式协作缓存机制。缓存决策时,利用缓存节能量作为判决条件优先在用户远端节点缓存,并利用数据包携带最近上游缓存跳数信息进行隐式协作,减轻用户近端节点缓存空间的竞争压力,提高邻近节点缓存的差异性。缓存替换时,选取缓存节能量最小的缓存内容加以替换,达到最优的能耗优化效果。仿真结果表明,该缓存机制在性能上获得较优的缓存命中率及平均路由跳数,同时有效降低了网络能耗。  相似文献   

多代理强化学习能够将目标内容看做一个整体,可以同时进行多个类型目标的协同管理,研究基于多代理强化学习的边缘网络资源协作缓存方法。构建动态传输的边缘网络缓存模型,基于多代理强化学习定义选择动作,贪婪算法设定网络资源缓存放置路径,最佳响应协作缓存边缘网络资源,完成基于多代理强化学习的边缘网络资源协作缓存方法设计。实验结果:选择两组不同运行时段的边缘网络资源请求数据,本文方法能够实现不同数据大小之间的协同缓存,且在资源数据大小为8G时,所用的缓存时间能够控制在10s之内,较比传统方法缩短了120s,能够有效解决网络拥挤的现象,具有实际应用效果。  相似文献   

吴海博  李俊  智江 《通信学报》2016,37(5):62-72
提出一种基于概率存储的启发式住处中心网络内容缓存方法(PCP)。主要思想是请求消息和数据消息在传输过程中统计必要信息,当数据消息返回时,沿途各缓存节点按照一定概率决策是否在本地缓存该内容。设计缓存概率时综合考虑内容热度和缓存放置收益,即内容热度越高,放置收益越大的内容被缓存的概率越高。实验结果表明,PCP在缓存服务率、缓存命中率、平均访问延迟率等方面,与现有方法相比具有显著优势,同时PCP开销较小。  相似文献   

蔡艳  吴凡  朱洪波 《通信学报》2021,(3):183-189
为了满足5G系统低时延高可靠的需求,针对单缓存终端直传(D2D)协作边缘缓存系统,提出了一种基于传输时延的缓存策略.运用随机几何理论,将请求用户和空闲用户的动态分布建模为相互独立的齐次泊松点过程,综合考虑内容流行度、用户位置信息、设备传输功率以及干扰,推导出用户的平均传输时延与缓存概率分布的关系式.以平均传输时延为目标...  相似文献   

网内缓存技术一直是信息中心网络(Information-Centric Networking, ICN)研究中的核心问题。传统缓存方案通常为网络内的单一全局协作策略,然而不同网络区域的缓存目标不同,导致传统方案的性能优化程度有限,可扩展性不强。同时协同缓存放置和请求路由,相较于纯缓存方案有效性更高。该文提出并评估了一种新型面向分域的协作混合缓存放置和路由请求机制,该机制将缓存网络区分核心网络和边缘网络,在核心网络中采用非沿路的HASH协作机制,边缘网络采用沿路的回退协作机制,创建二元组标签保存缓存放置的信息并作用于后续的请求转发。通过仿真对比表明,该文提出的协作混合缓存机制相较于传统策略可以更好地平衡网络资源利用和用户体验,并在大型ISPs中拓展性更好。  相似文献   

Cooperative Caching in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The recent advances in miniaturization and the creation of low-power circuits, combined with small-sized batteries have made the development of wireless sensor networks a working reality. Lately, the production of cheap complementary metal-oxide semiconductor cameras and microphones, which are able to capture rich multimedia content, gave birth to what is called Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs). WMSNs will boost the capabilities of current wireless sensor networks, and will fuel several novel applications, like multimedia surveillance sensor networks. WMSNs introduce several new research challenges, mainly related to mechanisms to deliver application-level Quality-of-Service (e.g., latency minimization). To address this goal in an environment with extreme resource constraints, with variable channel capacity and with requirements for multimedia in-network processing, the caching of multimedia data, exploiting the cooperation among sensor nodes is vital. This article presents a cooperative caching solution particularly suitable for WMSNs. The proposed caching solution exploits sensor nodes which reside in “positions” of the network that allow them to forward packets or communicate decisions within short latency. These so-called “mediator” nodes are selected dynamically, so as to avoid the creation of hot-spots in the communication and the depletion of their energy. The mediators are not more powerful than the rest of the nodes, but they have some special role in implementing the cooperation among the sensors. The proposed cooperative caching protocol includes components for locating cached data as well as for implementing data purging out of the sensor caches. The proposed solution is evaluated extensively in an advanced simulation environment, and it is compared to the state-of-the-art cooperative caching algorithm for mobile ad hoc networks. The results confirm that the proposed caching mechanism prevails over its competitor.  相似文献   

一种分布式磁盘缓存的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高系统10性能,针对松散耦合环境下,高带宽、低延迟的传输特点,提出了一种通过扩展存储器层次结构来提高系统10性能的分布式系统——分布式磁盘缓存系统DRACO。通过利用分布式环境中空闲内存节点的剩余内存,扩充系统整体缓存容量,减小访问磁盘数据的频度,最终达到提高系统整体性能的目的。  相似文献   

文章在分析了Web数据库访问技术ASP的基础上,介绍了我们研制的基于ASP的Web数据库开发系统(Web Star)的具体实现,重点讨论了系统设计的主要技术和系统的功能特点。  相似文献   

文章研究了基于TTL的Web缓存层次过滤效果,业务量性质对基于TTL的动态Web缓存系统的性能有重要影响。在层次缓存中,由于只有错失的请求才会被转发给下一级缓存,因而逐级对业务量存在过滤作用,业务量性质随之改变。文章利用仿真研究了基于TTL的动态Web缓存层次过滤对业务量的影响。重点考察了请求到达间隔模型及对象流行度分布的变化。  相似文献   

Mobile Networks and Applications - Caching frequently requested contents at fog nodes has been proposed to alleviate the unprecedent pressure of limited backhaul capacity and decrease latency....  相似文献   

This paper introduces a cooperation-based database caching system for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs). The heart of the system is the nodes that cache submitted queries. The queries are used as indices to data cached in nodes that previously requested them. We discuss how the system is formed and how requested data is found if cached, or retrieved from the external database and then cached. Analysis is performed and expressions are derived for the different parameters, including upper and lower bounds for the number of query caching nodes as well as the average load they experience, generated network traffic, node bandwidth consumption, and other performance-related measures. Simulations with the ns-2 software were used to study the performance of the system in terms of average delay and hit ratio, and to compare it with the performance of two other caching schemes for MANETs, namely CachePath and CacheData. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system in terms of achieved hit ratio and low delay.  相似文献   

Existing cooperative caching algorithms for mobile ad hoc networks face serious challenges due to message overhead and scalability issues. To solve these issues, we propose an adaptive virtual backbone based cooperative caching that uses a connective dominating set (CDS) to find the desired location of cached data. Message overhead in cooperative caching is mainly due to cache lookup process used for cooperative caching. The idea in this scheme is to reduce the number of nodes involved in cache look up process, by constructing a virtual backbone adaptive to the dynamic topology in mobile ad hoc networks. The proposed algorithm is decentralized and the nodes in the CDS perform data dissemination and discovery. Simulation results show that the message overhead created by the proposed cooperative caching technique is very less compared to other approaches. Moreover, due to the CDS based cache discovery we applied in this work, the proposed cooperative caching has the potential to increase the cache hit ratio and reduce average delay.  相似文献   

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