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Variable-Range Transmission Power Control in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we investigate the impact of variable-range transmission power control on the physical and network connectivity, on network capacity, and on power savings in wireless multihop networks. First, using previous work by Steele (1988), we show that, for a path attenuation factor a = 2, the average range of links in a planar random network of A m2 having n nodes is ~aradicA/n1. We show that this average range is approximately half the range obtained when common-range transmission control is used. Combining this result and previous work by Gupta and Kumar (2000), we derive an expression for the average traffic carrying capacity of variable-range-based multihop networks. For a = 2, we show that this capacity remains constant even when more nodes are added to the network. Second, we derive a model that approximates the signaling overhead of a routing protocol as a function of the transmission range and node mobility for both route discovery and route maintenance. We show that there is an optimum setting for the transmission range, not necessarily the minimum, which maximizes the capacity available to nodes in the presence of node mobility. The results presented in this paper highlight the need to design future MAC and routing protocols for wireless ad hoc and sensor networks based, not on common-range which is prevalent today, but on variable-range power control  相似文献   

Ad Hoc网络是干扰受限系统,为了获得较高的网络传输容量,需要引入合适的功率控制策略,降低网络中的干扰。分数阶功率控制是一种新型的功率控制策略,是对信道反转功率控制的改进。这里推导分数阶功率控制时的中断概率和传输容量的n阶近似表达式,研究了n阶近似表达式的准确度,讨论了分数阶功率控制相对于信道反转功率控制对网络性能的改进。通过研究表明,适当的选择合适的分数阶功率控制系数可以使得中断概率最小,传输容量最大。  相似文献   

In centralized wireless networks, reducing the transmission power normally leads to higher network transport throughput. In this paper, we investigate power control in a different scenario, where the network adopts distributed MAC layer coordination mechanisms. We first consider widely adopted RTS/CTS based MAC protocols. We show that an optimal power control protocol should use higher transmission power than the "just enough" power in order to improve spatial utilization. The optimal protocol has a minimal transmission floor area of Theta(d_{ij}d_{max}), where d_{max} is the maximal transmission range and d_{ij} is the link length. This surprisingly implies that if a long link is broken into several short links, then the sum of the transmission floors reserved by the short links is still comparable to that reserved by the long link. Thus, using short links does not necessarily lead to higher throughput. Another consequence of this is that, with the optimal RTS/CTS based MAC, rate control can at best provide a factor of 2 improvement in transport throughput. We then extend our results to other distributed MAC protocols which uses physical carrier sensing or busy-tone as the control signal. Our simulation results show that the optimal power controlled scheme outperforms other popular MAC layer power control protocols.  相似文献   

Probabilistic Power Management for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Extending system lifetime by effectively managing power on participating nodes is critical in wireless ad hoc networks. Recent work has shown that, by appropriately powering off nodes, energy may be significantly saved up to a factor of two, especially when node density is high. Such approaches rely on the selection of a virtual backbone (i.e., a connected dominating set) of the topology to forward ongoing traffic, coupled with algorithms to manually and periodically recompute such a backbone for load balancing purposes. The common drawback of such schemes is the need to involve periodic message exchanges and to make additional restrictive assumptions. This paper presents Odds1, an integrated set of energy-efficient and fully distributed algorithms for power management in wireless ad hoc networks. Odds build on the observation that explicit and periodic re-computation of the backbone topology is costly with respect to its additional bandwidth overhead, especially when nodes are densely populated or highly mobile. Building on a fully probabilistic approach, Odds seek to make a minimum overhead, perfectly balanced, and fully localized decision on each node with respect to when and how long it needs to enter standby mode to conserve energy. Such a decision does not rely on periodic message broadcasts in the local neighborhood, so that Odds are scalable as node density increases. Detailed mathematical analysis, discussions and simulation results have shown that Odds are indeed able to achieve our objectives while operating in a wide range of density and traffic loads.Zongpeng Li received his B.Engr. in 1999, from Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, China, and his M.S. degree in 2001 from the Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto. He is currently working towards his Ph.D. degree in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto. His research interests include algorithm design and analysis for both wireless and wireline networks.Baochun Li received his B.Engr. degree in 1995 from Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, China, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in 1997 and 2000 from the Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Since 2000, he has been with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto, where he is an Assistant Professor. In 2000, he was the recipient of the IEEE Communications Society Leonard G. Abraham Award in the Field of Communications Systems. His research interests include network-level and application-level Quality of Service provisioning, application-layer overlay networks, wireless ad hoc networks, and mobile computing.  相似文献   

随着无线通信的日益发展,无线自组织网络正逐渐从军用扩大到民用等诸多领域。但是无线自组织网络一般由电池供电,由于提高电池容量的技术进步缓慢,功率控制是一个重要的研究课题。无线自组织网络中的功率控制机制研究主要集中在3个方面,即网络层功率控制、链路层功率控制以及混合功率控制。重点是从分层的角度对功率控制进行阐述,主要介绍了网络层及链路层的功率控制,并介绍了一些节能协议。跨层设计综合考虑了各层性能能更好地为功率控制与节能服务。  相似文献   

Equilibria in Topology Control Games for Ad Hoc Networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We study topology control problems in ad hoc networks where network nodes get to choose their power levels in order to ensure desired connectivity properties. Unlike most other work on this topic, we assume that the network nodes are owned by different entities, whose only goal is to maximize their own utility that they get out of the network without considering the overall performance of the network. Game theory is the appropriate tool to study such selfish nodes: we define several topology control games in which the nodes need to choose power levels in order to connect to other nodes in the network to reach their communication partners while at the same time minimizing their costs. We study Nash equilibria and show that—among the games we define—these can only be guaranteed to exist if each network node is required to be connected to all other nodes (we call this the Strong Connectivity Game). For a variation called Connectivity Game, where each node is only required to be connected (possibly via intermediate nodes) to a given set of nodes, we show that Nash equilibria do not necessarily exist. We further study how to find Nash equilibria with incentive-compatible algorithms and compare the cost of Nash equilibria to the cost of a social optimum, which is a radius assignment that minimizes the total cost in a network where nodes cooperate. We also study variations of the games; one where nodes not only have to be connected, but k-connected, and one that we call the Reachability Game, where nodes have to reach as many other nodes as possible, while keeping costs low. We extend our study of the Strong Connectivity Game and the Connectivity Game to wireless networks with directional antennas and wireline networks, where nodes need to choose neighbors to which they will pay a link. Our work is a first step towards game-theoretic analyses of topology control in wireless and wireline networks. A preliminary version of this paper appeared in DIALM-POMC ’03 [8]. Stephan Eidenbenz is a technical staff member in Discrete Simulation Sciences (CCS-5) at Los Alamos National Laboraotry. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland in 2000. Stephan’s research covers areas in approximability, algorithms, computational geometry, computational biology, large-scale discrete simulation, selfish networking, efficient networking, protocol design and optimization. V. S. Anil Kumar is currently an Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Computer Science and a Senior Research Associate at Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, Virginia Tech. Prior to this, he was a technical staff member in Los Alamos National Laboratory. He received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Indian Institute of Science in 1999. His research interests include approximation algorithms, mobile computing, combinatorial optimization and simulation of large socio-technical systems. Sibylle Zust received her Masters degree in mathematics from ETH Zurich in Switzerland in 2002. She wrote her diploma thesis at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. Sibylle Zust spent two and a half years (2002–2005) as a graduate research assistant at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, USA, where she worked on algorithmic aspects of game theory and scheduling problems. She now works for an insurance company in Zurich, Switzerland.  相似文献   

无线特定网络--Ad Hoc网络   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Ad Hoc网络是一种没有固定结构的无线移动网络。介绍了移动Ad Hoc网络(MANETs)的主特点和与传统有线分组交换网相比的特性,讨论了应用于Ad Hoc网络的路由机制和所需面临的问题。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how to support multicasting in wireless ad hoc networks without throttling the dominant unicast flows. Unicast flows are usually congestion-controlled with protocols like TCP. However, there are no such protocols for multicast flows in wireless ad hoc networks and multicast flows can therefore cause severe congestion and throttle TCP-like flows in these environments. Based on a cross-layer approach, this paper proposes a completely-localized scheme to prevent multicast flows from causing severe congestion and the associated deleterious effects on other flows in wireless ad hoc networks. The proposed scheme combines the layered multicast concept with the routing-based congestion avoidance idea to reduce the aggregated rate of multicast flows when they use excessive bandwidth on a wireless link. Our analysis and extensive simulations show that the fully-localized scheme proposed in this paper is effective in ensuring the fairness of bandwidth sharing between multicast and unicast flows in wireless ad hoc networks.  相似文献   

分布式无线网络中的自适应控制协议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
刘凯  李建东 《电子学报》2001,29(7):877-880
本文提出了一种新颖的移动分群算法和分群保持策略,它可以用较少的控制开销快速获得网络的分群控制结构并能适应拓扑结构的变化.采用重叠群方案简单可靠地实现了分群大小的优化,将节点密度高的区域灵活地划分成多个节点数较少的群,增大了每个节点的通信容量.提出了网关智能控制协议,该协议缓解了网关成为多信道分群间通信的瓶颈.  相似文献   

We consider joint congestion and contention control for multihop wireless ad hoc networks, where the goal is to find optimal end-to-end source rates at the transport layer and per-link persistence probabilities at the medium access control (MAC) layer to maximize the aggregate source utility. The primal formulation of this problem is non-convex and non-separable. Under certain conditions, by applying appropriate transformations and introducing new variables, we obtain a decoupled and dual-decomposable convex formulation. For general non-logarithmic concave utilities, we develop a novel dual-based distributed algorithm using the subgradient method. In this algorithm, sources at the transport layer adjust their log rates to maximize their net benefits, while links at the MAC layer select transmission probabilities proportional to their conceived contribution to the system reward. The two layers are connected and coordinated by link prices. Our solutions enjoy the benefits of cross-layer optimization while maintaining the simplicity and modularity of the traditional layered architecture.  相似文献   

文章研究了多信道资源分配算法,并对其5个重要过程:获取节点请求列表过程、请求分类缓冲过程、请求队列截取过程、资源分配过程、节点使用分配结果过程进行了探讨。文章认为在算法中可以考虑增加请求信息的内容以完善分配机制,加入自适应的优先级预留比例调整机制,添加和完善更高效地分配时隙、信道二维资源。  相似文献   

Existing multi-channel Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols have been demonstrated to significantly increase wireless network performance compared to single channel MAC protocols. Traditionally, the channelization structure in IEEE 802.11 based wireless networks is pre-configured, and the entire available spectrum is divided into subchannels and equal channel widths. In contrast, this paper presents a Traffic-Aware Channelization MAC (TAC-MAC) protocol for wireless ad hoc networks, where each node is equipped with a single half duplex transceiver. TAC-MAC works in a distributed, fine-grai-ned manner, which dynamically divides variable-width subchannels and allocates subchannel width based on the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technique according to the traffic demands of nodes. Simulations show that the TAC-MAC can significantly improve network throughput and reduce packet delay compared with both fixed-width multi-channel MAC and single channel 802.11 protocols, which illustrates a new paradigm for high-efficient multi-channel MAC design in wireless ad hoc networks.  相似文献   

Efficient resource management is a major challenge in the operation of wireless systems, especially energy-constrained ad hoc networks. In this paper, we propose a cross-layer optimization framework to jointly design the scheduling and power control in wireless ad hoc networks. We study the system performance by combining scheduling, power control, and adaptive modulation. Specifically, the transmitted power and constellation size are dynamically adapted based on the packet arrival, quality of service (QoS) requirements, power limits, and channel conditions. A key feature of the proposed method is that it facilitates a distributed implementation, which is desirable in wireless ad hoc networks. The performance of our proposed methodology will be investigated in ad hoc networks supporting unicast as well as multicast traffic. Simulation results will show that the proposed scheme achieves significant gains in both the single-hop throughput and power efficiency compared with the existing method, which implements the scheduling through a central controller, and adopts power control with fixed modulation  相似文献   

A Power Control MAC Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This paper presents a power control MAC protocol that allows nodes to vary transmit power level on a per-packet basis. Several researchers have proposed simple modifications of IEEE 802.11 to incorporate power control. The main idea of these power control schemes is to use different power levels for RTS–CTS and DATA–ACK. Specifically, maximum transmit power is used for RTS–CTS, and the minimum required transmit power is used for DATA–ACK transmissions in order to save energy. However, we show that these schemes can degrade network throughput and can result in higher energy consumption than when using IEEE 802.11 without power control. We propose a power control protocol which does not degrade throughput and yields energy saving.  相似文献   

We present a local distributed algorithm that, given a wireless ad hoc network modeled as a unit disk graph U in the plane, constructs a planar power spanner of U whose degree is bounded by k and whose stretch factor is bounded by 1 + (2sin{frac{pi}{k}})^{p}, where k geq 10 is an integer parameter and p in [2, 5] is the power exponent constant. For the same degree bound k, the stretch factor of our algorithm significantly improves the previous best bounds by Song et al. We show that this bound is near-optimal by proving that the slightly smaller stretch factor of 1 + (2sin{frac{pi}{k + 1}})^{p} is unattainable for the same degree bound k. In contrast to previous algorithms for the problem, the presented algorithm is local. As a consequence, the algorithm is highly scalable and robust. Finally, while the algorithm is efficient and easy to implement in practice, it relies on deep insights on the geometry of unit disk graphs and novel techniques that are of independent interest.  相似文献   

This paper proposes and evaluates strategies to build reliable and secure wireless ad hoc networks. Our contribution is based on the notion of inner-circle consistency, where local node interaction is used to neutralize errors/attacks at the source, both preventing errors/attacks from propagating in the network and improving the fidelity of the propagated information. We achieve this goal by combining statistical (a proposed fault-tolerant duster algorithm) and security (threshold cryptography) techniques with application-aware checks to exploit the data/computation that is partially and naturally replicated in wireless applications. We have prototyped an inner-circle framework and used it to demonstrate the idea of inner-circle consistency in two significant wireless scenarios: 1) the neutralization of black hole attacks in AODV networks and 2) the neutralization of sensor errors in a target detection/ localization application executed over a wireless sensor network  相似文献   

In the presence of channel fluctuation, rate adaptation is one way to maintain the quality of the link at the desired level. This is especially important in ad hoc wireless networks, where temporary channel fluctuation might create frequent needs for rerouting that would result in severe overhead and adversely affect the performance. We study an unusual method of passive rate adaptation in which some bits are dropped at the receiver end of a link. The symbol-error probability decreases as some bits are dropped. In terms of the mean-square distortion for a real-time analog signal, the tradeoff is between more reliable detection of fewer bits and less reliable detection of more bits. Our scheme achieves smaller mean-square distortion for a certain region of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) values when compared with the original scheme without rate adaptation. Two examples, uniformly spaced, uncoded pulse amplitude modulation and quadrature amplitude modulation, are studied and compared for both a Gaussian channel and a Rayleigh fading channel. We conclude that our scheme has a larger fading channel than in a Gaussian channel. We also verify that our scheme has a larger applicable region of SNR values when a nonuniform constellation is used, since the important bits are given additional protection.  相似文献   

Voice over IP applications require a playout buffer at the receiver side to smooth network delay variations. Unfortunately, existing algorithms for dynamic playout adjustment designed for wireline networks do not operate correctly in wireless ad hoc networks. These algorithms estimate the end-to-end delay on the set of previous received audio packets. Indeed, such a delay estimation based on past history is not appropriate due to mobility which leads to random changes of the network topology. In this paper, we highlight this delay estimation problem. We show that route request AODV control messages provide more accurate delay estimation. Then, we propose a new algorithm for playout delay adjustment based on these control messages. The performance evaluation is performed by simulation using ns-2. We show that this algorithm outperforms existing playout delay adjustment algorithms. Performance criteria are loss late percentage (reliability criterion), averaged playout delay (interactivity criterion) and playout delay variation (stability criterion).  相似文献   

针对Ad Hoc网络良好的灵活性和健壮性在介绍其基本结构和特点的基础上,说明了Ad Hoc网络的技术难点、解决方法并展望了发展前景。  相似文献   

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