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基于ITIL体系的安全服务级别管理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过引入IT服务管理的理念,将安全运营管理定位为IT基础设施库ITIL中的服务,同时综合借鉴BS7799、NIST SP800系列以及其它有关信息安全标准的特点,构建基于ITIL的网络安全运营管理体系,帮助解决安全运营管理平台相关技术和产品的研究开发过程缺乏标准和规范的问题.服务级别管理是基于ITIL的网络安全运营管理体系保证安全服务达到组织或客户的期望并获得认可的关键,是基于安全服务级别协议的协商、定案、监控、报告和总结的过程.详细阐述了安全服务级别管理的相关概念、流程以及与安全运营管理体系其它过程间的关系.  相似文献   

粱静  石冰心  邢帮元 《计算机工程》2002,28(9):147-148,186
介绍了IP网络中几种常用的服务水平协议类型,详细介绍了一种对各种不同服务水平协议类型都适用的SLA框架,最后简单介绍了适用于不同服务水平协议类型的SLA框架。  相似文献   

介绍了云计算的定义和服务模式,阐述了目前信息化管理和架构中存在的普遍问题,结合面向服务的软件架构技术发展现状,提出融合面向服务架构( SOA)技术的云计算服务平台,对于信息化建设中降低成本、系统重整和业务重组具有战略意义。  相似文献   

QoS-aware service composition aims to satisfy users’ quality of services (QoS) needs during service composition. Traditional methods simply attempt to maximize user satisfaction by provisioning the composite service instance with the best QoS. These “best-effort” methods fail to take into account that there also exist other consumers competing for the service resources and their decisions of service selection/composition can impact on QoS. Since user's QoS needs can be met once the demanded level is reached, in this paper, we propose an “on-demand” strategy for QoS-aware service composition to replace the traditional “best-effort” strategy. The service broker is introduced to facilitate implementation of this strategy: it first purchases a number of service instances for each component from providers and then provisions the composite services with different QoS classes to consumers. This paper focuses on how the broker follows the service level agreement (SLA) to provision composite services in the “on-demand” manner. This problem is formally expressed as the minimization of the QoS distance function between SLA and QoS of composite service instances, under a series of constraints. Heuristic approaches are proposed for the problem and experiments are conducted at last to verify their effectiveness and efficiency.  相似文献   

区分服务网络中基于SLA的协商机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对区分服务网络中基于服务级别约定(SLA)的实时协商问题,在分析协商优化过程后,提出一种满足确保转发服务的自动协商描述模型,模型包括一对一和一对多两种协商场景。通过模拟验证了模型的收敛性,并分析了在不同服务质量值和价格调节值下达成的协议方案性能。  相似文献   

基于Web Services服务管理系统的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
提出了基于Web Services的服务管理体系结构,并设计和实现了基于XML服务管理信息模型和基于SOAP服务管理协议。该系统能够对跨不同管理域的服务进行有效的管理和对服务管理系统进行灵活的配置。通过用XPath表达式指定范围和过滤规则,有效地共享跨不同管理域的服务管理信息,通过XPath表达式指定的过滤规则支持较细粒度的事件通知,解决了跨不同管理域间实现服务管理的难题。  相似文献   

One of the most important problems when considering the design of manufacturing systems based on SOA paradigms is the integration of shop floor devices in the business processes at the enterprise level. This paper presents the design and implementation of the Customer Order Management (COM) module based on SOA architecture in the context of holonic manufacturing systems. The COM module is integrating with SOA enabled shop floor devices using industry standards. The implementation leverages a multi agent system suited for industrial applications integrated in a SOA environment capable of dynamic BPEL workflow generation and execution. The prototype consists in a SCA application for core COM module functionality and an extension for NetLogo MAS platform for SOA integration. The COM module interacts with the MES layer using real time events handled by the BPEL process implementation in the execution stage. A web based portal frontend for the COM module has been developed to allow real time tracking of customer orders, providing data about product batch execution and individual progress of each product on the production line.  相似文献   

胡强  杜玉越 《计算机应用》2013,33(8):2163-2166
为了缩减服务查找空间,提高服务发现效率,提出服务簇的概念。将具有相似或相同服务功能的Web服务封装为一个服务簇,构建基于服务簇的服务请求/响应模式。给出了服务簇的形式化定义、面向服务簇的服务体系结构以及服务簇模式下的最优服务发现算法。仿真实验以10000个Web服务作为测试源,在服务簇数目不大于1000时,服务簇模式下的服务查找时间以及服务再查找时间均小于600ms,而当前服务响应模式下,上述时间均大于900ms。实验结果表明:基于服务簇的服务请求/响应模式可以显著提高服务发现效率,并能大幅度降低服务再查找的时间。  相似文献   

Service oriented architecture (SOA) and shared services (SS) have been widely studied in the information technology literature. However, there is a lack of tools for shared services management (SSM) to apply SOA. This paper proposes an ontological map for SSM to apply SOA. This mapping approach, based on the well-known Zachman framework of information architecture, specifies the ontological perspective of SOA for SSM. The ontological map semantically links all aspects of SOA for SSM. Through a case study, a design artifact of computerized ontological map of SOA demonstrates the usability of the artifact for SSM.  相似文献   

论Web服务与网格   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
曾华燊  李季  冯林  龚勋 《计算机应用》2005,25(7):1475-1478
网格是网络与异构环境中基于Web服务的分布式网络计算系统。从计算机网络体系结构的观点来探讨网格与计算机网络和Web服务的关系,通过对基于Web服务的网格服务体系结构和OSI/RM框架的对比分析,提出了将实现开放式网格服务结构(OGSA)的计算机系统划分为OSI/RM域内的部分和对OSI/RM不可见部分,从而理清了网格服务体系结构的层次结构与计算机网络层次结构的异同。  相似文献   

在服务网格中为用户提供满足SLA(service level agreement)的服务,是实现网格“非凡的服务质量”的一个重要的研究问题。本文提出了网格本地资源基于任务SLA的调度算法,给出了算法的数学模型和描述。在基于Java的网格环境调度模拟器中对算法进行了验证,该算法能实现满足用户SLA约束的调度,为满足全局的服务质量水平提供本地调度支持,对提高网格服务质量水平具有实际意义。  相似文献   

The exploitation of service oriented technologies, such as Grid computing, is being boosted by the current service oriented economy trend, leading to a growing need of Quality of Service (QoS) mechanisms. However, Grid computing was created to provide vast amounts of computational power but in a best effort way. Providing QoS guarantees is therefore a very difficult and complex task due to the distributed and heterogeneous nature of their resources, specially the volunteer computing resources (e.g., desktop resources).The scope of this paper is to empower an integrated multi QoS support suitable for Grid Computing environments made of either dedicated and volunteer resources, even taking advantage of that fact. The QoS is provided through SLAs by exploiting different available scheduling mechanisms in a coordinated way, and applying appropriate resource usage optimization techniques. It is based on the differentiated use of reservations and scheduling in advance techniques, enhanced with the integration of rescheduling techniques that improve the allocation decisions already made, achieving a higher resource utilization and still ensuring the agreed QoS. As a result, our proposal enhances best-effort Grid environments by providing QoS aware scheduling capabilities.This proposal has been validated by means of a set of experiments performed in a real Grid testbed. Results show how the proposed framework effectively harnesses the specific capabilities of the underlying resources to provide every user with the desired QoS level, while, at the same time, optimizing the resources’ usage.  相似文献   

祁超  张璟  何聚厚 《计算机工程》2008,34(21):65-67
针对目前尚无遵循OGSA/WSRF规范的网格服务中间件能很好地支持基于QoS协商的网格资源管理,提出一个面向服务基于SLA的框架,协商资源预留并监控资源的QoS。定义资源预留的XML Schema,使得资源请求者和提供者基于WS-Agreement协商包含资源预留的协定。遵循WSRF规范设计和开发出一组Web服务,用于构建基于WS-Agreement的资源预留与QoS监控框架,通过试验评估该框架的性能。  相似文献   

The Next Generation Network (NGN) will enable service providers to offer broadband services with differentiated quality to their subscribers. In this way, the providers will be able to satisfy and retain the critical segment of the top-demanding customers, who generate the largest share of the provider’s revenues. However, service pricing is as important as service quality. In order to offer competitive prices, bilateral per service negotiation between the customer and the supplier is an interesting practical solution that can provide better results than rigid offers based on fixed price-rate lists. In the application scenario of Broadband Wireless Access, the supplier can adapt its offer of wireless access bandwidth to the dynamics of customer-generated traffic, giving more bandwidth per session when traffic is low and less bandwidth per session when traffic is high. We present and study the performance of an algorithm for automatic service level pricing in which two agents negotiate over the service transmission rate and the price on behalf of the user and of the provider. The performance of the proposed negotiation scheme is evaluated with simulations. The paper also compares our algorithm to the fixed-price scheme and to an auction-based strategy based on the Vickrey scheme.  相似文献   

对面向运营支撑系统的服务等级协议(SLA)实现框架进行了研究,为了实现基于SLA驱动的下一代运营支撑系统的业务管理层的流程自动化,在WfMC工作流参考模型和面向服务框架的基础上,提出了基于工作流管理的服务等级协议实现框架,并采用面向服务架构(SOA)的商业处理执行语言(BPEL),详细给出了基于该体系结构的SLA实现框架的应用实例。  相似文献   

网格服务管理是网格计算的核心问题。通过对于目前网格服务管理体系架构的三种模型进行分析和比较,基于开放式服务体系架构(OGSA),探讨了网格服务管理系统的功能需求,进而设计了一种层次化的网格服务管理模型HGSM,描述了模型的工作流程。将网格服务管理分为任务分解、静态调度和动态调度三种层次,讨论了HGSM的各个层次的相关功能模块,以有向无环图和高级随机Petri网分别对于任务分解和服务调度提出了相关算法,算法中的可实施谓词、随机开关、实施速率等描述可以直接在SPN求解软件的编程中实现,从而为构造一种层次化的网格服务管理模型提供一个可实现的有效途径。  相似文献   

In this paper, a distributed and scalable Grid service management architecture is presented. The proposed architecture is capable of monitoring task submission behaviour and deriving Grid service class characteristics, for use in performing automated computational, storage and network resource-to-service partitioning. This partitioning of Grid resources amongst service classes (each service class is assigned exclusive usage of a distinct subset of the available Grid resources), along with the dynamic deployment of Grid management components dedicated and tuned to the requirements of a particular service class introduces the concept of Virtual Private Grids. We present two distinct algorithmic approaches for the resource partitioning problem, the first based on Divisible Load Theory (DLT) and the second built on Genetic Algorithms (GA). The advantages and drawbacks of each approach are discussed and their performance is evaluated on a sample Grid topology using NSGrid, an ns-2 based Grid simulator. Results show that the use of this Service Management Architecture in combination with the proposed algorithms improves computational and network resource efficiency, simplifies schedule making decisions, reduces the overall complexity of managing the Grid system, and at the same time improves Grid QoS support (with regard to job response times) by automatically assigning Grid resources to the different service classes prior to scheduling.  相似文献   

朱嘉贤  白伟华 《计算机应用》2008,28(6):1635-1638
为了提高电子商务系统的敏捷性,降低对维护、构建新业务的人员的IT技术要求,在整合了服务管理代理功能的基础上,提出在业务人员与服务管理代理之间插入一个服务虚拟化层,构建基于服务虚拟化的业务编程模型,以实现业务人员按业务逻辑需求可以敏捷地构建系统的新功能,实现业务编程。  相似文献   

Service Oriented Architectures, which allow for the integration of different subsystems and of applications running on different devices and platforms, may be very suitable to solve the problem of service personalization in large smart environments like cities, where the number of potential users and potentially available services is rapidly growing. Taking this into account, we have designed an agent-based service oriented architecture for smart spaces. Two of the greatest challenges in the design of such a solution are providing effective device, service and context federation and composition mechanisms and handling user mobility. For the first challenge, we have designed a hierarchical architecture and developed a set of inheritance, aggregation and access mechanisms for devices, services and context. To handle user mobility, we have followed three different strategies, using stationary, mobile or nomadic agents. In this paper, we describe the main aspects of our architecture and perform an experimental evaluation to determine the advantages and drawbacks of the different strategies.  相似文献   

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