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This work presents a numerical investigation of crack-tip constraint for SE(T) specimens and axially surface cracked pipes using plane-strain, nonlinear computations. The primary objective is to gain some understanding of the potential applicability of constraint designed fracture specimens in defect assessments of pressurized pipelines and cylindrical vessels. The present study builds upon the J-Q approach using plane-strain solutions to characterize effects of constraint on cleavage fracture behavior for the analyzed fracture specimens and cracked pipes. Under increased loading, each cracked configuration follows a characteristic J-Q trajectory which enables comparison of the corresponding driving force curve in the present context. A key outcome of this investigation is that toughness data measured using SE(T) specimens appear more applicable for cleavage fracture predictions of pressurized pipelines and cylindrical vessels than standard, deep notch fracture specimens under bend loading. The results provide a strong support for use of constraint-designed SE(T) specimens in fracture assessments of pressurized pipes and cylindrical vessels.  相似文献   

This work provides an estimation procedure to determine J-resistance curves for pin-loaded and clamped SE(T) fracture specimens using the unloading compliance technique and the η-method. A summary of the methodology upon which J and crack extension are derived sets the necessary framework to determine crack resistance data from the measured load vs. displacement curves. The extensive plane-strain analyses enable numerical estimates of the nondimensional compliance, μ, and parameters η and γ for a wide range of specimen geometries and material properties characteristic of structural and pipeline steels. Laboratory testing of an API 5L X60 steel at room temperature using pin-loaded SE(T) specimens with side-grooves provide the load-displacement data needed to validate the estimation procedure for measuring the crack growth resistance curve for the material. The results presented here produce a representative set of solutions which lend further support to develop standard test procedures for constraint-designed SE(T) specimens applicable in measurements of crack growth resistance for pipelines.  相似文献   

Extensive finite element analyses have been conducted to obtain solutions of the A-term, which is the second parameter in three-term elastic-plastic asymptotic expansion, for test specimens. Three mode I crack plane-strain test specimens, i.e. single edge cracked plate (SECP), center cracked plate (CCP) and double edge cracked plate (DECP) were studied. The crack geometries analyzed included shallow to deep cracks. Solutions of A-term were obtained for material following the Ramberg-Osgood power law with hardening exponent of n = 3, 4, 5, 7 and 10. Remote tension loading was applied which covers from small-scale to large-scale yielding. Based on the finite element results, empirical equations to predict the A-terms under small-scale yielding (SSY) to large-scale yielding conditions were developed. In addition, by using the relationships between A and other commonly used second fracture parameters such as Q factor and A2-term, the present solutions can be used to calculate parameters A2 and Q as well. The results presented in the paper are suitable to calculate the second elastic-plastic fracture parameters for test specimens for a wide range of crack geometries, material strain hardening behaviors and loading conditions.  相似文献   

This Part II paper describes a series of constraint-based R6 assessments of shallow-cracked specimens under equibiaxial loading using material constraint parameters obtained from lookup tables presented in the companion Part I paper. Parameters are derived for an A533B-1 steel forging from a knowledge of the yield and flow behaviour of the material and a calibration of the Beremin model parameter m. Resulting assessments, which use both T- and Q-stress to quantify constraint, are found to be conservative with respect to the available experimental data. The results are also used to predict the influence of T-stress on the Master Curve reference temperature. Available data are broadly in agreement with the predicted trend curve. Finally, the results demonstrate that out-of-plane biaxial loading increases constraint to the extent that the inherent conservatism of the elastic T-stress at high Lr is eroded. Out-of-plane constraint effects are only properly accounted for by the hydrostatic Q-stress and for this reason, the use of T to assess biaxial loading situations should be undertaken with a degree of caution.  相似文献   

The normalization method is adopted for standard and nonstandard specimens in this paper to develop J-R curves for HY80 steel directly from load versus load-line displacement records without use of automatic crack length measurement. The standard specimens usually contain high crack-tip constraints, while the nonstandard specimens involve low crack-tip constraints. To obtain J-R curves with different constraints, a series of single edge notched bend (SE(B)) specimens with different crack lengths for an HY80 steel are tested in accordance with ASTM standard E1820. The normalization method is then used for determining crack extension and J-R curves for these SE(B) specimens.To validate the normalization method, the J-R curves determined using the normalization method are compared with those obtained by the elastic unloading compliance method for the SE(B) specimens. The comparison shows that good agreements exist between the two methods, and the normalization method is a viable tool to be used to determine J-R curves of the HY80 steel for the standard as well as nonstandard SE(B) specimens. In the J-integral calculations, the resistance curve test method, the basic test method and the modified basic test method specified in ASTM E1820 are evaluated. The results indicate that the modified basic method can be equivalent to the resistance curve method.  相似文献   

This paper describes a study of the test specimen thickness effect on fracture toughness of a material, in the transition temperature region, for CT specimens. In addition we studied the specimen thickness effect on the T33-stress (the out-of-plane non-singular term in the series of elastic crack-tip stress fields), expecting that T33-stress affected the crack-tip triaxiality and thus constraint in the out-of-plane direction. Finally, an experimental expression for the thickness effect on the fracture toughness using T33-stress is proposed for 0.55% carbon steel S55C. In addition to the fact that T33 (which was negative) seemed to show an upper bound for large B/W, these results indicate the possibility of improving the existing methods for correlating fracture toughness obtained by test specimen with the toughness of actual cracks found in the structure, using T33-stress.  相似文献   

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