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In a context where the sustainability of food chains and food waste prevention are subjects of interest for public authorities and professionals, it is important to assess if these new objectives of food policy are compatible with food safety. The objective of this work was to develop a global model for a ready-to-eat meat product that provides three different outputs, i.e. energy consumption, percentage of spoiled products and exposure levels of Listeria monocytogenes. First a cold chain model was developed. The cold chain model was then coupled with (i) predictive microbiology models and (ii) energy consumption models for cold equipments. Various scenarios were tested for assessing the consequences of potential changes in cold chain equipment on safety, food waste and energy cost. This global approach could help policy makers in decision making.  相似文献   

两年一度的亚洲国际食品与酒店展(FHA)于近日圆满落下帷幕。这届令人期待已久的大型酒店贸易博览会以其亚洲首屈一指的规模,让到会人士度过了兴高采烈的一周。在达成交易、结成新的合作关系、建立新的业务联系的同时.还了解了行业的最新趋势。FHA2014组织机构——新加坡展览私人有限公司(SES)首席执行官Stephen Tan先生表示:“本展会经过多年的蓬勃发展.目前已经成为一个能够为参展商和观众带来巨大价值的知名平台,对此我们深感欣慰。  相似文献   

In industrialized countries, the epidemiology of infec- tious diseases with indirect transmission through water and foodstuffs has undergone considerable changes over the past decades with the almost total disappearance of some traditional pathogen microo…  相似文献   

Rice bran has high nutritive value and good prospects on developing new foods from it.The paper described preparation of a new functional food from stabilized rice bran and provided new technical ways to utillize rice bran in the area of healthy foods.  相似文献   

Biological, chemical, and physical contamination of foods is a terrifying threat for the health and economic growth in developing societies. Rampantly available literature on foodborne illnesses especially diarrhea among children exclusively depicts the intensified disease burden associated with foodborne illness in the underdeveloped economies. Prevalence of many pathogens in several foods is commonplace in Pakistan. Precise estimates for foodborne illnesses in Pakistan are hard to make because of the absence of any monitoring, surveillance, and infection control. Poor processing and storage of milk, cereal grains, and nuts are a major cause of aflatoxin contamination and mold proliferation. Numerous studies manifest a multitude of foods to be contaminated with heavy metals. Escalating population growth limits the economic potential of the individual and the state through a tendency among the traders and manufacturers to intentionally debase food commodities offered for sale to make profit at the cost of their quality and safety. Therefore, a growing trend of adulteration in foods during the recent past, particularly adulteration of milk, poses a pressing challenge for the government. This review is a concerted attempt to elucidate the prevailing food safety scenario in Pakistan. Information derived from local and related international studies will be presented to clearly depict a picture of food safety in Pakistan. It is proposed that an extensive food safety infrastructure leading to a safer supply of foods needs to be devised, designed, and implemented.  相似文献   


Food irradiation is one of the most extensively and thoroughly studied methods of food preservation. Despite voluminous data on safety and wholesomeness of irradiated foods, food irradiation is still a “process in waiting.” Although some countries are allowing the use of irradiation technology on certain foods, its full potential is not recognized. Only 37 countries worldwide permit the use of this technology. If used to its full potential, food irradiation can save millions of human lives being lost annually due to food‐borne diseases or starvation and can add billions of dollars to the world economy. This paper briefly reviews the history and chemistry of food irradiation along with its main applications, impediments to its adoption, and its role in improving food availability and health situation, particularly in developing countries of the world.  相似文献   

该文作者所在大学与新西兰梅西大学合作开展了食品科学与工程专业国际化培养本科教育项目,全英文课程Food Microbiology and Safety是该项目的核心课程之一。该实验课以应用性为前提,以课程思政为引领,强调食品微生物学与食品安全学的融合,中外师资合作开展了系列教学探索与实践。课程设计以食品产品和食品生产为情境,以微生物安全为话题,模拟真实生产场景,丰富内涵和拓展外延;自主设计实验激发主观能动性、自主规划进程锻炼统筹能力、线上资源平台支撑自主学习与评价、随机分组培养团队合作能力。实践表明,课程有效实现了食品微生物学与食品安全学的有机融合,目标驱动型实验教学过程更利于激发学生的主动性,大量综合性和设计性实验提高了课程的两性一度。与同期对照班级相比,该项目所培养学生具有更强的专业素养和实践能力,为食品专业其他实验课程的教学改革提供了参考。  相似文献   

The recent FDA approval of Listeria-specific bacteriophage preparations for food preservation has opened the door to new applications of these natural bacterial killers. Bacteriophages are viruses that only infect and lyse bacterial cells and are harmless to mammalians. There is now a renewed interest to use the ability of these viruses to kill pathogenic bacteria for biotechnological purposes. We will describe the biology of bacteriophages, the concept of ,,phage therapy' and recent applications of phages as biocontrol agents with emphasis on applications for food safety.
Zusammenfassung: Die amerikanische Zulassungsbeh?rde FDA (Food and Drug Agency) hat kürzlich die Verwendung von Bakteriophagenpr?paraten zur Bek?mpfung von Listeria monocytogenes in Lebensmitteln erlaubt. Bakteriophagen (Phagen) sind Viren, die spezifi sch Bakterien t?ten. Für Zellen h?herer Lebewesen sind diese Viren ungef?hrlich. Die Listeria-Phagenpr?parate zeigen die potentielle biotechnologische Nutzung solcher Viren, die Sicherheit von Lebensmitteln durch eine gezielte Bek?mpfung eines pathogenen Keims zu erh?hen. In dieser übersichtsarbeit werden verschiedene Anwendungsbereiche von Phagen in der Lebensmittelproduktion vorgestellt, die sich zurzeit noch weitgehend im experimentellen Stadium befi nden. Die Applikation von Phagen an lebenden Tieren (,,preharvest"), um die Keimzahl eines pathogenen Bakteriums zu reduzieren, ist als Phagentherapie bekannt. Ihre Anwendung am Lebensmittel (,,postharvest") wird als Biokontrolle bezeichnet. Der sichere Gebrauch von Phagen erfordert Kenntnisse über ihre Biologie; daraus leiten sich spezielle Anforderungen an Pr?parate ab, die in der Lebensmittelproduktion verwendet werden sollen.

Received: March 19, 2007  相似文献   

1999年GEMS/Food分析质量保证考核   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为分析1999年度GEMS/Food农药残留分析质量保证考核提供的试样,通过检索归纳文献资料对试样中可能有的5类32种农药设计了整体实验方案,并根据实际试样分析中遇到的问题加以改进,最终依现有的仪器设备条件对考核试样建立了一套可行的检测和确证方法。在全球69个实验室中,我所报告的7项结果中有4项结果排名第二位,全部结果均在±1Z范围内,远高于统计报告中±2Z范围内即为合格数据的要求。  相似文献   

Abstract: Functional foods may be regarded as foods that have nutritional value, but in particular, they also have beneficial effects on one or more body functions. Thus, functional foods may improve health and/or reduce the risk of developing certain diseases when taken in amounts that can be consumed in a normal diet. Based on nearly 2 decades of research since the term “French paradox” was first coined in 1992, wine would appear to fit this definition. Yet there seems to be reluctance to consider wine as a functional food. In this review, we present an overview of the accumulated evidence for the health benefits of wine—and its key phenolic components such as resveratrol, quercetin, catechin—and show that these alone are not enough to firmly establish wine as a functional food. What is required is to create clearly defined products based on wine that are targeted to consumers’ needs and expectations when it comes to purchasing functional foods. Moreover, the crucial question of alcohol and health also needs to be addressed by the functional food industry. Suggestions are presented for working through this issue, but in many regards, wine is like any other food—it should be consumed sensibly and in amounts that are beneficial to health. Overindulgence of any kind does not promote good health.  相似文献   

In recent years, mainly due to the specific health benefits associated with (1) the discovery of bioactive peptides in protein hydrolysates, (2) the reduction of protein allergenicity by protein hydrolysis, and (3) the improved protein digestibility and absorption of protein hydrolysates, the utilization of protein hydrolysates in functional foods and beverages has significantly increased. Although the specific health benefits from different hydrolysates are somewhat proven, the delivery and/or stability of these benefits is debatable during distribution, storage, and consumption. In this review, we discuss (1) the quality changes in different food protein hydrolysates during storage; (2) the resulting changes in the structure and texture of three food matrices, i.e., low moisture foods (LMF, aw < 0.6), intermediate moisture foods (IMF, 0.6 ≤ aw < 0.85), and high moisture foods (HMF, aw ≥ 0.85); and (3) the potential solutions to improve storage stability of food protein hydrolysates. In addition, we note there is a great need for evaluation of biofunction availability of bioactive peptides in food protein hydrolysates during storage.  相似文献   

丁清 《美食》2013,(8):48-51
在上一期中我们从德式肉夹馍德国国菜猪肘德国酸菜以及黑森林蛋糕中深深地感受到了德国风情这一期就让我来带大家尝尝玲琅满目的各式香肠和面包逛逛慕尼黑著名的Viktualienmarkt露天集市吧  相似文献   

正位于香港东隅一楼,熙来攘往的全天候餐厅Feast(Food by EAST)精心准备了丰盛的半自助餐单于5月13及14日供应,让宾客与家人一起共渡一个温馨的母亲节。于Feast享用早午餐及晚餐的同时,小孩可于精心设计的花朵手推车亲手制作花束送给母亲,表达对她们的爱与关怀。享用半自助餐的母亲更可获赠简约雅致的天然护肤品牌GLOHS送出的精美礼品一份。半自助餐以头盆吧中选择众多的海鲜包括即开生蚝和不同的甲壳类海鲜以及一系列冻冷盘、  相似文献   

Oxidation is the most common event leading to the end of shelf life of microbiologically stable foods. Thus, a reliable shelf-life assessment is crucial to verify how long the product will last before it becomes oxidized to an unacceptable level to the consumers.

Shelf-life assessment strategies of foods and beverages suffering oxidation are critically discussed focusing on definition of the acceptability limit, as well as the choice of the proper oxidative indicators, and methodologies for shelf-life testing. Testing methodologies for shelf-life determination under actual and accelerated storage conditions are considered, highlighting possible uncertainties, pitfalls, and future research needs.  相似文献   

正4月21日,位于香港东隅一楼,熙来攘往的全天候餐厅Feast(Food by EAST)精心准备了丰盛的半自助餐单于5月7及8日供应,让宾客与家人一起共渡一个温馨的母亲节。于Feast享用早午餐及晚餐的同时,小孩可亲手制作花束送给母亲。届时,Feast亦会提供宝丽莱即影即有拍照服务。小朋友更可自制独一无二的心意卡送给母亲,表达对她们的爱与关怀。享用半自助餐的母亲更可获赠简约雅致的奢华护肤品牌Evie Beauté送出的精美礼品套装一份及购物券,于Harvey Nichols及Beauty Bazaar专享购物礼  相似文献   

This review will discuss the beneficial effects of a diet rich in whole cereal grains in the prevention of chronic dis- eases and physiological effects in humans. In most cultures cereal grains provide energy and nutrients to humans and animals. Although …  相似文献   

On 19th September, 2012, the 1.2 million tons high-grade information specialty paper project (the first phase) of Gold East Paper broke ground and started building. The implementation of the project indicates that Gold East Paper enters the specialty paper field formally.  相似文献   

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