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产业集群综合一体化物流模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚冠新  代永立 《工业工程》2012,15(2):54-58,114
产业集群作为我国经济的重要基石得到了空前发展,但是其物流支持体系的发展相对缓慢,其中一个重要的原因是产业集群的物流服务企业的功能单一,服务质量跟不上产业集群发展的步伐,无法提供综合一体化的物流服务。本文从我国物流企业的历史以及发展现状出发,提出了产业集群发展综合一体化物流的3种组织模式,并运用威廉姆森的交易成本理论,从资产专用性、不确定性和交易频率这3个交易维度角度对产业集群综合物流组织模式进行了分析。本文的研究对产业集群的综合一体化物流服务网络的构建具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

稻水象甲是水稻苗期主要害虫之一,已影响水稻生产的发展,根据稻水象甲的生活习性及为害特点,本文重点提出在承德稻区防治稻水象甲的综合防治技术措施。  相似文献   

目的 探究纸包装材料用胶黏剂中挥发性气味物质及其影响。方法 选择10名感官评价员对3种胶黏剂样品的气味强度进行嗅辨分析,使用顶空–气相色谱质谱法(Headspace-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, HS-GC-MS)采集挥发性化合物数据,利用MS–DIAL软件解卷积、NIST质谱库和保留指数实现对物质的定性分析,计算各化合物的相对峰面积含量和相对气味活性值(Relative Odour Activity Value, ROAV),用于确定样品气味特征的关键贡献物质及其影响。结果 3种胶黏剂样品的感官影响差异明显,样品中共检测出45种挥发性物质,以酯类、醇类、酮类和芳香烃等化合物为主,其中可筛选出8种对胶黏剂的气味特征贡献最大的关键气味物质,包括丙酸丁酯、乙酸丁酯、3–甲基–4–庚酮、乙苯等。结论 胶黏剂的气味主要与使用的复杂化学成分有关,其生产加工过程应当引起高度关注。  相似文献   

畜禽养殖废弃物还田利用模式发展战略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文介绍我国畜禽养殖废弃物还田利用模式发展概况,分析养殖废弃物循环利用产业发展的问题,探讨下一步的发展战略。总结发现,多年来国内外在探索畜禽养殖废弃物还田利用模式、农田适宜载畜量参数等方面取得了重要的进展,但仍然存在种养结合养分不平衡、各种处理过程养分损失大、农田合理施用粪肥原则缺失等问题。下一步的研究应该以"还田利用,环境友好"为目标,引入种养结合粪便养分管理理念,开展畜禽养殖废弃物的收集—贮存—处理—还田;开展包括优化还田安全利用技术、种养循环过程温室气体减排、农田对养殖废弃物合理消纳量定量、减少氮磷养分损失避免面源污染等方面的研究,同时在政策上引导畜禽养殖废弃物的高效资源化利用。  相似文献   

阐述秦巴山脉及河南片区(伏牛山区)绿色循环发展的重要意义。从秦巴山脉河南片区地理、地貌特征,人口、社会及基础设施,经济及产业发展状况,区域产业发展规划等方面,分析秦巴山脉河南片区具有的"强生态环境"和"弱经济基础"特点的基本情况,创立秦巴山脉河南片区以"伏牛山生态–产业协同双向梯度发展"的模式,构建"伏牛山南北坡绿色循环经济产业发展示范区"的绿色循环发展战略,提出加快推进"伏牛山南北坡绿色循环经济产业发展示范区"建设的一些具体措施。  相似文献   

本文总结秦巴山脉区域经济社会发展的现状及特点,提出亟需构建强生态条件下的现代工业和现代产业发展体系的总体战略目标。探讨秦巴山脉区域生态与产业协同绿色发展模式,指出培育、发展和壮大战略性新兴与高成长绿色产业的紧迫性、必要性和可行性。研究"一圈多轴一网二区"的区域发展空间格局、"生态–产业协同双向梯度发展"的动力模式。构建包含评价指标、产业类型筛选和技术评价等内涵的产业发展评价体系。分析产业布局原则、环秦巴山脉区域协同发展群产业布局及产业关联效应。阐述发展战略性新兴与高成长绿色产业的政策建议:坚持绿色经济为主的产业发展道路;打造新的跨区域协作政策机制;为绿色产业发展提供优秀人才;加强绿色资本输入;推动绿色产业与乡村振兴的紧密结合;培育社会企业与制度企业家;发挥市场机制作用,促进绿色产业整合发展。  相似文献   

本文创建了基于"四水"的"水生蔬菜+水禽"、"水生蔬菜+水产"、"水稻+水产"、"水稻+水禽"、"水稻+鸭+鱼"、"水生蔬菜+鸭+鱼"等适合江苏省里下河地区推广应用的生态种养人工湿地模式,集成了配套工程技术体系;明确了各人工湿地模式在消纳养殖池塘富营养化水的功能;制定了10项地方标准,初步构建了"四水"生态种养人工湿地模式的技术标准体系,建立了江苏省农业标准化示范区,推动了"四水"生态种养循环农业的快速发展。  相似文献   

西北旱区是我国重要的土地资源储备基地,受水资源短缺、土地质量偏低等问题制约,实现农业高质量发展的难度较大,亟需探索集约高效的现代农业发展路径。本文系统分析了西北旱区农业发展的现状及面临的问题,构建了西北旱区现代农业提质增效理论框架。针对草原牧业区、农牧交错区、雨养农业区、灌溉农业区等区域的农业发展特征与功能定位,在优化配置农业自然资源、科技资源、经济资源、社会资源等基础上,本文重点分析了水土资源高效利用、农业种植结构调整与种植模式优化、农业生产精准管控技术创新、产业化与可持续发展等核心技术或方法,形成了具有区域鲜明特色的4类模式,即饲草–绿肥作物生产为主的牧区现代生态农业发展模式、饲草–粮食–经济作物生产并重的农牧交错区生态农业发展模式、粮食–林果生产为主的雨养区生态农业发展模式和粮食–经济作物–林果生产为主的灌溉区现代生态农业发展模式,以此实现农业生产功能、生态功能、教研功能、休闲功能的拓展延伸。为推动西北旱区现代农业高质量发展,需优化农业功能分区,科学规划农业发展格局;健全生态农业补偿机制,创建绿色核算制度;促进产业融合,树立现代生态农业发展理念;构建现代生态农业发展的绿色科技创新...  相似文献   

饵丝稻是制作腾冲饵丝的主要原料稻谷,是对若干水稻品种的统称,具有明显的生产地域性。本文通过对腾冲饵丝的简要介绍,指出搞好饵丝稻生产的重要性和必要性,并对饵丝稻生产的历史和现状进行了概述,分析当前存在的一些突出问题和有利因素,提出切合本地饵丝稻生产的发展思路和措施,以促进我镇饵丝稻生产的发展。  相似文献   

随着列车运营速度不断提升、配属规模及车辆种类不断扩展,加之受长交路、多物理场耦合等复杂服役环境的影响,高速列车安全保障及经济运维的要求持续提高;高速列车健康监测与管理技术的研究与应用,为中国高速铁路的长距离、大规模、高密度运营提供了关键支撑。本文阐述了健康监测与管理对高速列车的重要价值,回顾了近20年中国高速列车健康监测与管理的发展历程:从安全监控到关键系统健康监测,再到一体化、全寿命周期的运维管理;总结了列车全方位状态监测、精准评估与诊断预测、车辆远程运维服务、智能运维决策支持等方面的重大技术突破。进一步展望了广域全过程适应性、列车数据/计算资源一体化管理与应用、基于健康监测与管理的列车设计、车–线–站一体化智能运维等未来发展方向,以期应对中国高速铁路面临的高效安全运维、深度降本降耗等发展挑战,推动中国高速列车技术持续领先。  相似文献   

Many firms have been trying to optimize their production and distribution systems separately, but using this approach limits any possible increase in profit. Thus, it is becoming more important to analyse these two systems simultaneously. This paper presents the solutions for integrated production and distribution planning and investigates the effectiveness of their integration through a computational study, in a multi-plant, multi-retailer, multi-item, and multi-period logistic environment where the objective is to maximize the total net profit. Computational results on test problems using the proposed heuristic confirm the substantial advantage of the integrated planning approach over the decoupled one. Sensitivity analysis on the input parameters indicates that, under the right conditions, the effectiveness of integrating production and distribution functions can be extremely high.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地致密气勘探开发形势与未来发展展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鄂尔多斯盆地致密气主要分布在上古生界石炭—二叠系,致密气资源量10.37×1012m3,占盆地天然气总资源量的68%,1995年以来先后发现了米脂、乌审旗、大牛地、神木、苏里格5个致密大气田,致密气地质储量3.78×1012m3,目前已进入储量产量快速增长阶段,近5年来储量年均增幅超过5 000×108m3,致密气产量年均增幅30×108m3,建成了以苏里格气田为代表的致密气生产基地,集成创新形成了以全数字地震、优化钻井、储层改造、井下节流、排水采气、数字管理等为核心的致密气勘探开发关键技术,转变发展方式形成了以"标准化设计、模块化建设、数字化管理、市场化运作"为重点的致密气田开发模式,2011年苏里格气田生产致密气137×108m3,成功地向北京、上海、西安、银川、呼和浩特等重点城市供气。综合评价认为:苏里格南部、靖边—高桥、神木—米脂、盆地西南部是近期致密气增储上产的主要地区,预计2015年以前,盆地致密气储量规模将超过4.5×1012m3,致密气产量将达到255×108m3,并持续长时间稳产。  相似文献   

A model is developed for locating quality monitoring stations in a multi-stage production system and determining the parameters of the np-chart (sample size, acceptance number and sampling interval) used at each quality monitoring station. Each production stage can shift to an out-of-control state associated with an assignable cause. Various cost, profit and time elements are included in the derivation of the net profit per unit function. Dynamic programming and direct search techniques are used to maximize this expected net profit per unit function across the production system. Numerical examples and sensitivity analysis of the model are presented.  相似文献   

A closed-loop supply chain configuration (CLSCC) encompasses the decisions related to the optimal selection of options at each stage of a closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) for the introduction and reconstruction of new products. The extant literature ignores the impact of supply chain disruptions on CLSCC. An attempt is made to fill this gap in this study. Thus, an integrated multi-sourcing CLSCC optimisation model for new and reconstructed products is developed. The optimisation model presented is a mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) model. Based on a real-world case study of an auto-parts manufacturer in India presented, a comprehensive set of computational experiments, scenario analyses are conducted. The key finding/observation that resulted from our computational experiments is that multi-sourcing generates higher net present value of total profit compared to single sourcing under the risk of supply chain disruption. Several other observations and managerial insights are drawn from computational experiments, and scenario analyses. Firms interested in configuring their CLSC under the risk of supply chain disruption may use the study's outcomes to understand the profit impact of various CLSCC parameters, individually and in combination.  相似文献   

The Interaction of Economic Ordering Quantities and Marketing Policies   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A general net profit model is developed consisting of the difference between the gross profit and the total inventory costs. This model considers that the demand is a function of the selling price, that the selling price depends on the pricing policy and on the unit cost which in its turn varies according to the order quantity. It is shown that the correct treatment of inventory problems is that which considers its interaction with problems of pricing since the obtainable net profit can be increased over the amounts achieved when inventory problems were regarded as independent subsystems. Further it has been found that there exists a critical demand elasticity such that the preferable pricing policy is different for prevailing elasticities above this value than for elasticities below it.  相似文献   

鉴于当前水资源短缺、环境恶化、水产养殖业高速发展,以及保障食品安全等问题的不断呈现,促使资源型工厂化流水养殖模式急需向高效型循环水养殖方向转变,这是产业发展提升的必然趋势。本文以工业化养殖理念为指导、节能减排为目标,以鲆鲽类产业技术体系构建的循环水养殖模式为样板,按循环水养殖系统(RAS)的设计原理,优化养殖工艺流程,构建一种设施型精准化的RAS,并初步分析探讨了海水鱼类在此集成系统中的应用效果。该系统将为广大水产养殖企业提供一种建设成本低廉、系统运行稳定可控、容易管理的实用新型养殖模式,也可为下一步发展现代水产精准养殖工程体系提供理论和实践依据。  相似文献   

While the market turns to an environment with low profit margins for semiconductor backend operations, it is hard for an independent firm to survive today. Forming strategic alliances or integrating an enterprise's internal firms by means of collaborative planning/operations to gain competitive advantage is inevitable. This paper presents the development of an activity-based costing collaborative production planning system (ABC/CPPS) to help production planners to estimate the manufacturing profit of semiconductor backend turnkey (combined IC assembly and testing) operational services at the early stage of order release to production line in a collaborative context. The estimation is under the real constraints of production resources. A predicate/transition net (Pr/Tr net) is used to simulate and implement the activity-based costing (ABC) model with the dynamic characteristics of a production line incorporated. A financial measure, profit, is used to supplement and indicate the consequence of the planning result and link the view to the enterprise's financial vision.  相似文献   

In this study, we use the strategic profit model (SPM) and the economic value-added (EVA to measure shareholder value). SPM measures the return on net worth (RONW) which is defined as the return on assets (ROA) multiplied by the financial leverage. EVA is defined as the firm's net operating profit after taxes (NOPAT) minus the capital charge. Both, RONW and EVA provide an indication of how much shareholder value a firm creates for its shareholders, year on year. With the increasing focus on creation of shareholder value and core competencies, many companies are outsourcing their information technology (IT) related activities to third party software companies. Indian software companies have become leaders in providing these services. Companies from several other countries are also competing for the top slot. We use the SPM and EVA models to analyse the four listed players of the software industry using the publicly available published data. We compare the financial data obtained from the models, and use peer average data to provide customized recommendations for each company to improve their shareholder value. Assuming that the companies follow these rules, we also predict future RONW and EVA for the companies for the financial year 2005. Finally, we make several recommendations to software providers for effectively competing in the global arena.  相似文献   

Chitosan nanoparticles (CSNPs) have been recently used for various applications in aquaculture, especially as drug carriers. The aim of this study was to synthesise and investigate a superlative method of CSNP synthesis for application in aquaculture through aquaculture‐based toxicology screening methods. Two different methods were analysed: the first a direct ionic gelation method (A) and the other involving a low‐molecular‐weight chitosan microparticle intermediate method (B). Dynamic light scattering characterisation revealed that the CSNP particle sizes were 192.7 ± 11.8 and 22.9 nm from methods A and B, respectively. The LC50 values for brine shrimp toxicity were found to be 1.51 and 0.02 ppt in 24 h for methods A and B, respectively. Acute toxicity studies in Litopenaeus vannamei rendered LC50 values of 3235.94 and 2884.03 ppt in 24 h for methods A and B, respectively. Zebrafish toxicity studies revealed mortality rates of 21.67% and 55% at 20 mg/L concentration for methods A and B, respectively, with an increased expression of intracellular reactive oxygen species in method B. From these findings, it can be concluded that a comparatively reduced toxicity of CSNPs derived from ionic gelation method makes it more appropriate for application in aquaculture.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with a filling problem. The company has received complaints from a valuable customer that the net weight is below the lower specification limit (LSL). Data are collected to estimate the extent of variability. The observed total variation is apportioned into two parts, viz., variation due to the filling process and variation due to the measurement process. Thus, the variation due to the filling process is estimated. The problem is formulated as a profit maximization problem where the barrels meeting the LSL generate a specified profit; whereas, those below the LSL generate lesser profit, as a rework has to be done (in filling them to the desired LSL). The optimum setting is thus determined.  相似文献   

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