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纳米科技发展是挑战也是机遇,在中国发展纳米科技存在科学理论,科学方法,科技创新和高风险等难点,把国家目标放在首位,纳米器件是研究工作核心,纳米材料是当前工作重点,top down是今后一个时期的主要研究方法,为科技创新创造良好的小环境,抓好人才培养和引进,加强规划与协调等是我国发展纳米科技的策略措施,提出了发展纳米科技当前应重视的若干研究内容。  相似文献   

本世纪纳米科技将在两方面影响人们的生活,即纳米材料和纳米电子技术。就纳米材料而言,包含两方面:一是材料在某一维上的尺寸小于100纳米,但又不仅仅界定在100纳米。二是当材料达到纳米尺寸时,应产生既区别于微观的分子或原子,也区别于宏观物体的超常规物性。具备这两个条件,才可称为纳米材料。纳米材料主要包括结构材料和功能材料。结构材料指具有超常规的力学性能的纳米材料。功能材料指具有奇异的功能特性的纳米材料。从总体上考虑,应限制单一的粉体材料的发展,鼓励在终端产品上,实现纳米的结构化和功能化。因为,纳米  相似文献   

本文概述了纳米科技的沿革,及其在国内外发展的情况,并就我国如何进一步发展纳米科技提出了自己的想法。  相似文献   

美国NNI评估结果对我国发展纳米科技的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、美国NNI评估结果2010年3月,美国总统科学技术顾问委员会(PCAST)发布了国家纳米技术计划(NNI)的第三次评估报告(下称"报告")。报告认为NNI在总体上是很成功的,已经对纳米技术领域产生了重大影响和催化作用,应继续深入进行。在计划管理方面,报告建议加强国家纳米技术协调办公室(NNCO)的执行能力,实施跨部门的研究计划,促进纳米技术转移转化,关注纳米技术对教育和社会的影响。在纳米技术产业化方面,建议强调纳米制造和产  相似文献   

中国纳米产业不能捆苗助长,不能消极等待,而应该深入认识产业发展规律,有规划,有目标,有策略地进行产业组织创新,企业商业模式创新,走出中国纳米科技和纳米材料的产业自主创新之路。  相似文献   

2005年,中国在纳米领域的研发投入仅次于美国,纳米相关同行评议出版物占全球的15%,在碳纳米管技术和制造领域处于全球领先地位。中国致力成为纳米领域全球领导者的行动反映了其旨在实现跨越式发展的目标。纳米材料和纳米技术都在迅速发展,并拓展到药品、医疗设备制造等诸多领域,由于纳米技术的规章、纳米材料的毒性和暴露水平仍未定形,加上企业可能因为受巨大的商业利益驱使而淡化纳米技术可能产生的负面影响,因此中国的纳米监管工作可能面临一个“极大的挑战”。  相似文献   

计量作为深深扎根于国民经济各个领域的基础工作,已被列为现代工业发展的三大支柱(即计量、原材料、工艺设备)之一。因此,中国入世后的经济发展对国内计量科技的发展将提出更高、更全面的要求。1计量科技将对消除非贸易技术壁垒起到重要作用非关税壁垒的核心是非贸易性技术限制,俗称贸易技术壁垒(简称TBT);而质量保证与许可、产品的检验方法与手段以及计量制度(包括计量检测和计量单位)均是其中重要内容。同时,经济全球化的基础,首先便是建立准确一致的全球测量体系。不等效的标准或缺乏准确一致的测量都可能阻碍产品进入市场;是…  相似文献   

正近日,围绕《国家质检总局"十三五"科技发展规划》(以下简称《规划》)编制工作,中国计量院作为其中计量部分的牵头单位,组织召开了《规划》(计量领域)编制工作讨论会。中国计量院院长方向首先向与会代表表示欢迎。他指出,当前的国家科技体制正面临重大变革,其中,《关于深化中央财政科技计划(专项、基金等)管理改革的方案》(以下简称《方案》)已由党中央国务院批准通过。鉴于此,"十三五"期间计量科技发展规划编制工作更需要计量界同仁开拓新的思路,使《规划》与国家科技体制改革的总体目标和原则相适  相似文献   

Characterizing combinations of coding polymorphisms (cSNPs), alternative splicing and post-translational modifications (PTMs) on a single protein by standard peptide-based proteomics is challenging owing to <100% sequence coverage and the uncoupling effect of proteolysis on such variations >10-20 residues apart. Because top down MS measures the whole protein, combinations of all the variations affecting primary sequence can be detected as they occur in combination. The protein form generated by all types of variation is here termed the "proteotype", akin to a haplotype at the DNA level. Analysis of proteins from human primary leukocytes harvested from leukoreduction filters using a dual on-line/off-line top down MS strategy produced >600 unique intact masses, 133 of which were identified from 67 unique genes. Utilizing a two-dimensional platform, termed multidimensional protein characterization by automated top down (MudCAT), 108 of the above protein forms were subsequently identified in the absence of MS/MS in 4 days. Additionally, MudCAT enables the quantitation of allele ratios for heterozygotes and PTM occupancies for phosphorylated species. The diversity of the human proteome is embodied in the fact that 32 of the identified proteins harbored cSNPs, PTMs, or were detected as proteolysis products. Among the information were three partially phosphorylated proteins and three proteins heterozygous at known cSNP loci, with evidence for non-1:1 expression ratios obtained for different alleles.  相似文献   

For the identification and characterization of proteins harboring posttranslational modifications (PTMs), a "top down" strategy using mass spectrometry has been forwarded recently but languishes without tailored software widely available. We describe a Web-based software and database suite called ProSight PTM constructed for large-scale proteome projects involving direct fragmentation of intact protein ions. Four main components of ProSight PTM are a database retrieval algorithm (Retriever), MySQL protein databases, a file/data manager, and a project tracker. Retriever performs probability-based identifications from absolute fragment ion masses, automatically compiled sequence tags, or a combination of the two, with graphical rendering and browsing of the results. The database structure allows known and putative protein forms to be searched, with prior or predicted PTM knowledge used during each search. Initial functionality is illustrated with a 36-kDa yeast protein identified from a processed cell extract after automated data acquisition using a quadrupole-FT hybrid mass spectrometer. A +142-Da delta(m) on glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase was automatically localized between Asp90 and Asp192, consistent with its two cystine residues (149 and 153) alkylated by acrylamide (+71 Da each) during the gel-based sample preparation. ProSight PTM is the first search engine and Web environment for identification of intact proteins (https://prosightptm.scs.uiuc.edu/).  相似文献   

Carbon nanowires are fabricated by the Langmuir Blodgett (LB) method via the top down approach on amorphous carbon. Thick a-C films (500 nm to 1 microm) have been successfully deposited after the treatment on silicon. The anisotropic etching of carbon using reactive ion etching (RIE) has been verified giving near vertical sidewalls. The LB method for depositing monolayer requires a hydrophilic surface. Plasma treatment is being performed on the silicon oxide hard mask to reduce the surface energy thereby making the surface from hydrophobic to hydrophilic. PS balls which are being deposited by LB method have one disadvantage which is the low adhesion of the PS ball to the silicon oxide surface. This adhesion is being improved by subjecting the PS ball to annealing which changes the shape and increase the contact area between the PS balls and the silicon oxide surface. As carbon and PS ball is vulnerable to oxygen plasma, a modified recipe of CF4:Ar was being used to etch the silicon oxide hard mask. There is almost little chemical reaction of the CF4 on carbon and PS ball. Carbon nanowires were successfully fabricated using polystyrene (PS) balls of diameter 450 nm. Through a series of steps, carbon nanowire of 500 nm in length and diameter approximately 250 nm can be produced.  相似文献   

Nanoelectronics from the bottom up   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Lu W  Lieber CM 《Nature materials》2007,6(11):841-850
Electronics obtained through the bottom-up approach of molecular-level control of material composition and structure may lead to devices and fabrication strategies not possible with top-down methods. This review presents a brief summary of bottom-up and hybrid bottom-up/top-down strategies for nanoelectronics with an emphasis on memories based on the crossbar motif. First, we will discuss representative electromechanical and resistance-change memory devices based on carbon nanotube and core-shell nanowire structures, respectively. These device structures show robust switching, promising performance metrics and the potential for terabit-scale density. Second, we will review architectures being developed for circuit-level integration, hybrid crossbar/CMOS circuits and array-based systems, including experimental demonstrations of key concepts such lithography-independent, chemically coded stochastic demultipluxers. Finally, bottom-up fabrication approaches, including the opportunity for assembly of three-dimensional, vertically integrated multifunctional circuits, will be critically discussed.  相似文献   

The ability to produce or alter materials to obtain drastically different or improved properties has been the driving goal of materials science since its inception. Combining multiple elements, compounds, or materials while maintaining the beneficial aspects of each constituent is a complex problem often involving highly interdisciplinary research. Hybrid materials, i.e. materials that incorporate organic and inorganic parts, have become popular in a variety of fields. Though not entirely new, the modern embodiment of hybrid materials has led to a large variety of new materials and techniques to produce them. One of the most recent being combination of atomic layer deposition (ALD), which produces inorganic materials, and molecular layer deposition (MLD), which produces organic materials. Furthermore, a variation on these techniques, commonly referred to as infiltration, has allowed for the modification of a variety of natural and synthetic polymers with surprising results related to their bulk mechanical properties. In this review three approaches are taken. First, hybrid materials through bottom-up combinations of ALD and MLD are reviewed, focusing on the process and properties of the resulting materials. Second, the modification of biomaterials through coating is discussed, and finally the relatively new concept of vapor phase infiltration is considered as a new and unique method to produce hybrid materials from a top down perspective.  相似文献   

Liquid crystals are often combined with polymers to influence the liquid crystals' orientation and mechanical properties, but at the expense of reorientation speed or uniformity of alignment. We introduce a new method to create self-assembled nematic liquid-crystal gels using an ABA triblock copolymer with a side-group liquid-crystalline midblock and liquid-crystal-phobic endblocks. In contrast to in situ polymerized networks, these physical gels are homogeneous systems with a solubilized polymer network giving them exceptional optical uniformity and well-defined crosslink density. Furthermore, the unusually high-molecular-weight polymers used allow gels to form at lower concentrations than previously accessible. This enables these gels to be aligned by surface anchoring, shear, or magnetic fields. The high content of small-molecule liquid crystal (>/=95%) allows access to a regime of fast reorientation dynamics.  相似文献   

Mark   《Technology in Society》2008,30(3-4):415
The world is facing a global water crisis. Already, deficiencies in water supply and water quality are causing widespread human suffering. About 1.1 billion people lack access to clean water, and 2.6 billion do not have access to improved sanitation facilities. Everyday, 4500 children throughout the world die from preventable diseases caused by the lack of clean water and sanitation. China, India, and the United States are all facing major shortages of freshwater, and water pollution is having serious impacts on public health and the environment in both China and India. Major investments in science and technology will be required to address the water issues of the future. A new generation of innovative, small-scale technologies is needed to prevent and control pollution, and to restore watersheds. Creative, collaborative approaches to addressing the world's decline in freshwater resources are urgently needed.  相似文献   

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