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基于油页岩气体热载体干馏工艺构建了一种油页岩综合利用系统,将干馏过程中产生的半焦与小颗粒油页岩混合后气化,制得合成气与多余干馏气一并经水煤气变换后进行费-托合成,费-托合成剩余的可燃气体送入燃气-蒸汽联合循环发电系统,实现油-电联产,采用此综合利用系统,可大幅提高液体燃料产量,达到原有干馏系统的1.4倍。利用Aspen Plus软件对所构建的油页岩综合利用系统进行建模,经计算,综合利用系统的一次能量利用效率达到61.79%。进一步模拟分析表明,增加油页岩干馏比例和干馏-气化混合气制油比例,都可以有效提高系统液体燃料的产量,虽然系统电能输出会有所下降,但系统总能效会随着液体燃料产量的增长有显著提升。  相似文献   

<正>吉林省龙腾能源开发有限公司与东北电力大学合作开发的油页岩干馏炼油半焦燃烧供热发电一体化综合利用技术通过中国高科技产业化研究会组织的科技成果鉴定。该技术将油页岩破碎筛分后的10 mm~100 mm块状油页岩用于干馏炼油,油页岩干馏炼油收率由目前的65%提升至90%,达到世界先进水平;0 mm~10 mm油页岩小颗粒、油页岩干馏排出的干半焦和干馏气,用于循环流化床锅炉燃料为干馏装置供热、发  相似文献   

<正>中国高科技产业化研究会近日在北京组织召开了油页岩干馏炼油半焦燃烧供热发电一体化综合利用技术项目科技成果鉴定会。与会专家认为,该项目创新性强,技术水平国内领先。中国是一个油页岩资源丰富的国家,远景储量占世界第4位,在石油资源日渐减少的背景下,利用油页岩获取页岩油的重要性更加突出。2014年,中国页岩油产量达到800kt,但与发达国家相比,我国页岩油行业技术水平却相对滞后。目前,国内页岩油主要是通过抚顺式干馏炉干馏  相似文献   

微波干馏方法是开发页岩油的有效手段   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前在国内外的油页岩开发技术中,利用微波对油页岩进行干馏的方法逐渐受到了重视,微波干馏法已应用于油页岩原位开采技术当中。为考察微波干馏与常规干馏这两种方法对页岩油产品品质的影响,以我国桦甸、抚顺、农安、达连河4个地区的油页岩为研究对象,通过元素分析、模拟蒸馏、催化加氢等手段,对比分析了上述两种干馏方式的加工效果。结果发现:微波干馏法所得产物中油含量略低,而气体损失量相对略高,水及半焦产量也低于常规干馏法;但微波干馏页岩油比常规干馏页岩油烃类含量更高,而硫、氮含量低,同时轻组分含量更高,加氢效果也较理想。结论认为:微波干馏法加工的油页岩产品性质较优,该方法是油页岩开发的有效手段。  相似文献   

大掺量页岩灰混合材火山灰水泥的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田广墅 《石油学报》1985,6(3):97-104
本文讨论油页岩干馏灰的活化温度与火山灰活性的关系和用减水剂作助磨剂的问题,提出在不改变现行生产工艺的条件下,把火山灰水泥中页岩灰混合材的掺量增至40~50%,生产425、325号优质火山灰水泥的技术措施,为扩大页岩灰利用、减少环境污染和提高油页岩工业的经济效益提供了途径。  相似文献   

利用Aspen Plus软件对基于油页岩固体热载体干馏法构建的综合利用系统进行模拟,结合模拟结果对系统做了详细的能量分析和?分析,并绘制了系统能流图与流图来描述每个热力过程的能量分布与?损分布情况。结果表明,油页岩输入量为100kg/s时,干馏炉内部不可逆损失(即热解反应损失)其损率为47.43%,是系统损失最大环节,油页岩中11.03%的燃料化学能贬值为干馏产物热能;综合利用系统各损失中,净化冷凝单元的热损失能量品位最高。  相似文献   

本文对节约炼厂公用系统热能,提出了提高锅炉参数、蒸汽逐级利用、提高锅炉效率、减少蒸汽管网损失、利用余热、蒸汽-燃气联合循环等看法。  相似文献   

声波与燃气脉冲除灰系统在燃油锅炉中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兰州炼油化工总厂动力厂的HG75/39-4型燃油锅炉于1997年大修时,对除灰系统进行了改造,新安装了声波与燃气脉冲除灰系统。锅炉的高温段过热器、省煤器部位采用低频声波除灰器,锅炉的低温段空气预热器部位采用燃气脉冲除灰。改造后,通过冬季5个月的连续运行证明,效果明显。与改造前相比,锅炉的排烟温度平均下降了28.1℃,热风温度平均上升了33.7℃,锅炉热效率提高了1.48%,平均产汽量提高了1.58t/h,燃料消耗量下降了1.89kg/t。  相似文献   

采用低温铝甑干馏法处理内蒙古苏尼特油页岩,考察了加热速率、干馏终温、持温时间、油页岩粒径等因素对页岩油出油率的影响。结果表明,在升温速率为7℃/min,干馏终温为510℃,持温时间为30 min,油页岩粒径为3 mm的适宜条件下,页岩油出油率达4.42%。  相似文献   

油页岩干馏炉启动升温过程中,其炉内的温度分布特性对油页岩的预热具有显著影响。干馏炉内气体在固体物料间的空隙内流动十分复杂,难以实现模拟研究。试验结果表明,空炉与填料时水平截面的温度分布变化基本相似,可通过空炉时的温度分布特性来进行近似分析。在进气量12 m3/s、进气比1的工况下,采用LES和RNS模型分别对空炉下干馏段和布气装置的升温过程进行数值模拟,分析干馏段和布气装置内温度及流速的变化。结果表明,布气方式决定炉内不同区域油页岩发生热解的顺序,率先发生热解的油页岩吸热减少,该位置温度加速上升,加剧炉内温度分布不均;加权平均数公式能更加准确反映截面温度不均性;炉内温度分布主要由不同区域的喷嘴加热功率与该区域的流场特性共同作用形成。  相似文献   

为了实现油页岩中油母质的分选富集,采用浮沉试验将桦甸油页岩原矿分成不同的密度级别,并借助XRD、XRF、SEM EDS和光学显微镜分析手段分析了原矿及各密度级别样品的化学组成和矿物学特征。结果表明,桦甸油页岩中的无机矿物主要包含石英、高岭石、蒙脱石、白云母、方解石和白云石。对于不同密度级别的油页岩样品,其密度越高,灰分越高,在低密度级别的油页岩中存在较高含量的油母质。采用重介质旋流器的重力分选方法可将高密度贫油母质部分抛除,得到含油率较高的富油母质产品,实现了油母质的分选富集。分选后的富油母质产品可用于干馏制油,贫油母质产品可用于发电或暂时封存。  相似文献   

Pyrolysis characteristics of a North Korean oil shale and its pyrolysates were investigated in this paper. The pyrolysis experiments were conducted below 600 °C at a heating rate of 10, 15, 20 and 25 °C/min, respectively. The kinetics data were calculated using both integral and differential methods with the assumption of first order kinetics. The results show that the averaged oil content of the North Korean oil shale is about 12.1 wt% and its heat value is 13,400 kJ/kg. The oil yields at different retorting temperatures show that the higher the retorting temperature the greater the oil and retorting gas yields. The optimal retorting temperature for the North Korean oil shale is about 500 oC. The properties of the North Korean shale oil including density, viscosity, flash point and freezing point are found to be relatively low compared with those of shale oil from FuShun, China. The gasoline fraction, diesel fraction and heavy oil fraction account for 11.5 wt%, 41.5 wt% and 47 wt%, respectively. The major pyrolysis gases are CH4(the most abundant), H2, CO2, H2 S, CO, and C2-C5 hydrocarbons. The heat value of retorting gas is more than 900 kJ/mol, and the retorting gas has high sulfur content.  相似文献   


The economics of vertical modified in situ (VMIS) retorting of oil shale can be improved by decreasing the quantity of oil shale which is mined and transported to the surface. However, decreasing the quantity of oil shale removed from the retort also decreases the void fraction in the shale bed and this can affect the retorting process. The Western Research Institute has completed a series of experiments designed to investigate the effects of different experimental parameters on retorting oil shale at low void fractions. The effects of changes in the experimental parameters, oil shale particle size and resource grade, on oil yield losses have been evaluated using previously described oil yield loss diagnostic methods. These methods show that cracking–plus–combustion losses are the major and more variable source of chemically related oil yield losses. In experiments investigating changes in oil shale particle size, these losses correlate with the temperature differential between thermocouples in the rubble and in the interior of the oil shale particles. The data from the experiments investigating the effects of changes in resource grade on oil yield losses do not follow this correlation because of additional combustion of the produced oil during the lean resource grade experiment. Coking losses from experiments investigating both parameters were found to decrease with increased heating rate of the oil shale when significant differences in the heating rate were observed.  相似文献   


A correlation was found between the slope of a line from the plot of the log of the cumulative weight percent of n-paraffins versus the n-paraffin's carbon number adjusted for the lack of C4 and lighter n-paraffins. It was found that as the slope of the line decreased, the quality of the shale oil, represented by the initial boiling point, increased. This increase or decrease in oil quality is due to an increase or decrease in the amount of low boiling to mid-distillate fractions in the shale oil.

In addition, the effects of carbon dioxide and nitrogen retorting on shale oil quality were investigated. It was found that carbon dioxide retorting, in addition to increasing shale oil yield, also increased shale oil quality. It is thought to increase the quality of the oil by increasing the amounts of components in the low boiling to mid-distillate fractions.  相似文献   

油页岩开采分为地面干馏和原位开采2 种主要方式,地面干馏是开发油页岩资源的传统方式。在油页岩资源开发目标优选中,不同的开采方式应有不同的评价体系。为了更加合理、有序地开发油页岩资源,以层次分析法为基础,建立了针对地面干馏的优选体系。首先优选油页岩评价的相关参数,用层次分析法对所选参数赋权重值,然后对参数值评分,参数评分值加权各参数权重得到各矿区分值,根据得分对中国油页岩含矿区进行了评价优选。优选结果表明,博格达山北麓含矿区、抚顺含矿区、儋州含矿区等28 个矿区为最有利的油页岩地面干馏开采目标区。  相似文献   

采用铝甑低温干馏和TG-DTG、FT-IR、GC、GC-MS等分析手段研究了窑街油页岩(YJOS)的热解特性及其热解产物页岩油、半焦和干馏气的组成。结果表明,YJOS的最佳热解温度约为510℃,油页岩中的无机质组分一方面对有机质的热解起着催化剂的作用,降低了热解初始温度,同时也因为其与有机质的紧密结合阻碍了热解产物的顺利逸出;半焦中的脂肪烃几乎完全消失,有机质的缩合度和芳香度增加;干馏气的主要可燃成分是H2和CH4,其次是C2H6、CO和C2H4,干馏气的平均相对分子质量约为20.4,平均比热容约为51.9 J/(mol?℃),平均热值约为40.13MJ/ Nm3;页岩油的密度为0.938g/mL,其中饱和烃和芳烃的质量分数分别为35.91%和26.51%,同时还含有较多的含氧、氮、硫等杂原子的有机化合物。  相似文献   


Ambient air oxidation leads to lower Fischer assay oil yields and often lower process yields from retorting of eastern oil shales. Slight changes in the kerogen and mineral matter of the oil shale and in its pyrolysis products, both liquid and gaseous, were evident following autoxidation. Experimental observations suggest that the hydrogen deficiency of eastern kerogen, as compared to western kerogen, makes its synfuel potential (by Fischer assay) a more sensitive function of the degree of oxidation.

A better yield of oil from oxidized eastern oil shale could be obtained by dissolving away sulfates and other water soluble oxidized materials prior to retorting. The air oxidation of pyrite was demonstrated by SEH, and addition of iron(II) sulfate was shown to reduce assay oil yields. Such observations suggest that combusted shale may not always be a suitable heat transfer agent for atmospheric pressure retorting applications.  相似文献   

A correlation was found between the slope of a line from the plot of the log of the cumulative weight percent of n-paraffins versus the n-paraffin's carbon number adjusted for the lack of C4 and lighter n-paraffins. It was found that as the slope of the line decreased, the quality of the shale oil, represented by the initial boiling point, increased. This increase or decrease in oil quality is due to an increase or decrease in the amount of low boiling to mid-distillate fractions in the shale oil.

In addition, the effects of carbon dioxide and nitrogen retorting on shale oil quality were investigated. It was found that carbon dioxide retorting, in addition to increasing shale oil yield, also increased shale oil quality. It is thought to increase the quality of the oil by increasing the amounts of components in the low boiling to mid-distillate fractions.  相似文献   

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