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The safety of cooked meat products is related to the hazard of food in tache of consumption. As the hazard exists in any tache of food chain, any one of the chain should try his best to control the safety of the food. The safety of the cooked meat products is always one of the most important problems. ISO22000:2005"Food safety management systems-Requirements for any organization in the food chain"offers a standard for the cooked meat products safety management.  相似文献   

Nitrite is a reactive chemical and regarded as one of the most important curing agents in meat products.However,from a food safety perspective,nitrite is responsible for chemical toxicity and N-nitrosamine formation.Investigations on the reactions of nitrite in cured meat products have been carried out in many countries.In this paper,the reactions of nitrite in meat and potential problems currently associated with cured meat added nitrite were reviewed.This article summarized the factors that can influence the residual nitrite in cured meats.These factors would result in changes of nitrite contents for the processing and subsequent storage.Many countries have made efforts to restrict the amounts of ingoing and residual nitrite by law.The potential substitutes for nitrite in cured meat products and the development of uncured nitrite-free meat system were also described here.  相似文献   

Extending the shelf life of products is always a prime concern for snack food producers. Danish ingredient company Chr. Hansen has developed cultures that can suppress the growth of bacteria in processed meat, thereby extending its shelf life by up to one year. Using these cultures, Chr. Hansen is working with meat processors in China to create meatbased snacks for launch in the country in the near future.  相似文献   

Effective emulsification technology was applied in meat processing to achieve water holding and oil stability in the meat products. The effects of chopping emulsification technology are mainly affected by factors, which was chopping parameters and raw meat materials. Chopping parameters such as chopping temperature, chopping speed, chopping time are crucial factors in chopping emulsification technology. While raw materials such as raw meat type, non-meat proteins, emulsifiers and hydrophilic gums are also important factors directly influencing emulsification. The paper mainly reviewed the advance on chopping emulsification technology in meat processing from aforementioned aspects.  相似文献   

Food safety now faced with enormous challenges,HACCP system considered as the most effective food safety system be introduced in food production,but the HACCP system in the enterprise was not effective application,with the result that food safety problem still serious,the hazards was not reduced effective to achieve an acceptable level.This paper analyzes the HACCP system in meat industries why can not effectively operation and the easy appears hazards in food chain,and establish prevent measures.Analysis from the interaction and relationship between the various steps of HACCP system,obtain that meat safety require both the internal and external efforts,should implementation the HACCP concept and cultivate the enterprises and employees HACCP awareness.  相似文献   

肉制品中香辛料的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews history,definitions,forms of the spices,and analyzes the spice of the use of principles,methods in the meat products,and puts forward the current problems and prospects.  相似文献   

As a new development technique microwave technology has applied widely in areas of food processing.This article summarized the principles and characteristics of microwave technology and applications of microwave processing technology in meat products, cereals, fruits and vegetables processing.Some problems existed in microwave applications were analyzed.The development trend of microwave processing technology in food industry was put forward.  相似文献   

This article introduced the types, characteristics of the fermented meat product and the research situation of the domestic and foreign fermented meat product. It also indicated the developing prospect of the fermented meat products.  相似文献   

<正> Market researches conducted in a number of chain stores in Beijing in June revealed the most popular brands. Among the commodities surveyed were commodities such as instant noodles, cooked meat products, biscuits, chocolates, milk powder, and different kinds of drinks. The results are shown here.  相似文献   

With the development of science and technology the research on low temperature has become more and more important.Its application has become wider and wider.Low temperature meat products have the advantage of damaging least to organizational structure,stored long time,good effect and so on.It's considered to be the best methods for meat products preservation.This paper reviews the principle,method and new technology of the low temperature processing.  相似文献   

肉制品安全一直是食品安全中备受关注的一部分,而食源性致病菌是全球公共卫生和人类健康的一大威胁因素,因此肉制品中食源性致病菌的检测是肉品行业和食品安全检测领域的热点问题。考虑到肉制品作为一种快消品,其中食源性致病菌快速检测技术的研发刻不容缓。表面增强拉曼光谱(surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy,SERS)因其优异的检测特性,被许多学者应用于食品安全快速检测领域。本文简要综述SERS技术及其在肉制品食源性致病菌快速检测中的应用,并对其在食品快速检测领域的应用前景作出展望。  相似文献   

发酵肉制品因生产周期较长、营养物质丰富,极易受到微生物的污染,从而影响产品品质并对人体健康带来不利的影响。由于消费者对发酵肉制品风味以及安全性的关注日益增加,因此对肉制品的安全性以及风味特征的研究非常重要。乳酸菌是最早从发酵肉制品中分离出来的微生物,是传统发酵肉制品中重要的优势菌群,与产品品质密切相关。在发酵肉制品中,乳酸菌不仅可以产生具有抑菌作用的物质抑制有害微生物生长,提高肉制品的安全性;还可以通过影响碳水化合物代谢、蛋白质以及脂质的分解氧化,从而改善发酵肉制品的风味。本文主要从乳酸菌影响发酵肉制品中有害微生物的生长、提高产品安全性及其对风味形成的影响方面进行综述,以期为今后发酵肉制品的研究提供新思路。  相似文献   

钠盐的超量摄入是目前食品安全领域关注的热点。由于肉品感官与质量安全等因素限制,肉品加工中简单减少或消除氯化钠的应用并不可行。本文主要对镁盐对人体健康的影响、镁盐在肉制品中的应用机理进行综述,探讨在肉制品加工中使用镁盐部分替代氯化钠的可行性,为新型低钠盐肉制品的开发与质量控制提供科学理论依据。  相似文献   

肉制品加工过程中往往伴随着脂质氧化的发生,现有研究表明,脂质氧化能影响肉制品中杂环胺、N-亚硝基化合物、晚期糖基化终末产物及多环芳烃等有害物质的生成,这些物质的积累会降低肉制品的食用安全性并危害人体健康。本文综述了肉制品中脂质氧化的机制及氧化产物的反应活性、脂质氧化对肉制品中上述4 类有害物质形成的影响及相关控制措施,以期从控制脂质氧化的角度出发为肉制品安全性生产工艺提供参考。  相似文献   

肉类食品的现状、问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肉类食品是人类生活中必不可少的食物来源,其安全问题关系到广大人民群众的身体健康。本文论述了国内外肉类食品安全的现状,肉类食品安全问题引发的原因及保证肉类食品安全的措施。  相似文献   

我国肉品加工科技现状及趋势   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
我国是世界肉品生产和消费第一大国。2018年,我国肉品总产量8 624 万t,占世界肉品总产量的1/3。 1949—2019年的70 年发展历程里,我国肉品加工业一方面引进西方先进技术改造落后产能,另一方面加强中华传 统肉制品加工技术改革创新,经历了冷冻肉、高温肉制品、冷却肉、低温肉制品、传统肉制品工业化和营养肉制品 加工等发展阶段,在品质提升、营养保持、标准加工、安全控制及绿色制造等共性关键技术研发上取得长足进步。 当前,我国人民对肉品消费的需求已从数量安全到质量安全再到营养健康快速转变,初步建立了以市场需求为导 向,以畜禽宰后保鲜、物流、加工等为主体,相关服务业为支撑的全产业链新型肉品加工产业。基于我国肉品加工 产业现状和未来产业需求,智能化屠宰分级分割、生鲜肉智慧物流保鲜、梯次化绿色加工、共产物高值化利用、质 量与安全和营养健康是肉品加工科技发展新趋势。本文综述我国当前肉品加工产业现状、科技现状、存在问题以及 肉品加工科技趋势,为未来30 年肉品加工发展提出建议。  相似文献   

干腌肉制品因其具有独特的色泽、风味和口感等感官特性而深受广大消费者的喜爱。然而传统干腌肉制品的钠盐(氯化钠)含量过高,人体摄入过高的钠盐会对健康产生不良影响。本文讨论了食盐对干腌肉制品风味、质构和微生物安全的影响,概述了低钠干腌肉制品的相关研究动态,并对低钠干腌肉制品绿色制造的未来研究(如低钠复合盐)提出展望。  相似文献   

发酵肉制品中生物胺的危害及控制   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
发酵肉制品中的生物胺是由微生物中的酶对游离氨基酸发生脱羧作用而形成,生物胺种类复杂,并易在人体内积累产生毒性,本文综述了生物胺的特点、毒性、产生物胺微生物的种类及发酵肉制品中生物胺的控制因素(原料肉的控制、优良发酵剂的开发、生产工艺条件的控制等),目的是为了控制发酵肉中生物胺含量,确保发酵肉制品安全。  相似文献   

安全性是奥运肉制品的一项基本要求之一。本文通过对肉制品加工中各个环节中潜在的安全因素进行分析,提出了保障奥运肉制品安全的有效措施,并构建了奥运肉制品的安全管理体系,以此来提高整个熟肉制品的安全。  相似文献   

腊肉是我国传统的肉制品之一,腊肉加工过程中由于高盐腌制,以及烟熏、发酵等过程,如果控制不当,容易引起不利于人体健康的物质产生,甚至出现有害物质超标情况。因此,控制有害物质的产生,是腊肉加工需要解决的重要问题。本文综述了腊肉中的有害物质及其来源,提出了提高腊肉制品食用安全性的控制措施,并对腊肉研究的发展趋势进行了分析。  相似文献   

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