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甘蔗尾饲料化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘蔗尾是一种良好的青绿饲料资源,可较好的替代其它青绿饲料饲喂于牛羊等反刍动物;而由于其含糖量高,水分大,易腐败等特点,致使其作为粗饲料资源在反刍动物中的利用率相对较低。我们综述了甘蔗尾的营养特性,在反刍动物中饲料化应用现状以及提高其饲料化利用率措施等方面的研究进展;总结了提高甘蔗尾饲料化利用率的处理方法。  相似文献   

利用绿色木霉产生的纤维素酶将纤维素物质转变成为葡萄糖的研究虽然至今还处于实验室阶段,但应用木霉在提高酿酒制酱原料成分利用率和粗饲料消化率等方面已经取得一定效果①. 提高麸曲糖化酶活力是提高食醋原料出品率和淀粉利用率的重要途径。通常认为纤维素酶能使植  相似文献   

我所和山西省永济董村农场共同研制的9CFJ-248型粗饲料发酵搅拌机是安装在手推胶轮车上的,具有简单易造、实用可靠、省工高效、移动方便等优点。适合目前农村社队及专业户养猪对粗饲料加工  相似文献   

多功能揉粉机由北京市南郊新华农业机械厂生产的多功能揉粉机可用于各种牧草和秸秆等粗饲料的加工 ,还可加工玉米、大豆等各类谷物饲料 ,集铡草机、粉碎机和揉搓机的优点于一身 ,经加工后的秸秆等物料可直接饲喂牛、羊等牲畜 ,采食率可达90 %以上。喷风碾米机由山东汶上精良机械有限公司研制成功的 6NF - 15 8、 6NF -13 6、 6NF - 11 5喷风碾米机已于1999年 12月通过鉴定。该机型喷风碾米是在总结国内外喷风碾米机优点的基础上 ,依据市场需求自行研制开发的新型碾米机。该机型结构优于原有机型 ,采用支座、风机一体化 ,传动带轮外…  相似文献   

据《中国农业装备信息》透露,目前农村畜禽养殖户和饲养、加工专业户,需要下列四种饲料加工设备:一是秸秆饲料加工机械。如秸秆揉碎机系列、秸秆化学处理机、粗饲料压块机和符合秸秆生物饲料加工工艺的机械,以便把更多秸秆转化为饲料。二是叶蛋白提取机械。利用这种机...  相似文献   

一、前言原料处理是酱油生产过程中的重要环节,处理得当与否直接影响成曲的质量和酱醅的分解、浸出的难易、产品的好坏、出品率的高低,更重要的是直接影响全氮利用率.膨化原料作为一种新的加工技术,已经广泛地应用在食品、饲料、医药等领域.试验研究证明,膨化技术应用在酱油生产中,具有提高原料利用率、节约能源、  相似文献   

近期,中国农业机械流通协会发布了《高密度饲草打包机》团体标准,自2022年2月11日起实施。苜蓿草、燕麦草和玉米秸秆等粗饲料是牛羊养殖业中的重要饲料饲草,在牛羊饲料饲草中占据很大比重,养殖户需要经常进行粗饲料储备用于日常养殖生产。但在我国实际中,粗饲料由于没有统一的生产加工标准,导致草捆尺寸不规范、装卸效率低、运输成本高、仓储占地面积大且成本高、防火安全隐患大、草料等级不好标示等问题的出现。  相似文献   

针对我国目前生产的中、小型饲料加工机组存在的使用单一,不能加工多种饲料资源的问题,研究设计出了适合我国北方乡镇级需要的,既能生产配合饲料,又有加工农作物茎秆、小块饼粕等粗饲料,而且还可以单独使用粉碎机加工食用玉米面等颗粒粮食的多功能饲料机组。同时在设计时,对传统的粉碎室及搅拌机进行了改进。设计了具有目前先进水平的“水滴式”精、粗饲料两用粉碎室;搅拌机采用双螺旋提升,并增设了强制喂入器,使残留量指标超过了部颁优胜标准。  相似文献   

利用下沉的艾维因公鸡,应用Sibbald“TME”方法,测定了湖北省内热处理程度不同的花生粕、棉籽粕和菜籽粕(饼)的氨基酸真利用率。研究结果表明:适当的加工处理对于提高饼粕类饲料的氨基酸利用率具有重要意义。  相似文献   

针对新疆异质毛利用率低的问题,对新疆巴州罗布羊不同部位、性别和年龄段的羊毛绒类型、脂含量、净毛率、细度、长度及色度进行检测分析。结果表明:罗布羊毛绒的净毛率较高,主要含毛绒纤维和粗毛纤维,含毛绒率较高,白度接近于山羊绒,总体色度优,周岁羊肩部羊毛绒细度达到了细羊毛的标准,80%的纤维长度集中在60. 01~90. 00 mm,长度达到了粗纺加工的标准。为挖掘罗布羊毛绒潜在市场价值,提高其综合经济效益提供参考。  相似文献   

A cloth-based hybridization array system for the detection and identification of material derived from several ruminant species (cattle, sheep, goat, elk, and deer) in animal feeds has been developed. Primers targeting conserved mitochondrial DNA sequences amplified ruminant DNA in a universal PCR, and the digoxigenin-labeled amplicons were hybridized with an array of species-specific oligonucleotide capture probes on a polyester cloth support. The hybridized amplicons were detected on the cloth by sequential reactions with antidigoxigenin antibody-peroxidase conjugate and chromogenic substrate solution. This cloth-based hybridization array system provided sensitive and specific detection and identification of meat meal containing rendered cattle, sheep, goat, elk, and deer material blended in feeds.  相似文献   

To date, genetically enhanced plants in the marketplace that are used as feeds for livestock are based on producing insecticidal compounds or developing herbicide tolerance. Corn grain, whole plant green chop corn, corn silage, corn residue, soybeans, and soybean meal from the current genetically enhanced plants have been fed to chickens, sheep, beef cattle, and dairy cows and compared with feeds produced from isolines of nongenetically enhanced plants. Results from 23 research trials indicate that genetically enhanced corn and soybeans that are currently available in the marketplace are substantially equivalent in composition, are similar in digestibility, and have a similar feeding value for livestock.  相似文献   

A cloth-based hybridization array system (CHAS) previously developed for the detection of animal species for which prohibited materials have been specified (cattle, sheep, goat, elk, and deer) has been expanded to include the detection of animal species for which there are no prohibitions (pig and horse) in Canadian and American animal feeds. Animal species were identified by amplification of mitochondrial DNA sequences by PCR and subsequent hybridization of the amplicons with an array of species-specific oligonucleotide capture probes immobilized on a polyester cloth support, followed by an immunoenzymatic assay of the bound PCR products. The CHAS permitted sensitive and specific detection of meat meals from different animal species blended in a grain-based feed and should provide a useful adjunct to microscopic examination for the identification of prohibited materials in animal feeds.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cadmium accumulates in sheep tissues and often approaches the legal limit for human consumption in kidneys. Previous models have focused on transfer from plants to sheep but have restricted value due to seasonal and species variation in plant cadmium concentration. We created a model for the accumulation of cadmium in sheep using empirical relationships previously derived for accumulation in sheep kidney and liver from feeds, together with equations for accumulation in feeds derived from soil characteristics. The combined model relates soil cadmium to liver and kidney concentrations. RESULTS: Sensitivity analysis demonstrated that the kidney accumulated cadmium faster than the liver and the greatest influence was the total cadmium concentration in the soil. The weight gain of the sheep and soil pH where the feed was grown had relatively minor influences on cadmium concentration in liver or kidney. CONCLUSION: A combined model of soil, plant and sheep kidney and liver characteristics enables concentrations of cadmium in sheep liver and kidney to be predicted from soil characteristics. This will enable the long‐term risks of specific sites to be predicted with greater accuracy than if just plant cadmium concentrations were utilized. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The control of VTEC in the animal reservoir.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
A great diversity of VTECs exist but only in the case of Escherichia coli O157:H7, a common human foodborne pathogen, has sufficient research been done to allow generalizations about the ecology. The key features are as follows: lack of host specificity such that indistinguishable isolates can be found in a variety of species; near-ubiquitous distribution in cattle (and perhaps other ruminant) farms; transient residence in the gastrointestinal flora of individual animals that is not associated with clinical disease; temporal clustering at the population level such that most fecal shedding is confined to sharp bursts in a high percentage of animals separated by much longer periods of very low prevalence; a higher prevalence in young animals in comparison to older ones: a higher prevalence in animals with floral disturbance such as that caused by transit, feed changes or antimicrobial dosing; and a markedly higher prevalence during warm months. Molecular epidemiological studies of E. coli O157:H7 have demonstrated that subtypes of the organism can persist on cattle farms for years, thus supporting a conclusion that cattle farms represent a reservoir. Yet on such farms, common subtypes are often found in environmental niches and in other species of animals; thus, it is not completely clear that cattle themselves are the reservoir. New subtypes are periodically observed on particular farms, and indistinguishable subtypes can be found on farms that are separated by hundreds of kilometers even in the absence of any obvious animal movements between them. The number of subtypes found on a farm does not appear to be qualitatively correlated with cattle movements (e.g., purchases) into the farm. Commercial feeds are sometimes contaminated with E. coli O157:H7, and it seems likely that feeds represent an important route of dissemination for this agent and other VTEC. Mixed feeds collected from feeding troughs are commonly positive for E. coli O157:H7, as are cattle watering troughs, and feed and water likely represent the most common means of infection. Environmental replication in feeds and in sediments of watering troughs occurs and may account for the higher level of fecal shedding in the warm months. Since E. coli O157:H7 has been found to persist and remain infective for at least 6 months in water trough sediments, this may be an important environmental niche where the organism survives during periods when it cannot be detected in cattle, especially during cold months. Traditional means of controlling infectious agents, such as eradication or test and removal of carrier animals, do not appear to be feasible for VTECs. Nevertheless, certain farm management practices-especially those related to maintenance and multiplication of the agent in feed and water-may provide practical means to substantially reduce the prevalence of these agents in cattle on farms and in those arriving at slaughter plants.  相似文献   

Sheep is the second most important dairy species after cow worldwide, and especially in the Mediterranean and Middle East regions. In some countries, the difficult environmental conditions require a peculiar adaptation and, in these contexts, sheep are able to provide higher quality protein than cattle. In the least‐developed countries, the amount of dairy sheep and ovine milk production is progressively increasing. In order to improve dairy productions, in particular those with local connotations, it is necessary to obtain in‐depth information regarding milk quality and rheological properties. The genetic polymorphisms of milk proteins are often associated with quantitative and qualitative parameters in milk and are potential candidate markers that should be included in breeding strategies similar to those already available for cattle. Due to the current and growing interest in this topic and considering the large amount of new information, the aim of this study was to review the literature on sheep milk protein polymorphisms with a particular emphasis on recent findings in order to give scientists useful support. Moreover, the effects of different protein variants on milk yield and composition are discussed. © 2014 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

以内蒙古地区集约化养殖草食动物牛、绵羊、山羊和驴背最长肌为研究对象,以鸡胸肉为参照,采用全自动氨基酸分析仪内标法检测氨基酸含量,评价肌肉氨基酸组成及营养价值。结果表明:各氨基酸在不同动物肌肉中的含量均呈显著差异(P<0.05);鸡胸肉、牛肉和山羊肉总必需氨基酸含量显著高于绵羊肉(P<0.05),驴肉与其他肉无显著差异;牛肉和驴肉总非必需氨基酸含量显著高于山羊肉(P<0.05),其他肉无显著差异。不同草食动物肌肉必需氨基酸指数(essential amino acid index,EAAI)均高于95,属于优质蛋白质来源,EAAI顺序为山羊肉>鸡胸肉>绵羊肉>牛肉>驴肉;驴肉甜味氨基酸含量显著高于其他肉(P<0.05),牛肉和绵羊肉鲜味氨基酸含量显著高于其他肉(P<0.05),鸡胸肉苦味氨基酸含量显著高于其他肉(P<0.05),牛肉和绵羊肉总呈味氨基酸含量显著高于其他肉(P<0.05);以氨基酸相对含量聚类,绵羊肉和牛肉在图谱中最接近,驴肉处于图谱最远端。  相似文献   

Differentiation of closely related species by DNA hybridization   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The specificity of genomic DNA probes for species differentiation by slot blot hybridization has been investigated. Experiments have been performed investigating species differentiation between monkey and human and between cattle, goat and sheep.

It is demonstrated that cross hybridization between probe and DNA sequences from closely related species is reduced by addition of unlabelled DNA from the cross hybridizing species. Quantitative species differentiation is shown possible for all species although with different detection limits. For differentiation between cattle and sheep or goat the detection limits are determined to less than 0·01% whereas the detection limits for differentiation between the closely related species sheep and goat are about 10%.  相似文献   

为了研究不同畜种之间脂肪组织中挥发性脂肪酸的组成成分,利用同时蒸馏萃取技术和气相色谱技术对猪、牛和羊脂肪组织中的挥发性脂肪酸进行了测定.结果表明,绵羊、牛和猪脂肪组织中总挥发性脂肪酸分别为600.512、456.029、202.371 mg/kg.在猪脂肪组织中没有检测到支链脂肪酸;在牛脂肪组织中检测到了4-甲基辛酸,质量比为7.508 mg/kg,远小于羊脂肪组织中4-甲基辛酸的含量,其质量比为28.119 mg/kg;在羊脂肪组织中,检测到种类较为丰富的挥发性脂肪酸,其中对羊肉膻味起主要作用的4-甲基辛酸,在羊脂肪组织中有较高的含量,这一特征与猪和牛的挥发性脂肪酸形成显著的区别.  相似文献   

A mixture of 15 amino acids was either added to the basal silage diet (sheep and cattle) or infused intraruminally (cattle) to determine the role of amino acids in the control of silage intake. Neither dietary addition nor intraruminal infusion of the amino acid mixture in sheep or cattle had a significant effect on intake compared to the control (P > 0·05). However, in cattle, dietary addition of the amino acid mixture increased intake compared with intraruminal infusion of the amino acid mixture (P < 0·01). It was concluded that the amino acid content of the basal silage is not involved in the control of silage intake by sheep or cattle. © 1998 SCI  相似文献   

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