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人口老龄化是当今社会发展所面临的一个重要问题,也是人口发展的主要趋势。我国已于2000年步入老龄化社会.伴随着不断庞大的老龄人口,诸多社会问题也凸现出来。本文主要针对新乡市区老年人运动休闲参与的状况展开调研,旨在寻求城市老年体育的影响因素,积极探讨解决问题的方法与途径。  相似文献   

随着人口老龄化的持续加快,我国已经进入老龄化社会,国家对老年教育的发展越来越重视。本文通过对日本等发达国家老年教育模式的研究,得出我国老年教育应该汲取的国外优良经验,在老年教育中体现出老年人的主体性、教育形式多样化、课程设置灵活化、经费来源多元化等观点。最后对我国老年教育行业的运营策略提出了几点见解,并从宏观的角度对其发展前景进行展望。  相似文献   

在世界人口老龄化的大背景下,进入新世纪以来我国也迈入了老龄化社会阶段,并且老龄化程度逐渐严重。关于老年人的社会问题逐步显露出来,各个行业在不断发展中都注意到了老年群体的特殊性。在家具市场内更是如此,老年坐具的逐步得到重视。本文主要采用问卷调查的方法,结合人口统计因素分析,得出老年人对坐具靠背、扶手、坐垫等部位的具体辅助需求,以及其对于坐具材料和色彩的偏好程度,旨在提炼出老年坐具的典型操作任务,为老年坐具的设计带来帮助。  相似文献   

当代中国人口老龄化已经成为中国社会不可逆的必然趋势,如何缓解老龄化趋势,减轻社会压力促进健康老龄化则成为社会的焦点问题。我国民族传统体育是中华民族文化的瑰宝,它根植于优秀的中华文化,有着独特的功法和独到的健身养生价值,在提高老年群体身体素质的直接健身价值以外还具有内外兼修的养生价值,对于健康老龄化社会具有重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

正中国是目前世界上人口老龄化程度最严重的国家之一,同时也是老年人口数量最多的国家。国家统计局数据显示,截至2019年末,我国60岁及以上老年人口达2.54亿,占总人口的18.1%。据民政部预测,"十四五"期间,全国老年人口将突破3亿,将从轻度老龄化迈入中度老龄化。日益增长的老年人口,愈发体现了养老在我国民生工作中的重要性。近年来,针对养老问题国家不断出台相关政策措施。  相似文献   

受社会发展、人口转变等一般因素,及计划生育等特殊因素的影响,从本世纪初开始,出生率下降,人口寿命提高,我国逐步进入人口老龄化时代。老年人居住问题涉及到千家万户,银色浪潮直接影响着每个家庭,每个人。不同于在物质财富达到一定程度后才进入老龄化阶段的大部分发达国家,我国在物质累积相对不足的情况下就已经逐步进入这个阶段。大力营造适宜老年人的居住环境、是改善老龄化危机的重要举措。本文着眼于居家养老模式,对养老住宅室内设计问题展开研究。  相似文献   

中国已经进入轻度老龄化社会,随着老年人口的逐渐增长,老年人问题将成为我国社会的主要问题之一.相比于西方发达国家,我国老年娱乐用品研发水平还很落后,相关产品尤其是适合老人的玩具产品更是匮乏,现重点论述国内外老人玩具的市场发展状况,介绍西方主要国家和地区的老人玩具产业发展情况,对国内老人玩具发展现状进行论述.  相似文献   

<正>我国是人口大国,对食品需求较多。食品安全问题直接关系人们的生命健康,因此加强食品监管非常重要。随着社会经济的不断发展,人们生活水平不断提高,对食品安全问题尤为关注。无论是对社会发展而言,还是对食品行业而言,加强食品监管尤为重要。因此,国家和相关部门应对食品安全问题高度重视,并针对食品安全问题提出具有针对性的解决措施,促使食品行业的健康发展。  相似文献   

自上世纪下半叶以来,全球范围内逐渐出现了人口老龄化的现象。我国由于是全世界人口数量最多的国家,使得老龄化现象产生了独有的特点:老年人口规模大、老龄化速度快、峰值高、程度不均匀。就地区间区别看,人口老龄化发生的更严重、更快是在城市之中。本文基于这一背景,对沈阳市城市社区养老服务现状、老年人需求进行分析,阐明了沈阳城市社区养老具有的优越性和可行性,并对此提出了具体对策。  相似文献   

正近年来,中国的经济受全球经济不景气,以及国家自身经济政策的调整和人口红利消失等因素的影响,增长开始出现下滑,也将会较长时期处于低速增长。在当前的市场环境下,中国的消费将会呈现出什么样的趋势呢?企业值得关注以下五个方面。1、老龄化社会的健康需求式消费中国进入到老龄化社会已经是不争的事实。2013年底,我国65岁以上老年人口已经突  相似文献   

Copper nanomaterials are being used in a large number of commercial products because these materials exhibit unique optical, magnetic, and electronic properties. Metallic copper nanoparticles, which often have a thin surface oxide layer, can age in the ambient environment and become even more oxidized over time. These aged nanoparticles will then have different properties compared to the original nanoparticles. In this study, we have characterized three different types of copper-based nanoparticle (NP) samples designated as Cu(new) NPs, Cu(aged) NPs, and CuO NPs that differ in the level of oxidation. The solution phase behavior of these three copper-based nanoparticle samples is investigated as a function of pH and in the presence and absence of two common, complexing organic acids, citric and oxalic acid. The behavior of these three copper-based NP types shows interesting differences. In particular, Cu(aged) NPs exhibit unique chemistry including oxide phases that form and surface adsorption properties. Overall, the current study provides some insights into the impacts of nanoparticle aging and how the physicochemical characteristics and reactivity of nanomaterials can change upon aging.  相似文献   

<正> 目前,人口老化已成为全球性的问题,据统计,我国现有60岁以上人口1.25亿人,占全国人口的9.7%,已进入人口老化阶段,并以每年3.2%的速度递增,预计今年达到1.3亿以上,成为世界老龄人口最多的国家。这预示着老年食品产业亟待开发,并且前景广阔。老龄人口的消费多样化,将使投资结构、产业结构、市场结构等方面发生变化。我国老龄人的主  相似文献   

白酒老熟是白酒生产工艺中最为重要的步骤之一。由于白酒自然老熟过程时间长、成本高,因此人们希望通过催陈技术使新酒在较短时间内达到老熟后白酒的色、香、味、格。白酒老熟是物理变化和化学变化共同作用的结果,白酒老熟过程中其酒体和微量成分都在发生变化。本文通过对主流香型白酒自然老熟过程中风味成分的变化及人工催陈技术进行综述,以期为促进白酒人工催陈技术开发提供理论基础。  相似文献   

生物酶制剂提高烟叶醇化质量   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为提高烟叶的醇化质量,缩短醇化时间。将淀粉酶、蛋白酶、糖化酶、纤维素酶和果胶酶等进行配比,并加入适量的复合活性添加剂,将其混合溶解制成酶液后添加到烟叶中,以自然醇化烟叶为对照,进行醇化对比试验,并对醇化后烟叶的化学成分和香味物质以及感官质量进行了分析。结果表明,与对照相比,采用生物酶处理醇化烟叶,可加速其总糖、总氮、烟碱和总挥发碱含量的降解,同时香味物质总量增加,感官质量明显提高,醇化时间缩短。  相似文献   

Zinc is an essential micronutrient required for many cellular processes, especially for the normal development and function of the immune system. Zinc homeostasis and signaling are critical in immune activation, and an imbalance in zinc homeostasis is associated with the development of chronic diseases. Zinc deficiency causes significant impairment in both adaptive and innate immune responses, and promotes systemic inflammation. The elderly are a population particularly susceptible to zinc deficiency. National surveys indicate that a significant portion of the aged population has inadequate zinc intake, and a decline in zinc status is observed with age. There are remarkable similarities between the hallmarks of zinc deficiency and immunological dysfunction in aged individuals. Both zinc deficiency and the aging process are characterized by impaired immune responses and systemic low grade chronic inflammation. It has been hypothesized that age-related zinc deficiency may be an important factor contributing to immune dysfunction and chronic inflammation during the aging process. In this review, we discuss the effects of zinc status on aging, potential molecular and epigenetic mechanisms contributing to age-related decline in zinc status, and the role of zinc in age-related immune dysfunction and chronic inflammation.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to compare traditional dry aging of beef with a novel technique of dry aging in a highly moisture-permeable bag. Four equal-sized sections from paired beef strip loins were dry aged traditionally, unpackaged, or packaged in the experimental bag for 14 or 21 d at 3 °C. No differences (P > 0.05) were noted for pH, moisture, fat, total plate counts, cook loss, shear force, or any measured sensory attribute between the two aging treatments after either aging period. After 21 d, however, dry aging in the bag (versus traditional dry aging) decreased (P < 0.05) weight loss during aging, trim loss after aging, and yeast counts on lean tissue and increased lactic acid bacteria counts (P < 0.05) on adipose and lean tissue. Dry aging in a highly moisture-permeable bag is feasible, will positively impact yields and reduce microbial spoilage, and will have no negative impact on product quality.  相似文献   

The process of skin aging is a combination of an extrinsic and intrinsic aspect, and knowing the molecular changes underlying both is a prerequisite to being able to effectively counter it. However, despite its importance for a deeper understanding of skin aging as a whole, the process of intrinsic skin aging in particular has barely been investigated. In this study, the molecular changes of intrinsic skin aging were analyzed by applying 'Serial Analysis of Gene Expression' (SAGE(TM)) to skin biopsies of young and aged donors. The analysis resulted in several hundred differentially expressed genes with varying statistical significance. Of these, several genes were identified that either have never been described in skin aging before (e.g. APP) or have no identified function, e.g. EST sequences. This is the first time that intrinsic skin aging has been analyzed in such a comprehensive manner, offering a new and partially unexpected set of target genes that have to be analyzed in more detail in terms of their contribution to the skin aging process.  相似文献   

Aging cachaça in wooden barrels improves its chemical and sensory profile and adds quality. Maturation of distilled spirits is influenced by factors such as the species of wood to make the barrels, degree of internal toasting, number of uses of the barrel and aging time. The level of maturation of distillates can be determined based on the concentration of age marker phenolic compounds extracted from the lignin of the wooden barrel, as well as their relationships with each other. This study characterises the aging process of cachaça by analysing the mechanism of lignin degradation during maturation in new oak barrels for up to 60 months in order to establish the relationship between the age of the distillate and the content of phenolic compounds extracted from the wood. The evaluation was based on the analyses of liginin derived compounds using high‐performance liquid chromatography. The level of maturation of aged cachaça can be characterised by evaluating the low molecular weight lignin‐derived phenolic substances. The total amount of benzoic acids (vanillic and syringic acids) can be taken into consideration for predicting the level of maturation of distillates. Based on the composition of maturation related congeners, it is likely that for cachaça, each year of aging in new oak barrels corresponds to approximately five years of aging for spirits in general. © 2020 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

The effects of postmortem handling and aging time were investigated on the palatability attributes of beef at weekly intervals up to four weeks using both an experienced laboratory panel and a highly trained, flavour/texture profile panel. The presence of bone in intact meat cuts reduced both cooking times and cooking losses, irrespective of postmortem handling treatment. Bone-in (intact), vacuum packaged meat cuts were more tender initially and overall and had less perceived connective tissue and lower shear force values than conventionally aged controls and controlled atmosphere, boneless, display-ready cuts. Boneless, vacuum packaged cuts also were more tender overall than controlled atmosphere, boneless, display-ready cuts. Both bone-in (intact) and boneless, vacuum packaged cuts were rated higher in juiciness and flavour desirability than conventionally aged controls and controlled atmosphere, boneless, display-ready cuts. Bone-in (intact), vacuum packaged cuts were also perceived to have a more intense beef flavour than cuts receiving any other postmortem handling treatment. Consequently, both bone-in (intact) and boneless vacuum packaged cuts were rated higher in overall palatability than conventionally aged controls and controlled atmosphere, boneless, display-ready cuts. However, detailed flavour and texture profile analysis indicated steaks could be aged for up to four weeks without influencing the overall quality of the flavour or texture, irrespective of postmortem handling treatment. Both initial and overall tenderness improved progressively and Warner–Bratzler shear force values and the amount of perceived connective tissue decreased progressively as postmortem storage was extended. In addition, both flavour intensity and desirability increased progressively with the extension of postmortem aging. Consequently, postmortem aging appeared to be beneficial to all palatability attributes, except juiciness. Therefore, steaks can be aged for up to four weeks to obtain substantial improvements in overall texture, without adversely affecting overall flavour quality, irrespective of postmortem handling treatment.  相似文献   

There has been an increasing interest in the wooden barrel aging of beer in breweries worldwide. Monitoring of the barrel aging process relies mostly on changes in sensory parameters over time. This may be difficult for teams or brewers with little or no appropriate experience. The beer sensory wheel presents a broad approach to sensory aspects and generalised attributes for many beer styles. Accordingly, this tool may result in confusion through excessive visual information. The work reported here is based on literature research and sensory panel analysis employing ultra-flash profile with the aim to build a new visual tool for wooden barrel aged beer. This will aid the evaluation, training and quality assessment of barrel aged beer. It also provides specific terminology to describe the sensory changes during the barrel aging process. This approach was used to elucidate the characteristics of different wood species (amburana, cabreúva and American oak), and evaluate the flavour transformation of wooden barrel aged beer compared to non-aged beer. The barrel aged beer wheel comprises attributes and references for flavour evaluation and also terms that define the main transformational pathways, namely oxidation, wood extraction and biotransformation. The wheel described here is intended to meet academic and professional needs for the quality assessment of wooden barrel aged beer based on sensory analysis. © 2020 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

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