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农产品价格信息采集与预警系统设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了实现农产品价格信息采集发布的及时性和有效性,提高农产品数据质量,提出一种农产品信息采集与预警系统的设计方法.通过运用Google Maps提供的应用程序开发接口和ASP.NET技术,并集成移动通讯技术和智能客户端技术,设计了农产品信息的采集、处理、发布,系统数据的预警以及基础数据维护等功能模块,保证了系统的实用性、兼容性和可扩展性.实验结果表明,在农产品价格信息采集方面,该系统实现了农产品价格信息的实时采集、处理、发布及预警功能,保证了数据的有效性和准确性,解决了农产品价格信息采集的滞后性等问题,有利于农产品信息的快速交流.  相似文献   

农业信息在农业生产生活中具有极其重要的地位,因此研究一个农业信息的专家系统具有现实意义。.NET技术可以实现各种实用系统。文章使用ASP.NET技术分析设计了农业信息专家系统的部分模块.这对于农业信息专家系统具有很好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

农业信息具有较强的时效性和周期性特征,传统基于行为的推荐算法能挖掘农户兴趣但不能反映农户不同时段的信息需求。同时,农户一般采用匿名网页直接浏览的方式查看农业新闻,显式反馈数据十分稀少,传统协同过滤推荐算法需要面临冷启动等问题。本文提出一种基于用户行为和新闻时效性的协同过滤推荐算法,综合采集用户的隐式、显式反馈数据等多维因素,同时考虑农业信息的分类特征及周期性特征,针对农户对不同农业信息分类信息的周期性关注度变化以及热度系数提高农业新闻推荐的针对性和时效性。通过对真实访问数据进行验证,结果表明提出的算法能有效提升农业信息推荐准确率。  相似文献   

虽然传统农业在信息化的推动下高速发展,但是目前农村信息采集与发布相关工作仍由计算机专业人员完成,农民与信息化仍存在“数字鸿沟”。针对此问题,基于人机交互中的笔交互技术,设计并实现了一个农业信息采集与发布系统。该系统采用日常最自然、最常用的纸笔式交互方式直观地获取信息,让计算机知识薄弱的农民群体也能轻松地使用该系统,高效地完成农业信息采集与发布工作。  相似文献   

近年来我国煤矿无线通信系统首选WiFi和4G通信技术,随着煤矿智能化建设的发展,现阶段煤矿无线通信系统的性能已无法满足煤矿智能化发展的各项需求。对比前几代移动通信技术,阐述了第五代移动通信技术(5G)关键技术及其性能优势;给出了矿用5G无线通信系统的组成及组网方式;结合5G通信技术特点和煤矿智能化发展需求,提出了5G通信技术在煤矿的应用场景,如井下无人驾驶及智能运输、全矿井位置服务、设备远程操控、故障远程诊断、大宽带业务数据传输、煤矿机器人云端控制、全矿井安全监测信息采集、虚拟现实/增强现实矿山等;指出针对煤炭行业的5G技术应用场景还需不断挖掘和完善,且由于5G网络对承载网要求较高,煤矿应预估部署成本,结合自身发展状况和需求搭建矿井5G通信网络。  相似文献   

农业知识库检索系统以"服务农民、助农民增收、提高农业科技水平"为目标,充分发挥农业信息在农业农村发展中的重要功能和巨大潜力,为涉农人员提供高效、准确的农业科技知识。对于新疆少数民族聚居地区的涉农人员来说,深入研究跨语种农业知识库检索技术非常必要。介绍汉-维跨语种农业知识库检索关键技术:Lucene全文检索技术,维吾尔文处理以及汉维双语倒排索引的创建与检索。阐述了系统的设计要点:汉维双语农业知识库设计,知识录入途径以及语义检索模型设计。最后,展示了系统的实现效果。目前,该系统已投入使用,取得了良好的应用效果。  相似文献   

现代化矿井通信技术与系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了由矿用有线调度通信系统、矿井移动通信系统、矿井广播通信系统和矿井救灾通信系统等组成的煤矿井下通信技术体系。提出矿用调度通信系统应采用矿用有线调度通信系统。提出全矿井移动通信系统宜采用WiFi、3G、4G等通信技术。提出矿井广播通信系统既可采用矿用有线调度通信系统远程供电广播技术,也可采用基于以太环网和无源光网络的IP通信技术。提出矿井救灾通信系统应采用无线多媒体通信技术,宜采用WiFi和MESH等通信技术。提出矿井移动通信系统应满足手机脱网通信、基站脱网通信、无线自组织网络、接入煤矿井下有线宽带传输平台等要求。指出在手机脱网通信、接入煤矿井下有线宽带传输平台、无线自组织网络、矿用无线摄像机、基站脱网通信、多功能矿井移动通信系统、矿井无线宽带传输等方面,WiFi优于WCDMA、CDMA2000和TD-SCDMA。提出多功能矿井移动通信系统和矿井无线宽带传输宜采用WiFi。  相似文献   

Abstract. The use of computers in organizations has often been justified by reference to the ‘improved decision-making’ which will result from the use of new technology. Rarely, if ever, is any precise measurement given as to how such improvements will be judged. Phrases such as ‘better information leads to better decisions’ and ‘what managers require is more information’ dominate the literature on management information systems (MIS). Alistair Preston argues that this alignment with top management allowed MIS to legitimize and elevate itself as both a serious practice and an academic discipline. The two dominant themes in the relationship between information technology (IT) and managerial decision-making have been the use of Herbert Simon's work on decision-making and Anthony's pyramidal structure of types of application system, the latter model leading to a powerful categorization of types of computer-based information systems (i.e. transaction processing, management information systems, decision support systems, executive information systems). The models of decision-making employed at each level of this hierarchy are those characterized by Simon as ‘objective rationality’ and ‘bounded rationality’ and these models encourage a view of information as representing some objective reality which can be captured, stored and processed within some form of technology. Dick Boland has argued forcibly that Simon's work has been crucial to the current level of understanding of information and technology within organizations. Less concern has been given, however, to the role which IT itself plays in reinforcing this rationalistic view of information and decision-making. As Mitroff has pointed out, to represent (or model) a problem is to conduct an inquiry into its nature. Likewise, Dick Boland suggests that information technologies are themselves social inventions that are malleable and shaped during use but that such sets limits and opens possibilities that shape the users as well. Hence, information technologies both incorporate and give rise to changes in our vocabularies for knowing ourselves and our institutions. It will not be enough, therefore, for us merely to change our existing models of managerial decision-making, it will also be necessary to design new technologies which will reflect and encourage the use of such models. In this paper we shall use the framework provided by Mitroff to try to consider a number of different paradigms of inquiring system and to see what technological forms would need to be developed in order that we may provide technological support for individual decision-making based on each paradigm.  相似文献   


This article explores an innovative approach to deliver information about new agricultural technology that combines a versatile and potentially lower cost method of developing animated videos with another low-cost method of sharing it on mobile devices (i.e. mobile phone). It describes a randomized controlled field experiment conducted in Burkina Faso to evaluate the effectiveness of animated videos shown on mobile phone compared with the traditional extension method (live demonstration) in inducing learning and adoption of two post-harvest technologies among low-literate farmers. Results suggest that video-based training was as effective as the traditional method in inducing learning and understanding. For technologies that farmers were already aware of animated video shown on the mobile phone was also as effective as live demonstration in inducing adoption. However, in transferring new technologies, the traditional method was more effective in inducing adoption at p?<?.10, but not at p?<?.05. Potential role of mobile phone-based videos as part of the agricultural extension system is discussed.  相似文献   

In order to provide data consistency in the presence of failures and concurrency, database methods will continue to be important to the processing of shared information in a mobile computing environment. It is important, therefore, that we develop transaction processing systems that accommodate the limitations of mobile computing, such as frequent disconnection, limited battery life, low-bandwidth communication and reduced storage capacity, so that we can migrate existing database applications to mobile environments. In this paper, motivated by these needs, we propose a mobile transaction processing system that supports disconnected transaction processing in a mobile client-server environment. The proposed system employs compacts, which encapsulate access methods, state information and consistency constraints, to allow for local management of database transactions on mobile computers.  相似文献   

数字技术正在影响人类的工作、生活和娱乐等各个领域,这种影响主要体现在人们生产和使用数字化信息的过程当中。数字化信息较之传统的模拟信息具有鲜明的特色,本文以互联网、手机、数字电视等信息生产和传播载体的数字化传播过程为依托,从传播内容、传播速度、传播平台、传播范围和传播效果等五个方面探讨数字化信息的典型传播特色。  相似文献   

二十一世纪,农业信息化已成为农业现代化的重要内容和标志,没有农业信息化,就没有农业现代化,农业信息化是通过知识、信息、技术的注入,使农业基础设施装备现代化,农业技术操作自动化,农业经营管理信息网络化农业信息化.本文讨论了基于C/S生产者和消费者可以网上远程采集多种农业信息的实现技术,据此采用ASP.NET、SQL Server、ⅡS等开发平台,建立了一个用于涪陵三农信息的系统.  相似文献   

第五代通信系统是面向2020年以后人类信息社会需求的无线移动通信系统,它是一个多业务技术融合的网络,通过技术的演进和创新,满足未来广泛的数据、连接的各种业务不断发展的需要,提升用户体验。本文首先介绍5G的概念,然后阐述了5G的性能指标,重点对5G的关键技术进行论述,这些关键技术包括新型多天线技术、高频段的使用、同时同频全双工、设备间直接通信技术、自组织网络。  相似文献   

谭奇栋  刘波  沈岳  丁毅 《软件》2014,(3):1-3
手机在农村已广泛使用,但容易丢失,往往给相应用户造成诸多不便或经济损失。本文以搭建的湖南农业农村信息化综合服务平台呼叫中心项目为基础,针对农村安卓手机用户构建一款呼叫信息安全保存、恢复机制的模块。该模块可以将用户电话号码、重要通信记录和短信信息像银行职能一样上传到服务器保存,并下载恢复,同时也可利用综合服务平台浏览自己保存的相关信息,进一步提高手机信息的安全性,为农村信息化发展保驾护航。  相似文献   

The advance of technology in terms of cellular communications and the increasing computing power of the mobile systems have made it convenient for people to use more of mobile systems rather than static systems. This has seen more of mobile devices in personal and distributed computing, thus making the computing power ubiquitous. The combination of wireless communication and cluster computing in many applications has led to the integration of these two technologies to emerge as Mobile Cluster Computing (MCC) paradigm. This has made parallel computing feasible on mobile clusters, by making use of the idle processing power of the static and mobile nodes that form the cluster. To realize such a system for parallel computing, various issues such as connectivity, architecture and operating system heterogeneities, timeliness issues, load fluctuations on machines, machine availability variations and failures in workstations and network connectivities need to be handled. Moset, an Anonymous Remote Mobile Cluster Computing (ARMCC) paradigm is being proposed to handle these issues. Moset provides transparency to mobility of nodes, distribution of computing resources and heterogeneity of wired and wireless networks. The model has been verified and validated by implementing a distributed image-rendering algorithm over a simulated mobile cluster model.  相似文献   

基于CAN总线的移动机器人通信系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,对移动机器人的研究已成为热点,尤其是对移动机器人数据通信系统的研究。由于CAN总线技术具有网络功能,因此本文利用CAN总线构建了一个移动机器人的数据通信系统,使得机器人内部可以灵活地挂接多个功能模块。本文所设计的移动机器人具有动作模块、语音交互模块、避障与导航模块等。实验表明利用CAN总线技术可以提升移动机器人数据通信的可靠性和可扩展性。  相似文献   

袁莹静  陈婷  陈龙  周芷仪  谢鹏辉 《软件》2020,(3):278-282
随着信息管理系统的不断发展,信息化管理在高校管理上得到广泛的应用。研究生教学管理系统是高校利用信息技术辅助教学活动管理的一套软件系统,在国内外高校中已广泛应用,是提高教学质量的重要平台。研究生教学管理系统对于教学水平提升的作用已得到国内外高校的广泛实践和认可,其中也着重强调了信息化技术对于教学水平提高的重要意义。因此,设计更加符合学生教学需求、用户体验更为友好的研究生教学管理系统是有重要意义和价值的。因此,本文希望从现状分析出发,以学生需求的深入挖掘为重点,总结出教学管理系统在学生学习活动中应当扮演的角色和需要具备的功能;然后以窗体设计的相关理论为指导,提升整个系统的用户体验,达到可用、易用和好用。  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代以来,我国医院信息系统发展迅速。到目前为止,全国绝大部分医院实现了信息化管理,并且逐步向区域医疗信息资源共享模式迈进。在医院信息化建设进程中,随着信息系统规模日益庞大,信息管理部门对它的驾驭能力捉襟见肘,原有粗放式的管理模式已远不能适应工作需要。有必要重新审视医院信息系统项目管理模式,实现新的突破。本文以医院信息科为视角,探讨将项目管理九大手段运用到医院信息系统项目建设过程中的作用及效果。  相似文献   

结合RFID、WSN、NFC、移动等多种技术,提出了一种新型的物联网智能停车系统.它能够实时收集有关停车位占用状态的环境参数和信息.为了降低系统的成本,分析了太阳能RFID标签作为汽车检测系统的可能性.此外,还安装了一个基于静态Java和Google云端消息传递技术的软件应用程序,以便管理警报事件.为了证明所提出的方案...  相似文献   

当今,计算机网络的发展日新月异,以校园网为基础的高校信息化建设多数已初具规模。目前高校信息化建设主要依托于网络,人们获取信息的方式主要是从网络被动获取(上网查询),而几乎人人都有的移动手机却没有在高校信息化建设中得到很好地应用。本文所探讨的正是如何在高校信息化建设中引入移动信息化的概念,将移动通信技术与网络技术和各种信息化应用系统(如办公自动化系统、图书信息系统、综合教务系统等)结合起来,使相互的优势互补,让移动通信在高校信息化建设中发挥作用。本文将从高校信息化建设现状、移动信息化特性、移动信息化建设思路等几个方面入手,探讨高校移动信息化的建设思路及其应用实现。  相似文献   

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