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张梅军 《工程机械》1994,25(11):19-23
本文以全断面岩石掘进机现场实测数据为基础,经分析,综合,假设论证,导出了掘进机盘形滚刀所受径向破岩力的预测公式,这些公式的计算结果与多次现场实测结果相吻合,可作为设计和确定全断面岩石掘进机刀具,轴承,刀盘以及整机强度和寿命的依据。  相似文献   

在TBM掘进过程中,滚刀作为主要的破岩工具不可避免地会发生各式各样的磨损,但关于滚刀磨损后滚刀群中各滚刀受力特性变化的研究仍较为缺乏.通过ABAQUS软件对三滚刀顺序切削破岩过程进行模拟,对不同位置滚刀发生磨损后滚刀群中各滚刀的受力情况展开分析.结果表明,当三滚刀按顺序破岩时,首先进行切削的滚刀垂直力与滚动力越大,后进...  相似文献   

掘进机(TBM)开挖隧道过程中,其刀盘上滚刀间距设计的合适与否关系着破岩效率的高低。由于岩石非均匀、非连续、各项异性的特性,使用数值模拟方法研究滚刀破岩过程存在局限性。现场掘进实验主要是针对特定的掘进机做出机械运行参数优化,无法研究不同刀间距对破岩的影响。全尺寸滚刀破岩实验可以人为调整刀间距,且实验中采用大体积岩石可以避免尺寸效应的影响,因此受到了广泛的关注。采用北京工业大学自制的机械破岩试验平台,安装17英寸(432 mm)盘形滚刀,选取尺寸为1000 mm×1000 mm×600 mm的北山完整花岗岩试样,进行了5组刀间距的线性切割试验。实验中采集滚刀三向力,分层收集岩片且对其进行称重。对不同刀间距作用下的平均法向力、平均滚动力和比能进行了分析研究。当贯入度较小时,刀间距对平均法向力和平均滚动力的影响都不明显,随着贯入度的增加,刀间距对平均法向力和平均滚动力的影响增加。对于所有的刀间距而言,增加贯入度会产生更多的岩片,但并不一定会提高破岩效率,对于北山花岗岩而言,当刀间距与贯入度的比值为30左右时,比能值最低,此时破岩效率最高。  相似文献   

张照煌 《工程机械》2008,39(1):20-22
全断面岩石掘进机(Full Face Rock Tunnel Boring Machine,简写为TBM)平面刀盘上一般安装有中心滚刀、正刀和边刀,有些情况下还安装扩孔刀,其中正刀安装数量与消耗量所占的比例较高.如我国秦岭隧道出口TBM施工中显示正刀刀圈消耗量是边刀的8倍多,是中心刀消耗量的近20倍,而且刀圈的价格约为整把刀具价格的三分之一,因此,研究全断面岩石掘进机平面刀盘上正刀磨损机理不仅具有重要的学术意义,而且还具有较高的经济意义.在分析TBM正刀破岩运动的基础上,提出了其弧长磨损系数,并根据工程记录数据进行求解,得出弧长磨损系数可正确反映盘形滚刀磨损规律的结论.从而为盘形滚刀的检查、评估换刀时间、提高作业效率提供了理论和实验依据.  相似文献   

为提高全断面岩石掘进机施工过程中的能量利用率,提出盘形滚刀前倾安装概念.在设定条件下,通过建立的传统(正)安装盘形滚刀和前倾安装盘形滚刀破岩过程中的摩擦力矩理论式对盘形滚刀的两种安装方式进行比较研究.理论计算显示,在6~10 mm贯入度条件下,采用前倾安装的432 mm(17 in)、483 mm(19 in)和533 mm(21 in)盘形滚刀在滚压破岩过程中的能量利用率较高且提高量基本相同;而贯入度在10~12 mm范围时,前倾安装的483 mm(19 in)盘形滚刀较传统安装的同规格盘形滚刀在破岩过程中的能量利用率提高量约为10%;而前倾安装的533 mm(21 in)盘形滚刀较传统安装的同规格盘形滚刀破岩过程中的能量利用率提高量在10~12 mm贯入度范围却降低了约46%.  相似文献   

用BASIC语言编程,模拟了全断面岩石掘进机盘形滚刀的破岩过程,计算了盘形滚刀刃上一点在三维空间,各个方向上的位移变化量及其在不同转角,不同刀间距情况下侧滑量的变化趋势,并绘 盘刀破岩过程中此点的轨迹变化投影图,为进一步分析研究盘形刀的破岩机理提供参考。  相似文献   

为探明适用于济南地区不同地层条件下的盾构滚刀,文中基于HJC模型采用LS-DYNA对济南地铁R2线某盾构区间所选用的两种滚刀进行了动力学分析.结果表明刃宽为25mm的平刃滚刀适用于贯入度较大的施工条件,刃宽为22mm的圆刃滚刀在小贯入度情况下破岩效率更高.  相似文献   

全断面岩石掘进机刀盘上一般装有数十把甚至上百把盘形滚刀,因其磨损不均匀,各刀到达寿命极限的时间或掘进里程也不相同,而更换后的刀刃廓面的平(曲)面度又要求相对合理,这就为盘形滚刀更换过程中的刀具管理提出了较现实难题。结合某隧道工程采用的某型号全断面岩石掘进机,建立了掘进机盘形滚刀刀具管理模型,开发出了刀具管理软件。主要功能有:盘形滚刀刀位显示;破损刀具更换;换刀分析结果显示;数据库管理等,从而为全断面岩石掘进机施工工程的刀具管理提供了较得力助手。  相似文献   

刀具磨损是影响TBM掘进效率的重要因素,该文以北疆供水二期工程XEVIII标段隧洞为依托,开展高强度围岩条件下刀具磨损规律研究.该标段已掘进段围岩强度最大为160MPa,平均为120MPa.根据掘进过程中的刀具磨损统计资料,分析不同刀位的刀具磨损值、围岩强度和掘进参数对刀具磨损的影响以及不同掘进参数对刀具磨损的敏感度,...  相似文献   

CCS(Constant Cross Section)盘形滚刀磨损是影响硬岩隧道掘进工作效率和成本预算的关键问题。根据CCS型滚刀的工作特点和岩石切割破碎原理,分析研究滚刀破碎岩石的复杂应力状态,建立了考虑密实核效应的滚刀破岩机理。通过推导密实核长度的理论解析式,获得了基于塑性去除磨粒磨损机制的滚刀磨损量与法向荷载之间的数学关系式,进而提出了滚刀磨损速率及切削寿命预测模型。基于此,分析计算了深圳地铁12号线某区间共757环的正面滚刀实测磨损数据,发现预测值与实测值的相对差异率值均小于10%,验证了预测模型的有效性。此外,通过与现有滚刀磨损预测模型对比分析,结果表明本文提出的预测模型计算结果更接近于现场实测值,说明了滚刀磨损速率和切削寿命指标可作为评价滚刀磨损特性的可靠指标,为TBM工程现场刀具更换方案设计提供更为合理可行的理论依据。  相似文献   

采用一种新的无网格数值计算方法—广义粒子动力学法(GPD),研究了水平方向围压为0,5,10,15,20 MPa条件下,全断面隧道掘进机(TBM)滚刀的破岩过程及破岩模式,分析了围压对岩体可掘性的影响。得到:(1)围压的存在抑制中央裂纹的扩展;(2)随着围压的增加,赫兹裂纹的扩展方向发生偏转,与水平面的夹角变小;(3)相同贯入度下,随着围压的增加,滚刀法向力及其掘进指数均增加。利用GPD法分析了锦屏二级水电站隧道施工中,含节理的岩层中高地应力对TBM滚刀破岩的影响,成功模拟出高地应力下节理岩体的板裂化现象,得到高地应力能够使岩体产生板裂化促进滚刀破岩。  相似文献   

The performance of tunnel boring machines (TBM) highly depends on the fragmentation efficiency of the cutters. Many geological factors can influence the rock fragmentation process. In this study, a series of two dimension numerical modeling were performed using the discrete element method (DEM) to explore the effect of joint orientation on rock fragmentation by a TBM cutter. Results show that the joint orientation can significantly influence the crack initiation and propagation as well as the fragmentation pattern, and hence affect the penetration rate of the TBM. Such observations are also noted by laboratory and site studies. It also indicates that discontinuum-based DEM has the potential in simulating rock indentation and fragmentation by TBM cutters when rock joints are taken into consideration.  相似文献   

The influence of joint spacing on tunnel boring machine (TBM) penetration performance has been extensively observed at TBM site. However, the mechanism of rock mass fragmentation as function of the joint spacing has been scarcely studied. In this study, the rock indentation by a single TBM cutter is simulated by using the discrete element method (DEM), and the rock fragmentation process is highlighted. A series of two-dimensional numerical modelling with different joint spacing in a rock mass have been performed to explore the effect of joint spacing on rock fragmentation by a TBM cutter. Results show that the joint spacing can significantly influence the crack initiation and propagation, as well as the fragmentation pattern, and can hence affect the penetration rate of the TBM. Two crack initiation and propagation modes are found to fragment the rock mass due to the variation of joint spacing. The simulation results are analyzed and compared with in situ measurements.  相似文献   

为确定TBM盘型滚刀的最优布置,结合有限差分法(FDM)和离散元法(DEM)的优点,采用FDM-DEM耦合的数值模拟方法,对不同刀间距和贯入度条件下TBM双滚刀破岩过程进行三维动态仿真模拟,分析研究了不同滚刀配置对岩石破碎效果的影响。为了验证所提出方法的可行性和准确性,利用线性切割机(LCM)对科罗拉多红色花岗岩进行了切割试验,通过对比分析线性切割试验数据,验证了所提出方法的可行性。数值模拟结果表明:对于科罗拉多红色花岗,滚刀法向力和切向力会随着刀间距和贯入度比值的增加先减少后增大,当刀间距和贯入度的比值为20左右,滚刀法向力和切向力最小。线性切割试验和数值模拟结果均表明,当间距和贯入度的比值在17~20左右,岩石切割的比能量最低,此时TBM切割效率最高。文章提出方法的方法可以为TBM滚刀刀头配置提供重要依据。  相似文献   

Disc cutter wear is a crucial problem that influences the working efficiency and security of hard rock tunnel boring machines (TBMs). This wear results from friction energy accumulation and conversion. In this study, the process of hard rock TBM disc cutter wear is identified and analyzed by quantifying the collective energy change. This study starts with an analysis of the friction process between the disc cutter and hard rock. The relationship between the rolling force work and thrust force work of the disc cutter is examined. As a result, the disc cutter energy equation is determined, and the meaning of the upper and lower bounds of this equation are discussed. Based on the above results, the hard rock TBM cutterhead energy equation is then deduced. A method to identify the friction work is developed. According to the energy wear theory, the cutter wear law on hard rock for a TBM cutterhead is revealed, and a method for predicting disc cutter wear for a hard rock TBM cutterhead is advanced. Furthermore, the validity of this prediction method is confirmed by utilizing data from project cases.  相似文献   

To verify the feasibility and efficiency of rotary-percussive drilling assisted by waterjets in very hard rocks, experiments on the performance of polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) cutters resisting different combined loads of static thrust, impact, cutting and waterjets on Missouri red granite and Halston limestone were investigated. The experiments were conducted by means of a drop hammer and linear cutting-impact table. The effects of static thrust (WOB), impact energy, impact spacing and waterjets on the rate of penetration in hard rocks are described and the results are analyzed by measuring the depth of the craters or cuts penetrated by PDC cutters. Results from the study confirmed that the combined mode of cutting-impact is very effective in very hard rocks.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel meshfree numerical method known as General Particle Dynamics (GPD) is proposed to reveal the mechanism of the rock fragmentation by TBM cutters. Rock fragmentation by two cutters in consecutive joints rock is investigated using GPD. The numerical results obtained from GPD are in good agreement with the field observed results. Moreover, the effects of the length of intermittent joints on rock fragmentation by two cutters are investigated using GPD. It is found from the numerical results that the length of intermittent joints can significantly influence the crack initiation and propagation and coalescence as well as the fragmentation pattern, and hence affect the penetration rate of the TBM. It indicates that GPD has the potential in simulating rock indentation and fragmentation by TBM cutters.  相似文献   

This paper proposed an experimental method to investigate the rock cutting process of TBM gage cutters based on the full-scale rotary cutting machine (RCM). The key point of this method is to reconstruct the RCM by inserting three wedges with angles of 10°, 20° and 30° respectively into the space between the cutter base and cutter box. As a result, the rock cutting process of gage cutters with tilt angles of 10°, 20° and 30° can be proceed. Using this method, rock cutting experiments were conducted with penetrations of 2 mm, 4 mm, 6 mm and 8 mm respectively. The testing results were analysed on the rock cutting force, rock debris dimension, specific energy and cutting surface profile, and it was found that: (1) the cutting forces and specific energy of the gage cutter were lower than those of the normal cutter respectively; and (2) the depth of the rock broken zone was smaller than the cutting depth. The testing results can also be used to validate corresponding numerical models and design the layout of gage cutters.  相似文献   

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