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Pot soil experiments showed that there were great variations among six rice cultivars in their tolerance to soil Cd stress, with respect to tillering, plant height, leaf area, dry matter accumulation and grain yield. Some cultivars were highly tolerant of Cd and showed little toxicity under high levels of soil Cd stress (100 mg kg?1), while others were much more sensitive. Roots were not necessarily more sensitive than above‐ground parts, but the diversities among rice cultivars with regard to the relative changes in dry matter accumulation under soil Cd stress were greater in roots than those observed in straw and grain. The toxicity effects of Cd on rice growth and development lessened as plants grew and matured, indicating that rice plants show adaptation and growth compensation in response to soil Cd stress during prolonged exposure. The relative change in the number of grains per panicle showed a strong positive correlation with relative change in grain yield and, of the four grain yield components measured (panicles per pot; grains per panicle; filled grain percentage; weight per grain), it appeared to be the one most influenced by Cd stress. Thus the reduction of grains per panicle is the main cause of grain yield loss under soil Cd stress. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

High protein strain BI and high lysine mutant Notch-2 of barley were evaluated for their nutritional quality and compared with standard varieties. BI with bold and plump grains was found to possess higher inherent protein synthesising capacity without affecting starch synthesis. Higher protein percentage in Notch-2 was due to reduced grain weight. It is suggested that protein per grain and protein yield per unit area should be taken as indices in breeding for improvement in protein quality. Chemical as well as biological tests showed that BI and Notch-2 are the genotypes with better protein quality as compared to NP 113 and Jyoti. Higher lysine content in Notch-2 was mainly due to the higher proportion of albumin and decrease in prolamin fraction. Digestible energy, however, was low in Notch-2.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In the last two decades, newly released rice cultivars in southeastern China have been mainly characterised by more grains per cm panicle (GPCP), i.e. a compact panicle. These compact panicle cultivars show high yield potential but inferior quality. Accordingly, experiments were conducted to study the effect of GPCP on grain weight and quality. RESULTS: Two compact panicle and two loose panicle cultivars of japonica rice were used to investigate the effect of GPCP on the variation in grain weight and quality within a panicle. Significant differences in grain quality, including brown rice length, width and length/width ratio, brown rice and head‐milled rice percentages, chalky grain percentage and amylose and protein contents, were found among grains within a panicle. In general, the compact panicle cultivars showed lower grain weight and larger variation in brown rice length, width and length/width ratio, chalky grain percentage and amylose content among grains within a panicle than the loose panicle cultivars. CONCLUSION: GPCP is negatively associated with quality uniformity, and increasing the grain number on top secondary rachises may reduce the variation in grain weight and quality within a panicle. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

通过对比研究不同润粮水温、润粮间隔时间、润粮总用水量及润粮方法等关键单因素生产实验,围绕高粱上水量百分比、高粱淀粉糊化率、酱酒产量、酱酒质量等,探究润粮工艺对酱香型白酒生产的影响。结果表明,在润粮过程中,高粱上水量百分比与润粮水温、润粮间隔时间、润粮总用水量均呈正相关;高粱淀粉糊化率与蒸煮时间、润粮方法均呈正相关;从各生产轮次酱酒的产出和质量来评价,润粮工艺对酱酒的产出以及质量有着重要影响。  相似文献   

Water stress during the reproductive phase, especially during seed development, is considered detrimental for chickpea yield. In the present study, the relative sensitivity of Desi and Kabuli chickpea types to water stress during seed filling was assessed in terms of effects on quantitative and qualitative aspects of seed yield. Leaves of both types experienced stress injury (evaluated as electrolyte leakage) to the same extent and possessed almost similar values of water potential at the end of 14 days of water stress. The stressed plants of Kabuli type lost more chlorophyll and had less photosynthesis than Desi type. At maturity, Desi type showed more diminution of vegetative dry matter due to stress over control than Kabuli type. On the other hand, Kabuli type showed a proportionally greater reduction in seed weight per plant, average seed weight, average seed size, number of pods (single‐ and double‐seeded) and harvest index. The stressed seeds of Kabuli type showed 48 and 46% reduction over control in starch and protein content compared with 25 and 40%, respectively in Desi type. The accumulation of soluble sugars was relatively greater due to stress in Kabuli (47%) than Desi type (23%). Fat and fiber content declined by 39 and 35% over control in Desi seeds because of stress whereas Kabuli type showed 46 and 67% decreases, respectively. Protein fractions, namely albumins, globulins, glutelins and prolamins, decreased in stressed seeds of Kabuli by 32, 40, 16 and 15% over control relative to 40, 48, 30 and 28%, respectively, in Kabuli type. The activities of sucrose synthase, invertase and soluble starch synthase were inhibited to a higher extent in Kabuli seeds than Desi seeds under stress. Kabuli seeds showed significantly more reduction in the accumulation of amino acids such as phenylalanine + tyrosine, tryptophan, valine, alanine and histidine and minerals (Ca, P, Fe) due to stress compared with Desi type. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Increasing the potassium (K) supply to wheat plants grown in pots extended the period of grain filling and increased the rate of grain growth, thus increasing the single grain weight. In all K treatments abscisic acid (ABA) content in the grain reached a maximum and this occurred when the growth rate of the grain declined and full ripening commenced. Increasing the K supply delayed the occurrence of the ABA maximum and reduced its absolute value. It seems that an extension of the grain filling period by better K nutrition might not only be due to a longer production of assimilates, but also due to a retarded and lower production of ABA in the grain. This result is supported by the finding that withholding of water supply for 1-week periods during grain development increased ABA content in the grain and reduced single grain weight.  相似文献   

丹野   《粮油食品科技》2019,27(6):10-17
北海道是日本最北部的水稻栽培地区,在当地气候寒冷、环境多变的条件下,为能生产优良食味的稻米,研发出一系列降低直链淀粉和精米蛋白质含量的技术。影响直链淀粉含量的主要因素在于水稻品种,但水稻成熟期的气温越高,其含量也会随之降低,因此可通过提前插秧、选取叶龄较大稻秧等方式来加速水稻的抽穗。关于蛋白质含量,参考氮肥施用标准,分析20个不同栽培区域的气候条件以及5种土壤类型,在以往水稻产量基础上计算出标准产量,将蛋白质含量的目标值定为7.0%以下。可采取各类技术手段,比如:调整施肥量,分析上年秋季与当年雪融后的降水量与气温得出土壤干燥程度,并根据土壤干燥度及有机肥使用量相应减少氮肥量;避免追肥、泥炭土的客土、增加硅酸肥料也是有效措施;可通过培育壮秧,在适宜时机提前移栽、密植、浅插、侧条施肥,以及为保证移栽后水温的夜间或早晨灌水、增加强风地区的防风设备等技术,达到加快水稻早期生长的目的;为避免出现空秕谷,可在幼穗形成期到孕穗期阶段增加稻田水深;在灌浆期需要注意放水时机,始终保证水田土壤保持适宜水分状态;水稻收割后,将秸秆堆肥化处理,最有利于提高产量和降低蛋白,如要直接翻耕入田,也应选在秋季而非春季。  相似文献   

The negative relationship between grain size (percentage >2.5 mm) and protein content usually observed in barley grain samples is attributed to the presence of thin grains. The objective of this study was to determine whether, in grain samples from a given environment, thin grains had a different protein content than plump grains. Grain samples from field experiments were analysed for grain yield, size and protein content of the whole sample and of four size fractions within each sample. Grain yield ranged from 1.5 to 6.5 mg ha?1 and grain protein (whole sample) ranged from 6.8 to 13.4 %. Most of the variation observed in protein content was explained by the ratio of nitrogen availability to grain yield. Within a grain sample, thin grains had more protein than plump grains (>2.5 mm) only when the protein content of the whole sample was high, that is, when the grain sample came from an environment with a high relative abundance of nitrogen. The fact that grain samples with low grain size tend to have high protein content is not due to the presence of a high proportion of thin grains, because thin grains do not always have more protein than plump grains. Copyright © 2014 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

Chilling (<15 °C) during the reproductive phase of chickpea leads to abortion of flowers and pods, infertile pods, smaller seeds and reduced seed yields. In the present study, effects of chilling during seed development were evaluated on accumulation of seed reserves and yield parameters in an extra early maturing chickpea genotype ICCV 96 029. Relative to control plants (17/28 °C mean minimum/maximum temperature), those subjected to cold stress (5/13 °C mean minimum/maximum temperature) showed a marked increase in electrolyte leakage, while cellular respiration (assessed as 2,3,5‐triphenyl tetrazolium chloride reduction activity), chlorophyll content, relative leaf water content and rate and duration of seed filling decreased significantly. In cold‐stressed plants, seed number per 100 pods, seed weight per plant, average seed weight and average seed size decreased by 35, 43, 41 and 24% respectively. Seed reserves of starch, protein and fat decreased by 34, 33 and 43% respectively, while total soluble sugars increased twofold. The accumulation of storage proteins such as globulins and albumins was inhibited to a greater extent than that of prolamins and glutelins. Most of the amino acids decreased as a result of stress, while some such as proline and glutamic acid increased significantly. Among the minerals examined, phosphorus content decreased more than calcium and iron contents. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The effects on yield and on grain and malt characters, of drought stress applied at different stages of grain development and ripening were studied in three varieties of spring barley grown in a glasshouse. Differences between variety means were found for most of the characters studied, but only for wort filtration time was there a significant interaction between variety and irrigation treatment. Grain yield was reduced by all the treatments involving drought stress and the reduction was greatest when stress was applied at heading and maintained for at least 14 days. A similar response was found for the number of ears per plant. Number of grains per main-shoot ear was reduced by drought stress applied at heading but not when the stress was applied from 32 days after heading until harvest. Grain size was significantly reduced by all treatments. Raw-grain characters known to be correlated with malt extract were found to be affected by the treatments: grain nitrogen content, barley extract viscosity and the rate of sedimentation of barley flour in ethanol were all increased by drought stress, the degree of response varying with the length and timing of the period of drought. Malt extracts were reduced by drought stress whether this was applied early or late in grain development. Malting loss and germinative energy were reduced, and wort filtration time increased by late stress. α-Amylase activity in the germinating grain was unaffected by any of the treatments.  相似文献   

丹野   《粮油食品科技》2019,27(6):18-26
日本最北の稲作地帯である北海道では、冷涼な気候の変動の影響を避けて良食味米を生産するため、アミロース含有率(アミロース)と精米蛋白質含有率(蛋白)の低下技術が開発された。アミロースは栽培品種の影響が大きいが、唯一登熟気温が高いほど低下するため、早植えや葉令が大きい苗で出穂を促進する。蛋白では、窒素施肥標準量を、稲作地帯の気象条件による20区分と各5土壌型別に、過去の収量実績による設定基準収量から蛋白7.0%以下を目標に決める。さらに可給態窒素量による施肥増減、前年秋と当年融雪後での降水量と気温による乾土効果および有機物施与に対応した減肥も行う。さらに、追肥の回避、泥炭土での客土やケイ酸資材の施与を行う。初期生育の促進技術として健苗の育成、移植適期内の早植え、密植、浅植え、側条施肥、および移植後での水温上昇のため夜または早朝の入水や強風地帯での防風施設設置がある。また不稔多発の回避ための幼穂形成期から穂ばらみ期の深水がある。登熟期間には、落水時期に注意し,適正な土壌水分を保持する。収穫後の稲わらは、多収と低蛋白のため堆肥化が最善だが、土壌に直接鋤き込むとしても春を避けて秋に行う。  相似文献   

Grain protein content affects the flour yield and breadmaking characteristics of wheat (Triticum aestivum L). In this study, grain protein yield, grain protein content, flour yield and loaf volume were quantified for four wheat cultivars (Inia, Carina, Kariega and SST 86) grown under six different soil fertility regimes in a long-term fertilisation and irrigation experiment at the University of Pretoria. The experimental design was a randomised complete block replicated four times, with fertility as the main plots and cultivars as the subplot treatments. Grain protein yield, flour yield, loaf volume and mixograph dough peak mixing time varied among cultivars and soil fertility situations. Grain protein content differed among cultivars, but mixograph water absorption and dough characteristics did not differ. The highest grain protein yield was 873 kg ha−1 for Carina and the lowest 527 kg ha−1 for SST 86. Grain protein content averaged 131 g kg−1 for Carina and 122 g kg−1 for Kariega. Breadmaking performance showed that in a well-balanced soil fertility situation, Kariega produced 1025 cm3 of loaf volume while Inia averaged 950 cm3. Grain protein yield increased with increasing soil fertility, but grain protein content, flour yield, loaf volume, water absorption and mixograph peak mixing time varied with soil fertility. The interaction between cultivar and soil fertility was significant for grain protein yield, grain protein content, flour yield, loaf volume and water absorption but not dough peak mixing time. The results indicate cultivar differences in breadmaking quality characteristics and that soil fertility status affects grain protein yield, grain protein content, flour yield, loaf volume potential and water absorption but not mixograph peak mixing time and dough characteristics. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Sowing time may impact semolina and pasta cooking quality by changing the environmental conditions during grain filling. The effect of an optimum and a delayed sowing time on semolina quality was studied by comparing six cultivars under irrigation, in order to isolate temperature from drought effects. RESULTS: Protein content was higher in the old cultivars and in the late sowings, according to the number of days with temperature between 30 and 40 °C during ripening. Gluten index increased as temperature rose to a threshold of about 30 °C, then decreased under higher temperatures. Mixograph parameters were less sensitive to high temperatures. Gliadin:glutenin correlated with gluten strength. Spaghetti firmness and protein content were positively correlated independently of sowing date. Cultivars Trinakria and Cappelli had the highest spaghetti firmness (900 and 828 g). CONCLUSIONS: Late sowings may represent a way of increasing pasta cooking quality whenever they place grain filling under thermal conditions able to increase protein percentage, although the accompanying decrease in yield may represent a drawback in environments prone to drought stress during ripening. The lower protein percentages of modern durum wheat cultivars under conventional sowing times results in a lower pasta cooking quality despite higher gluten strength. Published 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Coffee grounds and tea leaf wastes exhibit strong affinity for metals such as Fe and Zn. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of top‐dressing application of Fe‐ and Zn‐enriched coffee grounds and tea leaf wastes at the panicle initiation stage on the mineral content of rice grains and the yield of paddy rice. RESULTS: The Fe and Zn contents of brown rice grains increased significantly on application of both coffee and tea waste materials. The concentration of Mn was increased by top‐dressing application of coffee waste material only. For Cu, no significant (P < 0.05) differences were found between the control and ferrous sulfate/zinc sulfate treatment. The application of coffee and tea waste materials led to a significant (P < 0.05) increase in the number of grains per panicle, which was reflected in increases in the total number of grains per hill and in grain yield. CONCLUSION: The top‐dressing application of these materials is an excellent method to recycle coffee grounds and tea wastes from coffee shops. Use of these novel materials would not only reduce the waste going to landfill but would also benefit the mineral nutrition of rice consumers at low cost by increasing Fe and Zn levels of rice grains as well as grain yield. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Yields of cereals in Britain vary between sites and between years, and average farm yields are less than half of the calculated potential maximum yield. Yield variation is discussed in relation to soil conditions and root growth. An analysis of yield and its components of winter wheat for several sites over several years shows that yield is strongly correlated with number of grains per ear, and number of ears per unit area. These components of yield are influenced by environmental conditions during the reproductive phase of development, particularly light interception, nitrogen absorption and plant water stress. Crop growth analysis shows that total dry matter production is strongly correlated with light absorption, which depends on seasonal variation in leaf area index. Leaf expansion in the field is mainly dependent on temperature, plant water stress, and nitrogen absorption. The environmental factors that are believed to have a strong influence on number of grains per ear, number of ears per unit area, and leaf expansion are discussed. Subjects in which further research is needed are identified. These include: effects of restrictions to root growth on absorption of nutrients and water; effects of soil temperature on leaf expansion and nutrient absorption; the nitrogen requirements of the cereal crop, including the effects of temporary deficiencies of N on the final grain yield.  相似文献   

丹野   《粮油食品科技》2020,28(6):38-46
白未熟粒的多发会使整粒率下降,降低检查等级,因此急需抑制其发生。白未熟粒中,乳白粒和基部未熟粒的发生率存在品种间差异。切除止叶减少光合作用,增肥导致每平方米稻谷数量的增加,疏植和育苗时高温引起早期异常抽穗所致的齐穗不良,以及收割时期的延迟等会造成白未熟粒的增多。此外倒伏还会导致青未熟粒、白未熟粒增多。在初期生长良好的情况下,从分蘖期开始的深水灌溉抑制了过剩的分蘖产生,增加了粒重和糙米产量,使糙米品质得以提高。由于成熟期的土壤过于干燥,因腹白粒产生引起的品质降低和千粒重减少会导致减产。从抽穗期到齐穗期10天后的茎叶到稻谷的每粒稻谷非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)流转量,以及粗糙米产量减去同一流转量的每粒稻谷NSC增加量越多,这些白未熟粒的产生就越少。为避免白未熟粒的多发,必须使施肥量、种植密度、育苗温室的温度管理、移植时期、成熟期的土壤水分和收割时期合理化,促进初期生长,用深水抑制过剩的分蘖。通过改善以上的栽培方法,以及1990年代中期后在共同干燥调制储藏设施中使用色选机选别糙米,北海道的一等米比例超过了日本全国的平均水平。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Rice is the most important staple food in Asia but has also been identified as one of the major sources of cadmium (Cd) intakes for some Asian population. This study investigated whether grain yield could be maintained but Cd in grains be reduced through proper irrigation management when rice was grown in Cd‐contaminated soil. RESULTS: Compared to the well watered treatment, the alternate wetting and moderate soil drying (MD, re‐watered when soil water potential decreased to ?20 kPa) increased grain yield by 10–12% and improved milling and appearance quality of rice when grown in a soil containing a water‐soluble Cd content of 18 g kg?1. An alternate wetting and severe soil drying (SD, re‐watered when soil water potential decreased to ?40 kPa) showed an opposite effect. Both MD and SD significantly increased Cd content in roots while they reduced it in the straw. MD reduced Cd content by 19–21% in the grain and by 40% in milled rice. The SD significantly increased Cd content in the grain but reduced it in milled rice. CONCLUSION: An alternate wetting and moderate soil drying could increase rice yield and quality and also reduce Cd in the diet of rice. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

丹野   《粮油食品科技》2020,28(6):47-56
白未熟粒の多発生は,整粒歩合を低下させ検査等級を下げるため,抑制する必要がある。白未熟粒,その中でも乳白粒と基部未熟粒の発生率に品種間差異があった。白未熟粒は,止葉切除による光合成の減少,増肥とそれによるm2当たり籾数の増加,疎植および育苗時の高温で生じる早期異常出穂による穂揃い不良,および刈り取り時期の遅延により増加した。倒伏により青未熟粒?白未熟粒は多くなった。初期生育が良好な場合,分げつ期からの深水灌漑は過剰分げつ発生を抑制し,粒重と玄米収量を増加させ,玄米品質も向上させた。登熟期の土壌の過乾燥により,腹白粒発生による品質低下や千粒重減少による減収を生じた。これら白未熟粒の発生は,出穂期から出穂揃い期10日後までの茎葉から籾への非構造性炭水化物(NSC)の1籾当たり転流量および粗玄米収量から同転流量を減じた1籾当たりNSC増加量が多いほど,少なかった。白未熟粒の多発生回避には,施肥量,栽植密度,育苗ハウスの温度管理,移植時期,登熟期の土壌水分および刈り取り時期を適正化し,初期生育を促進し,過剰分げつを深水で抑制する必要があった。以上の栽培法改善と,1990年代後半以降からの共同乾燥調製貯蔵施設での色彩選別機を使った1等米調製により,北海道の1等米比率は全国平均を上回るようになった。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The reasons for variations in the amount and size distribution of polymeric protein in mature wheat, related to bread‐making quality, are not fully understood and can be sought during the protein polymer formation period of grain maturation. The present study was aimed at investigating the accumulation and polymerisation of grain storage proteins during grain maturation and their relations to changes in falling number and grain water content in four cultivars of field‐grown winter wheat. RESULTS: Proteins were accumulated and polymerised similarly during grain development independently of cultivation environment, cultivar and fertiliser rate. A 3–6 day delay in maturity among cultivars led to a 3–12 day delay in protein accumulation during early grain development. An increase in nitrogen fertiliser rate from 160 to 200 kg N ha?1 resulted in a 20% increase in the amount of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)‐unextractable protein. Precipitation just before grain harvesting led to 40–50% increases in grain water content and 8–34% decreases in the amount of SDS‐unextractable monomeric protein. At increased grain water contents the fertiliser rate was negatively related to the amount of grain SDS‐unextractable protein. CONCLUSION: Accumulation and polymerisation of grain storage proteins are predetermined events in wheat. Grain moisture content is negatively related to grain storage protein polymerisation, although the rate of decrease is influenced by the fertiliser regime. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Baking, the key step in the preparation of Chhana Podo, involves simultaneous heat and mass transfer that induces physicochemical and structural changes in the product. The effects of baking conditions on colour, texture and crumb grain development in the product were evaluated. The browning index of baked Podo increased from the initial value of 15.7 to 95, 101 and 112, at baking temperatures of 120, 135 and 150 °C, respectively. Browning kinetics followed the logistic model (R2 > 0.98) with an activation energy of 17.81 kJ/mol. In general, crumb grain characteristics such as mean cell area, cell density and cell‐to‐total area ratio increased with increase in baking time and temperature. Textural attributes such as hardness, chewiness and gumminess increased with baking time and temperature while springiness, cohesiveness and resilience increased up to 40 min due to the filling‐up of pores water and liquid by fat and expanding water, but decreased thereafter.  相似文献   

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