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随着体验时代的到来,以用户为中心的交互设计逐渐受到重视。作为人与产品互相传递信息的唯一媒介,界面设计在交互设计中起到重要作用。界面设计分为硬界面设计、软界面设计及软硬界面协同设计。文章讨论了软硬界面设计在交互设计中的意义,从几方面浅析交互设计中如何进行软硬界面设计,最后探讨了交互设计中软硬界面设计的发展方向。  相似文献   

文章研究无意识行为的表现,对用户的隐形需求进行挖掘,对新的交互设计方法进行创新和挖掘,优化用户界面体验。在界面交互设计原则的基础上,对用户的无意识行为进行分析研究,结合具体的交互界面设计案例进行分析,论述用户无意识行为进行的造型设计和用户操作的设计,提出了帮助设计师进行更好的创造与创新的交互界面设计,以期可以设计出引发用户共鸣的产品。  相似文献   

单一的二维交互形式不再能满足用户的体验需求,以增强现实技术为基础的智能手机交互界面是未来的趋势,在设计时设计师需要遵守一定的设计规则从而提高用户的体验度。本文基于增强现实技术的三维交互形式在智能手机的运用中出现了爆发式的增长,探索增强现实技术在智能手机交互界面设计的理论研究,为设计实践提供借鉴和参考。以增强现实技术为基础,探讨增强现实下智能手机交互界面设计的要点、原则以及流程。  相似文献   

文章对医院就诊辅助系统界面差异化设计方法进行研究。以就诊人群认知差异化为基础,通过分析该用户群认知特征,引入交互设计理论,结合等效简化的信息处理方法。结果显示,用户在就诊辅助系统界面上的认知差异化体现在自我状态认知、交互模式认知和产生具体需求三个方面,对就诊辅助系统界面的影响为:视觉识别度下降、操作方式与行为匹配度要求升高,反馈机制匹配度减弱。在就诊辅助系统界面设计中用户认知差异化处理办法分为合并等效差异、保留正面差异和创造设计延展空间三种,针对用户认知差异化的就诊辅助系统界面设计目标总结为:针对性和阶段性的视觉表现,基于预诊断对策的交互方式,基于病情与心理的联动反馈方式,为后续专业治疗提供指示与保障。  相似文献   

在网站开发中,网页直接与前端用户进行交互,界面设计和交互性直接影响到用户的体验舒适度.JQuery Tooltipster是一款兼容性强、功能强大的工具提示插件,为Web页面中的微交互提供了良好的支持,通过具体的应用展示了该插件的使用方法.  相似文献   

目前国内高校培养的界面设计人才水平普遍不能满足企业的要求,艺术类高校界面设计课程教学需要进行反思和改革方能适应社会发展。本课程为平面设计专业所开设,教学改革尝试通过创意工作坊形式展开,模拟移动端APP产品从无到有,以小组为单位把项目设计流程贯穿始终,让学生参与到策划、用户体验、交互设计、视觉设计几个环节中,明白界面视觉设计是以用户体验和交互设计为先导和基础的。课程培养具备设计思维,理解项目设计流程,并懂得一些用户体验和交互设计知识的界面视觉设计人才。  相似文献   

李克 《互联网周刊》2021,(19):53-55
网络技术的发展为人们的工作和生活带来了更多的便利条件,从产品网络发展的角度上来看,其所获得的发展成效主要决定于产品本身的界面设计,要求界面设计能够满足人们的感官需求,从而更好地推动产品发展.本文首先对于用户体验、互联网产品以及产品界面设计的概念进行阐述,同时对基于用户体验的互联网产品界面设计需要遵循的基本原则进行分析,最后对基于用户体验的互联网产品界面设计进行研究.希望通过本文,能够为基于用户体验的互联网产品界面设计提供一些参考和帮助.  相似文献   

当代新科技不断涌现,多点触屏技术的发明使界面设计从实体转向虚拟。iPhone、iPad革命性的减去了实体按键和鼠标,界面设计迎来新的交流方式。手势动作成为当代不断开发创造的动态语言。交互行为与界面设计深入思考时间、运动、声音、情感、文化等多方面用户需求,并带给用户新的视觉、触觉、听觉的体验,成为当代信息交流重要的设计课题,体现了以人为本的设计目标。  相似文献   

旨在探讨在移动应用界面开发中应用用户体验设计(UED)原则的重要性和影响。通过构建8个基础维度的用户体验预测模型,展示了在这些维度构建用户体验的关键因素,从视觉体感到用户忠诚度,涵盖了设计的方方面面。设计预测模型时,考虑和优化这些维度将有助于创造出令人满意的用户体验。在此详细描述了移动应用界面设计的典型流程,强调在每个阶段如何融入UED原则。通过用户研究和需求分析、概念设计和信息架构、界面设计和交互设计等阶段,展示了如何在每个阶段应用UED原则,以提升用户体验。研究以充换电小程序为例,深入分析了在该实际应用中如何应用UED原则来优化用户体验。研究成果为移动应用设计者提供了指导和启示,帮助他们在设计过程中更好地关注用户需求、提升用户满意度和体验质量。  相似文献   

周勇  吴瑕  狄宏林 《软件》2023,(10):173-175
混合现实技术结合了真实世界和虚拟世界,为软件界面设计提供了新的维度和互动方式。本文首先概述了混合现实技术的发展历程及发展趋势,探讨其如何从初步的概念演变成今天的技术现实;其次对软件界面设计的基本概念和原则进行了讨论,强调了设计与用户体验的关系,并对传统的设计方法和工具进行了回顾。深入研究混合现实技术如何影响界面设计,深入探讨了这种技术为设计带来的新理念、对空间认知与交互模式的变革以及如何提升用户体验。最后提出了几种混合现实技术在软件界面设计中的应用方案。  相似文献   

New applications of smart devices interacting with other computing devices are recently providing interesting and feasible solutions in ubiquitous computing environments. In this study, we propose an interactive virtual aquarium system that interacts with a smart device as a user interface. We developed a virtual aquarium graphic system and a remote interaction application of a smart device for building an interactive virtual aquarium system. We performed an experiment that demonstrates the feasibility and the effectiveness of the proposed system as an example of a new type of interactive application of a smart display, where a smart device serves as a remote user interface.  相似文献   

交互式用户界面的形式化描述与性质验证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱军  张高  华庆一  戴国忠 《软件学报》1999,10(11):1163-1168
随着人机交互技术的发展,计算机和用户之间的接口越来越自然,但用户界面管理系统内部的复杂度却大大地增加了.目前提出的新一代用户界面的模型大都停留在概念模型阶段,缺乏对模型的严格描述和证明.该文结合对基于自然交互方式的用户界面的研究成果,归纳出了一个交互式用户界面的通用模型.为了保证系统设计的正确性,文章讨论了如何使用形式化描述语言LOTOS(language of temporal ordering specification)和基于动作的时序逻辑ACTL(action based temporal log  相似文献   

Many types of information are geographically referenced and interactive maps provide a natural user interface to such data. However, map presentation in geographical information systems and on the Web is closed related to traditional cartography and provides a very limited interactive experience. In this paper, we present MAPBOT, an interactive Web based map information retrieval system in which Web users can easily and efficiently search geographical information with the assistance of a user interface agent (UIA). Each kind of map feature such as a building or a motorway works as an agent called a Maplet. Each Maplet has a user interface level to assist the user to find information of interest and a graphic display level that controls the presence and the appearance of the feature on the map. The semantic relationships of Maplets are defined in an Ontology Repository provided by the system which is used by the UIA to assist a user to semantically and efficiently search map information interested. An Ontology Editor with a graphic user interface has been implemented to update the Ontology Repository. Visualization on the client is based on Scalable Vector Graphics which provides a high quality Web map.  相似文献   

一个面向对象的交互式图形工具箱OOIGT   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
在开发交互式图形应用过程中,一个主要难题是如何表示和建立代表应用模型数据及操作的图形对象并提供直接操作的交互方式,另一个难题是如何有效地表示和管理图形对象之间的关系。OOIGT是作者设计和实现的一个交互式图形建造工具箱,其目的是为解决上述个有效的解,OOIGT提供了一相可扩充,用于表示应用模型并集成了事件模型的图形对象集,使应用不人需定义对象,而毋须了解如何作图,且容易处理在这些对象上的交互式直  相似文献   

VITUID is a visual tool for user interface development. It aims to help user-interface designers, who may be non-programmers, to specify and create interactive, graphical user interfaces through graphical interaction. VITUID lets designers specify the user command set and the human-computer dialogs by building a tree and specifying the behavior of each dialog via a dialog-control word, adopting the object-oriented approach. The main strategy of VITUID is to separate a user interface into an application-dependent part and an application-independent part and then let the designer specify only the application-dependent part.  相似文献   

A software system for developing interactive scientific visualization applications quickly, with a minimum of programming effort, is described. This application visualization system (AVS) is an application framework targeted at scientists and engineers. The goal of the system is to make applications that combine interactive graphics and high computational requirements easier to develop for both programmers and nonprogrammers. AVS is designed around the concept of software building blocks, or modules, which can be interconnected to form visualization applications. AVS allows flow networks of existing modules to be constructed using a direct-manipulation user interface, and it automatically generates a simple user interface to each module  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that interfaces between computers and users should differ to accommodate individual, or group, needs. One method of 'personalizing' an interface is to have the system form a limited model of the user and employ it to fashion the dialogue to his needs. Unfortunately, little is known about the effect of adaptation on the man-machine interface. Although obvious advantages accrue from 'personalized' interfaces, there are also obvious disadvantages to presenting users with a changing, adapting and perhaps apparently inconsistent interface. The goal of this work is to determine the viability of an adaptive interface through a human-factor pilot study of a simple, specially designed, interactive computer system. The system uses menu-driven selection to retrieve entries from a large ordered telephone directory. This simple task has several advantages: it is a realistic application area for interactive computers; plausible adaptive modelling methods exist and have been studied theoretically; and previous work has determined the best way to display the menus to users. The results of this empirical study support the use of adaptive user modelling. In the (admittedly highly constrained) example system, a computer interface can indeed adapt successfully to every user. Although it does not necessarily generalize to other user interfaces, the result supplies evidence to refute published objections to adaptive user modelling in general.  相似文献   

为改善用户对交互式导识系统的满意度并帮助设计人员精准获取用户需求,引入 结构方程模型(SEM)于交互式导识系统中,将交互式公共导识系统的用户体验(UX)要素分成   4个潜变量,然后通过专家访谈的形式分析每个潜变量影响UX满意度的可观测变量并设立SEM 调查问卷,最终通过问卷调查与数据分析,建立交互式公共导识系统用户满意度的 SEM 并得 出 4 个潜变量及其可观测变量的影响权重大小。以校园交互式公共导识系统为例,通过用户满 意度 SEM 对其功能、造型和用户界面进行改良设计来提升 UX,并结合 PSSUQ 与现有交互式 公共导识系统进行比较,以验证设计方案的可行性,为交互式公共导识系统体验设计研究提供 理论参考。  相似文献   

User needs are a fundamental element of design. If the design process does not properly reflect user needs, the design will be severely compromised. Therefore, it is worthwhile to investigate how the user is, and user needs are, understood in the design process. In this article, three accepted linear process models for web site and interactive media design are reviewed in terms of the designer and user participation. The article then proposes a user-evolving collaborative design process which is built on co-creation activities between designer and user. Co-creation activities across the entire design process structurally and ontologically reposition the users, and user needs, centrally, which allows the designers to holistically approach to the user needs through building a partnership with the users. Co-creation creates an equal evolving participatory process between user and designer towards sharing values and knowledge and creating new domains of collective creativity.  相似文献   

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