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Functional analysis of the Candida albicans ALS1 gene product   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
ALS1 encodes a cell surface protein that mediates adherence of Candida albicans to endothelial cells. The predicted Als1p has an N-terminal region, which contains a signal peptide; a middle region, which contains 20 36-amino acid tandem repeats; and a C-terminal region, which contains a glycosylphosphotidylinositol-anchorage sequence. We used site-directed mutagenesis to delineate the regions in Als1p required for endothelial cell adherence and cell surface expression of the protein. Mutant alleles of ALS1 containing either deletions or insertions were expressed in the normally non-adherent Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These transformants were analysed for endothelial cell adherence and cell surface expression of Als1p. We found that mutations centred around amino acid 285 in the N-terminus completely abolished adherence, but had no effect on cell surface expression of Als1p. Deletion of 15 of the tandem repeats reduced adherence by 50%, whereas deletion of all abolished adherence completely, even though cell surface expression of the N-terminus of Als1p was maintained. Insertions into the C-terminus at amino acids 413 and 254 upstream of the stop codon resulted in a modest loss of adherence, while cell surface expression of Als1p was maintained. An insertion at amino acid 249 in the C-terminus caused complete loss of both adherence and cell surface expression, even though the glycosylphosphotidylinositol-anchorage sequence remained intact. These data suggest a model of Als1p in which the endothelial cell binding region is localized within its N-terminus, the tandem repeats are essential for the proper presentation of the binding site, and the C-terminus is required for localizing Als1p to the cell surface.  相似文献   

ALS genes of Candida albicans encode a family of cell-surface glycoproteins with a three-domain structure. Each Als protein has a relatively conserved N-terminal domain, a central domain consisting of a tandemly repeated motif, and a serine-threonine-rich C-terminal domain that is relatively variable across the family. The ALS family exhibits several types of variability that indicate the importance of considering strain and allelic differences when studying ALS genes and their encoded proteins. Analysis of ALS5 provided additional evidence of variability within the ALS family. Comparison of the ALS5 sequence from two strains indicated sequence differences larger than strain or allelic mismatches observed for other C. albicans genes. Screening a collection of commonly used C. albicans strains and clinical isolates indicated that ALS5 is not present in several of these strains, supporting the conclusion that the Als protein profile is variable among C. albicans isolates. Physical mapping of ALS5 showed that it is located close to ALS1 on chromosome 6. The N-terminal domain of Als5p was produced in Pichia pastoris to initiate structural analysis of this portion of the protein. The hydrophobic character of this portion of the protein was exploited in the purification scheme. Circular dichroism analysis of the purified, authenticated protein yielded a high content of antiparallel beta-sheet and little to no alpha-helical structure. These results are consistent with the conclusion that the N-terminal domain of Als5p has an immunoglobulin fold structure similar to that found in many cell adhesion molecules. Gene sequences of C. albicans ALS5 (Accession No. AF068866) and TPI1 (Accession No. AF124845) have been deposited in the GenBank database.  相似文献   

RNA can be modified in over 100 distinct ways, and these modifications are critical for function. Pseudouridine synthases catalyse pseudouridylation, one of the most prevalent RNA modifications. Pseudouridine synthase 7 modifies a variety of substrates in Saccharomyces cerevisiae including tRNA, rRNA, snRNA, and mRNA, but the substrates for other budding yeast Pus7 homologues are not known. We used CRISPR-mediated genome editing to disrupt Candida albicans PUS7 and find absence leads to defects in rRNA processing and a decrease in cell surface hydrophobicity. Furthermore, C. albicans Pus7 absence causes temperature sensitivity, defects in filamentation, altered sensitivity to antifungal drugs, and decreased virulence in a wax moth model. In addition, we find C. albicans Pus7 modifies tRNA residues, but does not modify a number of other S. cerevisiae Pus7 substrates. Our data suggests C. albicans Pus7 is important for fungal vigour and may play distinct biological roles than those ascribed to S. cerevisiae Pus7.  相似文献   

The tRNA splicing gene SPL1-1 has been cloned and sequenced in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Kolman and Soll, 1993). Sequence adjacent to the LEU2 gene in Candida maltosa showed some homology to the SPL1-1 gene of S. cerevisiae. This work describes the sequencing of the SPL1 tRNA splicing genes from C. maltosa and C. albicans and the analysis of these genes. Comparison of these sequences and the relationship observed between the LEU2 and SPL1 genes in these yeasts suggests that there may be some synteny amongst various species of yeasts. The coding region of the C. maltosa SPL1 region described in this work differs from previously described partial sequences in that it is a complete uninterrupted open reading frame. Two strains of C. maltosa were each shown to contain different alleles, one uninterrupted open reading frame and one disrupted open reading frame. The sequences have been deposited in the GenBank/EMBL data libraries under Accession Numbers X72940, AF000115, AF000116, AF000117, AF000118, AF000119 and AF000120. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hybridization was shown to occur both between strains of the imperfect diploid yeast Candida albicans and between C. albicans and the distantly related haploid yeast Candida (Pichia) guilliermondii. Prototrophic hybrids were selected from crosses of multiply marked auxotrophic mutants of the two species. In most cases, mild ultraviolet irradiation of the C. albicans partner was required. Examination of auxotrophic markers in segregants from the hybrids indicated that recombination, rather than heterokaryon formation, had occurred in these crosses. The DNA content of the hybrids varied from diploid or aneuploid (for crosses between C. albicans and C. guilliermondii) to triploid (for C. albicans x C. albicans). It seems possible that genetic exchange analogous to this may occur in nature.  相似文献   

An expression vector (CIp10-MAL2p) for use in Candida albicans has been constructed in which a gene of interest can be placed under the control of the CaMAL2 maltase promoter and stably integrated at the CaRP10 locus. Using this vector to express the Candida URA3 gene from the CaMAL2 promoter, we have demonstrated tight regulation of CaURA3 expression by carbon source. Thus under conditions when the CaMAL2 promoter is not induced, expression of Candida URA3 was unable either to complement a C. albicans ura3 mutation or to confer sensitivity to 5-fluoroorotic acid, a compound which is highly toxic to URA3 strains. Since Candida albicans is an obligate diploid organism, analysis of gene function requires manipulation of both copies of any gene of interest. Our expression vector provides a strategy by which the remaining copy of a gene of interest can be placed under CaMAL2 promoter control in a strain where the first copy has been deleted, permitting analysis of gene function by manipulation of carbon source. CIp10-MAL2p should therefore provide a useful means for functional analysis of genes in C. albicans. We have used this strategy with C. albicans DPB2 to demonstrate that the gene is essential and that loss of function leads cells to adopt a hypha-like morphology as they cease proliferation.  相似文献   

PCR-based techniques for directed gene alterations have become standard tools in Candida albicans. To help to increase the speed of functional analysis of Candida albicans genes, we previously constructed and updated a modular set of pFA-plasmid vectors for PCR-based gene targeting in C. albicans. Here we report the functional analyses of C. albicans ORFs whose homologues in S. cerevisiae are involved in endocytosis, to explore their potential involvement in polarized cell growth. Three C. albicans genes, ABP1, BZZ1 and EDE1, were found to be non-essential. Yeast and hyphal morphogenesis were not affected by the individual deletions and the mutant strains appeared wild-type-like under the different growth conditions tested. On the other hand, deletion of both alleles of the C. albicans PAN1 homologue was not feasible. Promoter shut-down experiments using a MET3p-PAN1/pan1 strain indicated severe growth defects and abolished endocytosis, indicating that PAN1 is an essential gene. Subcellular distribution of CaAbp1 and CaPan1 was analysed via GFP-tagged proteins. Both proteins were found to localize at the cortex and at hyphal tips in a patch-like manner, supporting their role in endocytosis. Localization patterns of Abp1 and Pan1, however, were distinct from that of the FM4-64 stained Spitzenk?rper.  相似文献   

Transformation of Candida albicans by electroporation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In contrast to a variety of other yeasts, Candida albicans has proved difficult to transform with high efficiency. Lithium acetate transformation is fast and simple but provides a very low efficiency of DNA transfer (50-100 transformants/microg DNA), while spheroplast transformation, although more efficient ( approximately 300 transformants/microg integrative DNA and 10(3)-10(4) transformants/microg replicative DNA), is complicated and time-consuming. In this study we applied various yeast transformation techniques to C. albicans and selected an electroporation procedure for further optimization. Transformation efficiencies of up to 300 transformants/microg were obtained for an integrative plasmid and up to 4500 transformants/microg for a CARS-carrying plasmid. This reasonably high transformation efficiency, combined with the ease and speed of electroporation in comparison to alternative techniques, make it the preferred method for transformation of C. albicans.  相似文献   

Bax-induced cell death in Candida albicans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bax is a pro-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 family of proteins involved in the regulation of genetically programmed cell death in mammalian cells. It has been shown that heterologous expression of Bax in several yeast species, such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Schizosaccharomyces pombe and Pichia pastoris, also induces cell death. In this study we investigated the effects of Bax expression in the pathogenic yeast Candida albicans. Cell death inducing expression of Bax required a synthetic BAX gene that was codon-optimized for expression in Candida albicans. Expression of this BAX gene resulted in growth inhibition and cell death. By fusing Bax with the yeast enhanced green fluorescent protein of Aequoria victoria, the cell death-inducing effect of Bax was increased due to reduced proteolytic degradation of Bax. Using this fusion protein we showed that, upon expression in C. albicans, Bax co-localizes with the mitochondria. Furthermore, we showed for the first time that expression of Bax in yeast causes the mitochondria, which are normally distributed throughout the cell, to cluster in the perinuclear region.  相似文献   

We have constructed three new vectors for Candida albicans (pFLAG-Act1, pFLAG-Mal2, and pFLAG-Met3). The proteins can be expressed as C-terminal FLAG-tagged proteins under the control of different promoters (ACT1, MAL2, and MET3). To confirm the protein expression, we used the Renilla reniformis luciferase and the drug efflux pump Cdr1p of Candida albicans as reporters. The luciferase protein expressed by the MET3 promoter was found to have the strongest activity of the three promoters when cultured in a methionine-depleted synthetic medium. Cdr1p was expressed as a C-terminal FLAG-tagged protein using either these vectors or PCR-mediated integration. The fluconazole resistance was increased by the Cdr1p expression in a CDR1 homozygous disruptant. The expressed proteins were detected by Western blotting using the anti-FLAG antibody. We also constructed a Cdr1p-FLAG expressing strain, in which we directly tagged Cdr1p with FLAG on the genome loci, using a PCR-based integrative marker cassette that was amplified using the pFLAG vector. We then confirmed the protein expression by Western blotting. Thus, these new vectors are useful as C. albicans genetic tools.  相似文献   

The main energetic pathways, fermentation and respiration, and the general ion transport properties of Candida albicans were studied. Compared to Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we found that in C. albicans: (a) the cell mass yield when grown in YPD was significantly larger; (b) it required longer times to be starved of endogenous substrates; (c) ethanol production was lower but significant; (d) respiration was also lower; (e) it showed a small activity of an alternative oxidase; (f) fermentation and oxidative phosphorylation seemed to compete for both ADP and NADH; and (g) NADH levels were lower. Regarding ion transport and compared to S. cerevisiae: (a) the general mechanism was similar, with a plasma membrane H+‐ATPase that generates both a plasma membrane ΔpH and a ΔΨ, the latter being responsible for driving K+ inside; (b) its acidification capacity is slightly smaller and less sensitive to activation by high pH; and (c) the presence of K+ results in a large activation of both respiration and fermentation, most probably due to the energy required in the process. ADP produced by H+‐ATPase stimulation by high pH or the addition of K+ at low pH results in the increase of both respiration and fermentation. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although plasmids containing rRNA genes (rDNA) are commonly found in fungi, they have not been reported in Candida. We discovered that the yeast opportunistic pathogen Candida albicans contains two types of rDNA plasmids which differ in their structure and number of rDNA repeats. A large circular plasmid of unknown size consists of multiple rDNA repeats, each of which includes an associated autonomously replicating sequence (ARS). In contrast, a linear plasmid, which is represented by a series of molecules with a spread of sizes ranging from 50-150 kbp, carries a limited number of rDNA units and associated ARSs, as well as telomeres. The number of linear plasmids per cell is growth cycle-dependent, accumulating in abundance in actively growing cells. We suggest that the total copy number of rDNA is better controlled when a portion of copies are on a linear extrachromosomal plasmid, thus allowing a rapid shift in the number of corresponding genes and, as a result, better adaptation to the environment. This is the first report of a linear rDNA plasmid in yeast, as well as of the coexistence of circular and linear plasmids. In addition, this is a first report of naturally occurring plasmids in C. albicans.  相似文献   

Type 2C protein phosphatases (PP2C) are monomeric enzymes and their activities require the presence of magnesium or manganese ions. There are seven PP2C genes, ScPTC1, ScPTC2, ScPTC3, ScPTC4, ScPTC5, ScPTC6 and ScPTC7, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PTC6 is highly conserved in pathogenic and nonpathogenic yeasts. In the current study we have demonstrated that the Candida albicans CaPTC6 gene could complement the functions of ScPTC6 in the rapamycin and caffeine sensitivities of S. cerevisiae cells, indicating that they are functional homologues. We have also demonstrated that the CaPTC6‐encoded protein is a typical PP2C enzyme and that CaPtc6p is localized in the mitochondrion of yeast‐form and hyphal cells. However, deletion of CaPTC6 neither affects cell and hyphal growth nor renders Candida cells sensitive to rapamycin and caffeine. Therefore, possibly with a functional redundancy to other mitochondrial phosphatases, CaPtc6p is likely to be involved in the regulation of a mitochondrial physiology. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The SEC4 gene product is a major component of the protein secretion machinery. More specifically, it is believed to play a pivotal role in targeting and fusion of secretory vesicles to the plasma membrane. Its recently described implication with the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rho3p, which is required for directing growing points during bud formation, has prompted us to investigate the role and function of Sec4p in the morphological changes of the yeast pathogen Candida albicans. We have therefore cloned the C. albicans SEC4 gene. It encodes a 210 amino acids long protein sharing up to 75% homology to the S. cerevisiae homolog, when conserved changes are allowed. Its RNA is constitutively expressed in C. albicans grown under various physiological conditions. We also show that it can functionally complement a S. cerevisiae sec4 thermosensitive mutant. The sequence of the C. albicans SEC4 gene has been deposited in GenBank under Accession Number AF017183. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A DNA ligase-encoding gene (Ca CDC9) was cloned from Candida albicans by complementation of an ime-1 mutation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this system, IME1 function was assayed using a S. cerevisiae strain with a ime2-promoter-lacZ gene fusion such that following transformation with a C. albicans genomic library, the presence of positive clones was indicated upon the addition of X-gal to sporulation media. Transforming fragments were subcloned in pGEM7 and sequenced. Sequence homology with several ATP-dependent DNA ligases from viruses, fission yeast, human, baker yeast and bacteria was observed. The sequence has been deposited in the EMBL data bank under the Accession Number X95001.  相似文献   

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