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This article treats the influence of the treatment of a Ni catalyst upon the growth of carbon nanotubes in alcohol catalytic chemical vapour deposition (AC CVD) equipment. Prior to the growth of diamond, a thin film of Ni was deposited on a silicon substrate by magnetron sputtering. We observed that a combination of annealing of the Ni catalyst in vacuum and NH3 had a positive effect upon the growth of carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The prepared CNTs were analysed by scanning electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) have been successfully grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) method. Elucidating the key characteristics of catalyst sources that affect carbon nanotubes growth is of great importance for improving and control MWCNTs morphology and structure. In this work we present a systematically study of CVD parameters, such as catalyst source, substrate morphology and temperature and how it affects carbon nanotubes synthesis. The novelty of this work lies on the catalyst composition. Two specific catalyst sources were analyzed: (i) Fe2Co and (ii) Fe2Co with ferrocene. Cyclic Voltammetry results confirmed the presence of Fe2+ in the Fe2Co with ferrocene solution. X-Ray Diffraction analysis confirmed the presence of iron particles on the substrate surface after its submission to growth conditions. Raman results suggested an improvement in carbon nanotubes crystalline quality catalyzed by Fe2Co with ferrocene. For tridimensional substrates such as fibers, the Fe2Co with ferrocene provided aligned CNTs with lower defects density noticed in Raman spectra and SEM micrographs. Finally, we corroborated the Fe2+ encapsulation relation with the growth mechanism and MWCNTs formation.  相似文献   

The effects of boron doping and electron correlation on the transport properties of CVD boron-doped multiwalled carbon nanotubes are reported. The boron-doped multiwalled carbon nanotubes were characterized by TEM as well as Raman spectroscopy using different laser excitations (viz. 488, 514.5 and 647 nm). The intensity of the D-band laser excitation line increased after the boron incorporation into the carbon nanotubes. The G-band width increased on increasing the boron concentration, indicating the decrease of graphitization with increasing boron concentration. Electrical conductivity of the undoped and boron-doped carbon nanotubes reveal a 3-dimensional variable-range-hopping conductivity over a wide range of temperature, viz. from room temperature down to 2 K. The electrical conductivity is not found to be changed significantly by the present levels of B-doping. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) results for the highest B-doped samples showed similarities with previously reported EPR literature measurements, but the low concentration sample gives a very broad ESR resonance line.  相似文献   

A special electrochemical anodic oxidation (EAO) method was applied to modify the surface of carbon fibers (CFs) with fatty alcohol polyoxyethylene ether phosphate (O3P), triethanolamine (TEA), fatty alcohol polyoxyethylene ether ammonium phosphate (O3PNH4), and ammonium bicarbonate (NH4HCO3) used as the electrolyte respectively. Then different catalysts, including Ni, Co, and Cu, were used to catalyze the growth of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) on the surface of CFs. The variation regulation of structure and property of CNTs on CFs surface was investigated by different methods. The results showed that the optimal effect of surface modification of CFs was achieved when O3PNH4 served as an electrolyte and the optimal electrochemical treatment intensity (ETI) was 100C/g. Also, with temperature variety, there are different microstructure changes for CNTs that adopt different catalysts. Through the experiment, a uniform catalyst coating was obtained on the surface of CFs after reduction process, which laid the foundation for the growth of uniform and regular CNTs.  相似文献   

化学气相沉积法快速生长定向纳米碳管   总被引:20,自引:16,他引:4  
利用化学气相沉积法,采用二甲苯为碳源,二茂铁为催化剂,氮气作保护气,在石英基底上催化裂解生长定向纳米碳管,试验结果表明:在775℃,120min的条件下,可生长出长达200μm厚的定向纳米碳管薄膜;在775℃,反应时间为60min~120min时,纳米碳管的长度为100μm~200μm,而纳米碳管的直径变化不明显。而无氢气,较高的反应温度和连续的催化剂供给对快速生长定向纳米碳管有重要的影响。  相似文献   

Nitrogen-doped multi-walled carbon nanotubes (N-MWCNT) were selectively grown on oxidised silicon substrate by means of catalytic chemical vapour deposition with decomposition of acetonitrile in the presence of ferrocene (FeCp2) at 900°C. The synthesised N-MWCNT film was initially treated with continuous ozone flow for various time periods and characterised by means of scanning electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The electrochemical response of ozone-treated N-MWCNT film towards ferrocyanide/ferricyanide, [Fe(CN)6]3?/4? redox couple was investigated by means of cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The results were compared with those obtained for untreated N-MWCNT film. The findings reveal the occurrence of structural defects on surface of ozone-treated N-MWCNT film due to oxidation of nanotubes. Furthermore, the handling of N-MWCNT film with ozone increases the barrier for interfacial electron transfer and slows down the kinetics of redox reaction occurring on this particular electrode.  相似文献   

We report in situ successive depositions of nickel nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) on ordered mesoporous silica films used as template for the catalyst particles. The mesoporous films are synthesized by the evaporation-induced self-assembly process from tetraethyl orthosilicate derived oligomers and a di-block copolymer from dip-coating deposition method. The substrates are decorated with Ni nanoparticles through Ion Beam Deposition and posterior annealing to induce metal coalescence in the mesoporous cavities. CNTs were then grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition in the presence of an electric field. These techniques provide a simple control method producing ordered arrangements of catalyst nanoparticles and ordered nanostructures for large area applications.  相似文献   

A simple nickel oxide catalyst has been developed in synthesizing single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) at moderate temperature. The catalyst used in the experiment was without a preceding reduction in hydrogen flow. The synthesis of SWNTs was performed at a temperature of 700 °C, which represents a moderate reaction temperature. The presence of SWNTs on the catalyst was confirmed by transmission electron microscope (TEM) and Raman spectroscope. The Raman spectrum shows a strong intensity at the radial breathing mode, indicating that the occurrence of SWNTs was dominant. Raman data further reveals that the synthesized SWNTs had the diameters in the range from 0.58 to 2.02 nm.  相似文献   

通过热引发方式使炸药-催化剂前驱体-碳氢化合物体系在密闭反应管中发生爆炸合成碳纳米管。采用TEM,HRTEM,XRD和TG等方法研究了以二茂铁、甲酸镍和乙酸钴作为催化剂前驱体对所合成碳纳米管产物的形貌、微观结构和纯度的影响。以乙酸钴为前驱体可以得到纯度较高(约80%~90%)、微观结构较好的管腔中空的碳纳米管。以二茂铁为前驱体,只有约10%~20%的碳管生成且多呈竹节状形貌。以甲酸镍为前驱体,得到的碳管纯度也不高(约10%~20%),碳管管壁富含结构缺陷,相当多的碳管端口膨胀成直径约为160nm的纳米泡。XRD分析表明这些催化剂前驱体在爆炸反应后均被分解、还原为金属单质。通过对生成的碳纳米管的质量和纯度进行比较,得出本方法中催化剂的催化活性依次为:钴>铁>镍,并对本方法中高碳源浓度环境下不同催化剂的活性差异作了简要分析。  相似文献   

This study demonstrates the first example of the use of a metal-free catalyst for the continuous synthesis of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). In this paper silica nanoparticles produced from the thermal decomposition of PSS-(2-(trans-3,4-Cyclohexanediol)ethyl)-Heptaisobutyl substituted (POSS) were used as catalyst and ethanol was served as both the solvent and the carbon source for nanotube growth. The POSS/ethanol solution was nebulized by an ultrasonic beam. The tiny mists were continuously introduced into the CVD reactor for the growth of CNTs. The morphology and structure of the CNTs have been investigated by scanning electron microscopy, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. The obtained CNTs have a multi-walled structure with diameters mainly in the size range from 13 to 16 nm. Detailed investigations on the growth conditions indicate that the growth temperature and POSS concentration are important for achieving high-quality nanotubes, and that the existing of small amount of water in ethanol is effective to remove amorphous carbon species during the formation of CNTs. The mass production of CNTs without any metal contaminant will provide a chance for investing and understanding the intrinsic properties of CNTs and applications particularly in nanoelectronics and biomedicines.  相似文献   

A simple method of growing carbon nanotubes directly on nickel substrate without chemical pretreatment is reported. It is demonstrated that carbon nanotubes growth is directly affected by the roughness on the surface. Carbon nanotubes density is large in each growth zone observed on the surface; these zones being spread sparsely for coarse roughness of the surface. The density of carbon nanotubes decreases and the number of growth zones increases as the roughness on the surface is reduced. The above trend was not affected with C2H2 flow time changing from 10 to 2 min. A similar result was obtained using a Ni alloy as substrate, but the effect of surface roughness on the growth of CNTs was less pronounced. The CNTs grown on the Ni alloy were free of amorphous carbon and uniformly distributed.  相似文献   

采用化学气相沉积工艺在炭纤维表面生长了碳纳米管,并观察了它的微观形貌,且对其影响因素进行了初步研究.结果表明:纤维表面的纵向沟槽可以负载催化剂粒子,是生长碳纳米管的物理基础;催化剂的浓度太高,金属粒子容易团聚长大,所得碳纳米管的管径较大;而催化剂浓度太低,则不能在炭纤维整个表面均匀生长碳纳米管;最佳的催化剂溶液的浓度是0.05mol/L的硝酸钴.比较了铁、钴、镍三种过渡金属催化剂,从形成的碳纳米管的质量来看,钴催化剂最佳.  相似文献   

Optical properties are reported for composites based on single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) and copolymer poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene-co-pyrene) (PEDOT-Py) prepared by chemical polymerization of two monomers in the presence of carbon nanotubes. A charge transfer between SWNTs and the PEDOT-Py copolymer was demonstrated by Raman scattering. The increase in the relative intensity of the Raman lines peaked at 440–577 cm−1, which were assigned to the ethylenedioxy ring vibrational modes, indicated a significant hindrance steric in the case of the composites based on the PEDOT-Py copolymer and metallic SWNTs. The increase in the absorbance of IR band peaked at 984 cm−1 occurred simultaneously with the disappearance of the IR band at 1639 cm−1. This finding was a consequence of the formation of new covalent bonds between SWNTs and the thiophene and benzene rings of the repeating units of the PEDOT-Py copolymer. The photoluminescence (PL) quenching process of the PEDOT-Py copolymer was induced by semiconducting SWNTs. The PL quenching of PEDOT-Py copolymer in the presence of SWNTs was demonstrated based on the energy level diagrams of the two constituents of the PEDOT-Py/SWNTs composite material.  相似文献   

We investigated the single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) growth on Ru nanoparticle catalyst via hot filament assisted chemical vapor deposition (HFCVD) with two independent W filaments for the carbon precursor (methane) and the hydrogen dissociation respectively. The Ru nanoparticles were obtained following a two-step strategy. At first the growth substrate is functionalized by silanisation, then a self assembly of a ruthenium porphyrin complex monolayer on pyridine-functionalized metal oxide substrates. We have studied the impact of the filaments power and we optimized the SWCNTs growth temperature. The as grown SWCNTs were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and Raman spectroscopy. It was found that the quality, density and the diameter of SWCNTs depends on the filament and growth temperature. Results of this study can be used to improve the understanding of the growth of SWCNTs by HFCVD.  相似文献   

Himani Sharma 《Thin solid films》2010,518(23):6915-6920
Enhanced field emission properties and improved crystallinity of titanium (Ti) coated multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), prepared by microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition have been observed. Ti films of extremely low thicknesses (0.5 nm, 1.0 nm and 1.5 nm) were coated over carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and their field emission behaviour was investigated. The turn on field of Ti coated CNTs was found to be low (~ 0.8 V/μm) as compared to pristine CNTs (~ 1.8 V/μm). The field enhancement factor for Ti coated CNTs was quite large (~ 1.14 × 104) as compared to pristine CNTs (~ 6 × 103). This enhancement in electron emission is attributed to the passivation of defects and improved crystallinity of CNTs. Surface morphological and microstructural studies were carried out to investigate the growth of pristine and Ti coated CNTs. It was observed that Ti nanoclusters adsorb on the edges of MWCNTs and increase their crystallinity. This increase is directly correlated with the thickness of Ti film deposited. Micro Raman spectroscopy confirmed the improved crystallanity of Ti coated CNTs.  相似文献   

Fe filled carbon nanotubes were synthesized by atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition using a simple mixture of iron(III) acetylacetonate (Fe(acac)3) with a conventional photoresist and the effect of growth temperature (550-950 °C) on Fe filled nanotubes has been studied. Scanning electron microscopy results show that, as the growth temperature increases from 550 to 950 °C, the average diameter of the nanotubes increases while their number density decreases. High resolution transmission electron microscopy along with energy dispersive X-ray investigation shows that the nanotubes have a multi-walled structure with partial Fe filling for all growth temperatures. The graphitic nature of the nanotubes was observed via X-ray diffraction pattern. Raman analysis demonstrates that the degree of graphitization of the carbon nanotubes depends upon the growth temperature.  相似文献   

Boron nitride nanotubes (BN-NTs) were synthesized in large scale by the reaction of NaBH4 and NH4Cl in the temperature range of 500-600 °C for 10-18 h, where carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were mixed together with the reactants to serve as template. Pure BN-NTs were obtained by oxidizing the product at about 800 °C in air atmosphere. The structure and morphology of the product with a surface area of 106.635 m2/g were characterized by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis. Large scale preparation of BN-NTs could be realized by this simple and effective route.  相似文献   

This study investigated the stress recovery of aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) embedded in epoxy using Raman spectroscopy, and evaluated interfacial shear stress between MWCNTs and epoxy using shear-lag analysis. To this end, ultralong aligned MWCNTs (3.8 mm long) were embedded in epoxy to obtain Raman spectra at multiple points along the MWCNTs. Downshift of the G′-band due to tensile strain was measured from the nanotube end to the center, and the strain distribution of embedded MWCNTs was evaluated successfully. Interfacial shear stress was then estimated by minimizing the error between the shear-lag analysis and measured strain distribution. The maximum interfacial shear stress between the embedded MWCNTs and epoxy was 10.3–24.1 MPa at the failure strain of aligned MWCNT-reinforced epoxy composites (0.46% strain). Furthermore, the interfacial shear stress between an individual MWCNT and epoxy was investigated.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) double-helix carbon microcoils (CMCs) were synthesized by the catalytic pyrolysis of methane using Ni catalyst in various hot-wire CVD processes. The most effective process is: using preheating method, in which methane was preheated at 1500 °C in a upper reaction tube by a hot wire, and chemical vapor deposition of carbon then occurred at 700-750 °C in a lower reaction tube, where CMCs were synthesized. The growth morphologies and microstructure were examined and compared with the conventional CMCs grown by acetylene catalytic pyrolysis.  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of various mixture fluxes of nitrogen (N2) and hydrogen (H2) on carbon nanotube (CNT) synthesis grown on flexible carbon cloth using thermal chemical vapor deposition (thermal CVD) with ethylene (C2H4) as the carbon source and nickel (Ni) as the catalyst was investigated. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) was utilized to study the morphology of CNTs on flexible carbon cloths with various N2 and H2 inlet flow rates. The results indicate that average diameter of MWCNTs decreases with increasing H2 and N2 flow rates; however, the density of CNTs increases first and then decreases with increasing H2 and N2 flow rates. On the other hand, in our field emission experiments, the result indicates that the field emission is strongly dependent on the density and geometry of MWCNTs. In addition, we also found that the contact electrical conductance measurement is an easy method to predict the field emission characteristics of MWCNTs.  相似文献   

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