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苏锦钿 《计算机科学》2016,43(10):9-18, 39
范畴数据类型是指以范畴论为数学理论基础研究数据类型的描述、计算、语义和应用。早期的范畴数据类型研究以归纳数据类型为主,采用代数从归纳的角度研究有限数据类型的构造语义和递归性质。近年来,归纳数据类型的对偶概念——共归纳数据类型逐渐引起计算机科学工作者的关注与研究,他们采用共代数从观察的角度研究无限数据类型的行为语义和共递归性质。利用范畴论可以为数据类型研究提供统一的数学理论基础,并将代数和共代数中的各种重要研究成果有机地融合在一起,如语法构造与动态行为、递归与共递归、同余与互模拟等。目前,范畴数据类型已经在程序语言、计算描述、理论证明器和并行计算等领域得到广泛的应用。对范畴数据类型的基本概念、数学理论基础、逻辑基础及应用等方面的最新研究成果进行介绍,以引起国内外相关研究领域的学者对计算机科学中的范畴数据类型理论的关注。  相似文献   

证明互模拟同余通常冗长且易出错.双代数为解决该问题提供统一的框架:若行为函子保持弱回拉,共代数范畴到基范畴的忘却函子有右伴函子,则最大共代数互模拟同余.但已有双代数理论建模类型化π演算存在以下困难:行为函子不保持弱回拉,进程互模拟与共代数互模拟不一致.为解决以上两个问题,用稠密拓扑导出布尔范畴作为语义范畴,令行为函子保持弱回拉;定义一类行为函子,使最大进程互模拟与最大共代数互模拟一致,而迟语义和早语义对应的行为函子属于该类函子.进而给出π演算最大进程互模拟同余的双代数模型,为进一步应用双代数框架对其他复杂演算建模奠定了理论基础.  相似文献   

针对面向对象方法的数学理论基础相对薄弱的问题,利用共代数方法从范畴论及观察的角度研究面向对象的形式语义及行为关系。首先,给出类和对象的共代数描述,其中抽象类定义成一个类规范,类定义为满足类规范的共代数,类的各个对象则看成共代数状态空间上的元素,并分别利用强Monads理论和断言给出方法的行为的参数化描述和语义约束;接着,利用共代数互模拟探讨了不同对象在强Monads下的行为等价关系;最后用实例说明如何通过PVS工具证明类规范的一致性及对象的行为关系。  相似文献   

周晓聪  舒忠梅 《软件学报》2006,17(4):713-719
共代数方法是近几年来理论计算机科学的研究热点之一,在并行计算模型、自动机及面向对象技术的理论基础方面有着广泛的应用.以范畴理论为工具讨论子共代数的性质,特别是集合范畴上的子共代数的性质,证明了集合范畴上的子共代数都是正则子共代数.进一步利用共同余共关系与子共代数之间的对应,给出了集合范畴上共生成子共代数的一种构造方式.  相似文献   

代数规范说明是软件与理论计算机科学研究中的一个活跃领域,它对于软件工程与程序设计方法学都有很好的支持,是软件形式化开发研究的一条希望之路。本文是《代数规范说明技术的理论与应用》论文的第一部分,主要介绍数据抽象的思想与抽象数据类型的规范说明。文章从泛代数的角度阐述等式规范说明、初始语义、规范说明的拓广及其一致性与完全性问题。  相似文献   

Verilog代数语义研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
给出了Verilog的代数语义.这是一个等式公理体系,它将Verilog语义特征通过代数规则简洁而准确地表达出来;并且这个代数语义相对于已经所作的操作语义模型来讲是可靠的,即所有的这些代数规则左右两边的进程在操作语义的观察模型下都是互模拟的.研究了此代数语义的相对完备性,即参照前面的操作语义模型,相对于扩展Verilog语言的一个子集而言,此代数语义是完备的.即所有符合这样语法的程序,如果它们是互模拟等价的,那么它们同样可以在所提出的代数系统中被推导相等.在完备性证明过程中,采用范式方法,即构造一种语法上特殊的程序,任何属于上述子集中的一个程序通过该代数规则都能够被转化为范式程序,而且范式程序在操作语义模型下是互模拟的当且仅当它们是语法相同的.上述结果具有重要的理论意义,因为现有的进程代数理论主要是针对管道通信并行语言而展开的,而对于像Verilog这种以共享变量通信为基础的复杂并行语言研究还是比较少的,对此类复杂的基于共享变量的并行语言的进程代数理论研究提出了一种通用、有效的方法.  相似文献   

基于模态的嵌入式软件动态重构技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
覃杨森  董云卫 《计算机科学》2012,39(2):179-182,190
终结共代数上的互模拟是等价关系,这一性质为对象的行为等价提供了一种基于共归纳原理的证明方法。首先,利用共代数给出面向对象方法中的抽象类、类和对象的形式化描述,其中抽象类被定义为一个包含方法和断言声明的类规范,类被定义为满足类规范的共代数,类的各个对象看成是共代数状态空间上的元素,而对象中方法的各种行为结构则通过强Monads进行参数化描述;接着,利用类规范的终结共代数给出对象行为等价关系的证明方法以及在各种不同Monads结构下的终结共代数语义;最后,通过实例说明如何利用PVS工具对研究结果进行验证。  相似文献   

本体内代数系统之研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
信息检索中的语义问题一直是研究的热点。本体作为能描述语义能力的建模方法,在信息系统领域得到广泛的关注和应用。文献犤1犦犤2犦研究了在不同本体之间构建代数系统来解决分布式系统之间的语义异构。文章研究单个本体内的代数系统,给出了该代数的定义和相关概念,并结合实例指出该代数系统有利于提高信息检索的质量。  相似文献   

抽象数据类型的双代数结构及其计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程序语言中的许多抽象数据类型包含了可递归定义的语法构造和可共递归定义的动态行为特征,因此单纯利用代数或共代数难以给出完整的描述.双代数是同一载体集上的代数和共代数对,提供了一种从范畴论的角度探讨抽象数据类型上的语法构造和动态行为关系及性质的可行途径.给出抽象数据类型的双代数结构,并利用代数函子对共代数函子的分配律描述了语法构造与动态行为之间的自然转换关系;利用分配律对共代数和代数函子进行函子化提升,给出一种构造初始代数(或终结共代数)上的共代数(或代数)结构,并将其提升为初始(或终结)λ-双代数的方法.在此基础上,进一步将函子化提升应用于各种递归(包括迭代和原始递归)及共递归函数(包括共迭代和原始共递归)的定义及计算中,并给出相应的计算定律.  相似文献   

随着CPS在工业控制、智能交通、智能医疗等领域的广泛应用,安全性已成为目前CPS理论和应用研究的核心问题.提出了一种基于微分代数动态逻辑的CPS安全性验证方法,该方法首先把HybridUML模型转换成微分代数程序,然后使用微分代数动态逻辑对系统安全性进行规约,最后依据微分代数动态逻辑推理规则对CPS进行安全性验证.通过对飞机空中避撞系统的实例研究,表明该方法能够有效地验证避撞策略的正确性,从而保证避撞系统的安全性.  相似文献   

How can algebraic and coalgebraic specifications be integrated? How can behavioral equivalence be addressed in an algebraic specification language? The hidden-sorted approach, originating in work of Goguen and Meseguer in the early 80's, and further developed into the hidden-sorted logic approach by researchers at Oxford, UC San Diego, and Kanazawa offers some attractive answers, and has been implemented in both BOBJ and CafeOBJ. In this work we investigate both further extensions of hidden logic, and an extension of the Maude specification language called BMaude supporting this extended hidden-sorted semantics.Maude's underlying equational logic, membership equational logic, generalizes and increases the expressive power of many-sorted and order-sorted equational logics. We develop a hidden-sorted extension of membership equational logic, and give conditions under which theories have both an algebraic and a coalgebraic semantics, including final (co-)algebras. We also discuss the language design of BMaude, based on such an extended logic and using categorical notions in and across the different institutions involved. We also explain how Maude's reflective semantics provides a systematic method to extend Maude to BMaude within Maude, including module composition operations, evaluation, and automated proof methods.  相似文献   

A coalgebraic, equational approach to the specification of observational structures allowing for a choice in the result type of observations is presented. Coalgebraic operations whose result type is structured as a coproduct of basic types are considered, and notions of coterm, covariable and coequation, dual to the algebraic notions of term, variable and equation, are used to specify structures observable through such operations and to constrain their behaviour. A sound and complete deduction calculus for reasoning about observational properties expressed by coequations is then formulated.  相似文献   

This paper relates labelled transition systems and coalgebras with the motivation of comparing and combining their complementary contributions to the theory of concurrent systems. The well-known mismatch between these two notions concerning the morphisms is resolved by extending the coalgebraic framework by lax cohomomorphisms.

Enriching both labelled transition systems and coalgebras with algebraic structure for an algebraic specification, the correspondence is lost again. This motivates the introduction of lax coalgebras, where the coalgebra structure is given by a lax homomorphism. The resulting category of lax coalgebras and lax cohomomorphisms for a suitable endofunctor is shown to be isomorphic to the category of structured transition systems, where both states and transitions form algebras.

The framework is also presented on a more abstract categorical level using monads and comonads, extending the bialgebraic approach introduced by Turi and Plotkin.  相似文献   

The Cone of Influence Reduction is a fundamental abstraction technique for reducing the size of models used in symbolic model checking. We develop coalgebraic representations of systems as composites of state transition maps and connectors. These representations include synchronous systems, asynchronous systems, asynchronous systems with synchronization by channels, and those with shared variables, probabilistic synchronous systems and so on. We schematically show the cone of influence reduction using these coalgebraic representations, which give a unified framework for providing the technique for various kinds of systems.  相似文献   

Multilattices are a suitable generalization of lattices which enables to accommodate the formalization of non-deterministic computation; specifically, the algebraic characterization for multilattices provides a formal framework to develop tools in several fields of computer science. On the other hand, the usefulness of coalgebra theory has been increasing in the recent years, and its importance is undeniable. In this paper, somehow mimicking the use of universal algebra, we define a new kind of coalgebras (the ND-coalgebras) that allows to formalize non-determinism, and show that several concepts, widely used in computer science are, indeed, ND-coalgebras. Within this formal context, we study a minimal set of properties which provides a coalgebraic definition of multilattices.  相似文献   

CoCasl[11], a recently developed coalgebraic extension of the algebraic specification language Casl[2], allows for modelling systems in terms of inductive datatypes as well as of co-inductive process types. Here, we demonstrate how to specify process algebras, namely CCS[10] and CSP[8,17], within such an algebraic-coalgebraic framework. It turns out that CoCasl can deal with the fundamental concepts of process algebra in a natural way: The type system of communications, the syntax of processes and their structural operational semantics fit well in the algebraic world of Casl, while the additional coalgebraic constructs of CoCasl cover the various process equivalences (bisimulation, weak bisimulation, observational congruence, and trace equivalence) and provide fully abstract semantic domains. CoCasl hence becomes a meta-framework for studying the semantics and proof theory of reactive systems.  相似文献   

Control of discrete-event systems with partial observations is treated by concepts and results of coalgebra and coinduction. Coalgebra is part of abstract algebra and enables a generalization of the computer science concept of bisimulation. It can be applied to automata theory and then provides a powerful algebraic tool to treat problems of supervisory control. A framework for control of discrete-event systems with partial observations is formulated in terms of coalgebra. The contributions to control theory are besides the framework, algorithms for supremal normal and supremal normal and controllable sublanguages of the plant.  相似文献   

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