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Selection, evocation, and manipulation.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article proposes three key mechanisms by which personality and social processes are intrinsically linked. Selection deals with the manner in which individuals choose to enter or avoid existing environments. Evocation is defined by the ways in which individuals unintentionally elicit predictable reactions from others in their social environments. Manipulation deals with the tactics that individuals use intentionally to alter, shape, exploit, or change the social environments they inhabit. Empirical findings from 57 dating couples (undergraduates), and previous research within social, personality, and developmental psychology, are used to illustrate the heuristic value of this framework. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate an innovative service learning experience for new nursing students involving senior citizen centers. Junior nursing students (n = 128) were assigned in cohorts to one of five centers for a 5-week rotation. A questionnaire was administered post hoc to the students, teaching assistants, center directors, and a sample of senior citizens at each site. The majority of students believed the experience was a valuable part of the curriculum and saw prospects for community health nursing roles. However, they had concerns regarding losing time in acute care and relevance and number of assignments, and reported some difficulty in applying classroom content in the setting. Directors and senior citizens were universally positive about the experience. Student and teaching assistant reports were key in revising the curriculum. Revisions include logistics of the placement of the experience and assignments as well as incorporation of this experience within the community context.  相似文献   

The current author comments on the articles from the April 2007 American Psychologist special issue on eating disorders. The current author states that the contributors to this special issue are to be commended for acknowledging lack of progress in understanding, classifying, and treating anorexia nervosa (AN). They highlighted the acute need to refine diagnosis (see record 2007-04834-004), understand comprehensive causal mechanisms to tune treatments and transcend "hodgepodge diagnoses" (see record 2007-04834-005), study functional neural circuits and link behavior with "genomic, cellular, and systems data" (see record 2007-04834-003), and develop effective treatments (see record 2007-04834-006). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Experimental observations, made over the past two decades, have led to a profound shift in the conceptual paradigms about the syndrome of heart failure. As a consequence, heart failure is nowadays considered as a complex disease, not merely characterized by haemodynamic disturbances. Instead, it is now believed that the syndrome is governed and impelled by neurohumoral imbalances and by intracardiac paracrine processes. The latter processes are mediated by activated cardiac endothelial cells and by cytokines, creating a state of cardiac maladaption and leading to disease progression. The clinical benefit of several therapeutic interventions that could not be satisfactorily clarified by improvements in the haemodynamic status, may, therefore, be explained by an unexpected impact on cytokines and endothelial dysfunction. Further extension of these insights will form the basis for the future treatment of heart failure.  相似文献   

Advances an evolution-based model of strategic conflict between men and women. Conflict is predicted to occur whenever the reproductive strategy adopted by one sex interferes with that adopted by the opposite sex. Three empirical studies tested hypotheses based on this model. Study 1 (N?=?528) examined sex differences in sources of anger and upset (e.g., about sexual aggressiveness or withholding) among 2 samples of Ss differing in age and marital status. Study 2 (N?=?60) assessed the perceived magnitude of upset each sex would experience when confronted by each source. Study 3 (N?=?214) tested predictions within married couples about sex differences in sources of marital and sexual dissatisfaction. These studies provide modest support for the strategic conflict model and implicate the negative emotions of anger and upset as proximate mechanisms that alert men and women to strategic interference. The diversity of upset elicitors discovered here, such as being condescending, possessive, neglecting, abusive, inconsiderate, moody, and self-centered, point to the limitations of this evolutionary model and the need to develop more comprehensive models of conflict between the sexes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Takes issue with M. Blumberg and E. Wasserman's article (see record 1995-20777-001) in which D. R. Griffin's cognitive ethology is criticized and precepts are presented to revitalize comparative psychology along Skinnerian lines. It is argued that data from bird studies indicate that many birds understand what is going on around them and are far more anthropomorphic and mentalistic than the precepts of Blumberg and Wasserman can encompass. Researchers need to consider the implications of results that show that animals understand subtle meanings and have other subtle cognitive capabilities that scientists have always assumed were exclusively human. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Tested the effect of colors as context cues acting as mediators using 90 undergraduates. The mediation paradigms were 4-stage stimulus equivalence, response equivalence, and chaining. The results provide equivocal support for a mediation hypothesis. The present results are compared with those of a previous investigation of 3-stage paradigms, which suggested that context cues could function as mediators. (French summary) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The possibility that Stroop and Simon effects reflect the same cognitive processes was tested in 3 experiments with 62 adult Ss. The words LEFT and RIGHT were shown left and right of screen center. Similar levels of interference were found for a Simon task (keypress to meaning of word) and a spatial Stroop task (name its location). A reverse Simon task (keypress to word location) showed minimal interference from the irrelevant word, but in a reverse spatial Stroop task (read the word aloud) interference from the irrelevant location was sizeable. This poses difficulty for translational accounts of Stroop interference. Presenting LEFT and RIGHT laterally balanced by a color-name foil yielded a Simon effect inconsistent with an orienting response hypothesis. With bilateral stimuli in a reverse Simon task, interference was marked, supporting an integrative account of Stroop and Simon effects in terms of cognitive activation and the salience of irrelevant stimuli. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors reviewed the other articles in the special section and commented on the use of psychological assessment to plan treatment. They call this view of assessment the information-gathering paradigm, because the goal is to collect data that will aid in communication and decision making about clients. This contrasts with the therapeutic model of assessment, in which the major goal is to produce positive change in clients. The authors summarized evidence of the efficacy of assessment as a brief therapy and discussed its possible therapeutic mechanisms. The information-gathering and therapeutic models of assessment are complementary rather than mutually exclusive, and both speak to the utility of assessment. The current crisis in the clinical use of psychological assessment may be due in part to an overemphasis on the information-gathering model. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Response inhibition is a hallmark of cognitive control. An executive system inhibits responses by activating a stop goal when a stop signal is presented. The authors asked whether the stop goal could be primed by task-irrelevant information in stop-signal and go/no-go paradigms. In Experiment 1, the task-irrelevant primes GO, ###, or STOP were presented in the go stimulus. Go performance was slower for STOP than for ### or GO. This suggests that the stop goal was primed by task-irrelevant information. In Experiment 2, STOP primed the stop goal only in conditions in which the goal was relevant to the task context. In Experiment 3, GO, ###, or STOP were presented as stop signals. Stop performance was slower for GO than for ### or STOP. These findings suggest that task goals can be primed and that response inhibition and executive control can be influenced by automatic processing. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

JC Kois 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,88(4):19-22, 25-7, 29-30
A biologic and esthetic rationale has been presented along with a simplified controlled technique to achieve predictable results (Figures 13A and 13B). The clinician is constantly faced with the challenge of developing room for esthetic material while preserving the biologic objectives. Using the three essential anterior tooth preparation keys (incisal edge, reduction requirements, and the biologic zone) enhances predictability. Developing the incisal edge relative to the dynamics of facial esthetics provides the initial starting point of tooth preparation. The reduction requirements are designed to satisfy the mechanical principles, address the pulpal concerns, and preserve the structural requirements of the tooth. The biologic zone can be developed by using the total dentogingival complex measurements and will clinically aid in the determination of cervical limitations to providing intracrevicular margin location.  相似文献   

A group of chronic schizophrenics (n = 18) and a group of control Ss (hospital employees, n = 18) were contrasted on the A-C and A-Br negative transfer paradigms. As expected, both groups yielded negative transfer on both paradigms, with significantly greater negative transfer for A-Br relative to A-C in the schizophrenic group only (p  相似文献   

Comments on Meehl's (see record 1979-25042-001) article on the nature of psychological debates. The author is in agreement with Meehl that there is a need to reconsider how research is designed and carried out within psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

H.M., a well-known S with bilateral removal of medial-temporal-lobe structures and profound amnesia, performed eyeblink classical conditioning (EBCC) for 21 90-trial sessions in the 400-msec delay and 900-msec trace paradigms. A 2nd amnesic S with temporal lobe lesions and 2 normal control Ss (NCSs) were also conditioned. Acquisition occurred in both paradigms for all Ss. Acquisition in the delay paradigm was prolonged in H.M. (perhaps because of his cerebellar degeneration in the vermis and hemispheres), but not in the 2nd amnesic S. Amnesic Ss and NCSs showed more rapid acquisition in the trace than in the delay paradigm. Two years after initial EBCC, H.M. attained learning criterion in the trace paradigm in 1/10th as many trials. No recollection of the experimenters, apparatus, instructions, or procedure was manifested by H.M. Results suggest that humans can condition in the 400-msec delay and 900-msec trace EBCC paradigms with the hippocampus radically excised. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Integrated 2 paradigms of research—J. L. Holland's (1976) model of vocational typology and W. A. Owen's (see record 1969-06090-001) use of biodata for the assessment and classification of individuals—by investigating the nature of the relationship between life history and vocational preferences. Holland's Vocational Preference Inventory and Owen's Biographical Questionnaire were administered to 816 undergraduates. Multiple discriminant analysis, regression analysis, and ANOVA were used to determine the relationship between past life experiences and vocational preferences. Results indicate that significantly different personal history experiences differentiated the lives of members of the various vocational types. (29 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Comments on M. E. P. Seligman's (see record 1996-13324-001) reanalysis of the 1995 Consumer Reports survey of the effectiveness of psychotherapy. The authors express concern that readers may draw from Seligman's arguments the erroneous conclusion that the transition from efficacy paradigms to effectiveness paradigms requires a relaxation of methodological rigor. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined, in 5 conditioned suppression experiments, the influence of summation between fear of the CS and the context in experimental paradigms in which the rat is exposed to UCSs following conditioning or extinction. Context-preference tests assessed contextual fear. In Exps I–III with 88 female Wistar rats, the inflation paradigm, in which fear of a CS paired with a weak UCS is enhanced by exposure to intense UCS alone, was investigated. Results show that the contextual fear that was present when the target CS was tested was reduced by presenting the intense UCSs in a different context, by exposing Ss to the context following their presentation, and by signaling the intense UCSs with a 2nd CS. In Exp IV with 32 female Wistar rats, UCS exposures following conditioning or extinction both produced contextual fear, but only fear of the extinguished CS was reinstated by that fear. In Exp V with 32 female Wistar rats, identical amounts of contextual fear reinstated fear of an extinguished CS, but not a nonextinguished CS, when the 2 types of CSs were arranged to evoke comparable amounts of fear prior to testing. It is suggested that contextual fear plays a role in the reinstatement paradigm but not in the inflation paradigm. (33 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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