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本文介绍了厄尔尼诺现象。在海洋学上,它指的是每年12月份出现在南美厄瓜多尔湾海面水温偏高的现象,厄尔尼诺现象年年有,只是在海洋学上称之为明显的厄尔尼诺现象出现时,才会给世界许多地方带来影响。  相似文献   

国外甘蔗需水与灌溉研究进展状况综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年被普遍关注的厄尔尼诺现象(El Nino phenomena)是因大气环流和海洋环流相互作用而引起赤道东太平洋海水温度异常升高所形成的,此过程约经1年时间,有时也长达2年,发生这种现象后,对世界气候有巨大影响,常致天气反常,使一些地区或国家出现严重干旱,而对另一些地区或  相似文献   

正近日,中国农业科学院饲料研究所饲料加工创新团队研究发现,高水平植物蛋白饲料会导致施氏鲟瓣肠严重损伤,引起免疫抑制,进而增高死亡率。该研究为植物蛋白在施氏鲟饲料中应用提供了重要参考,相关研究成果在线发表在《鱼类和甲壳类免疫学(Fish and Shellfish Immunology)》上。据团队首席薛敏研究员介绍,受海洋环境恶化和厄尔尼诺现象的影响,水产饲料优质蛋白源鱼粉的产量不断下降,来源广低成本的植物蛋白在水产饲料中的应用成为了水产养殖业中  相似文献   

正在2015年,食品饮料上市公司财报都不好看,要么增速下降,要么同期下滑。没有上市的也摆脱不了这种命运。很多人把这种增速下滑归结为经济因素和天气因素——厄尔尼诺现象、凉夏。其实即便没有经济增速下滑和厄尔尼诺现象,大型企业这种下滑也是一种必然的趋势。  相似文献   

以1980年以来厄尔尼诺事件为基础,研究了它与棉花、黏胶短纤维市场运行之间的关联度,发现彼此之间存在周期性波函数的关系,并据此预测2015年厄尔尼诺现象对市场的影响,填补了气象经济学在纺织原料市场运行分析中应用的空白。  相似文献   

<正> 沙尘暴、倒春寒、黄梅雨、桑拿天——受厄尔尼诺现象影响,一段时间以来,我国北方某些地区可谓奇闻怪事层出不穷。季节的颠倒,造成一部分人心理上的燥热、浮嚣。什么“无抗百分百”,什么“让山葡萄酒出局”之类的胡说八道,都敢于堂而皇之地形诸笔墨,广而告之,极大地影响和干扰了业内正常工作的进展。 书归正传。中国最大的啤酒生产商——青岛啤酒股份有限公司和全球最大的啤酒生产商——美国安海斯-布希公司(简称A.B公司)在京宣布:双方签署了排他性谈判协议,计划结成  相似文献   

博采博采世界粮价将大幅上扬据报载,韩国中央银行韩国银行最近预测,1997年的厄尔尼诺现象将影响太平洋沿岸国家的粮食收成,从而导致市场粮食价格大幅上扬。据分析,受影响的国家有太平洋沿岸的美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、菲律宾、墨西哥、秘鲁等。美国在1982年、...  相似文献   

根据对相关资料研究可以发现,容易影响农作物产生病虫害的气象因素主要可以分为:小尺度气象因素和大尺度气象因素。其中大尺度气象因素主要指的是厄尔尼诺现象、大气环流现象以及海温等大型气候因素,而小尺度的气象因素则主要包括了光照、空气湿度、温度以及降雨等小型气候因素。文章主要阐述了影响农业病虫害产生的因素,并结合自身工作经验,对小尺度的气象因素对农业病虫害产生的影响进行深入的分析和探讨。  相似文献   

正中国科学报讯(记者黄辛)华东理工大学生物反应器工程国家重点实验室在一项最新研究中,发现了温度调控毒力表达信号转导机制。该研究为探讨温度影响病原菌的致病能力以及制定相应防治策略奠定了理论基础。相关研究成果已在线发表于《公共科学图书馆——病原学》。全球气候变暖、夏季高温和反常气候现象(如厄尔尼诺现象)等导致海水表面温度升高,引起海洋生物大规模死亡,为海洋生态系统、海水养殖业和人类健康带来极大危害  相似文献   

本文以1980年以来厄尔尼诺事件为基础,研究其与N BSK、溶解浆市场运行之间的关联度,发现每次中性强度的厄尔尼诺事件发生后,市场价格单边上涨为大概率事件;而强厄尔尼诺事件发生后市场呈现震荡运行,且彼此之间存在周期性波函数的关系,并据此预测2014年厄尔尼诺现象对市场的影响。首次填补了气象经济学在NBSK与溶解浆市场运行分析中的应用空白。  相似文献   

<正> 只有1200万人口的厄瓜多尔有着悠久的出口历史,它在某些产品的国际市场中已经占据了主导地位。上个世纪,厄瓜多尔出口的可可豆、象牙果、轻木、香蕉、小虾、对虾和金枪鱼等产品无论是在质量还是在数量上都居于国际领先地位。除了这些传统的产品之外,还有些新的产品不时地出现在世界各地的各种展览会上。在2003中国食品及饮料展上,厄瓜多尔的面食、对虾、咖啡、香蕉片、热带水果汁、香料、芒果,鱼、棕榈芯等都将亮相。  相似文献   

Historical coliform measurements (n = 67,269; 32 years) in Newport Bay, a regionally important saltwater wetland and tidal embayment in southern California, have been compiled and analyzed. Coliform concentrations in Newport Bay decrease along an inland-to-ocean gradient, consistent with the hypothesis that this tidal embayment attenuates fecal pollution from inland sources. Nearly 70% of the variability in the coliform record can be attributed to seasonal and interannual variability in local rainfall, implying that stormwater runoff from the surrounding watershed is a primary source of coliform in Newport Bay. The storm loading rate of coliform from the San Diego Creek watershed--the largest watershed draining into Newport Bay--appears to be unaffected by the dramatic shift away from agricultural land-use that occurred in the watershed over the study period. Further, the peak loading of coliform during storms is larger than can be reasonably attributed to sources of human sewage, suggesting that nonhuman fecal pollution and/or bacterial regrowth contribute to the coliform load. Summer time measurements of coliform exhibit interannual trends, but these trends are site specific, apparently due to within-Bay variability in land-use, inputs of dry-weather runoff, and tidal mixing rates. Overall, these results suggest that efforts to improve water quality in Newport Bay will likely have greater efficacy during dry weather summer periods. Water quality during winter storms, on the other hand, appears to be dominated by factors outside of local management control; namely, virtually unlimited nonhuman sources of coliform in the watershed and global climate patterns, such as the El Nino Southern Oscillation, that modulate rainfall and stormwater runoff in southern California.  相似文献   

The Community Multi-Scale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system was used to investigate ozone and aerosol concentrations in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) during hot summertime conditions during July 1-15, 1996. Two emission inventories (El) were developed: emissions for the first El were based upon the National Emission Trend 1996 (NET96) database and the BEIS2 biogenic emission model, and emissions for the second El were developed through a "bottom up" approach that included biogenic emissions obtained from the GLOBEIS model. The two simulations showed that elevated PM2.5 concentrations occurred near and downwind of the Interstate-5 corridor along the foothills of the Cascade Mountains and in forested areas of central Idaho. The relative contributions of organic and inorganic aerosols varied by region, but generally organic aerosols constituted the largest fraction of PM2.5. In wilderness areas near the 1-5 corridor, organic carbon from anthropogenic sources contributed approximately 50% of the total organic carbon with the remainder from biogenic precursors, while in wilderness areas in Idaho, biogenic organic carbon accounted for 80% of the total organic aerosol. Regional analysis of the secondary organic aerosol formation in the Columbia River Gorge, Central Idaho, and the Olympics/Puget Sound showed that the production rate of secondary organic carbon depends on local terpene concentrations and the local oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere, which was strongly influenced by anthropogenic emissions. Comparison with observations from 12 IMPROVE sites and 21 ozone monitoring sites showed that results from the two El simulations generally bracketed the average observed PM parameters and that errors calculated for the model results were within acceptable bounds. Analysis across all statistical parameters indicated that the NW-AIRQUEST El solution performed better at predicting PM2.5, PM1, and beta(ext) even though organic carbon PM was over-predicted, and the NET96 El solution performed better with regard to the inorganic aerosols. For the NW-AIRQUEST El solution, the normalized bias was 30% and the normalized absolute error was 49% for PM2.5 mass. The NW-AIRQUEST solution slightly overestimated peak hourly ozone downwind of urban areas, while the NET96 solution slightly underestimated peak values, and both solutions over-predicted average 03 concentrations across the domain by approximately 6 ppb.  相似文献   

Volatility in the price of agricultural commodities is one of the main factors affecting food security. Many studies have analyzed agricultural market instability from different points of view, but the effect of climate oscillations on agricultural price volatility has been little studied. Climate anomalies, and in particular extreme events, can alter agricultural yields and stocks with related effects on prices. This paper presents a Volatility Impulse Response Function (VIRF) from a multivariate GARCH model to investigate the effects of variability in climatic shocks (El Niño/Southern Oscillation - ENSO) on international maize and soybean price volatility from 1960 to 2014. For both commodities, VIRF analysis was conducted splitting the effect of El Niño and La Niña events according to Spring-Summer and Autumn-Winter meteorological seasons. Both events increase expected price volatility of maize, showing the strongest impact during the El Niño phase in Spring-Summer. Soybean price volatility tends to slightly decrease during Autumn-Winter meteorological seasons and to increase during the Spring-Summer period. To minimize the impact of ENSO events on commodity price volatility, various measures can be taken, both political and technical. Financial aspects should also be considered. It is possible that financial agents can use the ENSO index as information for trading activity, creating a new link between this index and volatility in commodity prices.  相似文献   

Live oysters exposed to seawater artificially contaminated with Vibrio cholerue, El Tor, Inaba, in a closed system for 18 hr were harvested, shucked, sampled and placed into blower tanks containing 25 and 50 ppm chlorine for 5- and 10-min intervals in each tank. Regardless of chlorine concentrations encountered during the blowing process, V. cholerae MPNs of oyster meats sampled after the prescribed contact period were essentially equivalent to those of oysters sampled at the end of the 18-hr exposure period. Chlorination of the water used in blower tanks did not eliminate V. cholerae, El Tor, Inaba, organisms from oyster meats.  相似文献   

 Twenty-eight potent odorants were quantified by stable isotope dilution assays of medium-roasted Arabica coffee blends from Colombia (Col), Brazil (Bra), El Salvador (El) and Kenya (Ken) as well as the varieties Tipica (Tip) from Colombia and Caturra from the regions Pinas (Cat-P) and Quevedo (Cat-Q) in Ecuador. The blends from Col and Bra were similar in their composition of odorants. Ken contained higher amounts of 3-mercapto-3-methylbutylformate than Col and Bra, while 2-furfurylthiol, guaiacol and 4-ethylguaiacol were present in lower concentrations. El contained less 4-vinylguaiacol and 2-furfurylthiol, but more 3-methyl-2-buten-1-thiol. Tip, Cat-P and Cat-Q differed from Col, Bra and Ken in having lower amounts of 2,3-butanedione, 2,3-pentanedione and 4-hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-3(2H)-furanone and higher contents of guaiacol, 3-mercapto-3-methylbutylformate and 3-methyl-2-buten-1-thiol. The largest amount of 2-furfurylthiol was found in Tip and Cat-P. The blends from Col and Ken and the variety Tip showed a significant increase of guaiacol, 4-ethylguaiacol and 3-methyl-2-buten-1-thiol when the roast degree was raised. 2-Furfurylthiol and 2(5)-ethyl-4-hydroxy-5(2)-methyl-3(2H)furanone increased only in Col and Ken, while in Tip the amounts of carbonyl compounds, 4-hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-3(2H)furanone, methional and (E)-β-damascenone decreased during roasting from medium to dark. Received: 29 December 1998  相似文献   

The total estrogenic activity of the wastewater from a swine farm in Japan was quantitatively characterized, and the compounds responsible for the estrogenic activity were identified and quantified. The wastewater treatment process consisted of a series of an up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) and a trickling filter. Samples were collected at each treatment step, and the total estrogenic activity was determined by use of an in vitro gene expression assay (MVLN; MCF-7 human breast cancer cell stably transfected with the pVit-tk-LUC receptor plasmid). Individual estrogenic compounds were identified and quantified using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC/MS) and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/ MS/MS). To further identify the compounds contributing to the estrogenic activity in the wastewater, the sample extracts were fractionated into 12 fractions (fractions 1-12) by HPLC. The rate of removal of estrogenic activity between the effluent and the influent was greater than 97%. The trickling filter removed the majority of the estrogenic activity. The removal rates of specific estrogenic compounds ranged from 44 to 99%. Estrogenic activity was detected mainly in the fractions containing estrone (El), 17beta-estradiol (betaE2), 17alpha-estradiol (alpha E2), estriol (E3), bisphenol A (alphaPA), and equol (EQ0). The ratios of betaE2-EQc (betaE2 equivalents derived from chemical analysis) to betaE2-EQB (betaE2 equivalent derived from bioassay) in the 12 fractions collectively were contributed by El (17-30%), betaE2 (23-30%), acE2 (<1%), E3 (1-2%), BPA (<1%), and EQO (2-3%) in the influent and El (16-37%), PE2 (<1-7%), alphaE2 (<1%), E3 (<1-3%), BPA (<1%), and EQO (<1%) in the effluent. The compounds responsible for most of the estrogenic activity measured in the bioassay were natural estrogens such as El and betaE2.  相似文献   

The aim of the present research is to advance the study of virgin olive oil stability, in particular the behaviour of its natural antioxidants during long term storage. The changes undergone by tocopherols and complex and simple phenolic compounds and their antioxidant activity were studied under medium temperature (50 °C) accelerated oxidation conditions over a storage period of 8 months. Different oxygen availability (open and closed bottles, OB and CB) and four different monovarietal Tunisian virgin olive oils (VOO; Chemlali, Chétoui, El Hor and Oueslati) which vary in their fatty acid profile and content of natural antioxidants were employed. Oueslati VOO showed the lowest initial oxidation rate (4.6 PV/week) and as a consequence the highest induction period (IP; 16 days) as compared to the other VOOs studied (initial rate from 7.7 to 12.1 PV/week and IP from 9 to 12 days for El Hor and Chemlali, respectively, in both cases). In all cases the complete depletion of α-tocopherol corresponded with the observed induction period. Since the oxidation rate in the varieties studied is not sufficiently different to explain the great differences in the initial degradation rate observed in the phenolic compounds (mainly between Chétoui VOO, 163 μmol/kg/week, as compared to the other VOO oils, e.g. 6.1 and 2.5 μmol/kg/week, respectively, in Chemlali and El Hor VOOs), a concentration dependent degradation rate of complex phenols is suggested.  相似文献   

The functional properties of proteins from a high-protein–content rice cultivar (Nutriar) were analyzed and compared with those from a usual Latin-American cultivar (El Paso 144). Isolates from brown and milled flours were prepared and their emulsifying, foaming, and hydration properties studied. The four isolates displayed a very low solubility within a wide range of moderate pH, but demonstrate a significantly higher solubility at extreme pHs (either high or low). Nutriar isolates had a significantly higher solubility and greater surface properties than El Paso 144 isolates. The Nutriar isolate from brown flour was more soluble at pH 9 than the other isolates and moreover showed the highest capacity for forming and stabilizing foams and emulsions. In contrast, the Nutriar isolate from milled rice exhibited a higher solubility and greater foaming properties at an acid pH. The surface properties and solubility were significantly correlated among the four samples. All four isolates exhibited good water-imbibition and water-holding capacities.  相似文献   

The phenols, α‐tocopherols, fatty acids and oxidative stability of six monovarietal virgin olive oils (VOOs) were determined. Fourteen phenolic compounds were detected and quantified by solid phase extraction and reversed phase‐high performance liquid chromatography. Dialdehydic form of elenolic acid linked to tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol, oleuropein and ligstroside aglycones were the main components in all samples. Pinoresinol was the most abundant component in lignan fraction. The total phenol content of these monovarietal oils varied from 66.82 mg/kg in “Neb Jmel” oil to 662.74 mg/kg in “El Hor” oil. A wide range of α‐tocopherol contents was also noticed; it varied from 141.94 mg/kg in “Semni” variety to 364.23 mg/kg in “Jdallou” variety. With regard to pigments, chlorophylls and carotenoids were found at variable concentrations: with median values of 11.33 and 3.10 mg/kg, respectively. Among the studied varieties, “Oueslati” and El Hor were characterized by the lowest levels of palmitic and linoleic acids and the highest values of oleic acid.  相似文献   

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