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混凝土作为非均质材料,其材料性能存在随试件几何尺寸变化的尺寸效应。该文在细观层次上将混凝土看作由粗骨料、砂浆和二者界面过渡区组成的三相复合材料,采用刚体弹簧元数值方法模拟了混凝土的劈裂抗拉强度和弯曲抗压强度的尺寸效应,并与已有的试验结果进行了对比验证。结果表明:劈裂加载的试件破坏形态和劈裂抗拉强度与试验结果均具有良好的一致性,并且小尺寸试件所表现出的尺寸效应要明显于大尺寸试件;对不同尺寸四点弯曲钢筋混凝土梁开展细观数值分析得到跨中截面混凝土的弯曲抗压强度,随着梁有效高度的增加,名义弯曲抗压强度整体上呈现降低的趋势,但当梁有效高度大于240mm时趋于稳定。  相似文献   

混凝土材料在低温环境下应用广泛,但是目前对混凝土低温力学性能的研究仍不够充分。为了探讨混凝土材料的低温抗拉性能及尺寸效应规律,设计了边长为100 mm、150 mm和300 mm的立方体混凝土试块,分别在四个温度(T=20℃、-30℃、-60℃和-90℃)下进行了劈裂抗拉强度试验,得到了相应的破坏模式、荷载-位移曲线以及劈裂抗拉强度。试验结果表明:在低温劈裂拉伸荷载作用下,混凝土中的骨料颗粒破坏比常温下更为严重;随着温度降低,混凝土材料的劈裂抗拉强度较常温下显著提高;低温下混凝土的劈裂抗拉强度随其尺寸增大而下降,存在明显的尺寸效应现象,且随着温度降低,尺寸效应行为更显著;另外,经典的Type-2尺寸效应律可以较好地描述试验得到的低温条件下混凝土劈裂抗拉强度的尺寸效应规律。  相似文献   

骨料粒径是影响混凝土力学性能及破坏机理的重要因素。从细观角度出发,将混凝土看作由骨料颗粒、砂浆基质及界面过渡区组成的三相复合材料,考虑细观组分的应变率效应,建立了混凝土动态拉伸破坏行为研究的细观力学分析模型,模拟研究了不同骨料粒径下混凝土动态拉伸破坏行为,并揭示了动态拉伸强度的尺寸效应规律。研究表明:低应变率下骨料不发生破坏,骨料粒径对混凝土动态拉伸破坏模式及拉伸强度影响显著,且拉伸强度的尺寸效应随骨料粒径的减小而削弱;高应变率下裂缝将贯穿骨料,骨料粒径的大小对混凝土动态拉伸强度及尺寸效应影响可忽略。最后,结合应变率效应的影响机制,建立了混凝土拉伸强度的"静动态统一"尺寸效应理论公式,该公式可以较好描述各骨料粒径下混凝土动态拉伸强度与试件尺寸的定量关系。  相似文献   

钢筋混凝土构件的宏观力学性能由其组分-钢筋和混凝土两部分的力学性能决定。结合混凝土细观结构形式,认为混凝土是由骨料颗粒、砂浆基质及界面过渡区组成的复合材料,假定钢筋与混凝土之间完好粘结,基于钢筋混凝土柱偏心受压试验,建立了钢筋混凝土柱偏心受压加载下力学特性及破坏行为研究的细观尺度力学分析模型。通过对混凝土方形和矩形试件进行受压力学特性模拟,采用反演法确定了界面的力学参数,进而模拟了钢筋混凝土柱偏心受压加载下的宏观力学性能。结果表明,相比于宏观尺度模型,细观数值分析模型能够充分体现材料的非均质性,能够较好的模拟试件的宏观力学性能,并且能够细致的描述裂缝发展及试件破坏过程,与试验结果吻合良好。该文建立的细观尺度分析模型与方法,为钢筋混凝土构件层次宏观力学非线性及其尺寸效应研究提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

在混凝土静态破坏尺寸效应方面开展的研究已经较为完善,而在动态破坏尺寸效应方面的研究还远没有形成一个统一的认知。混凝土尺寸效应根源于内部组成的非均质性,从细观角度出发,考虑材料非均质及细观组分的应变率效应,将混凝土看作由骨料、砂浆及界面过渡区组成的三相复合材料,建立了混凝土动态破坏行为研究的细观数值分析方法,对不同应变率(1×10-5 s-1~2×102 s-1)及不同尺寸方形混凝土试件单轴压缩破坏行为进行模拟与分析。数值结果表明:混凝土动态与静态加载下压缩强度尺寸效应规律存在明显差异,在动态压缩强度尺寸效应规律中,存在一个临界应变率(约为1 s-1),即:低于临界应变率时,应变率增大时,压缩强度随试件尺寸增大而减小,且尺寸效应逐渐被削弱;达到临界应变率时,混凝土动态压缩强度与尺寸无关,尺寸效应被完全抑制;高于临界应变率时,应变率增大时,压缩强度随试件尺寸增大而增大,尺寸效应逐渐增强。最后对混凝土动态强度尺寸效应的产生机理进行了分析与讨论。  相似文献   

李冬  金浏  杜修力  杜敏 《工程力学》2017,34(6):64-72
混凝土尺寸效应及其宏观力学非线性根源于其材料细观组成的非均质性。结合混凝土细观结构形式,将混凝土看作由骨料颗粒、砂浆基质及界面过渡区组成的复合材料。采用双线性弹性损伤模型来描述砂浆基质及界面过渡区的力学行为,假定骨料颗粒为弹性体而不发生破坏,进而推导并获得了单轴拉伸条件下不同骨料颗粒级配混凝土断裂裂缝扩展路径长度及其抗拉强度的理论解。最后,对比了建立的理论公式结果与细观尺度数值模拟结果,验证了构建的关于裂缝长度及抗拉强度理论解的准确性和合理性。  相似文献   

该文比较了边界效应模型(BEM)和尺寸效应模型(SEM)在研究材料断裂性能方面的不同。提出了由处于准脆性断裂状态的三点弯曲试件的峰值荷载Pmax,同时确定材料参数--断裂韧度KIC与拉伸强度ft的理论与方法。由于实验室条件下混凝土试件高度W与骨料最大粒径dmax的比例W/dmax约为5~20,试件的非均质性明显,破坏为准脆性断裂控制。因此,区别于以连续介质力学为基础的应用于准脆性断裂研究的力学模型,该文研究将骨料最大粒径dmax引入相应的断裂模型解析表达式中,由参数组合β dmax来计算结构峰值状态对应的裂缝扩展量,通过离散参数β的不同取值,实现了对材料参数--断裂韧度与拉伸强度的准确预测。基于不同学者的相同尺寸W而不同初始裂缝长度a0,以及相同初始缝高比a0/W而不同尺寸W的几何相似的砂浆、混凝土及岩石类材料试件的试验成果(骨料最大粒径dmax从1.2 mm~40 mm变化),验证了所提理论与方法的合理性。  相似文献   

混凝土宏观力学性能与其内部细观结构构造密切相关。该文建立了一类能够考虑细观组分影响的混凝土宏观力学性能理论预测模型。首先,采用细观力学数值试验法对理论模型中的参数进行了标定;进而,基于该模型对混凝土断裂能和单轴抗拉强度在材料层次的尺寸效应行为进行了分析。结果表明:混凝土断裂能和单轴抗拉强度均随骨料级配(即最大骨料粒径)发生变化,且受到界面特性的影响。当界面过渡区力学性能相对薄弱时,混凝土强度较低,断裂能和单轴抗拉强度随骨料级配增大而呈现减小的趋势;当界面过渡区力学性能较强时,混凝土强度较高,断裂能和单轴抗拉强度随骨料级配增大亦呈现增大的趋势。计算结果与试验结果吻合良好,验证了该文建立的理论预测模型的准确性和合理性。  相似文献   

该文利用骨料最大粒径dmax=10 mm,试件高度W依次为60 mm、80 mm、100 mm、140 mm、160 mm,厚度B=40 mm的小尺寸三点弯曲梁试件,来确定无尺寸效应的混凝土断裂韧度KIC与拉伸强度ft。区别于现有尺寸效应模型关注于"绝对尺寸W",该文提出"相对尺寸W/dmax"的概念,分析了骨料颗粒对有限尺寸试件断裂破坏的影响机理,进而将骨料最大粒径dmax与离散度参数β引入修正的边界效应模型的解析表达式中,发展建立了离散颗粒断裂模型,进而给出了由实验室条件下小尺寸试件(W=60 mm~160 mm和B=40 mm)的峰值荷载Pmax同时确定混凝土材料参数-KIC和ft的实用方法。进而分析了不同试件组合和不同峰值荷载时裂缝扩展量取值对材料参数确定的影响规律,建立了混凝土材料破坏的完整曲线,给出了满足线弹性断裂力学条件的混凝土试件理论最小尺寸,并基于确定的材料参数对各试件的峰值荷载进行了成功预测。。  相似文献   

金浏  杜修力 《工程力学》2015,32(4):33-40
混凝土材料具有明显的应变率效应,对其力学性质增强机理的认识还不统一。在细观随机骨料模型基础上,采用特征单元尺度划分试件网格,推导了考虑材料拉/压强度应变率效应的细观单元等效本构关系,建立了非均质混凝土材料的细观单元等效化数值模型。基于二维模型对Dilger等混凝土动态压缩试验进行了数值模拟,获得的数值结果与试验数据及随机骨料模型结果吻合良好,证明了细观单元等效化方法的准确性;进而对三维混凝土试件动态单轴拉伸和压缩破坏模式及宏观力学性质的加载速率效应进行了研究。数值结果表明:随着加载速率的增加,混凝土裂纹(损伤)数量增大,混凝土破坏将耗散更多的能量,是混凝土动态强度提高的主要原因。  相似文献   

轻骨料混凝土具有轻质、高强及保温隔热性能好等优点,被广泛应用于工程结构中。采用细观数值模拟方法,将普通及轻骨料混凝土看作由骨料颗粒、砂浆基质及界面过渡区组成的三相复合材料,建立了无腹筋混凝土梁剪切破坏行为模拟的三维细观力学分析模型,研究了不同尺寸普通及轻骨料无腹筋混凝土悬臂梁在单调加载下的剪切破坏模式与失效机制,揭示了名义剪切强度的尺寸效应规律。此外,结合模拟结果对相关设计规范抗剪承载力计算公式的准确性和安全性进行了初步探讨。研究结果表明:区别于普通混凝土梁,轻骨料混凝土梁由于骨料强度较低而首先发生破坏;不同尺寸混凝土梁的剪切破坏模式基本一致,梁的名义剪切强度展现出明显的尺寸效应;相比于普通混凝土梁,轻骨料混凝土梁剪切破坏表现出具有更强的尺寸效应。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the role of 0–2 mm fine aggregate on the compressive and splitting tensile strengths of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) concrete with normal and high strengths. Normal coarse and fine aggregates were substituted with the same grading of RCAs in two normal and high strength concrete mixtures. In addition, to keep the same slump value for all mixes, additional water or superplasticizer were used in the RCA concretes. The compressive and splitting tensile strengths were measured at 3, 7 and 28 days. Test results show that coarse and fine RCAs, which were achieved from a parent concrete with 30 MPa compressive strength, have about 11.5 and 3.5 times higher water absorption than normal coarse and fine aggregates, respectively. The density of RCAs was about 20% less than normal aggregates, and, hence, the density of RCA concrete was about 8–13.5% less than normal aggregate concrete. The use of RCA instead of normal aggregates reduced the compressive and splitting tensile strengths in both normal and high strength concrete. The reduction in the splitting tensile strength was more pronounced than for the compressive strength. However, both strengths could be improved by incorporating silica fume and/or normal fine aggregates of 0–2 mm size in the RCA concrete mixture. The positive effect of the contribution of normal sand of 0–2 mm in RCA concrete is more pronounced in the compressive strength of a normal strength concrete and in the splitting tensile strength of high strength concrete. In addition, some equation predictions of the splitting tensile strength from compressive strength are recommended for both normal and RCA concretes.  相似文献   

This paper presents basic information on the mechanical properties of steel fibre-reinforced light-weight concrete, manufactured using pumice stone or expanded clay aggregates. Results are presented for standard compressive tests and indirect tensile tests (splitting tests on cylinder specimens and flexure tests on prismatic beams using a three-point loading arrangement) under monotonically increasing or cyclically varying loads. The influence of steel fibres and aggregate types on modulus of elasticity, compressive and tensile strength and post-peak behaviour is evaluated. Test results show that compressive strength does not change for pumice stone aggregates, while an increase is observed for expanded clay; tensile strength and fracture toughness are significantly improved for both pumice stone and expanded clay. The results also show that with both expanded clay and pumice stone lightweight aggregates a suitable content of fibres allows one to obtain performances comparable with those expected from normal weight concrete, the important advantage of lower structural weight being maintained.  相似文献   

This experimental research investigates the mechanical properties and shrinkage of ultra high performance concrete (UHPC) incorporating coarser fine aggregates with maximum particle size of 5 mm. To adequately design UHPC mixtures using various sizes of solid constituents, particle packing theory was adopted. UHPC mixtures containing either dolomite or basalt, and four fiber volume fractions up to two volume percent were investigated. Uniaxial tension test was performed to evaluate the first cracking tensile strength, ultimate tensile strength, tensile strain capacity and cracking pattern. The UHPC mixtures with dolomite and steel fibers with more than one volume percent achieved more than 150 MPa of compressive strength at the age of 56 days, and showed strain hardening behavior and limited decrease in tensile strength compared to typical UHPC without coarser fine aggregates. The experimental results highlight the potential of dolomite used as coarser fine aggregate in UHPC.  相似文献   

Fine and coarse aggregates play an important role in the fracture of concrete. However, quantitative information available on the effect of the coarse aggregate size on the fracture properties of concrete is still limited. In the present paper, the effect of coarse aggregate size (single grade of 5~10, 10~16, 16~20 and 20~25 mm) on stress-crack opening (σ-w) relation in normal and high strength concretes (compressive strength of 40 and 80 MPa, respectively)was studied. The investigation was based on three-point bending tests implemented by fictitious crack analysis. The result shows that coarse aggregate size and cement matrix strength significantly influence the shape of σ-w curve.For a given total aggregate content, in normal strength concrete, smaller size of aggregate leads to a high tensile strength and a sharp stress drop after the peak stress. The smaller the coarse aggregate, the steeper the σ-w curve.By contrast, in high strength concrete, the effect of aggregate size on σ-w relation almost vanishes. A similar σ-w relation is obtained for the concrete except for the case of 20~25 mm coarse aggregate size. The stress drop after the peak stress is more significant for high strength concrete than that for normal strength concrete. Meanwhile, the smaller the coarse aggregate size, the higher the flexural strength. Fracture energy and characteristic length increase with increasing coarse aggregate size in both normal and high strength concretes.  相似文献   

金浏  梁健  李冬  杜修力 《工程力学》2023,40(4):35-45
为了研究在低周往复荷载作用下结构尺寸对方钢管混凝土短柱抗震性能的影响,对6根方钢管混凝土短柱开展了水平往复加载试验,分析了截面尺寸对柱破坏形态、滞回曲线、骨架曲线以及不同抗震性能指标(如刚度退化、耗能能力、延性等)的影响,阐明了不同截面尺寸对柱名义抗剪强度的影响规律和机制,研究结果表明:不同截面尺寸的试件破坏形态基本相同,表现为柱底部钢管鼓曲、核心混凝土被压碎的破坏形态;当截面尺寸由200 mm增至600 mm时,在不同加载方向上,方钢管混凝土短柱名义抗剪强度分别下降了63.1%(59.8%),表现出显著的尺寸效应;随着截面尺寸增大,相对名义刚度与平均耗能系数呈降低趋势;JIN等提出的考虑尺寸效应的抗剪强度公式计算值与试验值吻合良好,说明考虑尺寸效应的方钢管混凝土柱抗剪承载力计算公式能够较为准确的预测其抗剪承载力。  相似文献   

In this paper, the validity and performance of base force element method (BFEM) based on potential energy principle was studied by some numerical examples. And the BFEM on damage mechanics is used to analyze the size effect on tensile strength for recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) at meso-level. The recycled aggregate concrete is taken as five-phase composites consisting of natural coarse aggregate, new mortar, new interfacial transition zone (ITZ), old mortar and old ITZ on meso-level. The random aggregate model is used to simulate the meso-structure of recycled aggregate concrete. The size effects of mechanical properties of RAC under uniaxial tensile loading are simulated using the BFEM on damage mechanics. The simulation results agree with the test results. This analysis method is the new way for investigating fracture mechanism and numerical simulation of mechanical properties for RAC.  相似文献   

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