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城市住宅平均房价的水平及走势是政府监管市场的重要依据.目前城市住宅平均房价计算采用的是简单算数平均法,它不能客观地反映城市的平均房价.本文对城市住宅平均价格的求取方法进行研究,提出了利用加权平均法求取城市住宅平均房价的具体方法.  相似文献   

王振华 《安徽建筑》2010,(2):194-195
在市场经济条件下,影响房价的有供求关系、土地价格、城市价值通胀预期、居民收入水平、经济政策等多种因素,但最根本因素是城市价值。城市价值决定城市总体房价,城市价值转移是房价形成的特殊规律,是科学分析判断房价标准及其趋势的重要方法和依据。  相似文献   

王元栋 《重庆建筑》2023,(12):27-30
根据35个大中城市2005—2020年的数据,建立城市高质量发展水平指标评价体系,对高质量发展水平值进行测度,然后通过耦合协调度模型对城市高质量发展和城市房价之间的耦合协调关系进行分析。最后对如何让城市房价适应现阶段城市高质量发展水平进行了论述,提出了两者协调发展对策。研究发现:1)城市高质量发展水平和城市房价有显著相关性,且排名基本相符;2)城市高质量发展水平呈现“东高西低”的态势;3)高质量发展水平与房价的耦合协调度呈现五个梯度。  相似文献   

"城市价值决定房价"论证分析及宏观调控建议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
房屋价值的高低取决于多种因素的综合,反映在房价上,必然是千差万别的.不同的城市,由于所蕴含城市价值的差异,导致了不同城市的房价相差悬殊.如果单纯以构筑房屋所花费成本为计量依据,必然出现部分城市房价严重虚高的不实论断.鉴于此,文章从一个新的视角来看待不同城市出现的房价迥异这个论题,作者提出:一个城市房价的高低主要是由这个城市的价值所决定的,而房屋建造成本对房价的影响程度已经退居次席;城市价值是客观存在的,城市价值的提升导致房价的上涨是一种必然,这一客观规律对政府更加有效的调控房价具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

研究城市房价波动的影响因素及其程度,有助于提高政府宏观经济调控政策的针对性和有效性。首先构建住宅市场供需影响因素的均衡分析理论模型,然后通过固定效应模型,对我国31个主要城市1998~2008年的面板数据进行计量检验和实证研究。研究发现:利率和上期房价对房价的影响最为显著;收入水平对房价也存在一定影响,而空置率对房价上涨的影响较弱;人口、就业水平、地价和建设成本不能用来解释房价变化。  相似文献   

为解决房地产市场一些泡沫概念混用导致一些言论以讹传讹,导致对房地产市场现状缺乏清醒认识,深入剖析了房价泡沫、房价波动与房价增涨,房价泡沫、房地产泡沫与泡沫房地产,房价泡沫检测与房地产泡沫检测三组概念,重新界定了房地产市场的泡沫及其检测的内涵,有助于认清当前重点城市房价出现崩盘迹象,一些城市泡沫依然膨胀的局势,把握调节房地产市场警兆指标的选取思路等.  相似文献   

土地作为一种重要资源,在房地产市场中占有重要地位,对于城市土地资源与城市房价动态变化关系的研究,极大的促进了房地产政策的实施与落实,本文从供给侧和需求侧视角构建影响房价的模型,并进行相应分析,2009-2017某市数据显示,城市住宅房价的变化主要受房地产开发商对商品房的供给量和对商品房的销售两方面因素的影响。数据研究表明,供给侧因素和房价之间呈现正相关,需求侧因素中住宅销售面积与房价呈负相关。本文根据研究数据得出相关结论,内容仅供读者参考。  相似文献   

中国国务院在2011年1月下旬出台了被形容为“力度惊人”,严厉程度“前所未有”的八条房价调控措施。市场人士认为目的就是要及时遏制房价反弹的趋势,中国一线重点城市的房价涨幅明显收窄,涨势向二三线城市转移。  相似文献   

选取了我国15个典型城市的房屋销售价格为研究对象,利用自回归误差修正模型(VEC),对我国15个城市房价之间的相关性和传递效果进行了研究,研究结果发现,广州、深圳和上海的房价是主导城市房价,影响着其他城市房价的变化和走势,同时,主导城市间房价互为影响。北京、杭州、福州、成都、武汉、西安、青岛、海口等城市的房价对其相邻城市房价的影响比较显著,这些城市是该城市所在区域内的主导城市房价,但相距较远城市房价因果关系不明显,说明房价的相关存在区域性。上海、广州和深圳的房价通过这些区域内主导城市房价传导到其他城市中。反过来,其他城市房价对主导城市房价的影响较小。  相似文献   

叶檀 《城市开发》2017,(8):56-57
之前有写过一篇十大最没前途的城市的文章,而这些城市的房价现在都暴涨了。这篇文章逻辑没毛病,三四线城市的房价红利,主要因为资金贬值效应下,三四线棚改货币化安置推动的改善性需求和一二线限购外溢性需求。提醒大家现在买三四线城市房产会成为接盘侠。  相似文献   

王刚  王雅琳 《山西建筑》2007,33(19):23-24
通过分析城市规划对城市发展的影响、作用,揭示了城市规划与城市土地价格的内在联系,说明城市规划对土地价格的影响机制,从而真正地提高了城市土地的经济运行效益。  相似文献   

浅谈我国旧城更新中的公众参与问题   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
通过对公众参与在城市规划中的兴起以及发展状况研究,结合我国旧城更新现状和存在的问题,借鉴国外公众参与旧城更新的成功经验,阐述了当今公众参与在我国旧城更新中的必要性,并进一步提出了加强旧城更新中公众参与的建议。  相似文献   

朱静 《山西建筑》2007,33(19):19-20
探讨了在城市更新中如何处理居住建筑与城市环境的关系,介绍了建成区内住宅规划设计的特点和思路,指出应从城市景观环境、城市空间设计方面去引导住宅规划设计,以实现更新的多元目标。  相似文献   

肖华 《山西建筑》2004,30(23):9-10
结合对城市规划编制和审批体制问题的探讨,深入分析了我国城市规划编制体系的内容,论述了城市规划和建设体制的问题,指出城市规划编制体制问题是我国城市规划和建设进步的关键。  相似文献   

文章从数字城市规划和数字城市规划技术的概念入手,提出了数字城市规划的主要技术平台和集成方法,分析了不同技术在城市总体规划教学不同阶段的应用,最后提出了目前数字城市规划在城市规划教学中存在的问题,并展望了数字城市规划技术在城市规划教学中的发展方向。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the interplay between demographics and housing market dynamics in Haifa, Israel. In the 1990s the city of Haifa, with a population of approximately 220,000, absorbed about 45,000 immigrants. The case of Haifa offers a typical non-controlled experiment on how demographic shocks and associated changes in housing demand affect the housing market. The dynamic adjustment of house prices is estimated using an autoregressive, distributed lag ADL model, taking into account spatial spillover effects. The data analyzed cover housing transactions in Haifa between January 1989 and June 1999. The data come from a mortgage database. We used a house price index by tract and by year to investigate the impact of immigration on house price dynamics for a balanced panel of 34 tracts and 11 years. Tests showed that for some of the tracts house price series are not unit root. Most individual series though indicated that a unit root could not be rejected so that we considered house price series as being non-stationary. Also, the hypothesis of no co-integration could not be rejected by the data. Due to inertia we considered lagged spatial spillover effects for the dependent variable. We applied the corrected least squares dummy variable estimator to estimate the parameters of interest. The estimates of the coefficient of the lagged dependent variable suggest stability of the ADL structure. Furthermore, the results indicate a house price correction of almost 70% of the gap between house prices and its fundamental determinants each year. Our results suggest a substantially faster response after the demand shock in Haifa than obtained by others for other cities and regions in the literature. Yet our estimates seem not unreasonable given the large-scale land conversion and urban construction programs in Israel and underline the importance of a responsive supply to dampen house price rises after an unanticipated demographic shock.  相似文献   

Urban green spaces have important amenity values that include provision of leisure opportunities and aesthetic enjoyment. However, most of these values lack a market price. Consequently, they are usually ignored or underestimated by urban planning policy-makers, with the result that remnant urban green spaces are being gradually encroached upon by urban sprawl. As a result, quantitative information regarding the implicit, non-market price benefits from urban green space is urgently required. Properties bought and sold on the market are compound commodities that embody amenity values and people are willing to pay to live in the proximity of local amenity environment. Thus hedonic models, which use such properties as proxies, can often be employed to quantify environmental amenities. In China, residential housing reform (in place since 1998) has terminated the traditional residential welfare system, and made it possible to quantify the monetary value of green space amenities based on hedonic pricing models. This study was conducted in Jinan City, and will help address the previous absence of the application of hedonic price models to the valuation of urban green space amenities in mainland China. GIS and landscape metrics were used in determining hedonic price model variables. As expected, the results proved that the hedonic pricing model performed well using this approach, and accordingly it was further improved. Results also confirmed the positive amenity impact of proximate urban green spaces on house prices, and highlighted the preferences of homeowners in Jinan City. Green space amenity variables that were statistically significant at the 5% level included the size–distance index of scenery forest, accessibility to park and plaza green space types, and the percentage of urban green space. In addition, land-use patch richness, the location sector and the education environment also proved to be highly significant variables. The results of the study should provide insights to policy-makers involved in urban planning.  相似文献   

结合深圳万科第五园住区的规划和设计,通过对传统民居建筑的空间理念和集约型聚居区规划的分析,探讨了当代城市住宅规划建设中传统的现代运用以及住宅建筑设计的有关问题。  相似文献   

方明  李显毅 《山西建筑》2007,33(6):37-38
从保护环境的视角出发,对城市住宅架空设计进行了研究,并对架空住宅具有的生态效益、经济效益和社会效益几方面进行了阐述,最后提出了架空设计中应注意的问题,以实现城市经济、社会和环境的可持续发展。  相似文献   

庞文治 《山西建筑》2006,32(2):49-50
分析了济南市建设发展的空间、文化、时代特征,从绿地系统规划、城市风貌结构、绿色生态环保住宅设计等方面介绍了绿色城市设计在城市建设中的应用,以实现济南的可持续发展。  相似文献   

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