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通过对保护地土壤pH(H2 O及KCl)、NO3-N、电导率、可溶性盐等性状进行调查分析 ,初步摸清了嘉兴市保护地作物产生生理障碍的土壤因子 ,并拟订提出当地保护土壤农化性状的安全指标、临界指标及严重障碍指标 ,为矫治保护地土壤障碍提供技术依据 .  相似文献   

以全国第二次土壤普查(1980年)农化点位图为基础,对有代表性的14个点位15年观测的结果表明,土壤pH值由6.0~6.5降至1996年的5.0~5.5,呈强酸性反应,土壤粘闭板结,桑树长势减弱,施肥反应迟钝,即使重施化肥仍难获高产,估计由于土壤酸化而减产20%左右.本文对此提出了五条防治对策措施.  相似文献   

对城市垃圾经高温高压水解处理后,发酵腐熟而成的垃圾肥的养分质量状况及其对盆栽小白菜植株体内养分及土壤农化性状的影响进行了研究,结果发现,此种垃圾处理技术生产的有机肥能使小白菜植株体内氮磷钾含量都有一定的增加,其中氮含量增加最为明显,同时还可以提高小白菜植株体内钙、镁、硼、铁等微量营养元素的含量;土壤有机质和养分供应力等也相应提高,酸性土壤pH值增加,土壤趋向中性。  相似文献   

本文通过实例演示阐述了计算公式的确立方法 ,剖析了农化分析中数据处理出错的原因 ,提出了克服计算出错的根本方法是学会确立计算公式 ,以供广大化验员参考。  相似文献   

张玉龙(1954 -) ,男(汉族) ,辽宁省建平县人 ,中共党员。1976年毕业于沈阳农学院土壤农化专业并留校任教至今 ,先后获得硕士和博士学位 ,现为沈阳农业大学土地与环境学院教授 ,博士研究生导师 ,沈阳农业大学副校长。1981年到1983年赴日本学习两年 ,1990年和1991年受国家教委派遣和日本方面的邀请分别以访问学者和客员教授的身份两次赴日本做合作研究。兼任中国土壤学会常务理事、辽宁省农学会副理事长、辽宁省土壤学会副理事长、辽宁省土地学会副理事长、沈阳市环境科学学会理事、日本农业工程学会会员、日本土…  相似文献   

韩晓日(1960 -) ,男(蒙古族) ,辽宁省盖州市人 ,中共党员。1982年毕业于沈阳农学院土壤农化专业 ,先后获得硕士和博士学位 ,现为沈阳农业大学土地与环境学院教授、副院长 ,博士研究生导师 ,植物营养学科带头人。1997~1998年曾在韩国庆北大学农化学科从事博士后研究。兼任中国植物营养与肥料学会理事、根际营养专业委员会副主任、诊断与测试专业委员会副主任、教育工作委员会委员、辽宁省植物营养与肥料学会副理事长、辽宁省土壤学会理事等职务。韩晓日教授一直从事植物营养与肥料学的教学和科研工作。先后为本科生、硕…  相似文献   

在阐述了土壤质量的内涵基础上,分析了土壤质量和土壤健康、土地质量及土壤服务功能的联系。重点对我国土壤质量的评价研究进行了回顾和概述,从指标体系的选取和评价方法入手,探讨了评价的发展过程,分析了我国土壤评价指标体系因子选择的范围,在论述了国际土壤质量最新进展的基础上,指出了生物学指标研究是需要加强的方向;同时着重分析了我国土壤质量评价方法研究的进展,对我国土壤质量评价的方法进行了概括,指出了空间化,过程化,应用化和综合化的发展方向,并讨论了我国土壤评价研究的方向和趋势。  相似文献   

随着微博、微信、微电影等信息载体的出现,引发了传媒界短小精悍的革命。为了适应快节奏生活趋势,教育界的微课也应运而生,而且微课势在必行。微课不仅适用于大学教育,许多多媒体设施较完备的高中也相继引进微课。文章首先分析了微课在高中信息技术课程中应用的必然性,并概括微课对信息技术课的重要性,继而剖析微课在高中信息技术中的实践和我们取得的经验教训,最后对高中信息技术课程中微课教学的实践与探索进行了分析。  相似文献   

本文对微课及其特点进行了简介,分析了语文学科应用微课的可能性、优势,阐述了微课在语文教学中的主要应用方式,概括了语文教师引入微课的几种类型。  相似文献   

从水分循环和土壤水特性角度,分析了以农业利用和生态环境为核心的土壤水资源的内涵和相关概念,提出了山区和平原区的土壤水资源计算方法,并以河北平原为例,进行了土壤水资源计算与分析.结果表明:土壤水资源占降雨量的73.68%,平均每公顷土壤水资源量为3960.2m3.土壤水资源利用潜力巨大,高效利用土壤水资源是一项重大的战略性措施.  相似文献   

采用营养液培养法,研究了不同pH和供Zn条件下高浓度HCO3-(10 mmol L-1)对小麦幼苗生长,尤其是对锌营养的影响,结果表明:当营养液起始pH为6时,HCO3-在缺Zn时对小麦根系生长的抑制作用较为明显,而正常供Zn时的影响较小。当营养液起始pH为8时,不论缺Zn还是供Zn,添加HCO3-对根系和地上部均未表现出明显的抑制作用。HCO3-在酸性营养液中能极大促进小麦植株根系和地上部尤其是根系对Zn的吸收,而在碱性条件下则抑制小麦幼苗根系和地上部对Zn的吸收。此外,HCO3-能显著抑制Zn从根系向地上部分的转运,从而造成在根系中的大量积累。HCO3-加入营养液后会生成少量的CO32-,并使营养液pH维持在较高水平上。  相似文献   

Water Index WI (R900/R970) was used for the estimation of plant water concentration (PWC) by ground-based, reflectance measurements. Reflectance and PWC were measured for adult plants growing in the field throughout an annual cycle and in potted seedlings submitted to progressive desiccation. The species studied were characteristicly Mediterranean: Pinus halepensis, Quercus ilex, Quercus coccifera, Arbutus unedo, Cistus albidus, Cistus monspeliensis, Phillyrea angustifolia, Pistacia lentiscus and Brachypodium retusum . WI was significantly correlated with PWC when all the species were considered together, and with almost all the species considered individually, especially when a wider range of PWC was obtained by extreme dessication of experimental plants. The correlations increased when normalizing WI by NDVI. The wavelength of the trough corresponding to water absorption band tended to shift from 970-980 nm to lower wavelengths 930-950 nm with decreasing PWCs. Infrared measurement of plant temperature and T leaf - T air provided worse assessment of PWC. A simple radiometer measuring plant reflectance at 680, 900, and 970nm could speed up the measurement of PWC, and be useful in wildfire risk evaluation and drought assessment.  相似文献   

由松材线虫(Bursaphelenchusxylophilus)引起的松树萎蔫病 ,是松树上的一种毁灭性病害 ,已在日本、美国、黑西哥、加拿大、韩国发生和流行。目前松材线虫的发生范围还在继续扩大。我国最早在1982年秋于南京紫金山的松林中发现该病 ,当年仅见枯树260株 ,现已查明在苏、浙、粤、皖、港、台均有分布 ,各地呈迅速扩展蔓延趋势。至1999年底该病在我国的发病面积已超过60万公顷 ,累计死树1600万株 ,直接经济损失1.28亿元。TomoyaKiyohare从日本松材线虫分布区内收集到37个线虫群…  相似文献   

为探讨樟子松林土壤生化特性及其与土壤肥力的关系,本文对我国最重要樟子松原产地—红花尔基地区的不同林龄樟子松林下土壤养分、微生物及酶活性进行了测定和分析,结果表明:不同林地的土壤养分、微生物和酶活性均表现出差异。土壤养分、微生物和土壤酶活性总体变化趋势是先随着树龄增加而增加,到60~70年树龄时达到最大,后随着树龄增大各项指标呈现下降的趋势。土壤微生物数量、酶活性与土壤养分含量之间呈显著相关关系,可作为评价土壤肥力的指标。  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about the disturbance ecology of large wildfires in the southern Appalachians. The occurrence of a 4000-ha wildfire in the Linville Gorge Wilderness area in western North Carolina has provided a rare opportunity to study a large fire with a range of severities. The objectives of this study were to 1) assess the potential for using multi-temporal Landsat imagery to map fire severity in the southern Appalachians, 2) examine the influences of topography and forest community type on the spatial pattern of fire severity; and 3) examine the relationship between predicted fire severity and changes in species richness. A non-linear regression equation predicted a field-based composite burn index (CBI) as a function of change in the Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR) with an R2 of 0.71. Fire severity was highest on drier landforms located on upper hillslopes, ridges, and on southwest aspects, and was higher in pine communities than in other forest types. Predicted CBI was positively correlated with changes in species richness and with the post-fire cover of pine seedlings (Pinus virginiana, P. rigida, and P. pungens), suggesting that burn severity maps can be used to predict community-level fire effects across large landscapes. Despite the relatively large size of this fire for the southern Appalachians, severity was strongly linked to topographic variability and pre-fire vegetation, and spatial variation in fire severity was correlated with changes in species richness. Thus, the Linville Gorge fire appears to have generally reinforced the ecological constraints imposed by underlying environmental gradients.  相似文献   

利用多时相NDVI 监测京郊冬小麦种植信息   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
物候和时相信息在农作物种植信息提取方面有十分重要的应用价值, 利用多时相L andsat TM 数据, 结合冬小麦的波谱和时相信息, 成功提取了北京地区的冬小麦种植信息。首先, 选用了2003 年4 月7 日、5 月1 日、5 月25 日、6 月18 日不同时相的4 景TM 卫星影像, 计算了不同时相的NDV I 时间谱图像数据; 其次, 结合北京地区农作物种植的实际情况, 提取并分析了北京春夏季主要植被地物(冬小麦、苜蓿、苗圃、春玉米、树林等) 的NDV I 时间谱特征; 第三, 利用不同时相的NDV I 图像数据, 通过NDV I 图像通道间的逻辑运算算法, 成功提取了2003 年北京地区的冬小麦种植信息, 提取精度达到96. 92%; 最后, 与2002 年收割小麦的统计数据相对比, 监测了北京各郊区县的冬小麦种植结构调整情况。结果表明, 多时相、多光谱遥感数据在作物种植信息的监测中有十分明显的技术优势和重要的应用潜力。  相似文献   

Vegetation is the most important component of terrestrial ecosystem,and plays a key role in regulating land carbon balance and climate change.In arid zones,vegetation growth during the growing season primarily depends on winter snowfall,and further research is required on the relationship between vegetation and winter snowfall.Based on GIMMS NDVI during the growing season (April to October )and winter snowfall data simulated by WRF in northern Xinjiang from 1982 to 2013,this study used trend analysis and correlation analysis pixel by pixel to investigate the spatial pattern of NDVI variation,correlation between NDVI and winter snowfall,and the influence of winter snowfall on different ecosystems.The results indicated that:NDVI increased in northern Xinjiang during the growing season,and the increased area is mainly located in farmland and high altitude meadow,while the middle and eastern parts of Junggar Basin showed a decreasing trend.In the study area,winter snowfall showed an increasing trend and the spatial distribution of winter snowfall presented a ring\|shape:winter snowfall increases from the central part to the surrounding area.The largest significantly positive correlation between winter snowfall and NDVI was in May and June,and was mainly concentrated in the desert ecosystem of Junggar basin.NDVI of different ecosystems in northern Xinjiang had the hysteresis to winter snowfall,and the impact of winter snowfall on monthly NDVI increases from April,peaks in June,then decreases until the end of the growth season.  相似文献   

1999年春季,大连地区约有2000多公顷日本黑松林相继出现不同程度的松枝枯黄,乃至全株枯死现象,调查结果表明:这次灾害是一次气候异常引起的自然灾害,病虫害等不是造成该灾害的主要原因。  相似文献   

China As one of the major crops in the world,the spatial distribution information of winter wheat plays an important role in monitoring winter wheat growth,assisting economic decision making and addressing regional food security under climate change.This paper proposed a new anti noise identification method for winter wheat identification based on the 250 m MODIS NDVI time series dataset during the period from September 30,2014 to June 26,2015.With the method,the spatial distribution of winter wheat in Henan province was extracted based on the analysis of winter wheat phenology.Results indicated that the total identification accuracy of winter wheat was 93.0%,94.0% and 86.0% for the whole study area,fragmentary land area and regular land area,respectively.Compared with the traditional identification method for winter wheat based on satellite time series data,the identification accuracies with the proposed method in different filtering scenarios were not only high but also similar to each other.It strongly proved that the new method had a good performance in noise immunity and stability and can be applied to the rapid extraction of winter wheat in a large scale based on satellite time series dataset.This new method provided a new technical support for the operational extraction of winter wheat.  相似文献   

Protective footwear is necessary for preventing injurious slips and falls in winter conditions. Valid methods for assessing footwear slip resistance on winter surfaces are needed in order to evaluate footwear and outsole designs. The purpose of this study was to utilise a method of testing winter footwear that was ecologically valid in terms of involving actual human testers walking on realistic winter surfaces to produce objective measures of slip resistance. During the experiment, eight participants tested six styles of footwear on wet ice, on dry ice, and on dry ice after walking over soft snow. Slip resistance was measured by determining the maximum incline angles participants were able to walk up and down in each footwear–surface combination. The results indicated that testing on a variety of surfaces is necessary for establishing winter footwear performance and that standard mechanical bench tests for footwear slip resistance do not adequately reflect actual performance.

Practitioner Summary: Existing standardised methods for measuring footwear slip resistance lack validation on winter surfaces. By determining the maximum inclines participants could walk up and down slopes of wet ice, dry ice, and ice with snow, in a range of footwear, an ecologically valid test for measuring winter footwear performance was established.  相似文献   

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