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荷兰建筑家库哈斯的CCTV参赛方案,在初审获得评委一致通过,这是首次对这一方案做学术探讨的论文,文章把建筑家的雷姆·库哈斯和雕刻家的野口勇的作品进行比较,提出建筑与雕刻认同(identity)的观点,从建筑的雕塑身份、雕刻的身体性、空间美的发生以及环的多维性各点加以论述,此外,还将库哈斯30年的建筑生涯分为两个阶段,既热衷建筑类型的“前期库哈斯”,和趋于雕刻语言的“后期库哈斯”,并举例对脱“建筑”造型三步进行论证。最后得出当建筑向纯粹造型美术接近时,意味着一种向上的精神在发展的结论,而库哈斯的方案则是提出一种新思维。  相似文献   

从"普通城市"到"大"--库哈斯建筑理论解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨璐 《山西建筑》2004,30(16):19-20
从库哈斯的两个典型观点“普通城市”与“大”出发,分析库哈斯作品背后的创作理念,系统地解读了库哈斯的建筑与城市理论。  相似文献   

王寅 《新建筑》2003,(5):8-9
在中国记者首次对库哈斯进行的专访中,库哈斯强调了“建筑是需要争议的”这一观点。  相似文献   

不久前.一位库哈斯身边的人突然问我:“你觉得库哈斯现在在中国的影响力是不是在下降?”瞬间.我也发现好像库哈斯在中国真的失踪很久了。他去了哪里)  相似文献   

通过对库哈斯部分作品和著作的阅读,扼要介绍了库哈斯对当今城市发展和建设的新理念和实践。阐明了他的新现代主义倾向,对批评建筑和对中国“大跃进”的态度,介绍了库哈斯部分作品及其评价和影响。  相似文献   

伍端 《时代建筑》2003,(2):51-55
以OMA在北京的CCTV中标方案为切入点,追溯库哈斯在城市及建筑设计背后的理论根源。通过解读库哈斯的创作,进一步思考如何在“切进”和“诠释”作品的过程中发现其存在方式可能产生的潜力和机会。  相似文献   

姜梅 《新建筑》2005,(3):86-87
通过对库哈斯与尼采的比较,力图在新的思想维度重新解读库哈斯,突现库哈斯对传统的批判精神和对无限创造性的不懈追求。  相似文献   

李宝童 《山西建筑》2008,34(2):49-50
对库哈斯及柯布西耶进行了介绍,比较了库哈斯和柯布西耶的共性和差异,通过分析两件有相同出发点的作品,即萨伏伊与达尔雅瓦,来认知库哈斯及柯布西耶的异同,以提高人们对库哈斯及柯布西耶作品的认识。  相似文献   

当今的荷兰新人辈出.这些新锐的荷兰建筑师与库哈斯有着或多或少的关联:有的是库哈斯的校友,有的在库哈斯的大都会建筑事务所(OMA)工作过.但他们似乎不甘让库哈斯独美,他们敢于思考,勇于尝试,为建筑空间和城市问题带来了不少鲜活的解读.  相似文献   

一、他 从20世纪奔涌而来的建筑史被库哈斯裁为上下两卷,另一卷是库哈斯之前的历史,一卷是库哈斯之后的历史。库哈斯虽然还没有成为历史,但他已经是历史的分界线。  相似文献   

郭嘉  贾东 《山西建筑》2012,38(9):13-14
通过对西镇江胡同现状的调研与分析,进而寻求胡同的生命力来源,并探讨了当前城市中居住区公共空间的设计,从而为创造符合地域风格和文化脉络的公共空间提供了思路。  相似文献   

Simple intuitive formulas, to calculate the large amplitude vibration frequencies, have been recently developed for the beams and square plates. The basis for development of these formulas is the master formula, obtained for the initially loaded structural members. These basic formulas, for the initially loaded beams and square plates, are modified to obtain the ratios of the nonlinear frequency (undergoing moderately large amplitude vibrations), for a given amplitude ratio, to the linear frequency parameters. Though, these intuitive formulas give a quick and accurate estimation for large amplitude vibrations, it is necessary to show that these formulas can be obtained through the rigorous formulation such as, the energy formulation. This is the main objective of the present study, where in it is demonstrated that the intuitive formulas, for the large amplitude vibrations of beams and square plates, are exactly the same with those derived by the rigorous energy formulation, for the s-s-s-s and c-c-c-c square plates, where s and c stand for the simply supported (hinged for beams) and clamped end/edge conditions. This study is further extended to beams and square plates with different boundary conditions, other than h-h and c-c boundary conditions for beams and s-s-s-s and c-c-c-c boundary conditions for square plates. The numerical results presented give the required confidence to the structural engineers and researchers, to use the simple intuitive formulas, whenever required.  相似文献   

阮梅洪  楼倩  牛建农 《华中建筑》2011,29(12):110-115
宅基地安置模式下的新城中村建设,诱导村集体、村民,努力将其实现住房权益最大化,聚焦于对城中村改造建设用地规模与优势区位的争取,影响城市空间资源的高效配置。该文以宅基地地租为基础,通过定量计算、定性分析,建立新城中村影响城市空间绩效的模型,探析宅基地安置模式下被沉没的村民利益和城市效益,提出创新城中村改造模式的新理念和新方法:引导城中村改造主体,由对宅基地、住房等物质空间的过度关注,改为对宅基地、住房经济价值的追求,加快城村融合,提高城市空间绩效。  相似文献   

Ecological risk assessment of urban and industrial systems: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerous ecological risk assessment methodologies have been developed over the last twenty years around the world for evaluating urban and industrial systems and installations, by both the organisations responsible for implementing regulations and the scientific community. Although these methodologies share the general principle underlying their use, they differ widely with respect to the approaches chosen and the resources employed to apply them. Also, they may even have different objectives: prior assessment as part of an impact study before building a new installation, or retrospective assessment, for example, in view to explaining the reasons for an impact recorded or for forecasting additional expected impacts.This article provides a synthesis of the different approaches used around the world for carrying out each of the major steps common to all ecological risk assessment methodologies. The advantages and limitations of these different options are discussed in order to provide elements for formulating any new methodology adapted to a given scenario. To conclude, perspectives for improving the tools required for these methodologies are proposed, and the research works to which priority should be given are identified.  相似文献   

Abstract A meteorological database for the 48 contiguous states of the United States has been developed for use in indoor air pollution predictive models. The database contains predicted typical monthly meteorological statistics at the county level derived from hourly meteorological data from 208 (234 for precipitation) geographically distinct monitoring stations. Interpolation and extrapolation techniques were used to predict statistics for counties not containing a meteorological monitoring site. The LBNL database includes statistics for meteorological variables including dry-bulb temperature, dew-point temperature, barometric pressure, wind speed, wind direction, hours of precipitation, precipitation, and derived infiltration degree-days. The database consists of individual files of derived statistics for each weather variable and is potentially useful for indoor radon modeling as well as for other purposes. Each file contains data values for all 12 months and an aggregation of the 12 months up to a yearly statistic for all county centroids. A test was conducted to assess the quality of interpolated values. Examples showing the use of the database for mapping infiltration degree-days and an application of the database to a statistical correlation analysis attempting to find meteorological factors influencing indoor radon levels in the United States are discussed.  相似文献   

目的比较Poisson和负二项回归模型对微核试验数据(每1 000个双核淋巴细胞中具有微核的淋巴细胞数)的拟合效果,为微核试验数据的模型拟合提供依据。方法运用微核试验数据,拟合Poisson分布和负二项分布回归模型,采用对数似然函数、偏差统计量、Pearsonχ2统计量和聚集性指数等指标比较2种回归模型对实例数据的拟合效果。结果负二项回归模型对数似然函数值与自由度的比值(-2.51)大于Poisson回归模型(-3.52);负二项回归模型拟合优度统计量-偏差统计量和Pearsonχ2统计量与对应的自由度比值(1.16和1.07)小于Poisson回归模型;聚集性指数的似然比检验(H0:k=0)显示,聚集性指数不等于0具有统计学意义(χ2=1 160.42,P〈0.001)。结论对于微核试验数据,拟合负二项回归模型要优于Poisson回归模型。  相似文献   

徐伟华 《山西建筑》2009,35(30):322-323
进行了混凝土桥梁耐久性设计病害原因分析,探讨了混凝土桥梁设计耐久性构造措施,提出了保证桥梁耐久性的一些设计原则,以引起人们对桥梁耐久性的重视,从而延长桥梁的使用寿命。  相似文献   

随着我国城市人口老龄化的迅速发展,建设适宜城市老人的居住室外环境显得越来越重要.依据老人的生活,从生理、心理、社会三方面对室外环境的特殊需求,分析有助于老年人的身心健康,独立生活能力的多层次、多种类的的室外活动环境,提出家居老人和集居老人各种户外活动空间的设计思路和建议,希望能有助于老年人的健康和延年益寿,呼吁社会共同关注老年人的居住室外环境建设,以便更好地促进社会的健康发展.  相似文献   

对高空作业车转台的结构设计进行讨论,主要考虑结构的利用效率、整车轻量化设计、简化工艺生产制造流程、降低整车制造成本等问题。探讨板式结构的转台在整车设计中存在的利弊,并以结构分析为手段,运用ANSYS对高空作业车的回转机构进行有限元分析,研究板式结构回转机构在结构设计中的可应用性。以某折叠臂高空作业车回转平台的设计为例,通过受力计算结果得出结论:该板式结构转台的设计能满足整车性能、安全性,以及轻量化和工艺简单化的要求,可以运用到实际的工程机械设计中。  相似文献   

Galloping of inclined cables and other slender structures can occur in the critical Reynolds number range and/or in skew winds due to associated changes in the static force coefficients, even for cross-sections that are otherwise stable. A complete model of the quasi-steady aerodynamic forces leading to galloping has therefore been developed, for vibrations of any cylinder in two translatory degrees of freedom. It allows for arbitrary orientations of the flow velocity and the undamped vibration plane axes relative to the cylinder, and for variation of the force coefficients with Reynolds number and the relative angles. Analytical treatment of the eigenvalue problem has then led to an explicit expression for the minimum structural damping ratio required to prevent galloping for a perfectly tuned two-degree-of-freedom system, which it has been shown can differ significantly from the damping requirement for single-degree-of-freedom motion.  相似文献   

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