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现有的资源描述框架(RDF)数据分布式并行推理算法大多需要启动多个MapReduce任务,但有些算法对于含有实例三元组前件的RDFS/OWL规则的推理效率低下,整体推理效率不高。针对此问题,文中提出结合Rete的RDF数据分布式并行推理算法(DRRM)。首先结合RDF数据本体,构建模式三元组列表和规则标记模型。在RDFS/OWL推理阶段,结合MapReduce实现Rete算法中的alpha阶段和beta阶段。然后对推理结果进行去重处理,完成一次RDFS/OWL全部规则推理。实验表明,文中算法能高效正确地实现大规模数据的并行推理。  相似文献   

郑翠春  汪璟玢 《计算机科学》2016,43(9):197-202, 212
现有的RDF数据分布式并行压缩编码算法均未考虑结合本体文件,导致编码后的RDF数据没有表示任何语义信息,不利于分布式查询或推理。针对这些问题,提出SCOM(Semantic Coding with Ontology on MapReduce)算法在分布式MapReduce下完成RDF数据的语义并行编码。该算法首先结合RDF数据本体,构建类关系和属性关系模型;在三元组项分类与过滤之后,对三元组项进行编码并生成字典表,最终完成RDF数据带有语义信息且具有规律性的编码。此外,SCOM算法能够很容易地将编码后的RDF数据文件恢复为原始文件。实验表明,SCOM算法能够高效地实现大规模数据的分布式并行编码。  相似文献   

YARM:基于MapReduce的高效可扩展的语义推理引擎   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着语义网的快速发展,RDF语义数据大量涌现.大规模RDF语义数据推理的一个主要问题是计算量大、完成计算需要消耗很长的时间.显然,传统的单机语义推理引擎难以处理大规模的语义数据.另一方面,现有的基于MapReduce的大规模语义推理引擎,缺乏对算法在分布和并行计算环境下执行效率的优化,使得推理时间仍然较长.此外,现有的推理引擎大多存在可扩展性方面的不足,难以适应大规模语义数据的增长需求.针对现有的语义推理系统在执行效率和可扩展性方面的不足,文中提出了一种基于MapReduce的并行化语义推理算法和引擎YARM.为了实现分布和并行计算环境下的高效推理,YARM做出了以下4点优化:(1)采用合理的数据划分模型和并行化算法,降低计算节点间的通信开销;(2)优化推理规则的执行次序,提升了推理计算速度;(3)设计了简洁的去重策略,避免新增作业处理重复数据;(4)设计实现了一种新的基于MapReduce的并行化推理算法.实验结果表明,在真实数据集和大规模合成数据集上,YARM的执行速度比当前最新的基于MapReduce的推理引擎快10倍左右,同时YARM还表现出更好的数据和系统可扩展性.  相似文献   

随着语义网的不断发展,发布在互联网上的资源描述框架(RDF)数据达到百亿级三元组规模,并且呈现几何增长趋势,针对RDF数据的单机SPARQL查询方法已经不再适用。为此,提出一种基于整体同步并行(BSP)模型的SPARQL基本图模式查询算法。根据RDF有向图数据特性及基本图模式定义,将整个查询过程分成匹配和迭代2个阶段,在匹配出所需查询的三元组模式后,通过迭代使部分解逐步逼近完全解,得到最终查询结果。利用HAMA分布式计算框架进行算法实现,实验结果表明,与基于MapReduce的SPARQL查询算法相比,该算法具有较高的查询效率,能为大规模RDF数据的快速SPARQL查询提供支持。  相似文献   

近年来,语义网数据快速增长,适合于处理静态小规模语义数据的前向链语义推理技术暴露出了需对数据进行频繁更新等问题。面对大规模动态语义网数据,对数据更新不敏感的后向链语义推理开始成为新的研究热点。后向链语义推理由查询目标驱动,在查询时根据规则集推理出查询结果。后向链语义推理具有推理过程复杂、规则扩展深度大等特点,在大规模语义数据上推理的效率和可扩展性上有一定的挑战。该文立足于已有的后向链推理技术,详细分析了语义推理规则集的特点,并结合当前主流的大数据处理平台Spark,设计了一套较为高效并且可扩展的大规模并行化语义规则后向链推理系统。该文的主要研究工作分为三个部分: (1)采用预计算本体数据闭包的方法,避免了本体模式在实时推理阶段的重复推理; (2)在后向链语义推理的逆向推理和查询阶段设计了优化措施,进一步提高了推理效率; (3)设计实现了一种基于Spark平台的大规模分布式RDFS/OWL后向链语义推理系统。实验数据显示,该文提出的RDFS/OWL后向链语义推理系统在合成数据集LUBM和真实数据集DBpedia上都表现出了良好的推理性能,在亿条三元组上的推理开销是几秒到几十秒,并且表现出了良好的数据可扩展性和节点可扩展性。  相似文献   

随着语义网的快速发展,语义数据也高速增长,传统单机推理系统无法满足推理需求,而已有的并行推理算法在推理完备性和稳定性上存在明显不足。提出的基于Spark的并行推理算法(PROS)从以下3点进行了优化:(1)通过分析OWL Horst规则依赖关系,结合数据的分类结果将规则分四类。(2)四类规则分别设计了区域最优的规则执行顺序,进一步提高了并行推理的执行效率。(3)将Sameas规则考虑到迭代中,显著提高了算法的推理能力。实验结果表明,相比已有并行推理算法,PROS并行推理算法在保证推理完备性和稳定性上表现更加出色,推理效率亦有小幅提高;同时PROS相比单机推理算法大大缩短了推理时间,处理大规模数据展现出优良的并行扩展性。  相似文献   

为实现资源描述框架(RDF)数据的访问控制,提出一种RDF(S)三元组的推理控制算法,通过计算推理依赖图得到三元组的逻辑表达式,对敏感三元组的逻辑表达式求析取范式进而得到推理控制问题的候选解和最优解。实验表明,该算法能够有效地阻止非法推理,合理控制语义信息的丢失。  相似文献   

随着大数据时代的到来,数据量和数据复杂度急剧提高,Skyline查询结果集规模巨大,无法为用户提供精确的信息.MapReduce作为并行计算框架,已广泛应用于大数据处理中.本文提出了MapReduce框架下基于支配个数的结果优化算法(MR-DMN),解决了大数据环境下的Skyline结果集优化问题.大量的实验表明:算法具有良好的时间和空间效率.  相似文献   

OWL rules: A proposal and prototype implementation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although the OWL Web Ontology Language adds considerable expressive power to the Semantic Web it does have expressive limitations, particularly with respect to what can be said about properties. We present the Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL), a Horn clause rules extension to OWL that overcomes many of these limitations. SWRL extends OWL in a syntactically and semantically coherent manner: the basic syntax for SWRL rules is an extension of the abstract syntax for OWL DL and OWL Lite; SWRL rules are given formal meaning via an extension of the OWL DL model-theoretic semantics; SWRL rules are given an XML syntax based on the OWL XML presentation syntax; and a mapping from SWRL rules to RDF graphs is given based on the OWL RDF/XML exchange syntax. We discuss the expressive power of SWRL, showing that the ontology consistency problem is undecidable, provide several examples of SWRL usage, and discuss a prototype implementation of reasoning support for SWRL.  相似文献   

Many RDF systems support reasoning with Datalog rules via materialisation, where all conclusions of RDF data and the rules are precomputed and explicitly stored in a preprocessing step. As the amount of RDF data used in applications keeps increasing, processing large datasets often requires distributing the data in a cluster of shared-nothing servers. While numerous distributed query answering techniques are known, distributed materialisation is less well understood. In this paper, we present several techniques that facilitate scalable materialisation in distributed RDF systems. First, we present a new distributed materialisation algorithm that aims to minimise communication and synchronisation in the cluster. Second, we present two new algorithms for partitioning RDF data, both of which aim to produce tightly connected partitions, but without loading complete datasets into memory. We evaluate our materialisation algorithm against two state-of-the-art distributed Datalog systems and show that our technique offers competitive performance, particularly when the rules are complex. Moreover, we analyse in depth the effects of data partitioning on reasoning performance and show that our techniques offer performance comparable or superior to the state of the art min-cut partitioning, but computing the partitions requires considerably less time and memory.  相似文献   

This paper describes DLEJena, a practical reasoner for the OWL 2 RL profile that combines the forward-chaining rule engine of Jena and the Pellet DL reasoner. This combination is based on rule templates, instantiating at run-time a set of ABox OWL 2 RL/RDF Jena rules dedicated to a particular TBox that is handled by Pellet. The goal of DLEJena is to handle efficiently, through instantiated rules, the OWL 2 RL ontologies under direct semantics, where classes and properties cannot be at the same time individuals. The TBox semantics are treated by Pellet, reusing in that way efficient and sophisticated TBox DL reasoning algorithms. The experimental evaluation shows that DLEJena achieves more scalable ABox reasoning than the direct implementation of the OWL 2 RL/RDF rule set in the Jena’s production rule engine, which is the main target of the system. DLEJena can be also used as a generic framework for applying an arbitrary number of entailments beyond the OWL 2 RL profile.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe O-DEVICE, a memory-based knowledge-based system for reasoning and querying OWL ontologies by implementing RDF/OWL entailments in the form of production rules in order to apply the formal semantics of the language. Our approach is based on a transformation procedure of OWL ontologies into an object-oriented schema and the application of inference production rules over the generated objects in order to implement the various semantics of OWL. In order to enhance the performance of the system, we introduce a dynamic approach of generating production rules for ABOX reasoning and an incremental approach of loading ontologies. O-DEVICE is built over the CLIPS production rule system, using the object-oriented language COOL to model and handle ontology concepts and RDF resources. One of the contributions of our work is that we enable a well-known and efficient production rule system to handle OWL ontologies. We argue that although native OWL rule reasoners may process ontology information faster, they lack some of the key features that rule systems offer, such as the efficient manipulation of the information through complex rule programs. We present a comparison of our system with other OWL reasoners, showing that O-DEVICE can constitute a practical rule environment for ontology manipulation.  相似文献   

Nonmonotonic rule systems are expected to play an important role in the layered development of the semantic Web. Defeasible reasoning is a direction in nonmonotonic reasoning that is based on the use of rules that may be defeated by other rules. It is a simple, but often more efficient approach than other nonmonotonic rule systems for reasoning with incomplete and inconsistent information. This paper reports on the implementation of a system for defeasible reasoning on the Web. The system 1) is syntactically compatible with RuleML, 2) features strict and defeasible rules, priorities, and two kinds of negation, 3) is based on a translation to logic programming with declarative semantics, 4) is flexible and adaptable to different intuitions within defeasible reasoning, and 5) can reason with rules, RDF, RDF Schema, and (parts of) OWL ontologies  相似文献   

针对线性组合方式所构建的置信规则库存在常常无法准确发挥前件属性权重的效能,且随着评价等级个数的增加,新激活权重公式往往会对结果造成不利影响的不足,本文在现有置信规则库推理分类算法的基础上,提出二择众仓决策法,以此改进置信规则库决策系统。首先仅设置两个规则的后件评价等级,对一个决策问题仅做出二择判定,即回答是与否;其次,设置多个置信规则库同时处理若干个子问题;最后通过众仓决策方式融合多个子问题的结果,进而解决最终的分类问题。实验结果表明,改进后的置信规则库推理分类方法可行有效。  相似文献   

面对大数据规模庞大且计算复杂等问题,基于MapReduce框架采用两阶段渐进式的聚类思想,提出了改进的K-means并行化计算的大数据聚类方法。第一阶段,该算法通过Canopy算法初始化划分聚类中心,从而迅速获取粗精度的聚类中心点;第二阶段,基于MapReduce框架提出了并行化计算方案,使每个数据点围绕其邻近的Canopy中心进行细化的聚类或合并,从而对大数据实现快速、准确地聚类分析。在MapReduce并行框架上进行算法验证,实验结果表明,所提算法能够有效地提升并行计算效率,减少计算时间,并提升大数据的聚类精度。  相似文献   

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