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<正>近日,国际能源署(IEA)发布了其2050技术路线图系列报告中的光伏发电和聚光类太阳能热发电(CSP)两份路线图报告。报告预计,到2050年光伏发电将能满足全球电力需求的11%,而太阳能发电可能占全球总发电量的20%~25%。  相似文献   

美国太阳能产业发展的主要驱动力美国对于光伏发电的激励政策,多采用可再生能源配额、税收优惠、现金补助计划等,这些也是美国太阳能产业发展的主要驱动力。美国已在42个州通过了"净电量计量法",即允许光伏发电系统上网,允许电表倒转,其电费按电表净读数计量,光伏上网电量超过用电量时,电力公司按照零  相似文献   

在分析准并网技术节能工作原理的基础上,探讨市电和光伏发电混合驱动的空调系统的组成及原理,分别对太阳电池的光伏特性,蓄电池的工作原理,直流压缩机的工作特点,太阳能光伏直流空调器的能效及经济性进行分析。建立实验平台,与常规空调进行对比实验。实验结果和理论分析表明:太阳能光伏直流空调器在白天单独运行时可节约市电70%,全天连续运行可节约市电40%~78%,其综合能效比约为常规空调的3倍。为保证太阳能光伏直流空调器良好的节电能力,建议其最大运行时间为白天4 h,夜间2 h。  相似文献   

万里  黄帆 《太阳能学报》2024,(2):503-504
<正>电气自动化在太阳能光伏发电中得到了广泛运用,基于电气技术的运用,将太阳能转化为不同的电能,从而满足多种场所的用电需求。由谢军主编的《太阳能光伏发电技术》一书是光伏技术类专业重要的专业核心课,该书以太阳能光伏发电系统结构为主线,系统、  相似文献   

<正>2030年5%的电力来自于太阳能迪拜日照资源丰富,太阳能可为这座城市提供电力。在未来15年时间内,迪拜计划将天然气使用减少71%,在其混合能源的组成中,核电、煤电和太阳能发电的比例将分别达到12%、12%和5%。这个目标也是"迪拜2030年综合能源战略"的一部分。目前,迪拜在不断扩大其太阳能光伏发电能力,独立安装光伏发电系统的容量总计约为4.5 MW。为实现到2030年5%的电力来自于太阳能这一战略目标,迪拜政府对小型太阳能设备,特  相似文献   

包婧文 《太阳能》2012,(6):36-38
2月24日,中国清洁电力峰会太阳能光伏发电论坛在皇家大饭店顺利召开。在行业低迷,市场不景气的大环境下,当前产业形势及今后的发展趋势更是人们关注的焦点。论坛围绕“太阳能光伏发电政策分析及市场前景”、“太阳能光伏电站建设与运营”、“光伏发电创新技术及解决方案”、“屋顶光伏系统”四部分内容展开,邀请了近20位相关专家和企业代表为大家做精彩报告,  相似文献   

当前社会发展过程中,电力资源对于社会工业生产至关重要,但是资源枯竭问题逐渐明显,以煤炭资源发电的火力发电方式受到威胁,同时电力生产也受到影响,导致电力生产效果下降。光伏发电主要应用光伏发电原理进行太阳能发电,随着光伏发电项目不断进步,光伏发电项目建设更加注重效率和成本,从而确保光伏发电项目建设更加优化,最大程度提升项目的建设效率。研究光伏发电系统建设项目的效率和成本,对当前光伏发电系统进行分析,提出影响光伏发电系统建设效率的主要因素,同时提出光伏发电系统高效建设的对策。  相似文献   

加利福尼亚州立大学将计划于今年夏天在校园内安装太阳能发电装置,以太阳能这种清洁、可靠、成本合算的能源为校区提供电力,这将成为世界上最大的校园太阳能发电系统。此太阳能发电装置发电功率为1.05 MW,该项目由北加利福尼亚电力公司负责生产安装。 该太阳能发电装置覆盖面积达1.1105 ft,以屋顶和地面安装为主。除在校园中三大主要建筑物的屋顶安装太阳能线路,还在地面安装太阳能跟踪系统。该太阳能跟踪系统相比于固定系统,可多捕获约30%的能量,估计每年为该校节约电力费用达20万US$。此外,这一举措对整个地区环保也做出了突出的贡献。 …  相似文献   

<正>一项对聚光太阳能发电(CSP)技术及其实际应用潜力的新研究显示,CSP可以提供脱碳能源系统中大部分的电力。据发表在《自然气候变化》杂志上的研究论文显示,聚光太阳能发电可以满足当前大量的能源需求。例如,在地中海地区,该研究显示联网的聚光太阳能发电系统,可提供当前电力需求的70%~80%,还不比燃气电厂的成本高。其生产的电力类似于一个标准能源生  相似文献   

针对双可再生能源融合发电模式的诸多技术难题,提出了一种在水电站大坝上建设太阳能电站并进行融合发电的创新模式,重点突破了水电与太阳能发电共享型控制技术、光伏逆变谐波抑制技术、无功补偿和共享型直流技术等技术难题。水电和太阳能发电共享型控制技术实现了水电现地控制单元、太阳能现地控制单元、共享型公用现地控制单元的分布式构架;实现了光伏对水电的逆变谐波抑制和无功补偿装置的研发;实现了太阳直流技术补偿水电站直流系统。应用实践表明,太阳能与水能融合发电模式可节约投资、增加无功补偿效益、减少国土资源的占用,是双可再生能源融合发电的创新性应用,具有很好的推广价值。  相似文献   

We examine the changes to the electric power system required to incorporate high penetration of variable wind and solar electricity generation in a transmission constrained grid. Simulations were performed in the Texas, US (ERCOT) grid where different mixes of wind, solar photovoltaic and concentrating solar power meet up to 80% of the electric demand. The primary constraints on incorporation of these sources at large scale are the limited time coincidence of the resource with normal electricity demand, combined with the limited flexibility of thermal generators to reduce output. An additional constraint in the ERCOT system is the current inability to exchange power with neighboring grids.  相似文献   

张兴科 《中外能源》2012,17(3):32-36
减少我国冬季采暖所造成的大气污染,降低供暖系统的能耗,节约能源一直是建筑节能追求的目标.目前太阳能光伏发电已经成为人类利用太阳能的最主要方式之一,地源热泵已被作为一项旨在解决建筑冷热源问题的新技术,日渐受到人们的重视.将光伏转换与热泵循环有机结合在一起,从而形成了太阳能光伏-地源热泵系统.该系统提高了光电转换和光热吸收效率,光电/光热综合利用,极大地提高了单位面积太阳辐照的利用效率,同时可提高热泵系统在寒冷地区运行的适用性;利用光电效应把太阳能中高能带区域的光能直接转化成电能,可大大提高太阳能的可用能效率;在增加能量储存装置和逆变器的条件下,可以使系统脱离公用电网运行,从而增加了系统的适用性和灵活性;与普通的空气源热泵相比,太阳能地源热泵具有较高的热性能,具有一机多用的功效;与建筑物相结合的太阳能热泵系统,可以增加建筑物的隔热效果,起到减少建筑物冷暖负荷的作用,同时可极大地减少环境污染.  相似文献   

为确保光伏制冷的运行性能,该文针对离网型光伏冷库采用动态等效阻抗匹配的控制策略,通过阻抗变换器进行脉宽调制输出不同占空比,使光伏发电输出与负载相匹配,构建光伏最大功率点等效阻抗与温度、辐照度和标准测试条件下最大功率点等效阻抗之间的数学模型.基于所提的控制方法,搭建一套5.4 kW的分布式光伏直驱冷库实验系统,研究表明,...  相似文献   

冷热电三联供(CCHP)系统是利用一次能源或可再生能源发电,并通过多种余热回收设备高效利用余热,建立在能源的综合梯级利用基础上的产能系统。用户负荷动态变化及可再生能源输出不稳定会导致冷热电联供系统供、需侧能量不匹配,储能技术可有效解决该问题。本文总结了CCHP系统中储能技术类型及其研究现状,阐明了CCHP系统中电能储存和热能储存技术的应用方式。指出在传统能源与可再生能源相结合、供能系统越发复杂化的能源发展态势下,系统特性、配置优化和对不同场景制定出运行策略是储能技术与CCHP集成系统未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

提出将光伏剩余电量按照可变比例分配给储能电池及市政电网的动态运行策略,建立基于该策略的并网太阳能分布式供能系统设计运行联合优化模型,在不同分时电价下基于遗传算法对模型寻优,并将动态运行策略与对照运行策略(剩余电量优先并网或优先分配储能电池)下的系统运行结果进行比较分析。以陕西某乡村典型民居建筑为例进行分析,结果表明:1)分时电价的峰谷价差较大时,动态运行策略可有效降低太阳能分布式供能系统成本;2)分时电价的峰谷价差对于动态运行策略下储能电池的容量配置具有较大影响:峰谷价差越大,储能电池的配置容量越大;3)光伏度电补贴对3种运行策略下的系统成本影响程度为:动态运行策略>策略B(剩余电量优先分配储能电池)>策略A(剩余电量优先并网)。  相似文献   

A comprehensive thermoeconomic analysis is presented for a novel integrated solar hydrogen energy system for standalone operation. The proposed system includes a solar PVT module (photovoltaic thermal), a FC (Fuel cell) and a battery to meet the electrical load demand and domestic hot water over a year. The PVT component works as a primary energy source converting solar energy into electricity and heat. The excess electrical energy and hot water produced by PVT are consumed for producing hydrogen, which can be stored. The generated hydrogen is fed to the fuel cell to produce electricity and water to satisfy the demand. The proposed system is convenient for different seasons of the year because in all time, produced power satisfy the demand. The first and second laws of thermodynamics are used to evaluate the performance of each component and the overall system. Economic assessment of this system is also conducted considering the net present cost, and the system performance is optimized based on this parameter. The overall electrical efficiency of the system is obtained as 9% and the levelized cost of electricity is determined as $ 0.286/kWh. For a steady operation of system, integrating a battery system is convenient when solar energy is not available for a short term. When there is a longer-term shortage of solar radiation, up to 8 days, the electricity can be supplied by utilizing the hydrogen storage system.  相似文献   

M.B. Blarke  H. Lund 《Renewable Energy》2008,33(7):1499-1507
Across the world, energy planners and transmission system operators are faced with decisions on how to deal with challenges associated with high penetration levels of intermittent energy resources and combined heat and power (CHP). At the same time, distributed plant operators are eager to reduce uncertainties related to fuel and electricity price fluctuations. These interests meet-up for options in distributed supply that introduces the principle of storage and relocation, typically by integrating heat pumps (HP) or electric boilers (EBs) into the operational strategies of existing CHP plants. This paper introduces the principle of storage and relocation by energy system design, and proposes for the storage and relocation potential of a technology option to be found by comparing options by their storage and relocation coefficient Rc, defined as the statistical correlation between net electricity exchange between plant and grid, and the electricity demand minus intermittent renewable electricity production. Detailed operational analyses made for various CHP options within the West Danish energy system, point to the concepts of CHP-HP and CHP-HP cold storage for effectively increasing energy system flexibility. For CHP-HP cold storage, Rc increases from 0.518 to 0.547, while the plant's fuel efficiency increases from 92.0% to 97.2%. These findings are discussed within frameworks of renewable energy systems, suggesting principles for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation system designs.  相似文献   

The operation of residential solar photovoltaic arrays are typically dependent on net energy metering (NEM) tariffs or feed in tariffs that allow the array owner to treat the electricity grid as an energy storage device. This study presents a model and simulation results of a photovoltaic array paired with a second life battery pack, a partially degraded lithium battery pack from an automotive application, for stabilizing the electricity grid interactions of residential photovoltaic systems and reducing the overall residential demand placed on the electricity grid. Two numerical simulations are performed on the operation of a second life battery pack. The first used an equivalent system model for the battery pack and measured solar production and residential loads to evaluate the system performance using one second time steps. The second model used hourly time steps and round trip efficiency for the battery, coupled with weather data and residential demand, to determine the system performance over the course of a year. The numerical investigation shows that the PV and battery system can substantially reduce the quantity of solar electricity that is exported to the distribution grid and decrease the impacts of sudden fluctuations in photovoltaic output due to cloud cover while providing significant reductions in the electricity demand placed on the grid. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Renewable power (photovoltaic, solar thermal or wind) is inherently intermittent and fluctuating. If renewable power has to become a major source of base-load dispatchable power, electricity storage systems of multi-MW capacity and multi-hours duration are indispensable. An overview of the advanced energy storage systems to store electrical energy generated by renewable energy sources is presented along with climatic conditions and supply demand situation of power in Saudi Arabia. Based on the review, battery features needed for the storage of electricity generated from renewable energy sources are: low cost, high efficiency, long cycle life, mature technology, withstand high ambient temperatures, large power and energy capacities and environmentally benign. Although there are various commercially available electrical energy storage systems (EESS), no single storage system meets all the requirements for an ideal EESS. Each EESS has a suitable application range.  相似文献   

随着国内能源供需矛盾的日益突出,以太阳能光伏发电为代表的新能源产业将扮演解决能源危机的重要角色。在国内外光伏建筑一体化(BIPV)产业大背景下,研究如何提高太阳能光伏光电转换效率,降低系统成本,将成为未来很长一段时期光伏发电领域的重要课题。叙述了聚光型太阳能光伏技术与聚光型太阳能光伏遮阳系统的概念,分析了聚光型太阳能光伏遮阳系统的聚光形式,探讨了系统设计过程中的几个关键节点。  相似文献   

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