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Dispel is a language designed to aid communication between an interactive user and a run-time, symbolic debugging system. Important attributes of Dispel are that it provides a small set of primitive debugging actions, most traditional debugging aids (such as variable traces and postmortem dumps) are written in terms of these primitives as debugging routines, and Dispel serves both as an interactive debugging command language and as a special-purpose programming language. The syntax and semantics of Dispel are explained and examples of Dispel commands and routines are presented.  相似文献   

A pattern is a finite string of constant and variable symbols. The language generated by a pattern is the set of all strings of constant symbols which can be obtained from the pattern by substituting (non-empty) strings for variables. The pattern languages are one of language family which is orthogonal to the Chomsky-type languages hierarchy. They have many applications, such as the extended regular expressions, for instance, in languages Perl, awk, etc. They are well applicable in machine learning as well. There are erasing and non-erasing patterns are used. For non-erasing pattern languages the equivalence of languages is decidable but the inclusion problem for them is undecidable. In extended regular expressions one can use union, concatenation and Kleene star to make more complex patterns. It is also known, that the equivalence problem of extended regular expressions is undecidable. However, the problem, whether the equivalence is decidable for patterns using only concatenation and star still open. In this paper there are some interesting results about inclusion properties and equivalences of some kinds of erasing and non-erasing pattern languages. We show that the equivalence problem of non-erasing patterns in some cases can be reduced to the decidability problem of some very special inclusion properties. These results may be useful to decide whether the language equivalence of non-erasing star-patterns is decidable or not.  相似文献   

Thomas Plum 《Software》1977,7(2):215-221
Fooling the user' of a programming language by ‘natural’ constructions can cause completely unpredictable reliability defects in software systems. Numerous examples show the extent of the problem. Two methods of overcoming it are presented: simple languages devoid of user-fooling powers, and explication languages to accompany the more powerful languages.  相似文献   

Fibonacci is an object-oriented database programming language characterized by static and strong typing, and by new mechanisms for modeling data-bases in terms of objects with roles, classes, and associations. A brief introduction to the language is provided to present those features, which are particularly suited to modeling complex databases. Examples of the use of Fibonacci are given with reference to the prototype implementation of the language.  相似文献   

The primary goal of this paper is to define an initial step towards the definition of ‘systems grammar’ based on the notion of formal languages which can be used as a ‘tool’ in the formal representation of computer security systems. Currently all modelling done on computer security systems is written up as mathematical models. These mathematical models are usually based on the mathematics of relations amongst objects, as opposed to the model described in this paper which is based on the theory of formal languages. This paper is aimed at people who are doing research on the logical aspects of computer security. It is the first of a series of two papers. This paper will give interim results and make more specific the definition of a ‘formal language’ which suits the computer security environment. The second paper will illustrate the actual use of the defined ‘formal language’ and show how to represent the characteristics of a computer security environment by using this ‘formal language’.  相似文献   

PEP (Program Editor and Processor) is an interactive programming system based on an Algol-like language. It is intended to replace BASIC as a system for interactive program development on small computers (LSI-11). The language processed by the system allows declaration of variables, constants and procedures; it has structured statements for conditional and repetitive execution of program parts. We describe design and implementation of the system and give our impressions after 1 year of experience with the system.  相似文献   

在自然语言处理及其应用领域,人名和称谓作为重要的命名实体,是信息处理的关键部分之一。该文从命名实体识别和资讯提取的角度出发,在对4部明清古典小说的语料库进行标注的前提下,建构了姓名、字号和称谓作为命名实体的分类及标注系统。人名和称谓总体上分为单一型和复合型,根据复合型的内部组成元素和组合方式,将其进一步分为固定式、同位式、附属嵌套式、灵活嵌套式。结合语料库的完整数据统计,该文对各类型人名和称谓进行了比较分析,并分别展示了4部名著在人名、称谓使用上的特点。  相似文献   

We have designed, implemented and assessed an EBMT system that can be dubbed the “purest ever built”: it strictly does not make any use of variables, templates or patterns, does not have any explicit transfer component, and does not require any preprocessing or training of the aligned examples. It uses only a specific operation, proportional analogy, that implicitly neutralizes divergences between languages and captures lexical and syntactic variations along the paradigmatic and syntagmatic axes without explicitly decomposing sentences into fragments. Exactly the same genuine implementation of such a core engine was evaluated on different tasks and language pairs. To begin with, we compared our system on two tasks of a previous MT evaluation campaign to rank it among other current state-of-the-art systems. Then, we illustrated the “universality” of our system by participating in a recent MT evaluation campaign, with exactly the same core engine, for a wide variety of language pairs. Finally, we studied the influence of extra data like dictionaries and paraphrases on the system performance.  相似文献   

In this paper we define a uniform language that is an extension of the language underlying the process algebraPA. One of the main extensions of this language overPA is given by so-called atomizing brackets. If we place these brackets around a statement then we treat this statement as an atomic action. Put differently, these brackets remove all interleaving points. We present a transition system for the language and derive its operational semantics. We show that there are several options for defining a transition system such that the resulting operational semantics is a conservative extension of the semantics forPA. We define a semantic domain and a denotational model for the language. Next we define a closure operator on the semantic domain and show how to use this closure operator to derive a fully abstract denotational semantics. Then the algebraic theory of the language is considered. We define a collection of axioms and a term rewrite system based on these axioms. Using this term rewrite system we are able to identify normal forms for the language. It is shown that these axioms capture the denotational equality. It follows that if two terms are provably equal then they have the same operational semantics. Finally, we show how to extend the axiomatization in order to axiomatize its operational equivalence.  相似文献   

John C. Cavouras 《Software》1983,13(9):809-815
Ways to implement coroutines in a block-structured language with no multitasking facilities are presented. Coroutines are implemented as procedures. The reactivation points are kept in global variables, one variable for each procedure. Local variables whose values are required on re-entry are stored as STATIC objects. The variables or data of re-entrant coroutines are stored in an event list associated with each such coroutine. A procedure with several entries is a convenient mechanism to trap the primitive calls issued by the coroutines. This procedure returns to the master program by using a non-local GOTO. The implementation of the above in PL/I and C is described and a comparison is made with sequential Pascal. Ada includes constructs which satisfy most requirements.  相似文献   

J% is an extension of the Java programming language that efficiently supports the integration of domain-specific languages. In particular, J% allows the embedding of domain-specific language code into Java programs in a syntax-checked and type-safe manner. This paper presents J%׳s support for the sql language. J% checks the syntax and semantics of sql statements at compile-time. It supports query validation against a database schema or through execution to a live database server. The J% compiler generates code that uses standard jdbc api calls, enhancing runtime efficiency and security against sql injection attacks.  相似文献   

The success of the WIMP interface, the convergence towards multimedia platforms and the growing use of the Internet combine to place new demands on the systems we use to communicate with one another. Proposals for iconic languages are not new but the computer offers the ability to incorporate interactivity and animation into iconic writing and reading systems. One approach to developing computer-based iconic communication systems derives from the visual arts (i.e. graphic design, illustration, film animation, documentary video, etc.). An alternative approach is derived from computational linguistics in that the syntactic or semantic structure of language is retained while iconic images are used in place of words. Differences between the study of natural language and the design of an iconic language are discussed and the components of one particular system, IconText, are described. Of particular interest is the attempt to capture some pragmatic aspects of communication, both in terms of conveying the intentions of the author and concerning the sequential delivery of the message.  相似文献   

Ωmega is an experimental system that combines features of both a programming language and a logical reasoning system. Ωmega is a language with an infinite hierarchy of computational levels. Terms at one level are classified (or typed) by terms at the next higher level. In this paper we report on using two different computational mechanisms. At the value level, computation is performed by reduction, and is largely unconstrained. At all higher levels, computation is performed by narrowing.  相似文献   

Recent developments in very high-level language design indicate that these languages hold great promise for improving the level of man-machine communication, and hence improving computer and programmer utilization. (Essentially, a very high-level language one which allows the programmer to specify what to do, rather than how to do it.) This paper surveys these developments, outlines the goals to which an “ideal” very high-level language should aspire, and then presents the design of a very high-level language that would meet these goals. This design is presented in the interest of laying bare some basic design and implementation questions that are inherent to such an achievement. The paper then discusses these questions, indicating both old and new research problems which they suggest.  相似文献   

The need to make the contents of the Semantic Web accessible to end-users becomes increasingly pressing as the amount of information stored in ontology-based knowledge bases steadily increases. Natural language interfaces (NLIs) provide a familiar and convenient means of query access to Semantic Web data for casual end-users. While several studies have shown that NLIs can achieve high retrieval performance as well as domain independence, this paper focuses on usability and investigates if NLIs and natural language query languages are useful from an end-user's point of view. To that end, we introduce four interfaces each allowing a different query language and present a usability study benchmarking these interfaces. The results of the study reveal a clear preference for full natural language query sentences with a limited set of sentence beginnings over keywords or formal query languages. NLIs to ontology-based knowledge bases can, therefore, be considered to be useful for casual or occasional end-users. As such, the overarching contribution is one step towards the theoretical vision of the Semantic Web becoming reality.  相似文献   

Essence is a formal language for specifying combinatorial problems in a manner similar to natural rigorous specifications that use a mixture of natural language and discrete mathematics. Essence provides a high level of abstraction, much of which is the consequence of the provision of decision variables whose values can be combinatorial objects, such as tuples, sets, multisets, relations, partitions and functions. Essence also allows these combinatorial objects to be nested to arbitrary depth, providing for example sets of partitions, sets of sets of partitions, and so forth. Therefore, a problem that requires finding a complex combinatorial object can be specified directly by using a decision variable whose type is precisely that combinatorial object.  相似文献   


This paper presents a logic programming language of novel conception, called Reflective Prolog, which allows declarative metaknowledge representation and metareasoning. The language is defined by augmenting pure Prolog (Horn clauses) with capabilities of self-reference and logical reflection. Self-reference is designed as a quotation device (a carefully defined naming relation) which allows the construction of metalevel terms that refer to object-level terms and atoms. Logical reflection is designed as an unquotation mechanism (a distinguished truth predicate) which relates names to what is named, thus extending the meaning of domain predicates. The reflection mechanism is embodied in an extended resolution procedure which automatically switches the context between levels. This implicit reflection relieves the programmer from having to explicitly deal with control aspects of the inference process. The declarative semantics of a Reflective Prolog definite program P is provided in terms of the least reflective Herbrand model of P, characterized by means of a suitable mapping defined over the Herbrand interpretations of P. The extended resolution is proved sound and complete with respect to the least reflective Herbrand model. By illustrating Reflective Prolog solutions to an organic set of problems, and by discussing the main differences with respect to other approaches to logic metaprogramming, we show that the proposed language deploys, within its field of action, greater expressive and inferential power than those available till now. The interpreter of the language has been fully implemented. Because of its enhanced power, logic semantics and working interpreter, Reflective Prolog is offered as a contribution toward making the declarative approach of logic programming applicable to the development of increasingly sophisticated knowledge-based systems.  相似文献   

Invocation handling mechanism in many concurrent languages have significant limitations that make it difficult or costly to solve common programming situations encountered in program visualization, debugging, and scheduling scenarios. This paper discusses these limitations, introduces new language mechanisms aimed at remedying these limitations, and presents an implementation of the new mechanisms. The examples are given in SR; the new mechanisms and implementation are an extension of SR and its implementation. However, these new mechanisms are applicable to other concurrent languages. They can augment or replace current invocation handling mechanisms.  相似文献   

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