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This paper analyzes the main problems in China's urban planning and construction, including conf licts among various spatial plans, the lack of a unified spatial planning management system, the inefficiency of examination and approval administration, and the social contradictions caused by unclear information. It articulates the significance of multi-plan integration from the viewpoints of implementing the national strategies issued by the central government, meeting the underlying demand of development transition of cities, and promoting the modernization of a city governance system and city governance capacity, etc. It introduces in detail the practice of multi-plan integration in Xiamen, which takes the urban development strategies in consensus as the top-level design, establishes a spatial planning system through the "strict control based on one blueprint" and the "coordinated management on one platform," promotes the transformation of the government function via reforming the examination and approval administration system, and builds up a guarantee mechanism through the direct inspection by the top leader of the government and the joint efforts from the top to the bottom. It finally summarizes the effects of the practice of multi-plan integration in Xiamen and proposes some suggestions on further completing the spatial planning system, improving the examination and approval administration system, and accelerating the transformation of the government function, etc., in hope of serving as a reference for other Chinese cities.  相似文献   

The current planning system in China lacks coordination, which is a crucial issue to be explored to fully implement the multi-plan integration. Mianzhu is an example that is officially named as one of the pilot cities for multi-plan integration on the county level. The paper firstly analyzes the problems associated with multi-plan integration in Mianzhu, including the indeterminate hierarchy of the planning system, the disunity of technical standards, problems regarding spatial order, coordination and division of powers and functions, and the intensive utilization of spatial resources, the lack of a coordination mechanism, and low participation of experts and the public. Secondly, by learning from Germany's spatial planning, and also practical experiences of pilot cities for multi-plan integration in China, this paper creatively brings in the connotation of multi-plan integration on the county level, and further proposes a power division based on three-level planning system and three kinds of space, the reinforcement of a spatial order, intensive spatial utilization, and a planning coordination mechanism, hoping to provide reference to other cities.  相似文献   

《中共中央国务院关于建立国土空间规划体系并监督实施的若干意见》明确了国土空间规划体系的基本框架,标志着我国规划工作的重心由问题导向的"多规合一"转向任务导向的"国土空间规划体系"的建立和完善。为实现建设生态文明的总目标,国土空间规划体系的主要任务可分为两大方向,一是落实对"山水林田湖草"自然生态系统的保护与修复;二是解决好"城镇村"的建设与治理问题,后者是实现生态文明的关键。在这一过程中,市县和乡镇级规划将成为整个规划体系实质上的重心。本文从实现生态文明的理论与路径入手,探讨了生态文明的空间表达本质,以及国土空间规划在实现生态文明目标的过程中所应承担的任务和相应的规划技术手段。  相似文献   

袁勇  王磊 《规划师》2020,(3):73-78
文章以淮南市城市空间特色规划项目为例,论述了如何在“多规合一”的指导下进行总体城市设计的方法,以期为新时期城市特色的塑造和城市设计的方法探讨提供借鉴。  相似文献   

China's spatial planning system has a tradition of prioritizing vertical control over horizontal coordination, which leads to conflicts among various plans for one area. This has brought many problems to the spatial management of Chinese cities. Since socio-economic development plan, urban-rural plan, and land use plan are the three major elements of China's spatial planning system, conflicts among them can be taken as an intensified case of the system's problems, and the practice of three-plan integration should focus on bridging the gaps and solving conflicts among them, so as to eventually eliminate predicaments to China's spatial planning. Currently, due to influences of the actual law and governance systems, threeplan integration is largely a sort of government-led planning coordination dedicated to urban-rural spatial development. In the context of China's constantly deepened political and economic system reforms, three-plan integration, together with the extended multi-plan integration, will surely play an important role in the construction and exploration of China's spatial planning system.  相似文献   

大规模开发建设活动使城镇下垫面硬化程度加剧,“三通一平”阻断了雨水径流自然“源一汇”过程,对此,不同地区应根据自身水文“源一汇”特征和水情问题探索适宜的海綿城市规划方法。本文针对丘陵地区沟谷发育密集的特点,提出基于雨水麻道的城镇多尺度海綿系统构建思路和方法,具体而言,根据地形特征提取多个尺度的雨水廊道作为生态排水娜道,通过廊道连接城镇中对应尺度的节点低影响设施,合理划分汇水单元层级化管理雨洪,综上建立生态排水网络解决暴雨多发气候条件下城鎮易涝的问题。同时,通过将海绵系统构建与城市规划编制衔接实现多规合一,探索在空间布局规划、绿地系统规划、雨水管网规划、指标图则规划等总规和控规层面的规划中落实海綿系统的规划途径。  相似文献   

China’s current catchment planning often focuses on formulating overall strategies for flood control and water resource distribution from a perspective of water conservancy. Usually, such plans are developed at large scales, covering a huge territory. However, city-scaled analyses, technical strategies, or roadmaps responding to issues of urban flooding, water pollution, etc. are less integrated into the current catchment planning; there is also an absence of comprehensive management methods for medium- or small-scaled urban water bodies. Combing with a case study on integrated catchment management plans (ICMP) for the Hamilton City, New Zealand, this paper reviews and summarizes the idea, role, objectives, key sections, and implementation of ICMPs in New Zealand, including a series of core tasks ranging from the trans-administrative catchment management mechanism, comprehensive and operational objectives and the technical system to the integration with long-term urban planning and Resource Consent requirements. In view of the status quo and major problems in China's comprehensive management of urban water systems, as well as the gaps in the existing formulation and implementation of catchment planning, especially the absence of integrated planning methods for medium- or smallscaled catchments that have a more direct and stronger relation with urban development, New Zealand’s experience in ICMP preparation and implementation reflects a paradigm significance.  相似文献   

李智慧  宋彦  陈燕萍 《规划师》2010,26(3):25-30,36
以深圳现行法定规划为对象,采用城市发展相关规划编制成果评估和专家评估两种方法,对城市规划编制外在有效性进行客观、全面的评估,具体包括对垂直级规划的承接性评价和对平行级相关规划的协调性评价,旨在建立一套城市规划外在有效性评估框架,检验城市规划编制的科学性,促进规划编制的完善。  相似文献   

张鹏程  林鸿 《工程勘察》2021,49(4):46-51
以试点城市广州市为例,介绍了城市信息模型平台的总体架构、数据构成、平台功能及实施效果等,城市信息模型平台以多规合一管理平台为基础,集成了项目策划生成、规划审查、建筑设计方案审查、施工图审查、竣工验收备案等功能,实现了立项用地规划许可、工程建设许可、施工许可、竣工验收等阶段的计算机辅助审查,为进一步优化工程建设项目审批制度改車提供了重要的技术支撑。  相似文献   

适应城镇化转型时期调控城乡空间资源的要求,发挥城乡规划的战略引领和刚性管控作用,加强规划、建设、管理的统筹,是当前总体规划编制改革的重要方向.上海的城市发展正步入存量发展时代,引领城市战略升级、适应城市转型发展环境、探索符合上海实际的总体规划成果体系,是上海2040总体规划编制工作的一项重要任务.分析上海2040总体规划面对的发展环境和挑战,反思传统总体规划编制成果的局限,针对上海大都市地区空间发展模式转型和空间治理要求,围绕总规定位、成果框架、管控体系、成果形式等方面,总结了上海2040总体规划成果体系创新的基本思路.  相似文献   

乡镇总体规划存在编制主体模糊、规划方法和目标定位较随意、空间布局依附性及利益协调复杂性等特征.具体到南宁市近郊乡镇总规,主要面临发展竞争性、规划被动性与反复性、条块分割、主从关系、利益分歧等基本矛盾.论文还从优化编审组织形式、规划内容方法务实创新、新形势下条块利益协调及多层面推动城乡统筹等方面进行了借鉴与探索.  相似文献   

本文结合笔者多年城市规划实践,详细阐述新形势下城乡一体化规划的重要性,并在现阶段存在问题分析的基础上,对实现城乡一体化规划与建设的原则特点与具体措施建议进行了深入探讨和总结。  相似文献   

乡村地区作为城乡规划管理较为薄弱的区域,在规划编制方法、规划落地实施等方面往往聚焦于单个村庄的编制,缺乏从区域层面审视乡村地区发展的实践探索,尤其是缺少统筹协调生态保护、土地利用等各要素的多规合一型规划,使得规划的指导性、针对性、可操作性不足。浙江省杭州市从城乡融合、区域统筹的视角出发,编制面向区域层面与操作层面的郊野单元规划,在空间范围上实现了开发边界外乡村地区全覆盖,在规划类型上具有多类型、多层级特征,存量规划、实施性规划特色显著。不仅丰富了传统的村庄规划体系,在规划内容方面更是体现了高效利用、高质量发展、高水平治理的要求,尤其是促进了规划实施与规划编审程序深入对接,推动了城乡要素深度融合、城乡空间全域管控,是对乡村振兴发展、城乡融合发展的规划模式与技术方法的成功探索,对于进一步完善国土空间规划体系有着重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

Urban planning in Tanzania has focused mainly on economic development. The Tanzanian government prioritizes large-scale modern projects to increase national income and propel world-class urban settlements. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania׳s largest city and main commercial center has experienced remarkable urban development. Unfortunately, its growth has not been consistent with the master plans, which also overlook sustainable urban development aspects. The high urbanization rate has exacerbated the degradation of the city׳s environment, including roadside air quality, solid waste, and water quality. The city׳s ongoing environmental dilapidation has led to a call for a sustainable urbanization to curb past urbanization problems and implement a sustainable future. This work reviews Dar es Salaam׳s available planning documents and examines how master plans can stimulate sustainable urban development. Findings suggest that master plans should not be used as a mere urban growth control tool. Master plans that are designed and conceptualized as a comprehensive strategy and integrated with different aspects of urban development can play a key role in enforcing sustainable urban development for the city.  相似文献   

我国海洋空间规划的“多规合一”对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国海洋空间规划面临着海洋空间差别化管理和资源供给结构调整的新要求,同时,也面临着海洋环境质量改善的新机遇、海岸线和近岸海域资源供给的新约束。应按照陆海统筹、强化海洋空间规划顶层设计、协调海洋空间管控边界、整合海洋空间管控政策的基本思路,强化海洋空间规划的法律基础,完善基于生态系统的海洋空间规划,实施海水养殖向深远海转移等对策措施,促进我国海洋空间规划"多规合一"顺利开展。  相似文献   

<正>1.何谓"端凝"中国城市人文规划实践,善于将空间经营措置与人心体验紧密结合,使得城市人文空间秩序下蕴藏一种人的内心体验与感受,不同的人文空间有着不同的体验行为。"端凝"便是其中一种重要方式。"端凝"原指端正认真、注意力集中;古人将之应用在中国古代城市规划中,重在通过端正场所秩序而聚景凝神,以达到在人文空间中修身正心的目的。如"端凝以观物变"、"人钟山水之秀,必端凝爽哲"等记载。  相似文献   

城市地下空间作为一个新兴的国土资源,已成为城市发展过程中解决人口、资源、环境三大危机的重要举措。浙江省编制导则未提出不同空间层面的地下空间编制体系与内容,导致各市(县)无法准确把握内容深度和重点。通过总结分析浙江省地下空间现状编制体系及内容特征,从空间维度提出副省级城市、地级市和县及县级市应开展的地下空间规划编制体系建议;从时间维度提出总体规划、专项规划和详细规划三个层级的规划编制内容及成果要求,对编制导则进行补充完善。为浙江省各市(县)规划建设主管部门结合自身实际组织编制地下空间规划提供依据参考,同时也为编制导则的修订完善提供有力支撑。  相似文献   

张国华 《城市规划》2011,35(11):42-48
交通、空间、产业三要素一体化一直是城市综合交通体系规划的理想,新时期下,城市综合交通体系规划与城市总体规划同步编制已经成为新趋势。本文从三要素互动发展规律入手,论证三要素统筹规划的理论基础及实践意义;然后对当前三要素管理体制及规划技术反思,指出综合交通体系规划谋求转型的必要性;进而提出城市综合交通体系规划转型模式及技术流程,并以长沙市城市综合交通体系规划实践为例,探讨轨道线网、快速路网以及客货运枢纽体系的规划内容。  相似文献   

从"多规合一"到国土空间规划体系的提出,充分体现了国家规划管理体制和规划治理思路的转变。在此背景下,交通规划作为国土空间规划体系的一部分也面临迫切的深层次变革。本文梳理了我国空间规划体系提出的过程和含义,基于现有规划体系中交通规划所处的地位和作用以及与其他城乡规划的联系,分析了在新国土空间规划体系下,交通规划变革的必要性;进而提出了交通规划的变革要点:首先,交通规划的变革要认识新国土空间规划体系下交通规划面临的主要矛盾,明确交通规划的作用,厘清交通部门与城乡规划各部门之间的职能关系;其次,确定交通规划与空间规划体系的适应性发展,即交通规划既需要在管控层面与空间规划体系的规划思路、分级管控和划定的"三区三线"相协调,也需要在发展上充分体现新时代交通强国战略需求。最后,以厦门市为例,介绍了厦门对于建立空间规划一张蓝图的探索,分析了厦门交通系统规划与全域空间规划一张图的适应性,以期为新国土空间规划体系背景下的交通系统规划提供思路借鉴。  相似文献   

现阶段总体规划实践面临众多困境,包括编制内容过多、编制时间过长、不适应实际管理需求等,大部分学者提出“减负”是当前总体规划的改革核心。在综合研究相关案例的基础上,提出当前总体规划面临的核心问题是“边界模糊”,这些模糊的边界包括中央与地方的事权边界、政府与市场的作用边界、城市人口规模预测的边界、规划区与中心城区的范围边界、部门之间的规划权利边界,以及大城市与小城市的内容边界。针对这些问题,地方政府通过编制其它规划来替代总体规划,包括战略规划、都市区规划、县域总体规划、三规合一规划等等。这些“规划替代”其实就是地方总体规划改革的一种创新,结合这些创新实践,认为未来总体规划改革的方向是要“重塑边界”,包括放权中央与地方的事权边界,明晰政府的刚性边界与市场弹性边界,模糊城市人口规模边界,扩大规划区与中心城区范围边界,统一部门之间规划边界、区分大城市与小城市的内容边界。  相似文献   

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