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In a previous study, mu-opioid receptor binding was decreased by chronic treatment of rats with a mu-opioid receptor-selective agonist [CH3Phe3, D-Pro4]morphiceptin (PL-017) [Tao, P.L., Lee, H.Y., Chang, L.R., Loh, H.H., 1990. Decrease in mu-opioid receptor binding capacity in rat brain after chronic PL-017 treatment. Brain Res. 526, 270-275]. However, there was a lack of correlation between the time course of receptor down-regulation and the loss of pharmacological effects of the drug. In the current study, we used immunohistochemistry to reinvestigate this issue. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were chronically treated with PL-017 i.c.v. for 1, 3 or 5 days, using an escalating dosage paradigm (0.75-6.0 microg), which resulted in a 1.4 to 32-fold increase in the AD50. Rat brains were removed, frozen, coronally sectioned (14 microm) and processed for mu-, delta- or kappa-opioid receptor immunohistochemistry by the avidin-biotin complex (ABC) method. Significant decreases in OP3 immunodensity were found in many brain regions which are enriched with OP3 after chronic treatment of PL-017. Time-dependent decreases in OP3 were detected and reached a plateau around 3 days of PL-017 treatment. No significant change in OP1 or OP2 immunodensity after chronic treatment with PL-017 was found. Our conclusion is that chronic treatment with PL-017 of rats selectively down-regulates mu-opioid receptors in the brain. This may be an important mechanism for PL-017 tolerance.  相似文献   

TSH receptor (TSHR) cleavage into two subunits (A and B) was explored using two new mammalian cell lines expressing the recombinant receptor; 1) TSHR-10,000 CHO cells overexpressing the TSHR; 2) TSHRmyc cells with a c-myc epitope inserted at residues 338-349. Immunoprecipitation or immunoblotting of TSHR-10,000 cells with mAb to either the A subunit or the B subunit revealed multiple forms of the TSHR: 1) uncleaved receptors of approximately 115 kDa and approximately 100 kDa with complex carbohydrate and high mannose carbohydrate, respectively; 2) two subunit TSHR with an approximately 62 kDa A subunit containing complex carbohydrate. The A subunit was approximately 35 kDa after enzymatic deglycosylation (predicted C-terminus near residue 330). The nonglycosylated B subunit was evident primarily as an approximately 42 kDa band (predicted N terminus near residue 380). The sum of the A and B subunit polypeptide backbones was smaller than the predicted size of the TSHR, a polypeptide backbone (84.5 kDa), raising the possibility that an approximately 5-kDa polypeptide fragment was excised during intramolecular cleavage. This hypothesis was supported by data obtained with the TSHRmyc cells. Thus, mAb to the c-myc epitope and to amino acid residues 22-35 (mAb A10) were equally effective in detecting the single chain forms of the TSHR in these cells. However, the 35 kDa, deglycosylated A subunit was clearly visible on immunoprecipitation with mAb A10 to the TSHR amino terminus, but not with the anti-myc mAb, indicating loss of the c-myc epitope at residues 338-349. Further, even though the A subunit was not detected in TSHRmyc cells with anti-myc mAb, 125I-TSH cross-linking to the cell surface showed similar A subunit expression in TSHRmyc and wild-type TSHR expressing cells. In summary, our study provides a surprising and novel finding for G protein-coupled receptors. Contrary to the prevailing concept of one cleavage site in the TSHR, we present evidence that there are, in fact, two such sites. The TSHR, like insulin, may release a C peptide during intramolecular cleavage into two subunits.  相似文献   

The thyrotropin (TSH) receptor (TSHR) is a key protein in the control of thyroid function and a major thyroid autoantigen. Recently, molecular cloning of the receptor has been carried out and we now review the impact of this work on our understanding of the physiology and pathophysiology of the TSHR. Analysis of recombinant TSHR proteins expressed in prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems has indicated that post-translational processing is important for the formation of active receptors. Studies of TSHR glycosylation have shown that a 'mature' form of the receptor containing mainly complex-type sugar residues is principally involved in TSH and TSHR autoantibody (TRAb) binding. In addition, the processing of the TSHR peptide chain into two subunits observed with native TSHR has been confirmed using recombinant TSHR. However, despite considerable efforts in many laboratories, the binding site(s) for TSH and TRAb on the TSHR have not been well characterized as yet and lessons learned from the discovery of naturally occurring amino acid mutations of the TSHR confirm the complexity of the hormone and autoantibody binding sites. Future progress in producing large amounts of pure TSHR as well as monoclonal TRAbs, followed by crystallographic analysis of TSHR-TSH complexes and TSHR-TRAb complexes, should be helpful in providing a better insight into the relationship between TSHR structure and function.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to assess the prognostic relevance of relatives' interactive behaviour towards the patient, as covered by the Münster Family Interview (MFI), to the further course of the schizophrenic illness. The MFI is a family interview (of the whole family, including the patient) designed to record the emotional family atmosphere based on the concept of expressed emotion (EE). The ratings take place directly after the interview on five scales (criticism, hostility, overinvolvement, resignation and warmth), the resignation scale being added to the 'classic' EE scales. Ninety-nine families of outpatients diagnosed with schizophrenia according to the DSM-III were examined with the MFI during a home visit. The patients were seen 1 and 2 years after the first examination. The target criteria selected for the prognostic significance of the interaction measurements were: rehospitalisation within 2 years; extent of symptoms after 1 year, and psychosocial skills after 1 year. The significance of the interaction dimensions was verified in regression models. The control variable used in the regression models was the Strauss-Carpenter scale. Regression models were produced for the total group and for a subgroup of moderately ill patients. All target criteria yielded serviceable prediction models. The most important variable for prediction was the control variable, the Strauss-Carpenter scale. However the interaction variables made additional contributions to the prognosis, especially in the subgroup of moderately ill patients. The best MFI scale for all the outcome criteria was resignation; criticism predicted only the symptomatology, and emotional overinvolvement the level of social functioning after 1 year. In conclusion, practical work with families of schizophrenic patients should emphasise the protective function of relatives towards patients more strongly.  相似文献   

Thyrotropin is the primary pituitary hormone which stimulates the growth and differentiation of thyroid cells. TSH binds a specific receptor present in the plasma membrane of thyroid cells and signals the G protein transducers, which activate different effectors, mainly adenyl cyclase and phospholipase C. The TSH receptor belongs to a broad class of receptors known as seven-loop receptors because they contain a long stretch of amino acids which cross the plasma membrane seven times. Mutations in the TSH receptor gene have been found in hyperfunctioning thyroid adenomas. These mutations are: (a) somatic (present only in the tumor), (b) dominant (only one copy of the gene is affected), and (c) lead to the constitutive activation of the cAMP signaling cascade. Most mutations which have been identified occur in the intracellular loop III and in the transmembrane domain VI. Germline mutations in the same regions of the receptor have been found in congenital nonautoimmune hyperthyroidism. In addition, germ line mutations have been described in the extracellular domain of the receptor leading to increased TSH levels. The clinical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Asp-474 in the first exoplasmic loop of the thyrotropin receptor (TSHR), which is conserved among all glycoprotein hormone receptors, was mutated to Glu which is similarly charged but is longer by one methylene group and expressed in Cos-7 cells. Cells expressing this mutant receptor showed markedly impaired TSH- and TSAb (thyroid stimulating antibody)-stimulated cAMP responses with no effect on TSH binding affinity when compared with cells expressing a similar number of wild-type receptors. These results suggest the importance of Asp-474 in TSHR in receptor activation as demonstrated for LHR (lutropin receptor), but this, unlike LHR, is not due to the electrostatic interaction of this Asp residue with the alpha-subunit Lys-91 of the hormone.  相似文献   

The regulatory effect of regucalcin on Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent phosphatase activity and the binding of regucalcin to calmodulin was investigated. Phosphatase activity toward phosphotyrosine, phosphoserine, and phosphothreonine in rat liver cytosol was significantly increased by the addition of Ca2+ (100 microM) and calmodulin (0.30 microM). These increases were clearly inhibited by the addition of regucalcin (0.50-1.0 microM) into the enzyme reaction mixture. The cytosolic phosphoamino acid phosphatase activity was significantly elevated by the presence of anti-regucalcin monoclonal antibody (0.2 microg/ml), suggesting that endogenous regucalcin in the cytosol has an inhibitory effect on the enzyme activity. This elevation was prevented by the addition of regucalcin (0.50 microM). Purified calcineurin phosphatase activity was significantly increased by the addition of calmodulin (0.12 microM) in the presence of Ca2+ (1 and 10 microM). This increase was completely inhibited by the presence of regucalcin (0.12 microM). The inhibitory effect of regucalcin was reversed by the addition of calmodulin with the higher concentration (0.36 microM). Regucalcin has been demonstrated to bind on calmodulin-agarose beads by analysis with sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The present study demonstrates that regucalcin inhibits Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase activity in rat liver cytosol, and that regucalcin can bind to calmodulin.  相似文献   

Starting with a previously isolated cDNA for human thyrotropin receptor (TSHR), we established a transformed myeloma cell line, SP56, which expresses human TSHR on its cell surface. Binding analysis showed that SP56 bears 1.1 x 10(5) TSHR per cell with a Kd of 2.2 x 10(-10) M. Using the purified cellular membrane, we established a TSH binding inhibition immunoglobulin (TBII) assay for autoantibodies against TSHR. We compared it with the TBII assay utilizing porcine thyroid membranes expressing porcine TSHR, which has been widely used for TBII assay, by using 96 serum samples from patients with autoimmune thyroid disease and normal individuals. Our TBII assay was more sensitive than the one using porcine TSHR: of 38 sera of patients which were judged negative for autoantibodies to TSHR (TBII value below 10%) by the latter assay, 28 were positive (above 20%) in our assay. By using a perfusion culture system, we obtained as many as 3 x 10(10) SP56 cells, from which 3,450 mg protein of the membrane could be purified; this is sufficient for 15,000 assays. The results indicate that the membrane of the myeloma cell line SP56 is more suitable for use in the TBII assay than the porcine thyroid membrane, in terms of sensitivity to autoantibodies against TSHR in human sera.  相似文献   

The ryanodine receptor (RYR)/Ca2+ release channel of avian cardiac muscle was localized by immunocytochemical techniques and biochemically characterized using isolated membrane and receptor protein fractions. Monoclonal antibody C3-33 raised against the canine cardiac RYR bound to the junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum of pigeon and finch hearts, both at peripheral couplings and at extended junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum (EJSR). Immunoblots of sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles from pigeon and finch hearts showed this antibody recognized a single high molecular weight protein, which co-migrated with the canine M(r) 565,000 RYR/Ca2+ release channel polypeptide. The pigeon heart RYR bound [3H]ryanodine with high affinity in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner, comparable to the canine cardiac RYR. Purification of the pigeon RYR yielded a 30 S protein complex, which bound the maximum calculated amount of [3H]ryanodine ((440 +/- 60) pmol/mg protein), assuming one high affinity site/tetrameric 30 S RYR comprised of M(r) 565,000 polypeptides. Autoradiography of isolated finch cardiac myocytes indicated [3H]ryanodine binding throughout the cells. These results suggest that avian heart contains a single population of RYRs, and thereby support the hypothesis that avian EJSR contains functional calcium release channels which, because of the absence of transverse tubules, can be located micrometers away from the surface membrane in avian heart.  相似文献   

The two cysteines C494 and C569, located in the first and second extracellular loop, respectively, of the thyrotropin (TSH) receptor, were mutated to serines to test the functional significance of the putative disulfide bond between these two cysteines. Single (C494S and C569S) and double (C494/569S) mutant receptors were generated, transiently expressed in COS cells, and compared with regard to the ability to bind ligand and to mediate stimulation of adenylate cyclase activity. The double mutant retained ligand binding capacity, in contrast to the single cysteine mutants that were essentially devoid of binding capacity. The ability of the mutated receptor variants to stimulate adenylate cyclase activity was lost or greatly reduced.  相似文献   

The pituitary hormone thyrotropin stimulates the function, expression of differentiation and growth of thyrocytes by cyclic AMP-dependent mechanisms. Tissue hyperplasia and hyperthyroidism are therefore expected to result when activation of the adenylyl cyclase-cAMP cascade is unregulated. This is observed in several situations, including when somatic mutations impair the GTPase activity of the G protein Gsa (ref 6, 7). Such a mechanism is probably responsible for the development of a minority of monoclonal hyperfunctioning thyroid adenomas. Here we identify somatic mutations in the carboxy-terminal portion of the third cytoplasmic loop of the thyrotropin receptor in three out of eleven hyperfunctioning thyroid adenomas. These mutations are restricted to tumour tissue and involve two different residues (aspartic acid at position 619 to glycine in two cases, and alanine at position 623 to isoleucine in one case). The mutant receptors confer constitutive activation of adenylyl cyclase when tested by transfection in COS cells. This shows that G-protein-coupled receptors are susceptible to constitutive activation by spontaneous somatic mutations and may thus behave as proto-oncogenes.  相似文献   

To evaluate the role of interferon-gamma (IFN gamma) on human thyroid-specific gene expression, the effect of IFN gamma on TSH- and cAMP-induced TSH receptor gene expression was studied using cultured thyroid cells obtained from normal thyroid glands and those from patients with Graves' disease. Incubation of Graves' thyroid cells with 1.0 U/L bovine TSH or 1.0 mM 8-bromo-cAMP resulted in a 2-fold increase in TSH receptor mRNA expression, which was markedly inhibited in the presence of IFN gamma in a dose- and time-dependent manner. This inhibitory effect was completely neutralized by monoclonal antibody against IFN gamma. IFN alpha and -beta had no influence on TSH- and cAMP-stimulated TSH receptor mRNA expression. Paranodular normal thyroid cells showed the same results as those obtained using Graves' thyroid cells. Scatchard analysis of the [125I]TSH binding study showed that IFN gamma inhibited the number of TSH receptors up-regulated by TSH on the cell surface at the low affinity binding site (4.1 vs. 8.2 x 10(5)/cell). These results indicate that IFN gamma suppresses TSH- and cAMP stimulated human TSH receptor gene expression, resulting in a decrease in the number of TSH receptors. In conclusion, IFN gamma interacts via an intermediate pathway of TSH signal transduction and attenuates TSH receptor synthesis in normal and Graves' thyroid cells.  相似文献   

A facilitated diffusion for glycerol is present in human erythrocytes. Glycerol transporters identified to date belong to the Major Intrinsic Protein (MIP) family of integral membrane proteins, and one of them, aquaporin-3 (AQP3), has been characterized in mammals. Using an antibody raised against a peptide corresponding to the rat AQP3 carboxyl terminus, we examined the presence of AQP3 in normal and Colton-null (aquaporin-1 (AQP1)-deficient) human erythrocytes. Three immunoreactive bands were detected on immunoblots of both normal and Colton-null red cells, very similar to the bands revealed in rat kidney, a material in which AQP3 has been extensively studied. By immunofluorescence, anti-AQP3 antibodies stained the plasma membranes of both normal and Colton-null erythrocytes. Glycerol transport was measured on intact erythrocytes by stopped-flow light scattering and on one-step pink ghosts by a rapid filtration technique. Glycerol permeability values, similar in both cell types, suggest that AQP1 does not represent the major path for glycerol movement across red blood cell membranes. Furthermore, pharmacological studies showed that Colton-null red cells remain sensitive to water and glycerol flux inhibitors, supporting the idea that another proteinaceous path, probably AQP3, mediates most of the glycerol movements across red cell membranes and represents part of the residual water transport activity found in AQP1-deficient red cells.  相似文献   

Effects of sympathomimetic amines without and with alpha and beta-adrenergic blocking agents on the heart rate and arterial and venous blood pressures in the 3-day-old chick embryo were studied. No chronotropic effect was observed. Norepinephrine caused a biphasic change in systolic and diastolic arterial pressures, the lower doses effecting a fall, and the higher doses a rise in these pressures. With phenylephrine a sharp rise in systolic, diastolic, and pulse pressures was seen. Isoproterenol caused a dramatic fall in systolic, diastolic, and pulse pressures. In the presence of phenoxybenzamine, the pressor effect of high doses of norepinephrine was reversed, the pressor effect of phenylephrine was abolished, and the hypotension with isoproterenol was enhanced. After propranolol, the hypotensive effect of low doses of norepinephrine was reversed, the pressor response to phenylephrine was unchanged, and the depressor effect of isoproterenol was abolished. These findings suggest the presence of functioning alpha- and beta-receptors in the 3-day-old chick embryo. Additionally, they suggest that the alpha-receptors develop more slowly in the chick embryo.  相似文献   

The activity of pro-oxytocin/neurophysin (pro-OT/Np)-processing enzymes was determined in human granulosa cells, follicular fluids and purified secretory granules of corpora lutea. We detected the presence of an endoprotease which releases OT-Gly10-Lys11-Arg12 on cleavage of the synthetic pro-OT/Np(1-20) peptide after the dibasic Lys11-Arg12 doublet. This endoprotease was inhibited by EDTA, but was not affected by phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride and pepstatin. Enzymatic activity was markedly reduced by replacement of L-Arg by D-Arg in the basic amino acid doublet of the substrate. The molecular weight of this enzyme was estimated to be 60 kDa. These features closely resembled those of the endoprotease identified in the bovine pituitary. The endoprotease is a metalloenzyme, specific for the Lys-Arg doublet. We also detected a carboxypeptidasic activity, inhibited by guanidinoethane-mercaptosuccinic acid. In the light of our previous detection of the processing intermediates, OT-Gly-Lys-Arg, OT-Gly-Lys and OT-Gly, in human ovary, these observations are in favour of a pro-OT/Np-processing pathway in the human ovary comparable with that in the bovine ovary. Moreover, these results confirm that oxytocin post-translational processing occurs in the human ovary and strongly suggest that pro-OT/Np is synthesized locally.  相似文献   

Gain-of-function mutations of the thyrotropin receptor (TSHR) gene have been invoked as one of the major causes of toxic thyroid adenomas. In a toxic thyroid nodule, we recently identified a 9-amino acid deletion (amino acid positions 613-621) within the third intracellular (i3) loop of the TSHR resulting in constitutive receptor activity. This finding exemplifies a new mechanism of TSHR activation and raises new questions concerning the function of the i3 loop. Because the i3 loop is thought to be critical for receptor/G protein interaction in many receptors, we systematically reexamined the role of the TSHR's i3 loop for G protein coupling. Thus, various deletion mutants were generated and functionally characterized. We identified an optimal deletion length responsible for constitutive activity. If the number of deleted amino acids was reduced, elevated basal cAMP accumulation was found to be concomitantly diminished. Expansion of the deletion dramatically impaired cell surface expression of the receptor. Shifting the deletion toward the N terminus of the i3 loop resulted in unaltered strong constitutive receptor activity. In contrast, translocation of the deletion toward the C terminus led to significantly reduced basal cAMP formation, most probably due to destruction of a conserved cluster of amino acids. In this study, we show for the first time that amino acid deletions within the i3 loop of a G protein-coupled receptor result in constitutive receptor activity. In the TSHR, 75% of the i3 loop generally assumed to play an essential role in G protein coupling can be deleted without rendering the mutant receptor unresponsive to thyrotropin. These findings support a novel model explaining the molecular events accompanying receptor activation by agonist.  相似文献   

Seven years after the molecular cloning of the human TSH receptor (TSHR), the porcine TSHR remains in general use in the TSH binding inhibition (TBI) assay for autoantibodies to the TSHR. We compared porcine and recombinant human TSHR in two types of TBI assays: one using intact Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing the recombinant human TSHR on their surface, and the other using soluble receptors extracted from these cells with detergent. In the intact cell TBI assay, monolayers expressing large numbers of TSHR were less effective than cells expressing few receptors. These findings are consistent with the very low concentration of TSHR autoantibodies in serum. Binding of [125I]human TSH was about 5-fold lower than that of [125I]bovine TSH to the intact cells. Nevertheless, TBI values with the two ligands were similar for most sera. However, a few sera produced greater inhibition of human than of bovine TSH binding. In the solubilized human TSHR TBI assay, in contrast to the intact cell TBI assay, cells expressing very large number of TSHR were an excellent source for detergent extraction of soluble human TSHR, but only if the cells were extracted while still on the dish and not after scraping. A 10-cm diameter dish of cells provided TSHR for 100-200 replicate determinations when substituted for solubilized porcine TSHR in a commercial TBI kit. TBI values in serum from 30 individuals with suspected Graves' disease correlated closely when tested with solubilized human and porcine TSHR (r = 0.954; P < 0.001). However, 2 sera that were negative with the porcine TSHR were positive with the human TSHR. TBI and thyroid-stimulating activity in these sera correlated weakly regardless of whether the TBI used human or porcine TSHR. These findings open the way to a practical TBI assay using recombinant human TSHR.  相似文献   

To determine the influence of adjuvant on the induction of antibodies to thyrotropin receptor (TSHR), we immunized BALB/c mice with a extracellular domain of the TSHR (ETSHR) protein in complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA), Titer Max (TM) and Gerbu. Similarly, control groups of mice were immunized with bovine serum albumin (BSA) in each of the different adjuvants. As determined by ELISA, ETSHR given along with CFA elicited high titers of antibodies to ETSHR which were mainly restricted to the IgG1 subclass. Mice immunized with ETSHR in TM also developed high titers of anti-ETSHR antibodies but had higher levels of both IgG1 and IgG2a. However, immunization with ETSHR in Gerbu resulted in low titers of antibodies, restricted to IgG1 subclass. Immunization of mice with BSA in each of the three adjuvants induced higher antibody titers to BSA. The subclass of antibodies in mice immunized with BSA in CFA and TM were predominantly IgG1 and IgG2a with lower levels of IgG2b, whereas in Gerbu treated group, antibody to BSA was restricted to IgG1 subclass. Analysis of specificity of antibodies against ETSHR, in mice immunized with ETSHR, revealed that irrespective of the adjuvant used, the dominant reactivity was against peptide 1 (AA 22-41) with weaker reactivity against several other. peptides. The only exception was in mice immunized with ETSHR in TM which also showed significant reactivity against peptide 23 (AA 352-371). Mice immunized with the ETSHR in CFA or in TM showed elevated levels of serum TSH binding inhibitory immunoglobulins (TBII). However, mice immunized with ETSHR in Gerbu, which had lower titers of antibodies to ETSHR, showed normal TBII levels. These studies showed that adjuvant composition could influence the titer, subclass and fine specificity of antibodies to ETSHR which in turn could affect the development of TBII activity.  相似文献   

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