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In this paper, a novel one-dimensional correlation filter based class-dependence feature analysis (1D-CFA) method is presented for robust face recognition. Compared with original CFA that works in the two dimensional (2D) image space, 1D-CFA encodes the image data as vectors. In 1D-CFA, a new correlation filter called optimal extra-class origin output tradeoff filter (OEOTF), which is designed in the low-dimensional principal component analysis (PCA) subspace, is proposed for effective feature extraction. Experimental results on benchmark face databases, such as FERET, AR, and FRGC, show that OEOTF based 1D-CFA consistently outperforms other state-of-the-art face recognition methods. This demonstrates the effectiveness and robustness of the novel method.  相似文献   

In this paper, a simple technique is proposed for face recognition among many human faces. It is based on the polynomial coefficients, covariance matrix and algorithm on common eigenvalues. The main advantage of the proposed approach is that the identification of similarity between human faces is carried out without computing actual eigenvalues and eigenvectors. A symmetric matrix is calculated using the polynomial coefficients-based companion matrices of two compared images. The nullity of a calculated symmetric matrix is used as similarity measure for face recognition. The value of nullity is very small for dissimilar images and distinctly large for similar face images. The feasibility of the propose approach is demonstrated on three face databases, i.e., the ORL database, the Yale database B and the FERET database. Experimental results have shown the effectiveness of the proposed approach for feature extraction and classification of the face images having large variation in pose and illumination.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel method for extraction of eyebrow contour and chin contour. We first segment rough eyebrow regions using spatial constrained sub-area K-means clustering. Then eyebrow contours are extracted by Snake method with effective image force. For chin contour extraction, we first estimate several possible chin locations which are used to build a number of curves as chin contour candidates. Based on the chin like edges extracted by proposed chin edge detector, the curve with the largest likeliness to be the actual chin contour is selected. Finally, the credible extracted eyebrow contour and the estimated chin contours are used as geometric features for face recognition. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithms can extract eyebrow contours and chin contours with good accuracy and the extracted features are effective for improving face recognition rates.  相似文献   

针对现有的滤波算法由于光照变化而影响人脸识别性能的问题,提出了特定类子空间依赖的非线性相关滤波算法。首先,利用非线性最佳映射图像相关滤波器与非线性最佳重建图像相关滤波器之间相位的特定类子空间运算实现算法;然后,通过最小化相关平面能量、同时最大化相关波峰进一步优化;最后,利用关联分类器完成人脸识别。在扩展Yale B和PIE人脸库上的实验结果表明,本文算法在加性高斯噪声条件下仍然对光照变化不敏感,相比其他几种较好的滤波算法,本文算法取得了更高的识别率,并提高了算法执行效率。  相似文献   

A structure-preserved local matching approach for face recognition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, a novel local matching method called structure-preserved projections (SPP) is proposed for face recognition. Unlike most existing local matching methods which neglect the interactions of different sub-pattern sets during feature extraction, i.e., they assume different sub-pattern sets are independent; SPP takes the holistic context of the face into account and can preserve the configural structure of each face image in subspace. Moreover, the intrinsic manifold structure of the sub-pattern sets can also be preserved in our method. With SPP, all sub-patterns partitioned from the original face images are trained to obtain a unified subspace, in which recognition can be performed. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated by extensive experiments on three standard face databases (Yale, Extended YaleB and PIE). Experimental results show that SPP outperforms other holistic and local matching methods.  相似文献   

The appearance of a face image is severely affected by illumination conditions that will hinder the automatic face recognition process. To recognize faces under varying lighting conditions, a homomorphic filtering-based illumination normalization method is proposed in this paper. In this work, the effect of illumination is effectively reduced by a modified implementation of homomorphic filtering whose key component is a Difference of Gaussian (DoG) filter, and the contrast is enhanced by histogram equalization. The resulted face image is not only reduced illumination effect but also preserved edges and details that will facilitate the further face recognition task. Among others, our method has the following advantages: (1) neither does it need any prior information of 3D shape or light sources, nor many training samples thus can be directly applied to single training image per person condition; and (2) it is simple and computationally fast because there are mature and fast algorithms for the Fourier transform used in homomorphic filter. The Eigenfaces method is chosen to recognize the normalized face images. Experimental results on the Yale face database B and the CMU PIE face database demonstrate the significant performance improvement of the proposed method in the face recognition system for the face images with large illumination variations.  相似文献   

Gabor filter banks constitute a very robust tool to extract discriminant information from a visual scene. After the now “classical” bank with 5 frequencies and 8 orientations proposed by Lades et al. and Wiskott et al., many other parametrizations of a Gabor filter bank have appeared. In order to find the optimal parametrization for a face recognition experiment, we have performed a 6-way analysis of variance of Gabor parameters using FERET, FRAV2D, FRAV3D, FRGC and XM2VTS face databases, including frontal and turned poses, facial expressions, occlusions and changes of illumination. Considering independent criteria to find the optimal Gabor filter bank, the bank with the highest recognition rate was found to have 6 frequencies and narrower Gaussian widths in the space domain. These results were obtained with Mahalanobis distance for a k-NN classifier, with analytical and holistic Gabor feature vectors. Moreover about 20% of the banks studied here obtained in average a better performance than the classical bank. For most of the databases considered, the highest recognition rates have been achieved with analytical representations (frontal images, images with turns or occlusions), with a holistic preponderance for images with gestures or changes of illumination. The inferiority found for holistic Gabor representations versus their analytical counterparts can be explained for the intrinsic redundancy and the size of the feature vectors of this kind of representation.  相似文献   

Linear discriminant regression classification (LDRC) was presented recently in order to boost the effectiveness of linear regression classification (LRC). LDRC aims to find a subspace for LRC where LRC can achieve a high discrimination for classification. As a discriminant analysis algorithm, however, LDRC considers an equal importance of each training sample and ignores the different contributions of these samples to learn the discriminative feature subspace for classification. Motivated by the fact that some training samples are more effectual in learning the low-dimensional feature space than other samples, in this paper, we propose an adaptive linear discriminant regression classification (ALDRC) algorithm by taking special consideration of different contributions of the training samples. Specifically, ALDRC makes use of different weights to characterize the different contributions of the training samples and utilizes such weighting information to calculate the between-class and the within-class reconstruction errors, and then ALDRC seeks to find an optimal projection matrix that can maximize the ratio of the between-class reconstruction error over the within-class reconstruction error. Extensive experiments carried out on the AR, FERET and ORL face databases demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

We propose a new face recognition strategy, which integrates the extraction of semantic features from faces with tensor subspace analysis. The semantic features consist of the eyes and mouth, plus the region outlined by the centers of the three components. A new objective function is generated to fuse the semantic and tensor models for finding similarity between a face and its counterpart in the database. Furthermore, singular value decomposition is used to solve the eigenvector problem in the tensor subspace analysis and to project the geometrical properties to the face manifold. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed semantic feature-based face recognition algorithm has favorable performance with more accurate convergence and less computational efforts.  相似文献   

为解决变光照下人脸识别的识别率低问题,提出一种最佳相关滤波和2DPCA相融合的光照人脸识别方法。通过采用特定类2DPCA重构人脸图像,生成一对相关滤波器;测试人脸图像通过相关性滤器将投影到二维子空间中,并根据预先设定的峰旁瓣比阈值进行人脸识别;最后采用PIE和YaleB人脸库进行仿真实验。相比其他人脸识别方法,该方法获得了更高的人脸识别率,鲁棒性更强。  相似文献   

Feature selection is a key issue in pattern recognition, specially when prior knowledge of the most discriminant features is not available. Moreover, in order to perform the classification task with reduced complexity and acceptable performance, usually features that are irrelevant, redundant, or noisy are excluded from the problem representation. This work presents a multi-objective wrapper, based on genetic algorithms, to select the most relevant set of features for face recognition tasks. The proposed strategy explores the space of multiple feasible selections in order to minimize the cardinality of the feature subset, and at the same time to maximize its discriminative capacity. Experimental results show that, in comparison with other state-of-the-art approaches, the proposed approach allows to improve the classification performance, while reducing the representation dimensionality.  相似文献   

Locality preserving projection (LPP) is a manifold learning method widely used in pattern recognition and computer vision. The face recognition application of LPP is known to suffer from a number of problems including the small sample size (SSS) problem, the fact that it might produce statistically identical transform results for neighboring samples, and that its classification performance seems to be heavily influenced by its parameters. In this paper, we propose three novel solution schemes for LPP. Experimental results also show that the proposed LPP solution scheme is able to classify much more accurately than conventional LPP and to obtain a classification performance that is only little influenced by the definition of neighbor samples.  相似文献   

An improved discriminative common vectors and support vector machine based face recognition approach is proposed in this paper. The discriminative common vectors (DCV) algorithm is a recently addressed discriminant method, which shows better face recognition effects than some commonly used linear discriminant algorithms. The DCV is based on a variation of Fisher’s Linear Discriminant Analysis for the small sample size case. However, for multiclass problem, the Fisher criterion is clearly suboptimal. We design an improved discriminative common vector by adjustment for the Fisher criterion that can estimate the within-class and between-class scatter matrices more accurately for classification purposes. Then we employ support vector machine as the classifier due to its higher classification and higher generalization. Testing on two public large face database: ORL and AR database, the experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is an effective face recognition approach, which outperforms several representative recognition methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new method, called large margin based nonnegative matrix factorization (LMNMF), to encode latent discriminant information in training data. LMNMF seeks a nonnegative subspace such that k nearest neighbors of each sample always belong to same class and samples from different classes are separated by a large margin. In the subspace, the local separation structure of data is explicit. The large-margin criterion leads to a new objective function, and a convergency provable multiplicative nonnegative updating rule is derived to learn the basis matrix and encoding vectors. Then, partial least squares regression (PLSR) learns the mapping from the original data to low dimensional representations in order to capture local separation information. PLSR offers a unified solution to out-of-sample extension problem. Extensive experimental results demonstrate LMNMF with PLSR leads significant improvements on classification than several other commonly used NMF-based algorithms.  相似文献   

This paper studies regularized discriminant analysis (RDA) in the context of face recognition. We check RDA sensitivity to different photometric preprocessing methods and compare its performance to other classifiers. Our study shows that RDA is better able to extract the relevant discriminatory information from training data than the other classifiers tested, thus obtaining a lower error rate. Moreover, RDA is robust under various lighting conditions while the other classifiers perform badly when no photometric method is applied.  相似文献   

This work proposes a method to decompose the kernel within-class eigenspace into two subspaces: a reliable subspace spanned mainly by the facial variation and an unreliable subspace due to limited number of training samples. A weighting function is proposed to circumvent undue scaling of eigenvectors corresponding to the unreliable small and zero eigenvalues. Eigenfeatures are then extracted by the discriminant evaluation in the whole kernel space. These efforts facilitate a discriminative and stable low-dimensional feature representation of the face image. Experimental results on FERET, ORL and GT databases show that our approach consistently outperforms other kernel based face recognition methods.
Alex KotEmail:

In this paper, an efficient feature extraction algorithm called orthogonal local spline discriminant projection (O-LSDP) is proposed for face recognition. Derived from local spline embedding (LSE), O-LSDP not only inherits the advantages of LSE which uses local tangent space as a representation of the local geometry so as to preserve the local structure, but also makes full use of class information and orthogonal subspace to improve discriminant power. Extensive experiments on several standard face databases demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel learning methodology for face recognition, LearnIng From Testing data (LIFT) framework, is proposed. Considering many face recognition problems featured by the inadequate training examples and availability of the vast testing examples, we aim to explore the useful information from the testing data to facilitate learning. The one-against-all technique is integrated into the learning system to recover the labels of the testing data, and then expand the training population by such recovered data. In this paper, neural networks and support vector machines are used as the base learning models. Furthermore, we integrate two other transductive methods, consistency method and LRGA method into the LIFT framework. Experimental results and various hypothesis testing over five popular face benchmarks illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework.  相似文献   

Face recognition is challenging because variations can be introduced to the pattern of a face by varying pose, lighting, scale, and expression. A new face recognition approach using rank correlation of Gabor-filtered images is presented. Using this technique, Gabor filters of different sizes and orientations are applied on images before using rank correlation for matching the face representation. The representation used for each face is computed from the Gabor-filtered images and the original image. Although training requires a fairly substantial length of time, the computation time required for recognition is very short. Recognition rates ranging between 83.5% and 96% are obtained using the AT&T (formerly ORL) database using different permutations of 5 and 9 training images per subject. In addition, the effect of pose variation on the recognition system is systematically determined using images from the UMIST database.  相似文献   

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